bdrobinson111-blog · 5 years
Captain's Log October 16th 2018 in the year of our Lord
Well, it is been adventure of a lifetime I have waited detection by mass quantities of spiritual phones and enemies in car in it and natural alike. The Holy Spirit has been leading me into all true. Yesterday, I woke up to find out that it was time for me to leave, New Mexico the owners of the house that I was staying in arrived and call the police and a policeman team into the house and asked me to pack up my things and leave so right in front of him I packed up all of my belongings including all of my cash and walked right out the front door and left said goodbye and continue to walking out of town and I felt that I was somehow being followed which I was in the Lord cups leading me to Safety in different places to have a detection from people who wanted to hurt kill steel or incarcerated me. So, I was walking down the road it was a great day and the Lord was giving me signs and speaking to me and show me different things about modern-day women and how I need to overcome their booty because many of the sons of God has fallen and have been cursed because of women and the beauty of women and I don't want to follow that trend so the Lord is done speaking to me about how I can overcome that and we just showed me so much yesterday was a fantastic day. I was under a tree taking a nap at one point and I walked to a house with the Lord show me to go to that was vacant and then to another house and I had to knock on a guy's door at about 11:30 at night and wake him up and ask him a question. Then I heard well before that I heard the Lord say been I've got a place for you to sleep tonight I've got a warm bed I've got a warm shower I've got a warm meal I've got laundry for you and a warm house prepared for you. And so I was looking forward to that it wasn't happening. Her about 1:30 in the morning and I was thinking well. Are you sure did you say that and sure enough he leads me down this path to the right and it was a ranch and I walk right up to the house no one is home turned out to be some sort of a vacation or marriage type retreat center and I walked right up to a window open the window go inside sleep eat hang out with Jesus for dinner wash my clothes get myself ready for the day and just have a wonderful night sleep and before I went to bed I calculate how many miles I walked yesterday and it came out to be about 38th and 1/2 miles which is a record I've never walk that far and one day in my life I'm certain of it. So now I have woken up the past up my stuff and exited the premises I've lost about 7 mi store Pagosa Springs Colorado it's been beautiful I've seen a lot of omen I've seen a lot of signs are the roads the Lord by the way as confirm the amount of money that I have he confirmed it three times 5917 I've seen those numbers 3 times with birds with counting metal objects that the Lord of show me the account and with a sign post literally assign post and so he continues to confirm that continues to tell me that I'm safe that I'm secure that there's nothing to fear that I have taken what the devil is stolen for me and I ever received inheritance from him and whether it happened in the natural or it was just a spiritual aggravation of funds will remain a mystery to me but right now I have fun and a full quiver to be able to accomplish the mission that got a set for me to accomplish here in Colorado during this time.
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bdrobinson111-blog · 6 years
Captain's logs October 14th 2018
Today was quite the day of new beginnings for me, I woke up a few times tossed and turned in bed and decided to get dressed and fix a couple things around the house here and turn on some worship music worship Jesus for a while. I kept the Bluetooth Boombox on worship music and brought it to the different City Hall Library fire station and City Market and returned it to the Family Dollar or I got some cash back came back here had a bowl of cereal and began to read. Now my money supply has been low I have about 20 I had I had about $26 laughed and I was thinking well I can't really survive on $26 here everything cost money so I was praying and I just thought who cares God will provide and no need to be concerned with the fact that I only have that amount of money left. So I started to read my reversing Hermon book and getting very good and all the sudden the name Gabriel appeared. Now God has been speaking to me about Gabriel I've heard the name this was the fourth time in two days now and right when I heard the the word Gabriel out of my own mouth as I read reversing Hermon which is inspired scriptural reading I realize that Gabriel was in the room with me the Archangel of God. He said to me that I had 15 minutes to get my stuff packed up into get out of town and head north. So I decided I was going to do that I decided I was going to follow Gabriel's voice I made sure that he was in fact Gabriel the archangel is gone and that he was on God's side and I packed up my belongings and put on my coats and packed up my bags from this house and started to head north and right as I got outside I remembered seeing a jacket laying on the ground near the city hall building. So it has been raining at that time and the Lord spoke to me and told me that I had brought the rain into town and so I situated myself in such a way that the rain would not injure my bag or my belongings and I put the coat on and walked out of town north. As I crossed some railroad tracks I begin to desire some form of shelter because I was getting really hot so that I could Shield myself from the rain and readjust my outfit so that I wasn't going to sweat so badly. Walking forward I noticed a cottage to my left which had no cars in the driveway and I thought to myself well that could be a good shelter for now but I heard God say go over there and no one is home. So, walked over there and SATs down on the porch and quickly realized that God was asking me to go inside of the building to gain shelter and to find a way in so we asked me to go around back of the house I Circle the house I saw a ladder I use the ladder to get on the roof where there was an open window I went in through the window and all along I was knocking and trying to find out if there was anyone in the house Scott just told me there was no one in there but I wanted to know for sure I have been having trouble trusting him in these types of situations because they are foreign to me. so after getting inside the house I walked around I saw some cash on the dining room table the Lord said it was for me and I was shocked and so I put the cash in my pocket is $160. And he said there is more for you here go into the bedroom and look for what's left and so I did and I found later after Counting $5,917 in cash small bills. So I bagged it up put it under my jacket left the coat that I had found at City Hall on the porch and I have locked the front gate of the property. I took the railroad tracks back in to Chama and walked a trail right back home where I was shocked that I had all that money and that God had allowed me to take it. God is with me now and it's very clear to me based on the Angels everyone is speaking to me telling me that I will be just fine that I'm not going to jail and that all things are well. The issue that has arisen is the fact that I had seen a whole lot of other coinage gold different items valuable items in the house and the Lord told me not to take them he did mention something about a gold bar.
After realizing what had happened I decided to go for a walk south into town and I went to the supermarket checked it out and grab some food some shrimp and ate some hot sauce walked back North again where I encountered another couple of dogs that wanted to kill me I handle them for the second time in that day on that same road and I proceeded to head back to my house where I lay down and rest for a while while looking at my phone and the Lord asked me is if you want to go back to the house and I said I actually can't stop thinking about it yes so I my shoes put on my clothes got my backpack and my wallets fanny pack and I headed out toward that down the railroad tracks back to the house. When I got with in view I saw that there was a vehicle out front of the the cottage so I immediately was surprised at turn back for a moment and the Lord told me to continue on the railroad tracks to the road and take a left so I did and I went left on the railroad tracks or left on the road and continue down the road and then when I was down the road a ways the Lord spoke to me he said again go up this trail go go go up and cross over this fence so I did and I crossed over the fence and he asked me to jump another fence and I was in the school area I was walking through and then I walked out a gate and took a left on Pine which is the road that I live on and right in front of me was the man in his car pretty sure it was the same one that was the owner of the cottage I could be mistaken though and he was watching me and he followed me home and watched me enter my house where the Lord told me to just walk in without a problem. When I entered I saw him stop in front of the house and he turned around at City Hall, and last I haven't seen him since it's been a couple of hours. I constantly am thinking about this money why do I have it is it mine the Lord has been speaking to me about this is being my inheritance and going to the enemy's camp and taking back what he stole from me. I'm just going to trust God here and whatever may happen to me may it be his will. Something in me questions this experience and I want to understand why I am questioning God and his authority here. Obviously by the looks of the man's house he was a non-believer and it looked like he had different types of worship going on to false gods as well as a demonic idle and false books that destroyed the validity of God. So, now I am here with all this money and I suppose that God is going to allow me to keep it so long as they use it for his purposes and not for my own self fish plans.
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bdrobinson111-blog · 6 years
Captain's Log the 12th recap
Waking up in my new home 733 Pine in Chama New Mexico has been an enjoyable get the fuck out of here adventure for the most part so far. Walking In step with God is easiest way to live and it's the most challenging fun and adventurous. Really it's the only way to live truly. So I woke up and made a large deposit up information through Tumblr via my last post and I realize that I'm going to be here for some time. One of the first things I did is I clear the house of evil spirits and all paraphernalia associated with any evil spirits and I burn them down and Alleyway nearby. I decided that it was about the right time to start reading my book reversing Hermon which is about the story of the Watchers and how their sin affected Humanity. My day has been first with many walks dealing with evil spirits in this area as well as reading that book on and off at one point I took a walk in blaze the trail toward the end of the road cross the river in my shoes picked up a piece of animal bones brought it to the top of the nearby Hill broke the animal bones yelled at the Devil crushing the leadership of the demon skull over this region and took a little rest with the Lord after listening to a bunch of music on my phone and with my wireless earbuds spirit.
I blazed another Trail back down the hill and went back to my house and begin to read again in the air was clear this time I could read without getting all these crazy negative atmospheric thoughts that I had to constantly rebuke and I was able to concentrate on the scriptures and the inspired information that God had for me to learn today.
I also returned a couple of Bluetooth batteries and lights back to Family Dollar and exchanged it for a large Bluetooth speaker which I use to worship God in my house and Jesus was glorified here and after that the reading was really easy I could read and read and read without having to deal with thoughts coming in to try and distract me from Understanding God's word. So after reading I walked down the road the main Highway South and was just in prayer and was looking for food and I went to the end of the road and the Lord said that as I walked back into town I had caught the wind of the spirit blowing into town and as that happened I addressed evil spirits from business-to-business and handle them very swiftly and continued my way through the town to Family Dollar once again why I picked up $25 worth of groceries which were hand-picked by God and as he showed me what to get was quite amazing. I returned home after handily dealing with some stray dogs that wanted to kill me and also just some other evil things that I had to deal with along the way and I returned home to find a warm place ready for me to live in as well as enjoy a meal so I made some food with some dessert and I ate and after that I have some tea and some Neo and I spilled some on the floor and I still too much salt in the eggs in the Lord told me those happen for a reason and I'm still not sure why God allowed a piece of brownie to be sitting on the floor in the between the kitchen in the living room and the why there's a lot of salt on some eggs like a lot of salt and I have a feeling that he wants me to be the salt of the earth I know that but things that happened in the natural. So if God wants me to eat a lot of salt then that means that he wants me to give that salt to the world which is good and I'm excited about giving more salts the world because I am the salt of the world I am the light of the world the Holy Spirit lives in me I am a Son of God I am connected being of God.
So now I have just finished reading more of the book reversing Hermon and it's time for bed and that's why I am writing this message two firm that the day is over and that it's time to go to bed so that I can enjoy another day tomorrow free of worry and concern and enter into the joy of the Lord.
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bdrobinson111-blog · 6 years
Notoriety review September 28th 2018 through October 12th 2018
I was never foreign to hearing the voice of God. So it came easy for me to hear him and to disembark on the journey that he had created for me. It was about 9 when I left the store with my little bag full of just my basic life Essentials. I called an Uber and the woman who picked me up was a witch herself. Claiming Christianity and all that but not realizing that she had been leading herself and everyone around her stray, I battled with her all the way to the bus station and 1. She was questioning me like the devil does asking me if I really heard God's voice. God showed me just after which that my voice that I hear in my head and his voice are closely identical and here's why. I have confessed every syllable of the word of God and I'm drinking from it God and I have identical desires. We Are One.
When I got out of the car of the Uber I was strengthened by the Lord in his voice showing me that he was leaving me out. At the Greyhound station God was speaking to me and telling me just go just get out of here just go so I was looking for any tickets at all any opening that would lead me out of town the quickest way possible and the really only place that would take me was Lordsburg New Mexico. Earlier that same day I had dropped by a Salvation Army Thrift Store and picked up a hat that said New Mexico on it. It made sense and it was my way out so I paid something like I don't remember how much money I paid but I was able to get out of Phoenix and took the seem to be about a 3 a.m. bus ride to Lordsburg New Mexico.
After disembarking the bus I walked directly over to the Quality Inn or the Comfort Inn actually and walks right in for the front door walk down the hall upstairs around the corner down the stairs and into an open room where I went to the bathroom and walked in and was looking for his phone and left and so he had been living there and so I took his place after he had left and shut the door locked it slept for a while enjoy some time to myself and realize that God has led me into a room for free that was going to help me to re-energize myself. After a few hours the hotel workers caught wind of the fact that the door was locked and that the man had checked out so they asked me politely to leave. I laughed and walked around Lordsburg for about 5 hours picking up some batteries and supplies some different objects that would help me on my journey cuz I realize that this journey wasn't going to end. And I need to be prepared. So after inspecting bus routes train routes and other ways of travel the Lord spoke through me to a man outside of Dollar General in Lordsburg she was from the area and started to speak to me about this idea of walking to Silver City which was about 45 miles away. My feet were already a little bit cramped and so I wasn't really too sure about walking long distances. But after praying and asking God what he would have me do he asked me to go to Silver City and walk there. I walked through town saw some sites relaxed here and there drink my water ate my candies drink my tea took it easy and got about 3 miles outside of town towards Silver City and stoop down to look at a grasshopper a big one on the ground which I hadn't seen in awhile and right as I was standing back up a man pulls over with his truck to pick me up.
The truck driver and I well it was a GMC truck a nice one brand new would she have rented, we had a conversation. We were talking about him being a minor and me hearing God's voice and following him into the great unknown everyone I come in contact with here's what God is saying to them. I'm just continually speak what God is saying and just naturally because that's who I am I'm a judge prophet. So he drops me off in Silver City I do some research and walk around town and it turns out the town as a drug-infested polluted demonic terrible place for people to live. I'm so overwhelmed by the confusion of the land that I walk over to a policeman and ask for directions and the policeman even ignores me it was actually a police woman and drives off. But right behind her was a man with his son who saw the interaction and stopped to assist me. He brought me up to Walmart and then over to a motel. We had a great conversation about God and about the layout of the land and about the people in the culture and God's purposes and God's purposes for his life his name was Reagan. I touched his son on the head and bless them as they drop me off at the motel. As I realized that the motel had demons and idolatry and the worship of Hindu gods which is idolatry I passed on and went into Denny's for some food. In Denny's my server was on drugs and the place was a mess spiritually I ate what book to be mozzarella stick sandwich with tomato soup to dip it in. After leaving Jenny's going to the most Motel 6 paying $50 for a room showering finding out that the the floor was dirty and there was bugs crawling out of the drains I packed up got my money back and laughed and walked out of town. Miles out of town I Came Upon a church and it was about 11 p.m. in the evening so it was getting late and it was getting cold. God was directing me where there was an Open Door and I went inside turn on the heater laid down slept wrote some stuff on the wall wrote some stuff in the book trash some bad things that were evil and causing them to go astray. I charged my phone and my flashlights in my batteries through the night and woke up and started walking again North East toward what I thought at that time was Wichita Kansas.
Walking walking walking walking long day of walking almost 30 miles that day I walked up through hand over three people stop for me to pick me up but the Lord told me no no no don't let them take you so I was obedient and continued walking despite the fact that my feet were bothering me my whole body was fighting me. When I reached hand over I saw Shrine with the mother Mary being worshipped and it was a porcelain statue in a glass building which was in a community center location on public land and I could tell that it was demonic and that the land was being polluted by this Shrine of devil worship. On the mountains to the Northeast was a monument. It look like someone praying in a rock formation and above it was a large cliff. This place was symbolic because the people of the land had thought it was the mother Mary praying so that they begin for many thousands of years had worshipped Mother Mary created shrines for her and released demonic activity all over the territory because of that. I found the main shrine and when God told me how you wanted me to destroy it I went ahead and did so. In a nearby abandoned and burned down building I found a strong metal object. I felt the force of God's power behind me when I walked up to the shrine knocked down the ornamental worship posts, smashed in the glass, pulled Mother Mary idle down so that its head was sticking out of the window, and proceeded to cut off her head. Let me remind you that mother Mary is in heaven and does not want anyone to worship her or her objects or her idols. She hates idol worship she does not want people to worship her or pray to her she wants people to pray to God this was not her intention. I wasn't methodically cutting off mother Mary's head literally but I was cutting off the power that was holding her to a demonic Realm. It was a glorious moment.
Running low on water and walking North from Hanover I ran into some miners who had a couple of water bottles for me so I continue to walk up up up up up pipe into the mountains and then got a ride from a man down into a valley where another man came out of his house at a fork in the road who turned out to be a very spiritual leader of that specific region firefighter who knew he's we was in God and knew his gifts he gave me some meal he gave me some food for the road and some Waters four of them and we conversed a little bit he left I continued walking about eight more miles where a man picked me up and we had a great conversation about the Lord he was from Silver City and he gave me a tent to give me a blanket we went to the top of the pass Elkhorn pass and it was too cold up there so we brought me down to Kingston where I slept the night and had an amazing experience I went down to the river showered clean my clothes react my supplies met someone there and left them there walk 7 miles where I got to hitchhike ride down to the valley to the I-25 RV Park area where I started walking up north down the Frontage Road and I walked about 20-something miles toward Independence got a little bit of a ride from some a couple of guys and for about five miles and walk through Williamsburg and in Independence. Now I was constantly trying to get better supplies and seeing what would work best for my journey however it's surprised me that when I try to look for stuff outside of God's Providence things just didn't work out so I just began to listen to God for what I needed and he was showing me exactly what that was.
So, at the end of town of Truth or Independence after walking many many miles after flipping off the devil screaming and shouting down every evil force through tongues interpretation through power through God's might that he's put inside me I came up on a Denny's at the end of Truth or Independence where I was hungry I wasn't listening to the Holy Spirit and I went in there where there was witches serving meals I ended up getting caught in a bit of a standoff with them and I left walked to the top of a hill about two miles north of Town took authority of the devil walk down back into town got my belongings went to Sonic got a ice cream dessert and walks about 8 or 9 miles to Rattlesnake Island which was in the middle of the lake just near elephant town and found a shower and clean myself and got my tents and my blanket and slept on the top of Rattlesnake Island. The moon Rose looks like a bowl is what one of the most beautiful Moon Over the lake God and I were having amazing moments together as he was sharing me his heart and sharing with me what he had for my life and all the amazing things that he wanted for me and all of that.
In the morning time I walked out of Rattlesnake Island and into the town north of Rattlesnake Island and went into a community Diner had some food and continued walking North many many miles of toward the airport was thinking about chartering a flight to Wichita that didn't work out so I continued walking many many many miles north and at the end of the day after hardship my feet after talking to God after having many things happen between me and. In the spirit Realm I ended up at 11:11 p.m. at Red Rock. I had destroyed many many shrines in tribute to the dead worshiping the Dead along the way. At Red Rock it was about midnight or close to it and I decided I was going to start a fire to stay warm so that I can sleep near the fire and survive the cold night. Just after starting the fire of policemen showed up and another one did and they inspect me and they picked me up and took me North about 7 miles to a place where there was a warm room or warm bed shower everything that I needed to survive and I woke up the next morning ate some breakfast got some supplies got some water and pay twenty bucks and started marching My Way North again. Along this journey I did realize that my placement was with witches and so God had been forced to place me there and during this journey and throughout my days long it I was completely doing spiritual activities spoken word spelling and other means to disenfranchise the devil and to disagree with any curse or any word I ever spoke of or agreed with anything I ever did that was an agreement with the devil or his people as well as the breaking off of any ties with people that were not of God that did not have a desire to follow God or serve him. So I realized a lot of my stuff that I was carrying was products sin and death and those products were reminding me of my failures and causing me to my mind to go astray and away from God's peace. So I was Desiring to get rid of all of my belongings but as time went on I realized I couldn't because I needed those things to survive so God was sharing with me I will replace your belongings soon.
I walked through a wildlife preservation off of off of Road One where mosquitoes are attacking me I felt like the devil was eating me alive and I was started running away from him and say God save me and across the railroad tracks and mosquitoes stopped and contoured San Antonio. At the end of the east side of San Antonio large cluster of sticks and Fire Starting materials on a construction site. It was about midnight now and it was cold and I didn't have the proper gear and I was out of water and God led me to a water source at that time of night no no stores were open and let me do the fire where I started it laid down by the fire and soon enough some people stop gave me a bed gave me some clothes give me some supplies and in the morning time I walked into town had some food and the Lord said today the day arrest so I took my bedding I took my stuff down to the river set up camp had a had a three naps throughout the day and just relax after walking mini almost a hundred miles at that point my feet were very sore they were already giving me problems like blisters. After the day of rest I woke up packed up left my belongings just what I needed the Lord is constantly told me hey this is what you need this what you don't need so I left that tent on the Rattlesnake Island and I left the the bedding there at the at the campsite near the river and walked into town got some food and gave people God's word at the bar and at the community Diner and the day before the electric went off when I was there and it never happened before and I had to stop so happen to be wearing a hat from Socorro that someone giving me the night before and it was a sign was amazing there so many signs I'm not going to go into all the signs and all the different things that God was sharing and showing me throughout my adventure but he was constantly sharing showing giving me directions or numbers words visual sounds senses smell I even found some oil on the ground and I was told an angel had dropped it for me and it was closed which is a oil. So I preached to the people of the town on my way out told them like it was told him to destroy their idols and continue to North and I walked up to fast Socorro going to get my teeth repaired and cold but I encountered a principality which I dealt with and sent to hell a man came to me and wanted to kill me and the Lord protected me I flicked off some evil spirits I went to the edge of town destroyed a place where there was raped insistent murder happening burned their couches and their ornamental sacraments. I continued walking North went to the police station went across the freeway surgery walking North again and realized that it was getting late I had nowhere to go and I needed to continue to seek God for where to stay and how to survive out there.
So, God let me down this path where there were trees many many many trees that have been uprooted and laid on the side of the road. God told me that these trees represented all the routes I planted in my life that were not of him that were chaos and all the work that I had accomplished in all the relationship side built for no reason because they weren't built to last they weren't built on the Kingdom of Heaven the Eternal Kingdom. So to stay warm and to obey the Lord I started to gather in trees or in them on the side of the road, on a secluded Road north of Socorro New Mexico and methodically burned every single route that I've ever had every single relationship every single word every single thing that I've ever done that was outside of God's Will and perfect plan for my life I burned it all. During the night a man came bye spoke to me for a moment was collecting cans and carried on down the road. Later the Holy Spirit revealed to me that that was God. God himself. In the morning when I walk down the road there work and everywhere and I realize that this man was not merely collecting cans. God I visited me in the night when I was destroying all that was not have him in my life.
That was a very miserable night for me. But in the morning I started walking North again after over 20 miles of walking I realized that my shoes we're not working out and the Lord told me to just leave them on the side of the road as he told me to do with different things at different times or throw things away or get rid of things or whatever just listening to his voice and heating it and obeying it so I dropped my shoes and started walking with socks and I walked another 10 miles or so actually more like 15 over to the I-25 and up toward a road buy an RV park near I think it was the 60 which headed toward mountainair. At the RV park connected with the man who is in charge he was a police officer he helped me and I got my clothes cleaned and at the end of the night he called for a policeman to take me up north to Belen to a Walmart so I can get better supplies. I was up all night looking for supplies at Walmart I spent over $600 hours in the Lord help me to get great supplies that would encourage me on my journey through mountainair. After walking out of the Walmart in the morning time I realize that the Lord has been speaking to me for many years about getting a tooth removed that had been put there by a witch. So I was right on it I paid them about $100 plus $100 and walked out of town started toward mountainair and I was feeling the power of the Holy Spirit I walk through a golf club minister to some people got some food walks out of their walk to a Mennonite plays preach the gospel there. A ride North a couple of miles and then walked another 15 or so miles east south Southeast toward mountainair up the 47th I think and then was picked up by a man who was the spiritual leader of mountainair he had been living on the land which had old Indian Ruins on it many many many Indian Ruins from 300 plus years ago and he was encouraged by me and in the Lord to follow the ways of the Lord.
The Lord will speak to me about not shaking hands with anybody do not come in agreement with them in their life for their spiritual activities and so I was with this man the spiritual leader John and he dropped me off in front of his the Indian Ruins and he drove off to his house but before we left so I went over to the Indian ruins found out that they were doing human sacrifices back in the day felt the spiritual condemnation of the land south of demonic started rebuking started casting away and walked out of there in one piece and walked North again toward mountainair and realized after dark that I shake it to his hand and agreed with something evil. I was frightened that I had lost the spiritual battle in that started we didn't win against the spiritual powers of Darkness over that region but after walking on the train tracks and train sounding the Lord revealed to me that we had indeed despite my inadequacy of shaking the bands hand 1 + and that we had one and that jobs where have gone forth and broken true to that man and the land was going to be healed from the curse that I've been on it due to all of the evil that have been committed on it years past. After walking another 8 miles or so policeman picks me up bring me to a Family Dollar where I experience some breakthrough in the atmosphere and then he picks me up again and takes me to a motel where I pay $40 for a night sleep.
In the morning I Rose and was encountered by a witch was trying to get me kicked out before I was supposed to leave and trying to fuck up my my timing with God so she called the policeman he turned out to be a Christian he gave me the time I needed I packed up walked out of there toward Williams I think her it was East and so I walked out of there walked toward Vaughn. It was getting later in the day I was walking in the middle of nowhere very few cars getting cold I didn't have the proper gear there is no trees there was no wood there was just a real way brush and no towns for another 30 miles and I didn't feel comfortable asking for transportation at that juncture God was telling me that he wanted me to go out into the Wilderness with nothing and trust him to provide warmth for me. So I walked out north I walked on the middle nowhere it was about 11 at night it was getting cold I walk on the other side of the I stopped and I asked how am I getting warm I'm freezing he said go straight forward so I walk straight for he told me to stop so I stopped told me to go right so I went right straight ahead and sure enough would pieces of railroad. That I could use to start a fire. The fire wasn't starting so I asked again I said I need some brush I need something to start this very it's fire cuz it rained earlier the day and he led me to some brush and some more wood and I started the fire and it kept me alive until about 3 in the morning where a train operator stopped and called the police and had them pick me up and take me to I think it was Escobar Northwest for Escondido something like that so I went to there and I walked they dropped me off at the gas station that was open for 24 hours I got some coffee and got something to eat I walked North the Lord took me to a abandoned Barn that had the words God will provide he will bless you he will keep you it was like Deuteronomy 88 or something or 18/8 and so I slept there for a little while I had a really bad dream and realize that I needed to attack the devil and so I walked back into town got some food at the gas station walk to the library and did some spiritual stuff did some things for my business the way that God wanted to provide for me and and then after taking a nap here and there and recharging my batteries I laid on the community table peed on near the community Grill as a sign that this Grill belongs to God I didn't pee actually on the place where people cook food I peed on the side of the grill and I walked North again Moriarty and 20 some miles to waste that was warm and he led me to an open hotel room again laundry and food so I showered and cleaned up and slept and left and walked out got a ride to Walmart and returned about $300 worth of belongings that didn't work in the cold. Left from there got a lift two REI north of Albuquerque soak the word of God to her got my supplies at REI which was Divine Providence by the way I met a woman their name Zoe who was like a mother to me helps me and have connection with God.
I walked from REI North down a Canal area and walks walks walks God led me to a place where I could lay my new sleeping bag which was a down comforter sleeping bag and sleep and in the morning time I woke and it was something like 200 hot air balloons right over my head when I woke up period large crowds had formed and I wanted to get away from the crowds and back into a place where I got an I could have some peaceful encounters together but interview to do so I need to climb up onto a wall walk down a wall which was normally I would have been afraid of but I walked on a very narrow wall, got down on the other side and after Walking 50 yards on the wall and got three of the commotion started walking the Lord was leading me I walked down to a train station where I took a train North to a major city north of Albuquerque. On the train I stood up preached to all of the people about 50 some people they mocked me they persecuted me and the train conductor told me to stop so I did when I got off the train I Saint REI again and so I went over to REI and replace the jacket that I had that I bought it REI that was not completely waterproof and I wanted to get a thermal for my upper body. After a battle and funds being low I was unable to get the thermal but I did preach to the people there who hated God. I walked into town caught a bus and took it all the way up to another town where I met a man who was from Gone use helping me and I got on another bus I went North and met a man on that bus was a prophet and I encouraged him he got off and I continue to Chama and had the bus driver drop me off at a certain location walked over to Family Dollar got some supplies the Holy Spirit was speaking to me as he always does he led me to a house in Chama and guided me to open a window of the house which had been abandoned fully furnished water was working hot water electricity and I went in through the window nudged it open and here now and I'm in bed and I am recuperating from my 230 plus mile walk and journey through New Mexico which was all God's plan for me.
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bdrobinson111-blog · 6 years
Captain's Log 1012 2018
Millennium's go I was thought of by God. I was an inkling in his mind. This is how it all began for me. This is how it all began for every one of God's creatures. It all started in his imaginative mine. From the time I was born or conceived on this plane called Earth and the reality thereof., I am a prophet of God. Me and my own nature as God's son has never sinned I've never committed crimes I have never injured or harmed any human being or myself. The problem that I had to deal with was the sin nature that every human being has to deal with in their lifetime. They must fight off the devil and all his demons, they must fight off an experiment of the flesh, which is dirt and water, and they must fight off every other human being the stands in the way of them doing what God has for their life and fulfilling their destiny. Quite a lot to overcome in order to be free right?
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bdrobinson111-blog · 6 years
Commander's log October 12th 2018
I am going on my second week of the most amazing adventure I've ever had in my life. So far it has been overcoming obstacles challenges trials the cold pain and difficult interactions with people. I have walked well over a hundred and fifty miles probably more like so far from near Lordsburg New Mexico up to Belen over to mountainair up around the horn of the mountains and to Albuquerque. This is Venture is only made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit leading guiding and directing every step of the way. I have seen the hand of God Work miraculously day after day after day moment after moment after moment step after step after step. This is not a journey to be taken lightly this is dangerous one misstep and I could be dead or Worse. There are a lot of shady characters out here a lot of bad places and a lot of misinterpretation that can occur that can cause me to be put in jail stranded stripped naked or worse. This morning I woke up near a balloon event hot air balloon event with over 250 hot air balloons flying up above me as I woke. It was quite a spectacle this morning as I began to be here and be awoken to the sound of burning gas filling up warming the air and filling the balloons with hot air causing them to rise and fall different increments. I was guided last night by gone to a specific location a very specific spots to lay my sleeping bag down and fall asleep. It appears as though he wanted to show me the balloons when I woke up a little bit of change of pace. I believe he also wanted to show me the crowds have me walk through them and prove to me he will fulfill his promises. No special reservations were taken, no plans were made, and there were no protocols to follow. I have become completely free to serve God the best I know how which is to listen to his voice, he the voice of his word, obey him, and trust that he will catch me when I jump.
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
Tell me what you really want me to know
I spent most of my life, trying to figure out, how to follow Jesus! Now that I have him, I am so at peace! It was worth the adventure, the hardships, the pain, the suffering, the close encounters with death, the neglect and despair! I am 28 years old, and I am walking in step with Jesus Christ on a spiritual level! All I can say to this, it's nothing short of a miracle! God has been orchestrating my life from the foundations of the world! He has been putting together the pieces of my existence to create in me a product that can reproduce righteousness for all mankind! The life-giving water of Jesus, the power of his suffering, the power of his resurrection and this life with the spirit of truth gives us a product that's the greatest form of life insurance the world is ever seen! It's not something that we buy with money or barter or bribe with! It's an exchange! We give ourselves: body, soul, and spirit to God and He perfects us in the image of Jesus, and gives us new life! I've seen the world! I've had great riches! I noticed an experienced great success and power! The problem with these things apart from Jesus is that they are meaningless! The Bible says "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you". The question we must ask ourselves is: What kingdom is my life built on? Am I built in the kingdom of this world or the Kingdom of God? Is my life, my family, my stuff, my relationships, everything, and every part of me, is it connected to the Kingdom of God, built in the power and the love of God or has it been built by the pleasures, the lusts, the foolishness of this world? This is the hardest truth for any person to receive! Because it means that in order to have God's purposes fulfilled in their lives they must lose their lives! Jesus taught this truth to the man with great riches who came to him who had fulfilled all the Commandments who lived a good life, a righteous life but was unwilling to give up his riches because he wanted to hold on to what he had earned, what he worked for! Again, people of planet earth, I say to you, if you lose your life for the sake of Jesus Christ you will find it! I am a living testimony of this! Seriously! God will take care of you! You can trust him! You can trust him at his word! He will not lie he will not lie to you! If he says he will protect you, keep you and provide for you; He will come through on his promise! I literally gave everything up in my life to follow Jesus! I gave over my relationships with my family, with my church, with my community, with my school, I gave up all my stuff, all my money, every earthly possession you can think of has been given over to the Lord except I think for a tennis racket that I forgot to throw away or giveaway before I left my parents house but for real my stuff my life was gone! I gave it all away to have Jesus! Guys! There is no greater thing in the world than to know Jesus Christ the Savior of the world! People are seeking relationships in their lives; that's what we're all looking for in our lives. We want money, we want power, we want things so that we can have a relationship, so that we can have connections, so we can have comfort! The one relationship that is the best relationship that anyone and every person can have is Jesus and we are no longer troubled by the fact that he's asking for our entire lives. Remember the disciples? They were people that were just willing to give up everything to folllow and that's what He's looking for, disciples!
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
It is been an amazing journey!
I have been to another psych ward! Over the last three weeks, I have experience the most amazing powerful transformation in my life! God has made me Christ! And anointed one! One that serves God! Knows God! Loves God! And is loved by God! I'm so excited because there is an abundance of and beginning of life through Jesus Christ my Savior!
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
God is resetting my finances! I have $0.00 pennies! Fantastic right? Yes, God is doing at work and my financial world and he is going to be in charge of it and I'm putting him in that place of honor in that place of power! When God's in charge everything's good! So much is going on in my life right now! There's a battle over my house and the Spirit realm! There's a battle over my neighborhood in the spirit realm! There's a battle over my workplace in the spirit realm! There is a battle over my church in the spirit realm! God is giving me eyes to see in the spirit realm! I'm still learning how to use the glasses that he gave me that help me see! But I'm understanding day by day more and more that my war is not against man! It's against the devil! So I'm squishing them under my feet! he had no power! I've had some ups and downs in my pursuit of loving people and heating evil! But God is so faithful and so graceful to continue to uphold me even when I stumble! He's not letting me fall! I see you're such an amazing God with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as a guide and i'm privileged to be a part of his work and his kingdom! So much good is coming out of my family! My dad prophesied over me the other day my mom is been encouraging me and speaking truth into my life and helping me to get in the right direction when I get off course! So much God is going on and I'm just thanking God for his faithfulness!
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
The Lord is good!
So, I gave all my money away spent it all. Guess who told me to do that? You guessed right it was the Holy Spirit. I don't have a single dime not even a penny in my bank account right now but I'm filled with joy peace and righteousness! My circumstances financially don't depict the way I feel! What depicts the way is Jesus Christ in me the hope of glory!!! So, I have been seeking the Lord and his word, and through people! My dad, spoke to me about the Lord and about the revelation of Jesus. He basically told that Jesus is the center of the universe and that he holds the world in his hands! To summit up he prophesied over me, declare God's goodness over me, and God sonship about me! He spoke about the seven churches. The seven stars, the seven lampstands, my dad told me that the church at Philadelphia is the church that we want to be like! It's the church that Jesus found to be perfect without fault!I want to be a part of that church!
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
So, the devil has been really ripping me up lately and coming after my family, coming after my life, coming after my finances, coming after me as a person; my reputation and I just got fed up. So I went out today to the mall and I started preaching the name of Jesus and kingdom of God in the middle of the mall in front of hundreds of people. Some youth came up to me and they were asking questions and they wanted to know about Jesus. I told them all about Jesus and told him about his love for them and I gave a prophetic word to one of them and I anointed three of them with oil. I love preaching the gospel.!!! I love talking about Jesus in public! God really backs me and provides me with the level of power required. Also at the mall I met a woman who cleans the floors and cleans up after people and she was so thankful that I came in! I told her that God was going to use her to change the mall and to do miracles in the mall. Earlier today I made a video on Facebook live that talked about part of my testimony as well as Jesus in the Kingdom of God. It was my first real official blatant attack on the kingdom of darkness from a social media platform. I have been receiving messages from God obviously. He's been speaking to me about a app called Nextdoor where I can actually reach my neighborhood through that site. So I've been sharing about God on there and it's been amazing, people are getting touched by God.! I spent the last few dollars that were in my bank account and basically put all my change into gas for my car. So I'm at a zero balance in my finances right now and I am full of faith and joy right now and I'm not concerned about that and it really can only come from God and the awareness of his presence with me. I'm learning to trust God for new things each day and believe him and take him at his word to provide, for tact, and to protect me. So excited about what God is doing and how He is moving in my life as well as in the lives of people around me. My family will be saved! My church will be saved! My neighborhood will be saved! My city will be saved! My state will be saved! God is going to use me to touch the world for His glory! And as I face the mountains I have, I only look to Jesus for the power and the ability to overcome every obstacle standing in my way. Praise God!!!
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bdrobinson111-blog · 7 years
As of late
God is been speaking to me about business finance and the kingdom work. I have been hearing from the voice of God for the last three weeks very clearly and walking in the Spirit. Now God gives the spirit to those who ask and to those who seek. Blessed and humbled to be able to be called the son of God and to be able to work for him. But tonight I went to Church for the Nations downtown Phoenix Arizona off of Central and near Bethany home and this guy named Joey prophesied over me and confirm everything that God is speaking to me; concerning business finance and the Kingdom of God and all the things that I've been doing. Praise Jesus Christ for his unfailing love and his sacrifice which enabled me to be able to have life and have business and have family and have all the wonderful things that life is.
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