beachcavejim · 1 year
Trading Standards,Violence and Stupidity
It all started on a cold and frosty Friday morning. I had managed to get help writing up a CV in order to apply for work and handed it out in various locations, a small newspaper shop got back to me the same day. After arriving for what i thought was an informal chat about the job i was whisked behind the till and told that the job is cash in hand £6 per hour ,this is significantly lower than standard minimum wage. I was a bit freaked out at this as its clearly not legal but i really really needed some extra money in my pocket, especially since i have always refused to sit in a doorway and beg people for there money, it feels so shameful and i just cant bring myself to ask people like that. So after being yanked behind the till and shown how to use it in a very quick and simplified way, i was left alone in the shop to do a 6 hour shift, this got incredibly stressful very quickly for a multitude of reasons including not being shown how to use the lottery ticket machine or pay out scratchcards , how to change the paper in the card reader,the till and the lottery machine, also not shown how to refund a card purchase in case of accidental overcharge or even what the refund policy was if they even had one haha. The first 3-4 hours passed by quite smoothly ,the only thing that annoyed me was the amount of children trying to get me to sell them vape pens. I bent over to tie my shoe and when i stood up straight again, there she was , the boss of all Karen's. As she stood there you could feel the disgust and eagerness to complain about something on her breath, those insanely wide eyes filled with fire and rage to the point she was almost trembling, she had the classic Karen hairstyle and along with that she had five children in tow, God knows if they were all from the same father but i very much doubted it. That is when she began to speak , i could smell the vodka and cigarettes on her breath instantly from the first words out of her mouth that was also pierced in many places that she clearly never cleaned since they were saturated with crusty yellow stuff all around them. Her voice filled the entire shop as she began to scream. "WHY DIDNT YOU SELL MY SON A VAPE HE DOSENT NEED ID BECAUSE HE HAS MY PERMISSION TO USE THEM, SELL ME THAT ONE RIGHT NOW!" she said, pointing to a box of vapes behind the counter. I tried to explain that just because he has your permission does not mean i can break the law and serve them to a minor. So in comes the second round of shouting and screaming, by this point all of her kids were wrecking the shop , picking everything up and just dropping it on the floor. The second bit went something like this. "WELL IM NOT A MINOR SO SELL IT TO ME , OR I WILL CALL TRADING STANDARDS OUT TO INVESTIGATE YOUR SHOP YOUR JUST A DUMB CASHIER ANYWAY , YOU MUST BE STUPID IF YOUR WORKING HERE ,I BET YOUR POOR TOO" So i begin to try and explain that i cant lawfully serve her for a product that is for people over 18 years old when i have reasonable cause to think that it will be given to a minor , then the 3rd go in the vodka and ciggies scented wind tunnel starts. " WELL FUCK YOU , IM CALLING TRADING STANDARDS , YOUR GONNA GET FIRED FROM YOUR STUPID JOB , I HOPE YOU LOSE IT ,I HOPE YOU SUFFER AND LOSE YOUR HOUSE , I HOPE YOU DIE"
She then stormed out of the shop screaming more insults at me, the only things going through my mind at that point were that trading standards wont give a shit what she says because i did the correct thing by not serving her so knew i was fine there, secondly i was thinking "you hope i lose my house? your a bit late that happend in 2013, thirdly was to try super hard with grounding techniques as to not fly off the rails into a manic PTSD episode because when this happens it puts not only me in danger but possibly other memebers of the public too. So i closed the shop shutter for 5 minuets to gather myself and calm down a little. After doing this i opend the shutter again , it was open no more than 5 seconds when a guy comes in screaming me down claiming i told his wife to fuck off and die after she tried to buy a vape, she had clearly just told him i said to her what she said to me because she knew she was in the wrong or she wouldnt of needed to lie. This was incredibly scary having been the victim of multiple violent attacks , one of which i got stabbed in and nearly died , as well as SA on multiple occasions, these attacks are the cause of my extremely bad PTSD. So when this guy came in i was so scared it was gonna be another attack and i was sadly right, it was another attack, he jumped behind the counter and grabbed a fist full of my hair , it was very long because i can rarely afford a haircut. He then proceeded to slam my head into the tobacco stand behind me several times before punching me in the face multiple times , by this point my mouth was pouring with blood with teeth all over the floor , i was then thrown to the ground before he ran off, strangly he didnt steal anything. After i regained conciousness properly i just shut the shop early and went to the hospital , i was severly concussed and i kept getting confused and lost even though i knew the hospital was only 20 mins walk away it took 2 hours to get there, they couldnt do anything for me apart from asess the head injury to make sure there wasnt a brain bleed then sent me on my way with instructions to visit the dental hospital as soon as i can, so now half my top row of teeth are totally gone forever, Talk about a crazy first day lol, i never went back. i hope you enjoyed reading this one , dont be afraid to use the ask me anything button on my page , this will be good to think of ideas for the next one , im thinking about one of my tales of when i was in rehab or one about some of the mad situations i ended up in during my LSD binge back in 2014, im 708 days clean from drugs and alcohol today , still sucks to be homeless tho. love to you all JIM
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