baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
If anyone wants to follow me on my new spidey blog it’s @quippywebspinner
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
please forgive me while i get back into the swing of things! I am a snail.
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
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“Being a witch is just as important to me as being mortal. They’re both a part of me. They make me who I am.”
    Independent Sabrina Victoria Spellman of Archie Comics’ Sabrina The Teenage Witch
                                                            graphic by manon
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
please forgive me while i get back into the swing of things! I am a snail.
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
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“It’s prom. I am RIGHTFULLY excited.” Her hopes were higher than what might be wise considering the town they lived in and its regular drama but Riverdale had been severely lacking on the event front lately and Veronica Lodge was never one to pass up on a good opportunity to go dress shopping. “I don’t suppose you’ve started getting prepared yet.”
“Well, I hadn’t exactly been planning to go.” Sabrina confessed with furrowed brows. She didn’t have a date and she was sure she’d stick out like a sore thumb. “I don’t even know what the theme is.” Prom was the last thing on Sabrina’s mind, to be quite honest. Juggling a double life was hard enough, and showing up single and without a date would just be.. embarrassing.
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
Nothing she’s saying is making any sense. Most of the time she doesn’t make sense. He can understand some of it, but other words are too confusing. He doesn’t know what Pop’s or gang mean. He does know hungry, though. That’s what she says before handing him a plate of food. 
He looks down at the bag again and nods. That’s what he’s supposed to do when she asks that. She doesn’t sit down with food unless he does, and he knows that she’s supposed to eat it or else she feels sick. He doesn’t like her feeling sick. It’s bad. 
He moves over to his chair again and waits for her to follow him with the bag. He likes when they sit down together, he likes listening to her talk. She doesn’t seem to care that he doesn’t talk. It’s nice, his favorite part of the day. It always seems to make her so happy. 
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Sabrina sat the bag down at the table and took her seat next to him. She used to sit across from him, but he didn’t really like that very much. Archie got separation anxiety a lot, especially when she left.
Salem says it can get bad sometimes, but its gotten better. Archie liked closeness-- Sabrina could relate to that. She liked being close to him too.
The witch scooted her chair as close to him as she possibly could before taking her seat. Archie really liked closeness.
“Here,” she said, rummaging through the takeout bag. “Let me get this out for you.” Sabrina did everything for him, much like a mother would a child or a nurse at a retirement home, but she didn’t mind it: It was Archie, after all.
After she sat down, the tall zombified boy slowly began to take his own. When he did so, Sabrina let out a sigh before laying her head on his shoulder. 
“I missed you today.” she said, tracing her finger along the knuckles of his hand that rested on the table. “I always miss you.” A flash of memory came to mind-- all the times they’d spend together at school. Sabrina in her cheerleading uniform and Archie at practice-- then a flash to a game, or several. Archie lifting Sabrina up into his arms and twirling her--
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
hello guys i’m back i missed you all!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
Just a heads up that Free Comic Book Day is this upcoming Saturday and if you have a local comic book store, I highly suggesting going because they have a free FCBD EXCLUSIVE archie comic up for grabs!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
“ i’m so tired of the toxic masculinity in this hallway! “
“  im coocoo bananas for you, obvi   “
“  looking extremely dilfy today “
“ there’s always room for one more kitty in my litter box ”
“  you haven’t known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football “
“ i might have to punish you “
“ real friends don’t kiss each others boyfriends ”
“ because we’re endgame ”
“ we’re gonna be a ship ”
“He OD’d on Jingle Jangle.”
“In case you haven’t noticed. I’m weird. “
“ I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in. “
“ I don’t want to fit in. “
“ Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? “
“ That’s weird.”
“ The serpent queen is a warrior queen “
“I’d recognize those abs anywhere ”  
“  lets show ____ how poisonous we pretties can be “
“  we can dominate too, ____ “
” Our parents are so triggered that we are playing this game “
” She’s an enemy of the serpent state! “
“ Thank God and Gucci ”
” No one invited fascist barbie to the party “
“ the other guy told me he’s impressed by my Fizzle Rocks sales “
“ I survived a bear attack,  ___ “
“ all i’m doing is pointing out that ___ can’t do anything right. even be a serial killer. “
“ drop the butter knife, bitch! “
“ follow me, your Gryphon Queen! “
“ on your feet, soldier boys! we’re going to war”
“ we’re just working on our murder board “
“ oh, men and their dellusions. why do they do anything? “
“ hope those nuns in jail don’t crack under pressure and start talking about how you were their candy man. “
“ luckily, i was able to get my archery set and hunting cape. “
“ thank you for mansplaining my business to me “
“ Faux-lesbian kissing hasn’t been taboo since 1994 “
“ can i get some more … game enhancement? “
“Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world.”
“Hands off, goblin.”
“Be the Jay to my Bey?”
“I’m gonna make my bones with you… “
“The Pembrook is a fortress and Andre is trained in the martial arts“
“sorry, Daddykins, but this is going to hurt you way more than it will hurt me”
“____ is like Dracula, snapping up properties from all over Riverdale to expand his empire and FEED.”
‘My four poster bed is your four poster bed’
“This psycho bitch.”
“You’ve got some pretty big coconuts pulling that kind of stunt last night.”
“I was attacked by a bear.”
“You’ve given me the kiss of life _____  Now I’ve given it to your dad.”
“what are you going to do? handcuff me?”
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
sorry i suck. I have a lot of blogs to manage and I’m tweaking her rules and bio and stuff. Also, I’m finally getting to some replies! Hello new followers and mutuals, I’m excited to write with you all!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
Sabrina hadn’t meant to zone out while Jughead was talking to her(albeit with his mouth full, despite Betty constantly advising him to chew and swallow before speaking).
“Sorry, what were you saying?” She must have looked as tired as she felt, considering Veronica had immediately noticed something was off the moment Sabrina exited her home and headed toward Veronica’s chauffeur. 
The young witch rubbed her eyes and sighed before taking a sip of her melting vanilla milkshake. “I’ve just been really busy. You know, I go to this night school.. for uh... college prep. Anyway, what’s up?”
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
I always feel like I’m going against the grain by saying Sabrina is Gryffindor when all the other Brinas around me are Slytherin. She must really stick out like a sore thumb!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
I will be multi-tasking since I need to get my blog back in working order and update her info, but I’m excited to kickstart this blog again! A redebut!
Like for a starter?(plotting may be needed if we haven’t threaded before.) I’m excited!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
I apologize for my extended absence! I’ve been on my other blogs a lot more often as of late but I’m here to do some stuff and plot!
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
This blog is safe for trans people so if you’re transphobic I’d rather you take the trash out yourselves.
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
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    phew !    five hundred is a lot of y’all! i don’t even know where to start omg, you’re all just so fantastic and you’ve made this experience so wonderful. a lot of you followed me over from my laurie strode blog, and i would like to thank all of you specifically for keeping with my indecisive ass LOL.  underneath the cut is a little token of  my appreciation, and there will be more to come in the future !
Keep reading
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baxterwitch-blog · 5 years
Just where IS kyle?
@baxterwitch - S.abrina S.pellman(primarily classic comic/animated series/sitcom based with some inspo/verses from C.AOS) (spotty activity/selective activity)
@antichristborn - K.atrina S.pellman(originated from sitcom but has been made primarily C.AOS show/comic based) (moderately high activity)
@murderedmyfriends- dash only mandrake! sabrina (from Part 2 Episode 8 of C.AOS) (moderately high activity for the time being)
If you need me, I am most likely to be logged into one of these blogs or available on discord! I have three blogs to manage so your patience and understanding  is a blessing!
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