#iola morton
The Hardys joke that the first person to realise that Laura was pregnant with Joe was Frank. Joe was such a small child, born so soon after Frank, that all the signs Laura was pregnant were missed because they assumed it was all just left overs from Frank being born. Only Frank, whenever he saw Mrs Morton and the pregnancy bump that would one day become Iola, would pat at his mother’s belly insistently.
But there was no way Frank really knew to expect a younger brother on the way, right?
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heartscfvalor · 2 years
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                       Joe Hardy x Iola Morton Aesthetics
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye You were bigger than the whole sky You were more than just a short time And I’ve got a lot to pine about. I’ve got a lot to live without.
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argeriant18 · 3 months
"cardigan" by Taylor Swift really hurts to listen to. Not because of personal experiences. But because I'm imagining Joe Hardy having to replay memories and blame himself over Iola's death. This song just really makes me think of them, oddly enough.
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platanchorsociety · 2 years
Even if no one else likes this idea, I do and I am sick so you all must humour me and the fact I did more world building for it.
This is for my Nancy Drew AU where the Hardy Boys were 1920s teenaged detectives who ended up in modern day with the Drew Crew:
Frank and Joe Hardy are the teenaged sons of famous detective Fenton Hardy and often help him out on his cases
Their favourite dates are Callie Shaw and Iola Morton, both members of the Women in White
They ask the boys to investigate the Icarans on the behalf of the Women in White and it is the brothers who work out the extent of the Icarans power and their plan to insert one of their members as mayor
The members are able to catch the boys
The brothers escape but are seriously wounded while doing so
Frank and Joe manage to make it back to the Women in White who realise the brothers are going to die if they don't do something drastic
Following a theory proposed by Charity Hudson, the Women in White supernaturally freeze the brothers in the hope in the future they would be able to wake them up with the medical knowledge of how to save their lives
The brothers are put in a buried chamber and the two parts of the key given to Callie and Iola who pass them down to their children
However someone bad wants to get hold of the artefact holding the brothers in their supernaturally frozen state so they can use it as a weapon
When one of the keys is stolen, the granddaughter of Iola Morton goes to the Drew Crew to help her recover it, knowing Frank and Joe would be left to die if the artefact is removed by the thief
The Drew Crew track down the other key and recover the stolen one and then decide to open the vault and release Frank and Joe so they can destroy the dangerous artefact
They are successful and destroy the artefact but it leaves them with two very confused detectives from the 1920s who need to make lives for themselves 90s years out of their own times.
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drfrankenjoe · 3 months
Hardy Boys Friends - Dr Frankenjoe Style
Chet Morton - Primed to take over his family's farm and feels stifled by it, so he throws himself into any hobby he can, hoping something will stick well enough to justify him going into another career. Good-natured and confident, though cautious to join in the danger involved in the Hardys' adventures. Rarely is he ever cautious enough not to tag along.
Callie Shaw - Aspiring news reporter. Curious by nature, her goal is to bring any and all secrets of Bayport to light, whether it be underrated gems or corruption. Naturally, she crosses paths with the Hardys often. Her down-to-earth, coolheaded nature has earned her many contacts, including Frank. They swap stories regularly.
Allen "Biff" Hooper - Always willing to hang out with the Hardys, if only just to liven up their trips. He and Joe share a similar sense of humor; once they get started, there's really no stopping them. He's a passionate boxer, but prefers to keep fights inside of the ring, not with whatever potentially armed criminals the Hardys attract. He will fight if he must.
Phil Cohen - Hobbyist computer scientist and chemist. Behind the quiet exterior, he's a little blunt. He does appreciate the Hardys giving him practical uses for it, and in turn, they get valuable information from him. The trouble they bring hardly bothers him at all, but he's not much of a travel guy. However, if given a beautiful location to paint, he'll go almost anywhere. He's closest to Frank, his hacking protege.
Iola Morton - Wants nothing more than to inherit her family's farm, but not by Chet's demise. She's extremely wary of the disaster magnets that are the Hardy Boys, how they tempt her brother into going along with them. She tries to steer everyone towards safer forms of thrill-seeking, but it rarely works out in her favor. So sometimes she takes matters into her own hands and tags along to make sure no one dies. She's fiercely protective of Chet; the two are each other's biggest supporters. She has a fondness for nature and animals, the latter of which she bonds with Joe over. If it weren't for the detective thing, maybe they could've been closer friends...
Tony Prito - Loves being out on water. This has become a little hard for him for a few reasons. One, he works for his father's trucking company. Two, his beloved speedboat the Napoli got blown up while helping the Hardys on a case. He's... still a little sore about it, but he'll lend a helping hand to them so long as they lend a donation towards his purchase of a Napoli III. To tide him over, he has the Napoli II, an innertube with a motor attached.
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tabbyrp · 11 months
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Day 25: Hayrides
"Hardys set off for the Morton farm at five o’clock. When they arrived, the group learned that Chet had piled hay into his father’s truck, so they could all go on an old-fashioned hayride to the amusement park. “Len is going to drive us,” Iola announced. A big cheer went up from the boys. Len Wharton, a good-natured former cowboy, had recently come to work at the Morton place. Len grinned. “Shucks, I figured that if I was seventeen I sure wouldn’t want to be stuck with the drivin’." — Franklin W. Dixon, The Clue in the Embers (Hardy Boys, #35)
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According to the Hardy Family the most romantic thing you could get for someone is an engraved gold watch they can leave behind as a clue whenever they get kidnapped
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brothershardy · 2 years
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I’m not in denial, okay, I just think the Casefiles era really fucked Joe over for no reason by killing off Iola, so I decided to make them in the Sims so they’re happy together
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queenofmoons67 · 3 years
‘don’t say that. you’re going to be fine.’ with hurt joe hardy? thanks!
WARNING: severe injuries, including severe burns. possible character death (depends on how you read the ending)
Iola stormed out of the mall, a despondent Frank behind her. In the back of her mind, she felt sorry for him—but the majority of her was full of anger at the boy in front of her. The nerve of him! The—the misogynistic, ego-centric—he could have just come with her from the start! But no, he had to play with his keys in front of that girl before heading to the car. Didn’t even have the decency to listen to her anger, to the point he’d ended up far before her. And—
Ooh, the worst bit was she knew that wasn’t who Joe Hardy was at heart. It’s just who he turned into on a bad day. His instincts for self-sabotaging would win Olympic gold.
Well, Iola didn’t have to listen to them! Look at her, talking herself out of her anger. She’d give Joe a chance to apologize when they’d both calmed down. If he didn’t take it—well, that would be his problem when he ended up without a girlfriend, wouldn’t it? Oh, her mother would be proud of her.
“Joe!” she called, breaking into a jog. “Wait up—!”
The explosion rocketed flames all the way up to the ceiling of the carport and sent Joe to the ground. She could see him there, close to the flames, too close—
A dark-haired body broke past her, and Iola started in shock. She hadn’t even realized she’d come to a stop. Even as she watched Frank pull Joe free from the wreckage, though, her attention was drawn to a swiftly growing line of flame.
“Frank!” she yelled, and started to run. “Frank, the gasoline—!”
The second explosion wasn’t as big as the first, but it sent Frank and Joe flying backwards. At least they were free, she thought, and fought back a hysterical giggle as she skidded to a stop next to them. There was already a car’s length between them and the flaming car, and she grabbed Frank first to make that distance grow.
“Frank?” she asked, and shook him. “Frank, can you hear me?”
“Callie?” he groaned, and opened his eyes.
This time, Iola couldn’t fight the giggle, but it came out as a sob. “No, Frank, it’s Iola. Can you—can you move? I need to check on—”
“Joe!” Frank gasped, and started to roll to his side.
Iola let him, but said, “I’ll get him! Can you move? We need—we need paramedics, and we can’t risk moving Joe farther from the fire with his injuries.”
The fire had died down somewhat after the second explosion, but she could feel the heat on her face. She would look sunburned, she knew, but that was better than Joe. She needed to check on Joe.
“Move!” she ordered Frank, and turned away. “Joe? Joey,” she cried, and cradled his face in her hands. His body was—it was twisted, body laying exactly where it had been thrown. And his arms; the skin was blackened, burnt, and bleeding in places. She could imagine all too well which parts of him had been closest to the car when it blew. Not to mention the—the smell.
Swallowing, Iola rubbed his cheek with her thumb. “Joey,” she whispered. “I’m going to check for a head injury, ok? I’m sorry if this hurts.”
And then she palmed the back of his head with one hand—and pulled away as Joe’s eyes shot open and he choked on a scream, the sound guttural and deep in his throat.
“I’m sorry!” Iola said, and wiped a bloody hand on her skirt. “Your—your skull—” her voice broke. She had felt it.
And then Joe rasped, “I’m gonna die,” and Iola felt lightning go up her spine.
“You are not,” she reprimanded. “Don’t say that. You’re going to be fine. Look at me, Joseph Hardy,” and she reached out and grabbed his face in both hands, firm but careful of his skull. “Frank just dragged you out of an explosion! I’m sitting—I’m sitting feet away from a burning car! We did not do this just for you to go off and die on us! Do you hear me?”
Joe’s lips wobbled, and a tear slid down his face. “‘M sorry,” he said.
“What did I just—”
“F’r bef’re. ‘M sorry, I’la. ‘M sorry.”
Iola gently turned his face so she held it in a single palm, resting it there so it wasn’t against the hard concrete—and then she reached up and wiped away tears from her own eyes. “You don’t say that now,” she rasped. “I told you, didn’t I? You’re not going to die. You can apologize to me from a hospital bed, but not before, Joe. Not now.”
“L’ve you,” he slurred. “‘M sorry.” And Iola broke. Crumpling over her boyfriend’s burnt body, she watched through blurry eyes as their combined tears cleaned ash from his face.
“I’m sorry too,” she cried. “I’m sorry, too.”
And then the paramedics arrived, and pulled her screaming from the boy she loved.
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minxchester · 4 years
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The ones we love never truly leave us.
@heartscfvalor / @brothershardy
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thejoeisthejoe · 4 years
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I love Iola so much! I was so sad she didn’t officially appear in the 70s series! I would have loved to see her date Shaun’s Joe 🥰🥺
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Joe: I just wanna look my best for the party
Frank: Little brother, you fool no one
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heartscfvalor · 5 years
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                    Character Aesthetic; Iola Morton
I never learned anybody's name. We all vowed that we wouldn't stay. Kissing signs on the interstate. All we do for now is sit and wait.
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nancydfan · 5 years
Hey to the people writing the Hardy Boys books. I have a request.
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platanchorsociety · 3 years
In the same vein, what about callie and iola?
I honestly feel like in the ATAC Ace world, he wouldn't know Callie until after he leaves ATAC. I can see her being part of Grant's return. And although I ship Grant and Tom Swift somewhat, imagining him deciding to help take down the Road Back and then meeting Callie Shaw forensic scientist? He would immediately be smitten and Ace would love her.
A terrible part of me is like Casefiles Iola! Casefiles Iola! Because in Casefiles Iola Morton (Joe’s long term girlfriend for those who don't know) is killed in an attempt to kill the Hardys and having a dead ex-girlfriend would be fun to work in with the Horseshoe Bay ghosts.
But honestly, I can imagine her being the one that got away, his childhood sweetheart girlfriend before Laura who he didn’t tell about ATAC despite having very strong feelings for her and she ultimately comes to mistrust him and leave him (which would explain why Ace no longer keeps anything secret from his love interests). She still genuinely cares for him but the trust is no longer there to sustain a relationship. I think she'd be a massive fan of Nancy though. She would know Ace well enough to know Nancy is perfect for him.
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druidcore · 7 years
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Brittany O’Grady x Hunter Parrish manip request by yours truly 
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