bbygirlmina · 2 years
Mina scanned the board and grinned knowing that everything was going according to plan. Every piece was in perfect position to finally beat Nayeon.
They were playing wizards chess again, something of a ritual for them by now. Every Thursday after their Charms class together was spent in the library playing the game.
Mina was too competitive, everyone knew that, and once Nayeon suggested a game, any game, Mina had to play until she won.
It’s been three weeks since they started playing wizards chess together and even though Mina wasn’t a new player by any means, she couldn’t beat Nayeon.
But all of that was about to change.
Mina propped her elbows on the table, the baggy sleeves of her robe pooling around her elbows, watching Nayeon with a smug smile hidden behind her hands.
Nayeon was also watching the board closely. Her expression unreadable.
“Wow, Mina. You’re getting really good at this.” She said quietly, her voice never betraying her.
“I’ve been practicing.”
“I can tell.”
It was getting harder to keep the excitement inside and Mina felt like she’d burst at any moment. But all of that excitement died when Nayeon looked up with her signature grin.
“But you still have more to learn.”
Mina get her heart sink when Nayeon moved her final piece, claiming victory yet again.
“I win.”
Mina stared dumbly as her piece was demolished, Nayeon’s queen piece carefully taking its spot on the throne, looking up at Mina as it did so.
Nayeon just laughed at Mina’s look of betrayal. Mina was way too competitive sometimes, but it was hilarious to see this side of Mina come out.
And it’s nice to have someone to share her love of wizards chess.
Their friends liked games too, but none of them had enough patience to sit and play wizards chess with her like Mina did.
(Or the gift of strategy.)
The silence lingered a bit longer than normal afterwards, the only sound came from the students shuffling by or the occasional book flying past to shelve itself. Nayeon started to panic, thinking that she’d finally broken Mina.
She reached across the table, gently touching Mina’s hand, but the instant their hands met Mina shot up from her chair.
“Im Nayeon you cheated!” she screamed.
Some of the students around them jumped at the sudden noise, a few other poking out from the shelves to see what had happened.
Mina was fuming now and pointing angrily at the board. “There’s no way you can keep beating me at wizards chess! You’re cheating and you know it!”
“I didn’t cheat. You just didn’t see that potential move.”
Giggles erupted from the students listening in and Mina felt her face flush in embarrassment. She shot the other students a look but was met with the librarian storming up to her instead.
The librarian was a giant of an old woman, towering over almost everyone, and she was very kind to all of her students.
But she could also be the scariest professor in entire school.
She stopped in front of Mina, towering over her, hands on her hips. “Myoui Mina.” she said through gritted teeth, voice low and commanding. “This is a library, not a quidditch field.”
Mina shrank back at her words. Even Nayeon looked away, too afraid to meet the woman’s steely gaze.
“Yes ma’am.”
“If you can’t play quietly then you can’t play in my library. Understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. Then move.”
Mina quickly grabbed her bag from the floor and sped out of the library, leaving Nayeon behind to pick up the abandoned pieces of the game.
Once she was outside Mina sat down on a nearby bench and let out a long sigh. Her face refused to cool down so she dug around in her bag for a book she could use to cover the flush.
A few minutes later Nayeon came out, quickly spotting Mina and sliding in next to her.
“I didn’t realize wizards chess could make you so excited.” she said, pulling Mina’s book away, but she couldn’t suppress her laugh when she saw how red Mina’s face had gotten.
“Sorry I got us kicked out.” she mumbled.
“It’s okay, it was really funny.”
Mina pulled her robe to cover her face. “Thanks Nayeon.” her voice came out muffled, her her robe did nothing to conceal the blush still spreading to her ears.
Nayeon gently pulled the robe away and laced their fingers together. “Come down to the Slytherin common room with me next time. At least they won’t kick you out when you yell at me.”
“Okay.” Mina laughed. “Next time.”
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bbygirlmina · 2 years
chapter 1
mina sat at her desk in her room, trying and failing to concentrate on her homework. for an academy that focused on dancing, you’d think there’d be less homework.
mina sighed at her papers for the tenth time when there was a sudden vibration from her pocket. mina took out her phone and saw her mom was calling and immediately answered it.
“hey mom.”
“mina! are you busy right now?”
mina looked down at her half-done math homework, slowly closing her textbook.
“nope! not busy at all!” she said.
“good. i wanted to talk to you about something.”
mina paused and studied her mom’s words, trying to think of what she could want, but mina’s mom didn’t notice the pause and continued.
“i just got a call that you’re dance school is hosting a joint competition with another school!”
“yes. you’ll be performing with an accompanist this time so you both need to do well.”
“when is it?”
“you’re already signed up.”
“i was just asking when-“
“i know what you were trying to ask!” her mom said suddenly. “you’re trying to make up excuses to not compete like you did for the last one! you’re performing and that’s final!”
“yes ma’am.”
mina felt her lip tremble but she refused to cry like a baby with her mom still on the phone. with a quick goodbye mina went back to her work, but she didn’t get anything done with how much her eyes kept watering.
the next day at the dance academy, all of the students were buzzing about the competition. they were all so excited to finally talk to people that weren’t from their same school.
a dance schedule for top students didn’t include a lot of down time for socializing, so they tried to make each opportunity count.
mina was stretching and keeping to herself before rehearsal. she always did better when she could zone out and focus without anyone trying to talk to her. until momo burst into the room of course.
“mina!” she called, running up to mina only half-dressed for today’s dance lesson, her sports bra and shorts exposed which would otherwise be hidden by the oversized t-shirt hanging around her neck. momo wrapped mina up and a huge hug and mina had to laugh and return the gesture.
momo had always been affectionate since the very first day they meet when they were six. it was by pure luck that they started going to the same academy for middle school, but they were inseparable after that. it seemed like such a long time ago now.
momo let go and continued to slip on the rest of her clothes.
“did you hear about the joint competition?”
“only a dozen times last night from my mom.” mina groaned. “she acts like i didn’t hear her the first time.”
“yeah,” momo sighed rubbing the back of her neck. “my parents talked about it a lot too. they really want me to sign up, but i’m not sure yet.”
mina cast her eyes to the floor. “well, you know i am.” she mumbled.
“i know.”
mina suddenly felt really bad for saying something that. “oh my god please don’t think i was trying to guilt you into signing up!”
momo laughed and clapped mina’s back. “trust me mina, it’s going to take more than that to make me sign up for something i don’t want to do.” momo’s face softened and she placed her hand on mina’s. “but we always do well when we compete together.”
the thought brought a smile to mina’s face. it always surprised mina how kind and thoughtful momo could be.
“plus, i heard there were some really hot girls at the music school!”
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bbygirlmina · 2 years
jihyo knows she shouldn’t be following sana. in all the years she’s known sana, jihyo knows that following her will only lead to trouble. especially when sana is leading jihyo away from her own ceremony and straight into the flowery maze in the courtyard.
jihyo studied her for a moment, wondering why a countess like sana would ever leave a party early, but jihyo couldn’t care less about sana’s personal business when sana was weaving around every corner, her light hair flowing behind her, her deep purple dress swaying in the wind, looking as if she actually knew where to go.
everything sana did looked like it was effortless, and it frustrated jihyo. there wasn’t a single second of any day where sana looked less than perfect.
jihyo was a little breathless from running but still smiled at the thought of sana on the dance floor earlier, the way she moves her body to the rhythm, how she’s always the best looking one in attendance.
jihyo couldn’t deny that sana was beautiful, everyone could agree about that. but what jihyo couldn’t understand was why she felt so drawn to sana, always looking for her at events, or watching her during special dinners.
it was confusing and frustrating, and jihyo was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t even registered that they’d finally made it to the center of the maze. a beautiful fountain with sculpted angels sat in the middle, covered in gold detail and texts about love that jihyo never cared to read.
sana stopped quickly once she got to the center, staring at the fountain for quiet some time. as jihyo caught her breath and came back to reality, she scowled at sana, thinking this was just sana trying to waste her time.
but of course, right when she sent the girl a look, sana picked that moment to turn around and look straight into jihyo’s eyes.
jihyo quickly looked away and relaxed her face, but sana had already seen.
“you’re always staring at me so intensely.” sana giggled. “be careful your highness, someone might think you’re actually in love with me.”
jihyo stepped back. “h-how dare you!” she sputtered. “is that what you think of me?”
sana smirked and took a step forward. “why don’t you tell me what you think of me? you seem so interested.”
jihyo looked down. she could lie like she always does when it comes to sana, deny her interest in the countess once again and go back to their game of car and mouse, or she could do the unthinkable. tell the truth.
every fiber of jihyo’s being was screaming at her to leave, if she ran away now she could make it back to the party before sana could catch up. but if she left now she’d have to live with the knowledge that she was the one who left sana standing here. all alone.
as sana stepped forward again, this time reaching out her hand, jihyo took in a deep breath and let it all out.
“each of my thoughts about you is improper.”
“how unoriginal.” sana scoffed.
jihyo groaned, never being able to tell sana exactly what she meant. it was always easier in her head.
sana crossed an arm over her chest, and brought the other hand up to inspect her perfectly polished nails. “go on, tell me the rest. do you perhaps wish to see me humiliated? do you dream about my ruin?”
“i…i do dream about you, but never about your ruin.” jihyo mumbled.
sana looked at her confused.
“what then?”
“it is silly.”
“we have known each other for such a long time.” sana placed her hand on jihyo’s shoulder, and for a moment, jihyo wished they could stay like this…until sana opened up her stupid mouth. “i have always thought what you said was silly.”
jihyo was done then. she took sana’s hand off her shoulder and pulled it close to her chest, locking eyes with the countess. “you are important to me! you matter more to me than anyone else in the world.”
sana was stunned, her mouth opening and closing to say something but couldn’t find the words. after a minute of silence she slipped her hand out of jihyo’s grip, holding it now to her own chest and looked down at the pavement.
“…that is a silly thought.”
even if the words hurt, jihyo knew she needed to get all of her feelings out now while her quickly fading courage was still strong.
she took a step forward and took sana’s hand again.
“i wish hold you, and put my hand in yours.”
sana took a step back but jihyo followed, matched every step and getting closer and closer to the fountain.
“i wish to cherish you, and spend the rest of my god forsaken life with you!”
“s-stop it!”
sana kept going until the back of her knees hit the fountain. she looked back between the edge of the fountain and jihyo staring up at her. there was no escape, unless she wanted to climb through the fountain and get a scolding from her mother later about her ruined dress.
jihyo took sana’s shaking hands in her own, rubbing circles onto her knuckles with her thumbs.
“i know you will never have such feelings for me as i have for you,” she started slowly. “but, for my sake, if we cannot be lovers…would you still be my enemy?”
it was sana’s turn to scowl at jihyo. how could she say that? how could she say any of that?
sana pulled her hands away and shoved jihyo back.
“i do not wish to have this conversation with you any longer.”
“wait!” jihyo cried, grabbing sana’s hand again. sana sighed at the feeling this time. jihyo’s hand always felt so good in hers, even if it was one of their accidental touches.
she wanted to pull away, she should’ve pulled away, but then jihyo was pulling her into a hug, and every single one of sana’s walls crumbled at the affection.
it had been such a long time since sana was as close to someone as she was with jihyo, and in all that time, the two of them had hardly even shaken hands.
sana sighed again and let herself fall into jihyo’s embrace, leaning her head on jihyo’s shoulder.
they stayed like that, with jihyo swaying them and running small circles onto sana’s back.
it felt safe, it felt natural. and that’s what scared jihyo the most.
“do not say that.” jihyo finally said, breaking the silence. “i could not bare a day without you, even if it meant we remained enemies.”
“how can you say that?” sana’s reply was so watery and sad that jihyo wondered if she was actually crying. so she held sana a little tighter.
“it is because, from the first moment i ever laid eyes on you, i knew i needed you in my life. to me, you are perfect. you are brighter than our shining sun and without you i feel as if i cannot live.”
this time, sana held jihyo back just as tight.
“i am in love with you, minatozaki sana.”
it was quiet, the weight of jihyo’s words sinking in for both of them, and she pulled back a bit, totally red and flustered.
“you do not have to answer me,” she said a little to quick. “but i could no longer keep these feelings inside.”
sana lifted her head and jihyo could finally see the streaks from her tears in the light of the moon.
“have i offended you?”
“no!” sana recoiled at the volume of her own words. “i…i want you to hold me as well. i mean, i want to hold you too. i…i am unsure what these feelings mean. all i know is that i feel very strongly for you.”
“we can figure it out together. i’m sure of it.”
“promise?” sana asked, looking at jihyo with those big, sad eyes.
sana smiled at that, but it quickly faded. “what shall we tell them? i was your enemy and now-“
jihyo brought a finger to sana’s lips and wished her. “we shall tell them we have simply put our differences behind us. we are starting a new chapter in our lives.”
jihyo pecked sana’s forehead, leaving the countess a blushing mess.
“i do not wish for it to end.”
jihyo pushed sana back to sit on the fountain bench, cupping sana’s face and leaning in close, party long forgotten.
“then i will make it so.”
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
the “what is love?” mv but momo’s a young spy sent to gather information at a rich kid high school when it looks like something suspicious is going on
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
dahyun practicing the piano for fun in an empty practice room when her girlfriends jihyo and sana visit her. they stay and listen while she plays. dahyun plays some soft tunes while jihyo does her homework and studies but sana’s straight up passed out. it’s just a really soft time.
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
imagine hung!mina wearing cute little skirts all the time like?? and the other members are losing their minds because they can SEE the bulge but they can’t do anything about it until they get home
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
it was raining when momo stepped outside, stifling a groan as thunder rumbled in the distance. she just needed to take the trash out before she could go home for the night.
momo sighed, pulling her jacket tighter around herself and pulled her hoodie strings tight, deciding to brace the weather and run to the dumpsters.
it couldn’t have been more than twenty feet away from the shelter, but as momo stomped through each puddle, and the rain pelted her and stuck to her clothes for dear life, it felt like an eternity.
once momo reached the dumpster she quickly tossed the garbage inside before closing the lid. she was about to make a run for the shelter again when, for a split second, over the sound of the rain, she heard an unmistakable sound.
she heard a pitiful little mewl.
momo tried to look around, but it was dark and difficult to see, so she listened to the now constant mewling to find the poor animal.
when she rounded the dumpster the sight nearly broke momo’s heart. it was indeed a kitten, a kitten hybrid to be exact. a small one too, sitting in a soaked cardboard box and clothes too thin and worn to keep her warm.
the kitten looked up as momo approached and mewled louder.
“hey hey, it’s going to be okay. i can help you. i can take you somewhere warm.”
the kitten curled in on herself, her pitiful mewls turning into a pitiful attempt at a growl.
momo didn’t blame the kitten. she was probably scared out of her mind right now, but it was starting to rain harder (if that was even possible) and this was momo’s job. rescuing and protecting hybrids.
so with a huff, momo slid off her outer jacket to wrap the kitten up and scooped her into her arms. the kitten immediately tried to push away and yowled. loudly. but momo didn’t put her down.
momo sprinted back to the shelter. thunder cracked in the sky and shook the ground, getting closer and closer as time went on. the kitten paused in her weak attempt at freedom to cover her ears at the sound.
when momo finally made it back inside she rushed to the front desk to catch chaeyoung before she also left for the night.
“chae! i need your help. right now.”
chaeyoung looked up from her phone and jumped right into action at the sight in front of her.
“oh no, poor thing.” she said, gently carding her fingers through the whimpering kitten’s hair. “let’s get her checked out.”
chaeyoung lead them to the back room and motioned for momo to set the kitten down on the examination table.
once out of momo’s arms the kitten hissed at them, wrapping the jacket tighter around her shivering little body.
“hey kitty, my name’s chaeyoung.” she smiled. “i’m going to help you.”
chaeyoung reached her hand towards the kitten but it was quickly swatted away, followed by another hiss.
“no, no, no. i’m not going to hurt you.”
chaeyoung reached out again but once again the kitten hit her hand away and hissed.
as the kitten pulled back, chaeyoung caught a glimpse of a collar. a dirty, faded pink, the letters so faded that it was hard to make out the name. but chaeyoung barely caught a glimpse of it.
chaeyoung sighed and pulled over a stool to sit in front of the kitten so they would be level with each other.
“you’re name is sana, right?”
the kitten looked at her with wide eyes, but nodded.
“i’m chaeyoung.” she repeated. “and the one who brought you in,” she gestured to momo still standing behind her. “is my friend momo. we want to help you.”
the kitten shook her head furiously and once again curled in on herself.
chaeyoung sighed and turned back to momo.
“should we bring someone else in?”
momo nodded and placed her hand in chaeyoung’s shoulder, offering a small smile.
“i’ll handle it. you stay here and take care of her.”
as soon as momo left the back room she could hear loud meowing from the kitten room down the hall. upon entering she was immediately hit with questions.
“is there someone new?”
“i smell a new kitty on you.”
“are we getting a new playmate?”
it would’ve been overwhelming if momo wasn’t already used to it. the kitten hybrids could be hyper when they wanted to be and momo loved them for it, but hyper wasn’t what she needed right now.
she needed nayeon.
nayeon was lounging in her little spot in the corner, curled up and cozy. momo knew she’d be mad at being disturbed this late but she needed to do this.
momo walked over the the kitten and gently scratched behind her ears to wake her up.
nayeon cracked her eyes open and yawned.
“what do you want?” she asked when she saw momo looking expectantly at her.
“will you do me a favor?”
nayeon rolled her eyes and purred into momo’s touch.
“i need you to take care of a kitten.”
“i’m babysitting?”
“it’s more than that. she was left all alone outside. she needs someone else, someone she’ll trust, to calm her down.”
“ugh, fine.” nayeon huffed. “but i want a treat after this.”
“of course.”
but once they got back to the room there was wailing from behind the door. momo rushed in and saw chaeyoung desperately trying to comfort the bawling kitten.
nayeon didn’t know what was happening, but in that moment there was only one thing she could think of.
without another word she strode over to sana and pushed chaeyoung out of the way, pulling the kitten into a tight hug.
“you’re scaring her.”
she scolded chaeyoung before nuzzling into sana’s neck and purring.
the affect was almost instant.
with nayeon’s scent being so strong and calming, the scent paired with the hug and purring helped sana feel safe.
momo and chaeyoung just sat back and watched as nayeon completely took over the situation. cooing and soothing the poor kitten.
“good kitty.” nayeon said, petting her hair.
nayeon kept her hold on sana, alternating between rubbing her back and shushing her. when sana stopped crying and her breathing started evening out nayeon pulled back a little, just enough to face sana and still be holding her.
a small nod.
“that’s good.” nayeon smiled. “i bet you’re cold right? all cold and wet and not feeling well?”
another small nod.
nayeon pulled her back into a hug, swaying them from side to side.
“let’s get you into a nice warm bath.”
momo stepped forward and reached out to carry the kitten, but sana whimpered and pulled back making nayeon scowl.
“no! i’ll carry her!”
sana buried her face in nayeon’s neck as she was lifted from the table and taken to the bath hall. nayeon sat her down on the edge of the tub, giving her a few quick kisses to the cheek.
“sana?” chaeyoung asked expectantly.
to her surprise sana actually looked at her, the fear was no longer there, now it was replaced solely by tiredness.
chaeyoung held out her hand for sana, hoping she’d finally trust them after nayeon’s reassurance.
sana hesitated, waiting for something, anything to happen, but when nothing did she slowly leaned over and gave chaeyoung’s hand a little sniff, and pressed her cheek into the touch.
chaeyoung sighed in relief and gave the kitty a little chin scratch.
bath time was a bit tense. it took a while for sana to let go of nayeon, and even longer to actually get her undressed. but in the end the kitten would only get in the bath if nayeon got in with her.
all it took was those sad, pleading eyes and the light grip of her hand to convince nayeon.
momo was kneeling next to the tub, gently massaging sana’s scalp with the strawberry shampoo.
chaeyoung had left in search of some towels and extra clothes for the kitten, giving her another chin scratch. “i’m going to be right back okay? be a good girl and listen to nayeon.”
and sana just nodded and leaned back in nayeon’s hold.
once sana was deemed clean by momo they quickly wrapped her up in a large fluffy towel before slipping her into a spare t-shirt and shorts.
sana was practically drowning in them which made nayeon laugh.
“you’re so tiny, sana!”
momo gave nayeon a stern look but she softened when she saw sana smile back. she decided to let it be rather than reprimand nayeon, but she still tied the string to sana’s shorts anyway (just so they wouldn’t accidentally fall off).
sana’s eyes started drooping now, and she was fighting to stay awake, but she still needed to eat.
she lead nayeon carrying a sleepy sana to the kitchen while chaeyoung talked to the other kitten hybrids.
sana tried to eat but she kept nodding off in between bites, so nayeon guided her, petting her head and rubbing her ears, encouraging her to eat more.
it was weird to see nayeon be so…motherly, but momo supposed this was kind of the point of asking nayeon for help in the first place.
once sana had eaten as much as she could she looked about ready to pass out, leaning on nayeon’s shoulder and drooling a little. nayeon carried her back to the kitten room and was immediately on high alert.
chaeyoung tried to warn the other kittens that there was a new kitten coming, and that they had to be nice since she was shy, but as soon as they walked through the door the other kittens started crowding them with excitement.
it didn’t last long though, as a little whimper from sana made nayeon growl at the other kittens, quickly telling them to back off. and with her scent so being strong, it didn’t take much to calm sana down again and deter the other kittens from touching what was hers.
sana curled up in nayeon’s lap and purred for the first time that night when a blanket covered her.
momo and chaeyoung watched the whole exchange and smiled.
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
queen of hell guide
jihyo is the queen of hell, it’s split into seven sections with her castle in the direct center
jeongyeon is her advisor, she does the boring stuff lol
nayeon rules over the court of pride
momo rules over the court of gluttony
sana rules over the court of lust
mina rules over the court of sloth
dahyun rules over the court of envy
chaeyoung rules over the court of wrath
tzuyu rules over the court of greed
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
okay but imagine jihyo is the queen of hell with her advisor jeongyeon and her seven court members…but the courts are divided into the seven deadly sins
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
Jeongyeon couldn’t explain it, but she didn’t like Sana. The kitten was always friendly and polite to everyone, but Jeongyeon just couldn’t stand her.
Nayeon and Momo, their owners, always encouraged Jeongyeon to play with Sana, but Jeongyeon’s “playing” always ended up with a tacked Sana crying and a “bad puppy!” from Nayeon. So Jeongyeon preferred to be alone.
“One day, you’ll find you might like Sana. And then you’ll be inseparable.” Momo said plopping down on the couch next to Jeongyeon.
“No I won’t. She’s annoying.”
Momo laughed and Jeongyeon felt more irritated than she already was. The only reason Momo was here watching her and not Nayeon was because Nayeon was helping Sana with her heat.
Nayeon was better at taking care of Sana’s heats than Momo was, not that Momo couldn’t do it, it’s just that Sana felt more comfortable when Nayeon was there.
That’s what annoyed her most about Sana. She was always stealing Nayeon’s attention.
Jeongyeon loved both of her owners, obviously, but there was a time when it was just Nayeon and Jeongyeon, before Nayeon was dating Momo.
When Nayeon brought Momo home the first time, Jeongyeon was a little on guard but quickly warmed up to her. The three of them were happy.
And everything was fine…until Momo opened her big mouth and suggested getting a kitten friend for Jeongyeon.
It would’ve been fine if it had been anyone else besides Sana. But her owners were absolutely in love with the kitten and no matter what, Sana always managed to steal their attention.
Jeongyeon just slumped on the couch and rested on Momo (secretly hoping that one day she would be less jealous).
A few days later, Nayeon announced that she and Momo would be leaving at the end of the month for a little weekend date. It was only one night they’d be away, and the hybrids were more than capable of looking after themselves for that long. But Jeongyeon was less than thrilled.
The time came for the trip and Nayeon was constantly reminding Jeongyeon to be on her best behavior.
“Sana’s smaller than you, so no rough housing. No fighting, and no growling at her. And if Sana needs something you need to help her okay?”
Jeongyeon let out a huff but Nayeon was quick to kiss her pout away.
“I know you’ll be good. You’re always my good puppy.”
Jeongyeon beamed at the praise. She chanced a look at Momo hugging Sana. Her smile fell for a second but decided she need to get along until. At least until Nayeon and Momo left.
Sana also wasn’t thrilled about the trip. But for a totally different reason.
“Please don’t go! I don’t want you to leave!”
Jeongyeon groaned at Sana’s whines. They’d spent the last month convincing Sana that everything would be okay and that they just wanted a little alone time.
Sana, for the most part, had taken it pretty well. Up until it was time to leave that is.
“Everything will be fine Sana. We’ll be back tomorrow night and we’ll give all the cuddles you want.”
Momo was quick to press soft kisses all over Sana’s face. “No more tears Sana.”
Sana purred and pressed into the touch, giving her owners one last hug before they left.
The first few hours after their owners left was relatively peaceful. Jeongyeon went to watch some TV in the living room while Sana opted to sit an watch the door (on the off chance their owners would come back).
She was quiet at first, which meant it was easy for Jeongyeon to ignore her, but soon Sana was mewling pitifully.
And loudly.
Jeongyeon sighed and paused her show. She stormed over to the door and stood over Sana.
The kitten shrank back a little but didn’t stop mewling.
“Are you done? You’re being annoying.”
“But…what if they don’t come back!” Sana whined.
The puppy groaned, she understood Sana’s fear but feigned annoyance. She couldn’t let Sana think she actually agreed with her.
Without a word Jeongyeon grabbed Sana, brought her to the couch, sat her down as far from herself as possible, and continued playing her show. Sana didn’t mewl, just curled into her corner of the couch and fell asleep.
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. The only other snag was when it was time for bed and Sana insisted on sleeping with Jeongyeon…in Jeongyeon’s room…in Jeongyeon’s bed!
It took a lot of convincing, as in Jeongyeon shoving Sana out of her room and quickly locking the door, so Sana would sleep in her own room.
The next morning Sana opted to stay in her room for the better part of the morning, which Jeongyeon was just fine with.
It wasn’t until Sana finally came out of her room that Jeongyeon was instantly hit with the kitten’s familiar scent.
“You’re in heat.” Jeongyeon growled.
Sana whined at that. “But Nayeon won’t be back until tonight!”
“Well I don’t know what you want me to do about it!” Jeongyeon was desperately hoping Sana hadn’t noticed her tenting under the blanket.
Her instincts were kicking in, but she wasn’t about to give in to this brat.
“Okay…” Sana’s voice was weak.
Sana went back up to her room and closed the door. Jeongyeon tried to ignore the pitiful sounds from her room and every fiber of her being telling her to go in there.
At a particularly pitiful mewl the puppy couldn’t take it and marched into the room.
Sana was on the bed riding her pillow, she was sweaty and obviously frustrated, no where near satisfied.
Jeongyeon growled and jumped on the bed, grabbing Sana’s hips and guiding them back and forth.
“I don’t like you. But I really want to take you right now. Is that okay?”
Sana nodded furiously and allowed Jeongyeon to take the lead, thankful that she’d finally get some relief. So she let go and allowed herself relax into the touch.
A few hours later Nayeon and Momo walked through the door and were surprised to not be run over by their hybrids.
Instead, they were greeted by the sounds of low growls from down the hall.
“Did you hear that?”
“You don’t think they’re fighting, do you?”
They exchanged a quick glance before rushing down the hallway. On the way they could faintly hear creaking and Nayeon was getting increasingly worried that her girls were really fighting.
They burst open the door to Jeongyeon’s bedroom. The girls weren’t fighting…it was much worse than that.
Jeongyeon was indeed growling as the owners guessed, but why they couldn’t have guessed was that Jeongyeon would be pounding into Sana from behind on the bed.
“Jeongyeon! Bad puppy!”
Momo stepped into to pull Jeongyeon away but the puppy wrapped her arms around the kitten’s waist, growling low at her owners.
“She’s in heat. I’m taking care of her!”
“Oh honey.” Nayeon dropped to the floor and brushed a few hairs away from Sana’s sweaty forehead. “Why didn’t you call me?”
Sana whined in need, her eyes squeezed shut, but after a few minutes of soft touches she opened her eyes and looked up at Nayeon with the saddest eyes she’d ever seen.
“N-Needed it too bad.”
“Call me next time, okay? I can help you. Even if it means leaving our date early.”
“I think Jeongyeon’s helping enough.” Momo laughed.
Nayeon groaned at he’d girlfriends comment but decided that Jeongyeon had this handled. “Jeongyeon, you be good to Sana. Understand?”
Jeongyeon gave a curt nod and started moving her hips slowly.
“Take it easy and be nice.”
“I got it!” She growled. “Now can you leave? We’re busy.”
“I’m not bossy!” The puppy whined.
“You’re bossy baby.” Nayeon placed a peck on her forehead. “But we like it. Don’t we, Momo?”
Momo blushed a deep red and tried to look anywhere but at her girlfriend. “Uh…yeah. We do.”
Nayeon chuckled and grabbed Momo’s hand, leading her out of the room. The second they closed the door the moans picked up again and they knew they were in for a king night.
“Let’s get some dinner going.” Nayeon said. “I have a feeling they won’t stop anytime soon.”
“Okay. And maybe when we’re done we can have a little fun of our own.” Momo said, sliding her hand up the front of Nayeon’s shirt.
“Whatever you want babe.”
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
also consider…heiress momo and bodyguard mina 👀
like…imagine a cold, stoic mina being secretly in love with momo but trying to be a good bodyguard first but then momo meets sana (whose bodyguard is jihyo) and she’s all jealous😤😤
i really need to start writing
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
cheerleaders sahyo who’re the definition of enemies to lovers
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
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this is kitten mina
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bbygirlmina · 3 years
Mina stretched in her spot on the floor as the sun peeked through the blinds of the window, a slight shiver running through her body.
Even with the sun out, the chilly air outside made Mina curl up on herself even more. Luckily for her, there was someone to help with the cold.
“Mina! Time for lunch!” Sana called.
Mina stretched lazily and slinked her way to the kitchen where Sana and Jeongyeon were already setting the table.
“There’s our pretty girl.” Jeongyeon cooed as Mina sat down.
Mina blushed and hid her face sleepily. “Stop it Jeongie…” but there was nothing Mina could do to stop the blush creeping across her face.
Lunch went on like normal, a little teasing, a little flirting. It wasn’t until Mina let out a particularly loud yawn that her owners noticed how tired she was.
“Is our pretty girl tired? Need a nap kitty?” Jeongyeon asked, rubbing Mina’s ears.
Mina blushed again and leaned into the touch.
“Let’s get you to bed then.”
Jeongyeon scooped Mina up, carrying her bridal style back to her room while Sana cleared the table.
Once in Mina’s room the kittens eyes were already drooping, her face nuzzled in Jeongyeon’s neck.
“Here you go kitty.”
Sana came in to help finish tucking Mina into bed, but as the owners went to leave they noticed Mina let out a shuddering breath, pulling the blanket closer.
Sana let out a little laugh and went to get some socks from the drawer, slipping them on Mina’s feet.
Mina seemed to like it, if the smile on her face was anything to go by.
As they slipped out of the room Jeongyeon wrapped an arm around Sana’s waist, pulling her closer.
“She such a baby. I love her.” She whispered.
“I love her too.” Sana whispered back, placing a quick peck to Jeongyeon’s lips. “And I love you too.”
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