bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
okay Jrumblr, let’s take a head count cuz I’m curious
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
ok SO. I was sooo obsessed with Jreg in, like, early 2020 when Centricide was in its heyday. His videos felt so edgy and forbidden, but also like he captured the classic Gen Z vibe of absurdist humor! I came for the insane political takes and stayed for the homoerotic tension between Commie and Ancom. I think the Sanders Sides format done with personified edges of the political compass was a creative idea that worked really well for him. I do think his later stuff, like the whole mental illness series, felt a little bit tired and less fun to watch (even if that was his meta intent—like the videos where he starts to do a bit and then looks straight into the camera and goes “I can’t do this anymore”).
I don’t wait with bated breath for his next video anymore like I used to, but it’s still fun to check in sometimes to get the Jregian take on whatever recent political event has been in the news. I think a lot of the deeper themes Jreg covers in his art, like mental distress caused by isolation, or the disillusion of the youth with the modern political state resulting in either hopelessness or a push toward extremism, are still very relevant and will be for a long time.
I also really vibe with the Jreg fanbase. His fans just seem like people I’d get along with irl—or, at the very least, the kind of people whose antics are entertaining to witness from afar.
What are…your thoughts on Jreg?
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
Name your favorite character from the boys and why 🔫
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I love every moment that he’s on screen. He’s so menacing but so calm…his line about how lashing out in anger is a white man’s luxury really stuck with me. Also, I love how much he cares for Victoria! Their relationship is probably one of my favorite dynamics in the whole show. I’m just a sucker for “evil corporate guy with no morals who still looks out for his own”. Will eat that up every time. Honorable mentions to Victoria Neuman and Soldier Boy, my other favorite characters! Vicky you were a badass and didn’t deserve what you got 😭. SB I’m eagerly awaiting the comeback >>>
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
where’s that post that goes “reblog if you wouldn’t mind some curious anons in your inbox :) !!1!1!!”
I can’t find it, but anyway, same sentiment applies. Send me questions! Send anything! It can be about me or something I post about or even your own hyperfixation I’ve never heard of before. Go forth and be weird in my inbox. >>>
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
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- on childhood loneliness
@aphexxtween on tiktok/ @mazzystarjpg/ mastermind- taylor swift/ the virgin suicides/ @heavensickness/ if you’re anything like me- taylor swift/ pen15/ @mango-season
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
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DA Sinclair being gross about Donald would be funny if not in-character.
There's no way this unhinged garbage clown was remotely normal about having an actual enhanced human on his workplace
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
i think you can reclaim the -pilled and -maxxing suffixes if you want to. I know they have their roots in whatever toxic masculinity sigma male incel communities but i do think everyone should be able to use them without the implication that they’re somehow aligned with that aesthetic.
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bearsbeetstextposts · 1 month
ever since i clocked that david dastmalchian looks like yassified tony hale i haven't stopped seeing it every time he shows up in something i'm watching
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
same vibe as Gob from Arrested Development… (George Oscar Bluth Bluth)
Last name politicians
First name politicians
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
More authors need to write two characters who annoy the hell outta each other, and it comes to a head with them having sloppy hate-sex where they accidentally get too verbally affectionate.
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
wait this is so real. especially the parents thing holy shit
I also don’t know how to describe it but it feels almost like a generational thing? Like when kids/young adults nowadays have trouble coping properly/displaying their emotion in a healthy way, they’re automatically labeled with some sort of mental illness. But when the parents also have unhealthy coping mechanisms, their ways of dealing with it are societally acceptable and don’t require treatment??
It makes me wonder if this is due to the fact that kids/young adults now are growing up in a more mental health-aware world where they know it’s acceptable to seek help for emotional issues, whereas many of the older adults don’t feel that way? Or is it more that each generation has its own set of social norms for what’s mentally healthy and what isn’t, and either interpretation is equally valid. I think we do tend to over-pathologize our mental problems in this day and age…
Sorry for the long reply, I hope I interpreted what you were saying semi-correctly?? I think you’re onto something tho, you should say more!
not a well-composed train of thought here but something that ive always found a bit insanity-inducing is this sort of double standard that emerges when youre someone who overtly struggles with emotional issues...like so many people who are considered mentally healthy/"normal" have dysfunctional thought processes, emotional responses, coping skills, etc. and i notice this constantly bc ive been conditioned both thru therapy and just how people around me have treated me to scrutinize my own behavior and responses to things. but so often they can just exist like that and its chalked up to normal human experience whereas if youre someone who has more outwardly obvious problems everything you do is interpreted in bad faith or treated as something pathological. even if you are having a completely justified response to something! even now with the stability ive worked hard to achieve my behavior is filtered thru this lens by several people in my life (esp my parents) and its like aughhhhh you all do the same type of shit wheres the smoke for yourselves
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
i’m obsessed with aziraphale’s ending. how can someone as clever as you be so stupid. because the clutches of good are so much more dangerous than the clutches of evil. being too attached to a good ideology can so easily push you to do evil to uphold it. belief in your own goodness can so easily blind you to the evil you’re doing. aziraphale wasn’t drugged and he doesn’t love heaven more than crowley, he simply values goodness over evil and believes his idealistic view of goodness to be innocent. he’s been indoctrinated by heaven into this black and white view of it. he thinks goodness is this perfect ideal that can be fought for and achieved. he will turn into fucking robespierre. he will become so obsessed with his goodness and so convinced that he’s right that he will guillotine anyone who tries to stop him. he already is robespierre. he guillotined crowley. not because he didn’t love him but because he’s blinded by an obsession to goodness that isn’t goodness. he can’t bare to see someone he loves go against what he believes is the point of the universe. it’s a mercy killing. and he doubted it so strongly. because subconsciously he knows it all. but he believes he’s good and he wants to be so he will do anything to prove it. it’s so difficult for him to abandon the primary principle of his universe. and i think only when he realises that goodness as he believes it does not exist that he’ll realise. at the guillotine himself he’ll understand. goodness can be just as evil as evil. if heaven destroys the earth it will be just as dead as if hell did it. i highly doubt the moral nuance of this will be continued into season three but boy would i love to see it
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
i mean hey. we've had some good times. remember the week when biden's dogs wouldn't stop biting the secret service?
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
why does Charli xcx “Talk talk” sound like it was written by Luis Carruthers about Patrick Bateman 🤦‍♀️ right down to the “I followed you to the bathroom…but then I felt crazy~”
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
Truly, I think Homelander is a perfect modern-day successor to the character of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Both are psychopath murderers, whose privilege and power in society makes them basically unstoppable. The horror of watching them brutally torture and kill their victims is amplified by the fact that there’s literally nothing those people could do to escape: law enforcement is useless, police can’t overpower them and probably wouldn’t even try, anyway. But whereas Patrick Bateman’s motives are left unclear (he’s a psycho? he just enjoys doing that? he’s bored?), the audience of The Boys gets to see the very realistic and probable reasons why Homelander acts the way he does. He’s traumatized. He wants revenge on the people who wronged him at a time when he, himself, was powerless. This makes him a more sympathetic figure than Bateman, and it’s been fascinating to see Homelander get the same, He’s-Literally-Me, sigma male treatment online as Bateman’s been getting for years, especially since the creators of both of these characters originally intended for them to represent what they saw as the greatest ills of contemporary American society—capitalism and classism, racism, and homophobia.
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bearsbeetstextposts · 2 months
I want Hughie’s dad to wake up. I want Butcher to find a cure to his weird black ear goo and live a nice long life with Ryan as his son. I want Starlight to win the public’s hearts and minds and Homelander to die!! The Boys is the only show I’ve ever watched that’s so fucked up that I’m actually rooting for the main characters instead of siding with the villains…
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