I would argue that it was not necessarily a fair fight because Frank was not trying to kill Joe but I feel like the fact Frank couldn’t restrain him does not bode well for Frank for the for any time where they both decide to lose their memories and murder each other.
You know, sometimes I think about how Joe could canonically kill Frank if he wanted to....and that one time he nearly did
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The Hardy Boys S3 behind the scenes
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For many years, the Hardy family got all of their insurance from the insurer Mr Morton worked for. After watching Frank and Joe backflipping off the roof of his house into a large pile of dead leaves, Mr Morton said they would probably get insurance cheaper from someone who had not met their sons.
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The Hardys joke that the first person to realise that Laura was pregnant with Joe was Frank. Joe was such a small child, born so soon after Frank, that all the signs Laura was pregnant were missed because they assumed it was all just left overs from Frank being born. Only Frank, whenever he saw Mrs Morton and the pregnancy bump that would one day become Iola, would pat at his mother’s belly insistently.
But there was no way Frank really knew to expect a younger brother on the way, right?
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A cool Hardy Boys Au would be to have Frank be born with the ability to see snatches of the future and Joe to see snatches of the past. Both are inspired by touching objects or going to locations where intense emotions have become ingrained enough to echo forwards or backwards in time.
Frank is still the more cautious brother, owing to the fact that if he doesn't interpret his visions correctly first time he doesn't get a second chance. Joe is more confident in his ability (often to the point of recklessness) and willing to accept what he has seen as a given, saying Frank always acts like their visions are deliberately trying to trick them.
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For the longest time Fenton Hardy has kept a framed photograph of his wife and sons on his desk. He has more recent ones but he is too fond of that photograph to remove it.
It shows Laura at a park, walking along holding the kiddie reins Frank is wearing while Frank holds the kiddie reins Joe is wearing.
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George: He's a ten but his last name is Hardy.
Nancy: He's a four.
*offended spluttering from Bayport*
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The Hardy Boys S3, behind the scenes
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I love the whole idea of Nancy always being a very suspicious child because the idea of a six year old girl with bright red hair accusing complete strangers of murder is funny to me.
But I think it makes even more sense for the Hardy Boys to be suspicious of everyone. Because they grow up surrounded by cops with a private detective for a father. Just imagining these very small boys convinced that everyone is a murderer because they have it in their little heads that encountering murderers on a weekly basis is just what life is like. They get told some rumour about the school caretaker eating the children who stay in school after dark and are like 'honestly, with all our experience of the world, this seems completely probable and legitimate' and they just don't understand why no one is acting on this piece of information.
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The Hardy family home video collection is full of endless hours of entertainment but these are a few highlights:
Fenton Hardy falling asleep during his wife's birthday party after a long case and Frank and Joe watching with anticipation as their father’s sleeping head slips closer and closer to his plate of birthday cake
A seven year old Frank picking up his six year old brother and chasing after Chet with Joe flailing his arms around, trying to catch Chet
Frank, aged nine, pushing a kissing Fenton and Laura apart and telling them "Joe’s enough, thank you."
Fenton remarking it seems like a baby Joe needs changing and when he carrys Joe past a young Frank sitting nearby, Frank falls down as if overcome by the smell
Laura creeping up with the camera to get a video of Fenton, Frank and Joe curled up on the couch, all asleep, when all of them suddenly jump up and shout 'boo!' at her
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