baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
Baxter is a 1 on the Kinsey scale. “Exclusively heterosexual.”The exact opposite of his boss.
Due to Sephyr’s tendency to try to kill himself, Baxter isnever more than 20 feet from Sephyr no matter where in the mansion he is.
Baxter can and usually does function perfectly fine withonly 5 hours of sleep
Baxter has a bed at Sephyr’s house in the mansion, but healmost never uses it. His need to keep within earshot of Sephy means hefrequently sleeps in the guests beds on the same floors as where ever his bosssleeps.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
For every 🌟 I receive, I’ll share one fun fact about the muse.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
Send an "Ѡ" for my muse's reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
Send my Muse a heart to explain your affection!
❤️ - I love you.
💛 - You’re my best friend.
💚 - You’re a great friend.
💙 - I want to know you better.
💜 - I want to hang out with you.
💖 - I cherish you.
💘 - I think i have a crush on you.
💝 - My care for you is parental.
💗 - I wish we were lovers.
💔 - You hurt me.
💞 - You’re like a sibling to me.
❣️ - I often think of you.
💕 - I would do almost anything for you.
🖤 - I hate you.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
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This is a rough guide to the English School System! This is based off my personal experience, so it isn’t going to be true for everywhere and everyone. However, I have been to multiple schools in multiple places in England, so it should be pretty accurate. (I hope.) Give this a like or reblog if you found it useful, and I’m always around if you have any further questions! Love you <3
Keep reading
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
“It isn’t that they’re savage it’s that they’re all idiots,” she said and pinched the brow of her nose, shaking her head slightly. “I mean how… Ireland and China aren’t even close to each other, how on earth could you confuse them! I mean it’s just such a profound misunderstanding of geography!” Once she finished speaking she became flustered, realizing the rant seemed a bit mad.
“It’s just… irritating. I don’t think I could handle adults though, that’s madness.”
“Try adults who have higher authority than yourself.” He stated, taking a friendly shot at his boss. “You’d be surprised how often adults get things startlingly wrong as well. I think it’s more of a problem if they’re out of school and still uninformed. At least your students technically have an excuse, they’re still in school, still learning. Mine have just given up on learning altogether.”
As he spoke the last sentence he looked to the floor and shook his head as old memories of conversations flashed through his mind. Children could be terrible, but Baxter had found that, for him personally, adults seemed far worse.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
“Why would I make a mess? I mean I get doing stuff usually creates a mess, but it’s just rude to leave it there,” she said, pursing her lips. She understood that wealth bred entitlement, and she supposed some might not be used to not making a mess. “And yeah, I suppose the fact I’m never drunk might make you think I’m not an alcoholic.”
“Only spoken well of me… Well Seph has never been around me when I’m grading, so I suppose he has a more idealized version of me. I’m a teacher, and I think I lose my mind a little more every time I grade,” she said, pinching her brow. “You think they would know the difference between China and Ireland but sometimes there’s confusion.”
“Oh I do not envy your job.” He said with a chuckle. “I deal with pretty much the same thing, but I have no authority over the over-grown children in this house most days. Rock stars and their friends can be surprisingly childish.”
Baxter internally shuddered as flashes from parties past flashed through his memory. He would never again suggest a proper expensive rug for the dining area regardless of the taste of the attending guest. After the fifth one he had been made to throw out he knew it was just not cost effective.
“Though I have to say, I’ve seen some funny responses to test questions online, children can be a little savage can’t they?”
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
Sephyr just looked to the ground for a moment, the same small smile on his features. His Valet had this strange ability to make him feel better, despite his anxiety or depression. That was part of the reason Sephyr guarded his employment so jealously. He would be completely lost without the man. 
“Well, at least you listen when I talk about something.” He said as his head came back up to wink at Baxter. “Like I was saying. AC/DC is great and Angus Young can play the hell out of a guitar, but their songs are so superficial. Always about the same shit. Sleepin’ with girls an’ causin’ trouble. Queen’s songs are just deeper, at least the ones that are clear about their content. Lets be honest, there are some that are fuckin’ strange. We know you wanna ride your bike Freddie, but you gotta tell us why.” He laughed to himself, arm still on the counter. “Then there’s songs like Tie Your Mother Down, which attracted a whole buncha strange attention when they came out. Like have you seen Rock of Ages? Cuz that shit went down when I was big. People protested rock shows all the damn time. An’ it was for stupid shit. ‘It’s the devil’s music!’/ Fuck you.” He shook his head lightly. “An’ they used t’ say that Freddie’s songs were literal, that he wanted girls t’ ditch their arents and fuck rock stars. An’ I was just standin’ over in the corner like ‘If My experience is anything t’ go by they wanna leave their parents and fuck rock stars without Freddie’s music’.” 
He paused again to chuckle, reaching for the water Baxter always left for him with meals. Music had been his entire life. It was the only thing in life he could say he had loved from the moment he was introduced to it. It was everything to him, Rock especially. Nothing lit up his face like talking about Rock and Roll.
“I’m afraid that I was still in Brittan when most of the rock and roll protest here in Canada and the Americas was going on. We had something similar but somehow I don’t think it would have been the same experience. I could never understand why people were so upset by music when I was younger. If you don’t like it you have the option to turn off the radio, devil’s music or not.”
He paused to tidy up the remains of the food he had made and poured himself a glass of cold water. The ice cubes from inside the pitcher clinked gently against the side of the glass as they tumbled down the water stream.
“And if my experience is anything to go by, there are very few who wouldn’t tie their parents up if it meant a chance with a celebrity.”
The Blues Brothers [Closed]
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
“Hopefully you’ve heard something other than his comments about my drinking habits… oh god that probably sounds really bad if he hasn’t said anything because I don’t drink, I just get the stuff that isn’t alcohol,” she said, nervously rambling after she shook his hand. It was just a bad habit she had, trying to avoid any bad notions people had of her. “It’s nice to meet you as well, Seph’s mentioned you a few times.”
“So… I’m sorry, I’m really bad at… anything to do with talking to people ever.”
“Not to worry, we’ve had real alcoholics here. I always know when meeting one, usually by their breath.” He said with a polite small smile trying to ease her nerves. “I assure you he’s only spoken well of you, Miss Jade, and you’ve seemed to be able to avoid making a mess in my house, which I always appreciate.”
Judging by her fidgeting and stammering the valet came to the non-professional conclusion that the lady might have had some anxiety about new people. Baxter had needed to learn about the mental condition for his employer, and found that many more people had it than would like to admit to it. He himself always felt vulnerable and wary of new people, but his job demanded that he put up a strong front so over the years he had adapted.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Sephyr hummed, contemplating one last piece of the food sitting in front of him. No, he didn’t like eating, but Baxter managed to motivate him enough with taste to want it. Carefully and with some hesitation he reached out and scooped the second last one on the plate, tossing it in his mouth and pausing to chew. After a moment he turned so that he could lean on the counter, sitting facing the wrong way in the bar stool. 
“The thing about Queen’s music is that unlike AC/DC and the standard Rock ilk, these songs were written by the entire band. Everyone worked on a part of the songs and everyone had the option to write for the band. They were all post-secondary graduates. They worked damn hard, in case the whole music thing didn’t work out. Brian May’s a fuckin’ astrophysicist. So all their music was written by inta-” He paused, looking back over at Baxter with a somewhat sheepish smile. “Eh, sorry. You’ve heard me talk about this enough times.” 
“By all means…” The valet said with a motion urging his employer to continue. “I always learn something new when you ramble. I do surprisingly pay attention.”
 With the last quip he was clearly teasing, but Sephyr was always up for a good poking at for fun. Their relationship tended to be much more like brothers than employer and employee, Sephyr had seen to that, not that Baxter ever minded. He usually won their little sarcasm fights, but the few times his employer made him speechless were fond memories for the valet. He thoroughly enjoyed the challenge.
The Blues Brothers [Closed]
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
“You’re Baxter, right?” Jade was fidgeting, pinching her fingertips and rocking on her heels. The one thing that repeated in her mind was how Seph told her how he hated to be called a butler, and how he was a valet. “I’m Jade, a friend is Seph’s, it’s nice to meet you.” Her voice was kind, even if she was anxious at the very idea of speaking to someone she didn’t know.
“Indeed I am.” He answered her with an overall deadpan expression as he offered his hand in the customary American greeting. “I’ve heard much about you, miss. It’s a pleasure to finally see you in person.”
The valet was always very proper and emotionless with Sephyr’s friends at first as they normally had a habit to come and go like bad fads. Normally Baxter did his best to hide and not be seen nor heard from while company was around but he had seen this lady around quite a few times before, so he figured it was time for a proper introduction. Maybe if Sephyr’s friends knew who cleaned the house they’d make less of a mess when they came over for parties.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
there was a look exchanged between the two of them, a look at told Baxter that Sephyr knew what he was doing. A topic change was exactly what he needed though, that much was true. With a heavy sigh he leaned back, taking with him what would be the last of the food he decided eat. 
“Well Freddie was a miracle among men.” He mused quietly. “”Handsome, brilliant and an amazing singer. If you take the time to listen to most of his music there’s a deeper meaning that people hear without really consciously understanding it. He was the best of the best.” 
There was a certain sparkle in his eye as he spoke about the late lead man for Queen. Sephyr knew almost everything there was to know about the man. He’d been in love with him since he was fifteen, after all. 
A small grin touched the edge of Baxter’s lips and he lightly shook his head in amusement. One word about that Freddy man and his employer lit up like a Christmas tree on December 25th. It always managed to surprise the valet, how easy it was for a dead man to cheer up his boss. Sephyr wasn’t that difficult to deal with, as long as you knew what to say.
 “Indeed, Sir.” He said with an affirmative nod of his head. “Best of the best. The man may yet outlive the ages and become the next Mozart. Only time will tell.
The Blues Brothers [Closed]
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
// Time Away
// I wanted to post letting anyone who was interested know that I have been away recently dealing with the death of a pet. I should be alright now though.
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
Sephyr hated that he couldn’t just enjoy the food Baxter made for him. It was uncomfortable, sitting next to someone who worked day in and day out to keep him healthy and alive. He was disrespectful to say the least, turning food down whenever possible, but he had never found a way to get around his feelings toward food. He hated to eat, but loved the way things Baxter made tasted. A terrible paradox. 
“You might be right.” Sephyr said after managing to take in another roll, cursing it silently as he swallowed. “I’m not even sure I actually want a god damned relationship. It’s stupid. I keep lookin’ for one cuz I tseem t’ think I need it but I don’t.” He shook his head at himself. “I’m so fuckin’ easy too. An’ I’m in it before I even realize.” 
Sephyr craved the attention the men who had come through his life gave. He craved the touch, the loving words. He needed someone to love him, even for a short time. He felt so alone in the world, so hollow inside. It helped, even if the heart break seemed too harsh. 
The conversation had gone sour, Baxter had picked up on the noticeable tone change in his employer’s voice. The man was not exactly happy once again. Instead of flogging a dead horse the valet opted to change the topic.
 “I heard Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ on the radio this morning while I was washing dishes.” He stated before sampling another half cut pita roll. “Amazing to think it was released in 1977, and it’s still good enough to play on mainstream rock radio more than forty years later.”
 He knew this topic should distract Sephyr from his current boy troubles.
The Blues Brothers [Closed]
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baxterabbott-blog · 8 years
At least on this occasion, there was very little sugar for Sephyr to complain about. No real fat either. With a ginger gesture he plucked a pita roll from it’s place, holding it as he considered what to reply with. He made a point not to eat it right away, gearing himself up for the task of getting passed his own mental blocks to ingest it. 
“Just decided chasin’ love isn’t worth it.” He hummed out, staring at the roll in his hand. “I’m not cut out for relationships anyway. I’m a shitty partner. All take an’ no give.” He rolled his eyes at himself. “So don’t worry. House’ll be mostly empty but me for a while. I’ll stick t’ one nights.” 
He carefully raised the roll, taking it in with two swift bites and swallowing rather quickly. It was one of the few ways he was able to actually eat things. |S’good, like always.” He managed to compliment. 
“I did not mean to say you should not continue your romanticising of finding a partner, that is completely normal.”  The valet said between bites. “I’m simply saying that perhaps a change in the quality of character of the men you tend to spend time with is in order if you wish to find a meaningful relationship.”
He paused to let his advice sink in and took the opportunity to eat another small pita roll. Baxter nodded acceptingly when Sephyr complimented his cooking. At least the older was actually eating this time. It had taken years for Baxter to amass recipes that Sephyr would eat. His distaste for sugar left them very few options. He didn’t seem to be choking on them either, which was usually a sign that he enjoyed the flavour.
The Blues Brothers [Closed]
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