bearsofdeathx · 8 years
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This is an inside joke. Don’t bother.
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bearsofdeathx · 8 years
Sigh... True, and you also don’t have to pay taxes when abroad...
Oh. Wait. Yes you do.
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341K notes · View notes
bearsofdeathx · 8 years
Cmon man...
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341K notes · View notes
bearsofdeathx · 8 years
okay, English speakers, help me settle an argument: reblog this and tag with the state/country you’re from and whether you say me either or me neither
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
Pretty much, yeah. To be fair Savien gets along with most people. Hurray for making it easy?
Avvy or Savien n___n
RIP no Arienne question
JK like I care
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Also Batman.
Basically I really liked the concept of the self-hating anti-hero that Fate/Zero presented in Kiritsugu, and decided such a character would be interesting to write. I ended up deciding that a tragic, self-doubting designated hero would be a cool character to explore thematically, as well as the fact that many of his traits make him seem more like a villain.
S for Savien: A long time ago, before I ever met you guys, I was trawling around for RPs. I started RPing back when I used to play Runescape, and found out the forums had a roleplay section when I was looking for a guild to join. Never got into Runescape roleplays, but the forums hosted a variety of original ones, which I joined.
Once I found out FF was a thing, I looked for cool fantasy and sci fi stuff. One such forum was a medieval one, hosting multiple RPs. One particular one caught my eye, set in Europe during the Dark Ages. I saw that most of the characters were your typical antisocial edgelords who were apparently raised in a razor factory and fed broken glass for breakfast. At the time I used to read a lot of fantasy books from the Conan era, back when multiple short stories starring the same protagonists used to be published in fantasy magazines. One such was Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. The Grey Mouser was a charming, witty thief. Inspired by this, and wanting to counteract the turbulent vortex of negative emo energy that was steadily growing, I created a friendly, witty, womanizing Frenchman Knight, and named him the Knight of Crows. This was the birth of Savien.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
You tell me. Auror quite likes them both, though.
No, seriously. Tell me.
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
They don’t reside on Tumblr, but rephrasing the question to be more pertinent, then the one who has really evolved is Savien, mostly through changing universes. However, Savien has also changed in terms of mindset, and subtle ways in his personality.
Savien has a very complex personal philosophy and set of morals, which are only hinted at through his actions. His sense of chivalry is most definitely not the same as standard chivalry, which will become increasingly apparent. His motivations are also rather complicated.
He’s gone from a knight errant, to a powerful mercenary, to a central character reluctantly involved in the fate of his world.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
A: I stub my toe and use my resulting hatred for all life to write him.
S: Drink wine and say “O-hon-hon-hon-hon” in my best French accent while looking at pictures of swords.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
The Avenger’s only living family are his cousins, Lucius and Adiannon, who he fostered with as a child. Their relationship is… complicated. Currently he wants Lucius dead for his perceived betrayal, but Lucius admires and desperately craves for the Avenger’s approval. The Avenger is rather terrified of Adiannon, who he views as much smarter than she lets on, and the actual most dangerous person in the Erristar family. His fear mostly stems from the fact that as children, she forcibly stole his first kiss from him, and might have gone further had his aunt not found them. He has only met their son, also named Kelias, once, and the young boy was rather intimidated by his uncle.
Caecyn is also a thing, being his sister-in-law, but the Avenger effectively only cares for her because she’s the last thing related to Hareah he has left, besides her bracelets. He will fight tooth-and-nail to protect his wife’s legacy, but he actively dissuades a friendly relationship between the two of them, trying to drive Caecyn away for what he perceives to be her own safety.
S: Savien has two older siblings: Elaine, the oldest and de facto leader of the family, and Ban, a rather angry poet. They both disapprove of his mercenary ways, even if they don’t know the full extent of his activities, but mostly worry for his well-being.Ban will often get into arguments with Savien, resorting to mocking him for his lacking capabilities in the field of reading, writing and general culture, to which Savien will respond by demonstrating the disparity in physical capabilities the two brothers have.
Savien is very popular with Elaine’s children, his niece, Igraine, and nephew, Lionel, who often request gifts that he brings from far-off places, although recently they seem to favour Arienne over him, in the fickle nature of children.
However, perhaps the single most important figure in Savien’s life, Galehaut, is dead. While he will never refer to him as such, the man was a father to Savien, and shaped him into what he is today. Savien still struggles with finding out Galehaut was wrong in certain ways, and shudders when he sees how terrifyingly right he was in others. The new Knight of Crows has a staggering legacy to live up to, for Galehaut did much, from killing the Red Lord to unwittingly saving the entirety of Eun from Carrhen domination, by destroying a First Godwar weapons cache.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
A: Kelias used to value loyalty and humour, and treasured his friends dearly. The Avenger only looks for those who don’t ask too many questions, aren’t perceptive enough to divine his true intentions, and who can be killed should they begin to become problematic.
S: Savien is friendly towards everyone, but the true title of friend is reserved for people who have fought alongside him. He is fiercely loyal to his team of mercenaries, the Raptors, and even forgiving, sparing the life of Stroud, the team’s sorcerer, when he betrayed them.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
A: Kelias was not a man who looked for love, until it smacked him in the face and pulled a knife on him. His and Hareah’s first encounter was violent, as the elf assumed he was attempting to kidnap her younger sister. Eventually, it grew into attraction, as Hareah spent time with the dour young knight, and the man struggled with his enchantment with the woman, an emotion he didn’t understand. Hareah effectively taught him how to be human, and not merely a weapon for the Red Knights, and soothed his wounded heart. She completed him as a human being. Her death has left an irreparable wound in the Avenger’s psyche, and transformed a troubled but ultimately kind man into a cold, lifeless human weapon.
S: Savien is to commitment as cats are to water. Mostly stemming from a single traumatic experience in his youth, where a girl who could be considered his first love, and not merely a fling, told him that he was only fit to be a lover, never a husband. Since then, the few times Savien has committed himself to a woman, they have left him for better, more stable prospects. Savien views love as fickle and ultimately subject to the brutal pragmatism that exerts its iron rule over all life.
This belief is a major factor determining his relationship with Arienne- both distrust or disbelieve the concept of ‘love’, and are afraid to shatter a friendship that both hold incredibly dear.
However, if Savien were to look for a significant other, he would (surprisingly) look past mere physical appearance, and prefer strength of character, a sharp mind, and a resolute steadfastness.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
A: Kelias is naturally lazy. He prefers to do tasks in the most expedient way possible. In his warped mind, that usually devolves into killing everything in sight. Tearing information from a quavering soul is simpler than an interrogation, after all.
S: Savien is incredibly dedicated to everything he does, contrary to his appearance and personality. While he gives off the impression of a happy-go-lucky slacker, Savien works harder than anyone else. He is a man of few but singular talents, and he feels to make up for his great weaknesses in other areas, he needs to train with a singleminded devotion few can rival. Thus, some of his greatest weaknesses become strengths.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
A: Avoid or kill them.
S: Offer a drink and exchange stories next to a warm fire, accompanied by bards’ music.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
A: The Avenger’s happy place used to be the cabin he built in Tern, where Hareah and Caecyn used to live. Now, he still regularly visits the grave he erected for his wife, and plants her favourite flowers, marigolds, around it.
S: Just like Avvy, Savien often goes to Galehaut’s grave when the pressures of the world get to him, and he has questions that he needs answered. Other than that, being a nomad, Savien doesn’t really have a fixed place to return to other than Elaine’s home. Laying in Arienne’s lap usually calms him down, though.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
A: The smell of freshly cut flowers, Hareah used to arrange bouquets to decorate their home with using flowers from the forest nearby, and the smell would always greet him when he came home.
S: The smell of Arienne in general.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
A: The Avenger is particularly partial towards a kind of apple pie made near Fleetrun, only served during festival season.
S: Savien absolutely adores the merill fruit, a sweet mango-like fruit that grows in the southern reaches of Jindis as well as the Kana Empire, where it is called the goya fruit. It also makes for delicious juice, as well as with ice cream.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
A: Shit-talking Hareah will ensure your death.
S: Insulting Elaine or showing a blatant disregard for the value of human life. Savien doesn’t mind his superiors killing, so long as they realize the weight of their actions. If they don’t, he will kill them in turn.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
A: The Avenger is already living his worst fear.
S: Savien is afraid of dying without having trained an apprentice, but also he secretly fears dying in total anonymity, known only as the Knight of Crows to history.
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
A: Kelias valued bravery and loyalty, as well as mercy. The Avenger values efficiency and ruthlessness. Both look down on cowardice, although the Avenger particularly disdains mercy nowadays.
S: Savien values professionalism and dedication to one’s task, looking down on those who only dedicate half their energy to their duty, in fact often refusing to help those he feels are unwilling to help themselves. He also disapproves of gluttony and corruption.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
A & S: Both are particularly partial to the lures of women (in the Avenger’s case somewhat, but not totally deadened) with a marked preference for buxom women. Savien is vocal about his tastes- the Avenger keeps his silence.
The Avenger is also very fond of cute things, which include but are not limited to fluffy animals, stuffed toys, and cute young women.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
A: The Avenger is haunted every night by a specific nightmare, where he stands in a lake of blood and is slowly pulled under by everyone he has ever killed, in order of earliest to most recent, with the last one always being Hareah, holding him down as he drowns. So yes, he has a guilty conscience.
S: Savien has few regrets in life, mostly stemming from soldiers who died while fighting alongside him, but the philosophy Galehaut instilled in him allows him to move forward. Savien believes that regret is an insult to the person you have regrets about, and that the greatest tribute to the dead is to move forward. However, there is one exception to this, the nightmare period where he was enslaved by the Order of Dawn and forced to kill, kill and kill again at their behest. He still remembers killing the dark-skinned woman, and the pain he felt at the occasion. His branded arm serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed, and also reminds him of why he rejected his fate.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
A: It’s like his job to get injured. He’s basically Kenny.
S: The man is a tapestry of scars. He’s been injured many, many times. He used to take his helmet off rather often in battle, to get better visibility, but his throat was cut by an arrow once, and since then he’s kept the helmet on at all times (this has also instilled his long-term hatred for arrows and archers). He’s trained in first aid and basic surgery, and takes the pain stoically.
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
A&S: Determinator
Pragmatic Hero
A: Jerkass
Designated Hero
Troubled, but Cute
Death Seeker
S: Master Swordsman
The Ace
The Dragon
Blood Knight
The Pornomancer
Everything Sounds Sexier in French
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
A: Multiple. From the sheer embarrassing state he’s been found in by the previous Negotiator, piss-drunk, to more comedic situations, such as when Caecyn walked in on him and Hareah about to make love after he’d been away awhile. Generally speaking, the Avenger keeps his dignity. Although….
A & S: Perhaps more embarrassing for the Avenger, as Savien wasn’t phased at all, but during their first mission together (which cemented Savien’s friendship towards the Avenger, and begrudgingly the other way round as well), the Avenger (then Kelias) was wounded with an arrow through the leg. Savien carried him out of harm’s way.. bridal-style. Kelias spent the next few kilometers, as Savien ran from enemy fire, cursing the mercenary and demanding he be put down. To this day, Savien refers to him as ‘Princess’ due to this incident.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
A: My estate is worth several hundred times this. The fuck do I care.
S: Well I’ve spent most of it on weapons and armour repair, so I guess I’ll spend the rest on blackjack and hookers. Or, more likely, cakes for Arienne as soon as she finds out I got some money. Merde.
23: Any ships for your OC?
A: None.
S: Savien x Arienne, Blackbird ship best ship.
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
A: MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING. And redemption. And character growth.
S: You know that feel when you find out you’re not the protagonist of the action film? That’s what I want to achieve with Savien. He’s the protagonist. He’s Bruce Willis and you’re everything that’s not Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
The Moarkor severed the connection with the afterlife when he killed the Gods, so souls just kinda float around, until they get eaten by Warpzones... or worse.
But if a soul were to find its way into the Caverns, it would either be forced to subject itself to Lucius I’s rule, or get devoured by one of the several million demons milling about and fighting just about everything if they decide to strike out on their own.
Or just get oneshot by Leviathan if they find themself in his Tranquil.
On a writing note, I always feel worse for characters if they get killed before they can fulfill their desires though.
Avvy or Savien n___n
RIP no Arienne question
JK like I care
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Also Batman.
Basically I really liked the concept of the self-hating anti-hero that Fate/Zero presented in Kiritsugu, and decided such a character would be interesting to write. I ended up deciding that a tragic, self-doubting designated hero would be a cool character to explore thematically, as well as the fact that many of his traits make him seem more like a villain.
S for Savien: A long time ago, before I ever met you guys, I was trawling around for RPs. I started RPing back when I used to play Runescape, and found out the forums had a roleplay section when I was looking for a guild to join. Never got into Runescape roleplays, but the forums hosted a variety of original ones, which I joined.
Once I found out FF was a thing, I looked for cool fantasy and sci fi stuff. One such forum was a medieval one, hosting multiple RPs. One particular one caught my eye, set in Europe during the Dark Ages. I saw that most of the characters were your typical antisocial edgelords who were apparently raised in a razor factory and fed broken glass for breakfast. At the time I used to read a lot of fantasy books from the Conan era, back when multiple short stories starring the same protagonists used to be published in fantasy magazines. One such was Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. The Grey Mouser was a charming, witty thief. Inspired by this, and wanting to counteract the turbulent vortex of negative emo energy that was steadily growing, I created a friendly, witty, womanizing Frenchman Knight, and named him the Knight of Crows. This was the birth of Savien.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
You tell me. Auror quite likes them both, though.
No, seriously. Tell me.
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
They don’t reside on Tumblr, but rephrasing the question to be more pertinent, then the one who has really evolved is Savien, mostly through changing universes. However, Savien has also changed in terms of mindset, and subtle ways in his personality.
Savien has a very complex personal philosophy and set of morals, which are only hinted at through his actions. His sense of chivalry is most definitely not the same as standard chivalry, which will become increasingly apparent. His motivations are also rather complicated.
He’s gone from a knight errant, to a powerful mercenary, to a central character reluctantly involved in the fate of his world.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
A: I stub my toe and use my resulting hatred for all life to write him.
S: Drink wine and say “O-hon-hon-hon-hon” in my best French accent while looking at pictures of swords.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
The Avenger’s only living family are his cousins, Lucius and Adiannon, who he fostered with as a child. Their relationship is… complicated. Currently he wants Lucius dead for his perceived betrayal, but Lucius admires and desperately craves for the Avenger’s approval. The Avenger is rather terrified of Adiannon, who he views as much smarter than she lets on, and the actual most dangerous person in the Erristar family. His fear mostly stems from the fact that as children, she forcibly stole his first kiss from him, and might have gone further had his aunt not found them. He has only met their son, also named Kelias, once, and the young boy was rather intimidated by his uncle.
Caecyn is also a thing, being his sister-in-law, but the Avenger effectively only cares for her because she’s the last thing related to Hareah he has left, besides her bracelets. He will fight tooth-and-nail to protect his wife’s legacy, but he actively dissuades a friendly relationship between the two of them, trying to drive Caecyn away for what he perceives to be her own safety.
S: Savien has two older siblings: Elaine, the oldest and de facto leader of the family, and Ban, a rather angry poet. They both disapprove of his mercenary ways, even if they don’t know the full extent of his activities, but mostly worry for his well-being.Ban will often get into arguments with Savien, resorting to mocking him for his lacking capabilities in the field of reading, writing and general culture, to which Savien will respond by demonstrating the disparity in physical capabilities the two brothers have.
Savien is very popular with Elaine’s children, his niece, Igraine, and nephew, Lionel, who often request gifts that he brings from far-off places, although recently they seem to favour Arienne over him, in the fickle nature of children.
However, perhaps the single most important figure in Savien’s life, Galehaut, is dead. While he will never refer to him as such, the man was a father to Savien, and shaped him into what he is today. Savien still struggles with finding out Galehaut was wrong in certain ways, and shudders when he sees how terrifyingly right he was in others. The new Knight of Crows has a staggering legacy to live up to, for Galehaut did much, from killing the Red Lord to unwittingly saving the entirety of Eun from Carrhen domination, by destroying a First Godwar weapons cache.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
A: Kelias used to value loyalty and humour, and treasured his friends dearly. The Avenger only looks for those who don’t ask too many questions, aren’t perceptive enough to divine his true intentions, and who can be killed should they begin to become problematic.
S: Savien is friendly towards everyone, but the true title of friend is reserved for people who have fought alongside him. He is fiercely loyal to his team of mercenaries, the Raptors, and even forgiving, sparing the life of Stroud, the team’s sorcerer, when he betrayed them.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
A: Kelias was not a man who looked for love, until it smacked him in the face and pulled a knife on him. His and Hareah’s first encounter was violent, as the elf assumed he was attempting to kidnap her younger sister. Eventually, it grew into attraction, as Hareah spent time with the dour young knight, and the man struggled with his enchantment with the woman, an emotion he didn’t understand. Hareah effectively taught him how to be human, and not merely a weapon for the Red Knights, and soothed his wounded heart. She completed him as a human being. Her death has left an irreparable wound in the Avenger’s psyche, and transformed a troubled but ultimately kind man into a cold, lifeless human weapon.
S: Savien is to commitment as cats are to water. Mostly stemming from a single traumatic experience in his youth, where a girl who could be considered his first love, and not merely a fling, told him that he was only fit to be a lover, never a husband. Since then, the few times Savien has committed himself to a woman, they have left him for better, more stable prospects. Savien views love as fickle and ultimately subject to the brutal pragmatism that exerts its iron rule over all life.
This belief is a major factor determining his relationship with Arienne- both distrust or disbelieve the concept of ‘love’, and are afraid to shatter a friendship that both hold incredibly dear.
However, if Savien were to look for a significant other, he would (surprisingly) look past mere physical appearance, and prefer strength of character, a sharp mind, and a resolute steadfastness.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
A: Kelias is naturally lazy. He prefers to do tasks in the most expedient way possible. In his warped mind, that usually devolves into killing everything in sight. Tearing information from a quavering soul is simpler than an interrogation, after all.
S: Savien is incredibly dedicated to everything he does, contrary to his appearance and personality. While he gives off the impression of a happy-go-lucky slacker, Savien works harder than anyone else. He is a man of few but singular talents, and he feels to make up for his great weaknesses in other areas, he needs to train with a singleminded devotion few can rival. Thus, some of his greatest weaknesses become strengths.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
A: Avoid or kill them.
S: Offer a drink and exchange stories next to a warm fire, accompanied by bards’ music.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
A: The Avenger’s happy place used to be the cabin he built in Tern, where Hareah and Caecyn used to live. Now, he still regularly visits the grave he erected for his wife, and plants her favourite flowers, marigolds, around it.
S: Just like Avvy, Savien often goes to Galehaut’s grave when the pressures of the world get to him, and he has questions that he needs answered. Other than that, being a nomad, Savien doesn’t really have a fixed place to return to other than Elaine’s home. Laying in Arienne’s lap usually calms him down, though.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
A: The smell of freshly cut flowers, Hareah used to arrange bouquets to decorate their home with using flowers from the forest nearby, and the smell would always greet him when he came home.
S: The smell of Arienne in general.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
A: The Avenger is particularly partial towards a kind of apple pie made near Fleetrun, only served during festival season.
S: Savien absolutely adores the merill fruit, a sweet mango-like fruit that grows in the southern reaches of Jindis as well as the Kana Empire, where it is called the goya fruit. It also makes for delicious juice, as well as with ice cream.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
A: Shit-talking Hareah will ensure your death.
S: Insulting Elaine or showing a blatant disregard for the value of human life. Savien doesn’t mind his superiors killing, so long as they realize the weight of their actions. If they don’t, he will kill them in turn.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
A: The Avenger is already living his worst fear.
S: Savien is afraid of dying without having trained an apprentice, but also he secretly fears dying in total anonymity, known only as the Knight of Crows to history.
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
A: Kelias valued bravery and loyalty, as well as mercy. The Avenger values efficiency and ruthlessness. Both look down on cowardice, although the Avenger particularly disdains mercy nowadays.
S: Savien values professionalism and dedication to one’s task, looking down on those who only dedicate half their energy to their duty, in fact often refusing to help those he feels are unwilling to help themselves. He also disapproves of gluttony and corruption.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
A & S: Both are particularly partial to the lures of women (in the Avenger’s case somewhat, but not totally deadened) with a marked preference for buxom women. Savien is vocal about his tastes- the Avenger keeps his silence.
The Avenger is also very fond of cute things, which include but are not limited to fluffy animals, stuffed toys, and cute young women.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
A: The Avenger is haunted every night by a specific nightmare, where he stands in a lake of blood and is slowly pulled under by everyone he has ever killed, in order of earliest to most recent, with the last one always being Hareah, holding him down as he drowns. So yes, he has a guilty conscience.
S: Savien has few regrets in life, mostly stemming from soldiers who died while fighting alongside him, but the philosophy Galehaut instilled in him allows him to move forward. Savien believes that regret is an insult to the person you have regrets about, and that the greatest tribute to the dead is to move forward. However, there is one exception to this, the nightmare period where he was enslaved by the Order of Dawn and forced to kill, kill and kill again at their behest. He still remembers killing the dark-skinned woman, and the pain he felt at the occasion. His branded arm serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed, and also reminds him of why he rejected his fate.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
A: It’s like his job to get injured. He’s basically Kenny.
S: The man is a tapestry of scars. He’s been injured many, many times. He used to take his helmet off rather often in battle, to get better visibility, but his throat was cut by an arrow once, and since then he’s kept the helmet on at all times (this has also instilled his long-term hatred for arrows and archers). He’s trained in first aid and basic surgery, and takes the pain stoically.
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
A&S: Determinator
Pragmatic Hero
A: Jerkass
Designated Hero
Troubled, but Cute
Death Seeker
S: Master Swordsman
The Ace
The Dragon
Blood Knight
The Pornomancer
Everything Sounds Sexier in French
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
A: Multiple. From the sheer embarrassing state he’s been found in by the previous Negotiator, piss-drunk, to more comedic situations, such as when Caecyn walked in on him and Hareah about to make love after he’d been away awhile. Generally speaking, the Avenger keeps his dignity. Although….
A & S: Perhaps more embarrassing for the Avenger, as Savien wasn’t phased at all, but during their first mission together (which cemented Savien’s friendship towards the Avenger, and begrudgingly the other way round as well), the Avenger (then Kelias) was wounded with an arrow through the leg. Savien carried him out of harm’s way.. bridal-style. Kelias spent the next few kilometers, as Savien ran from enemy fire, cursing the mercenary and demanding he be put down. To this day, Savien refers to him as ‘Princess’ due to this incident.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
A: My estate is worth several hundred times this. The fuck do I care.
S: Well I’ve spent most of it on weapons and armour repair, so I guess I’ll spend the rest on blackjack and hookers. Or, more likely, cakes for Arienne as soon as she finds out I got some money. Merde.
23: Any ships for your OC?
A: None.
S: Savien x Arienne, Blackbird ship best ship.
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
A: MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING. And redemption. And character growth.
S: You know that feel when you find out you’re not the protagonist of the action film? That’s what I want to achieve with Savien. He’s the protagonist. He’s Bruce Willis and you’re everything that’s not Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
You know that moment in a series where a guy has finally realized his faults, or come to accept he loves someone, or decided that he’s going to set his past behind him and fight for good with everything he has?
And then he gets slaughtered not two seconds later?
Avvy or Savien n___n
RIP no Arienne question
JK like I care
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Also Batman.
Basically I really liked the concept of the self-hating anti-hero that Fate/Zero presented in Kiritsugu, and decided such a character would be interesting to write. I ended up deciding that a tragic, self-doubting designated hero would be a cool character to explore thematically, as well as the fact that many of his traits make him seem more like a villain.
S for Savien: A long time ago, before I ever met you guys, I was trawling around for RPs. I started RPing back when I used to play Runescape, and found out the forums had a roleplay section when I was looking for a guild to join. Never got into Runescape roleplays, but the forums hosted a variety of original ones, which I joined.
Once I found out FF was a thing, I looked for cool fantasy and sci fi stuff. One such forum was a medieval one, hosting multiple RPs. One particular one caught my eye, set in Europe during the Dark Ages. I saw that most of the characters were your typical antisocial edgelords who were apparently raised in a razor factory and fed broken glass for breakfast. At the time I used to read a lot of fantasy books from the Conan era, back when multiple short stories starring the same protagonists used to be published in fantasy magazines. One such was Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. The Grey Mouser was a charming, witty thief. Inspired by this, and wanting to counteract the turbulent vortex of negative emo energy that was steadily growing, I created a friendly, witty, womanizing Frenchman Knight, and named him the Knight of Crows. This was the birth of Savien.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
You tell me. Auror quite likes them both, though.
No, seriously. Tell me.
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
They don’t reside on Tumblr, but rephrasing the question to be more pertinent, then the one who has really evolved is Savien, mostly through changing universes. However, Savien has also changed in terms of mindset, and subtle ways in his personality.
Savien has a very complex personal philosophy and set of morals, which are only hinted at through his actions. His sense of chivalry is most definitely not the same as standard chivalry, which will become increasingly apparent. His motivations are also rather complicated.
He’s gone from a knight errant, to a powerful mercenary, to a central character reluctantly involved in the fate of his world.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
A: I stub my toe and use my resulting hatred for all life to write him.
S: Drink wine and say “O-hon-hon-hon-hon” in my best French accent while looking at pictures of swords.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
The Avenger’s only living family are his cousins, Lucius and Adiannon, who he fostered with as a child. Their relationship is… complicated. Currently he wants Lucius dead for his perceived betrayal, but Lucius admires and desperately craves for the Avenger’s approval. The Avenger is rather terrified of Adiannon, who he views as much smarter than she lets on, and the actual most dangerous person in the Erristar family. His fear mostly stems from the fact that as children, she forcibly stole his first kiss from him, and might have gone further had his aunt not found them. He has only met their son, also named Kelias, once, and the young boy was rather intimidated by his uncle.
Caecyn is also a thing, being his sister-in-law, but the Avenger effectively only cares for her because she’s the last thing related to Hareah he has left, besides her bracelets. He will fight tooth-and-nail to protect his wife’s legacy, but he actively dissuades a friendly relationship between the two of them, trying to drive Caecyn away for what he perceives to be her own safety.
S: Savien has two older siblings: Elaine, the oldest and de facto leader of the family, and Ban, a rather angry poet. They both disapprove of his mercenary ways, even if they don’t know the full extent of his activities, but mostly worry for his well-being.Ban will often get into arguments with Savien, resorting to mocking him for his lacking capabilities in the field of reading, writing and general culture, to which Savien will respond by demonstrating the disparity in physical capabilities the two brothers have.
Savien is very popular with Elaine’s children, his niece, Igraine, and nephew, Lionel, who often request gifts that he brings from far-off places, although recently they seem to favour Arienne over him, in the fickle nature of children.
However, perhaps the single most important figure in Savien’s life, Galehaut, is dead. While he will never refer to him as such, the man was a father to Savien, and shaped him into what he is today. Savien still struggles with finding out Galehaut was wrong in certain ways, and shudders when he sees how terrifyingly right he was in others. The new Knight of Crows has a staggering legacy to live up to, for Galehaut did much, from killing the Red Lord to unwittingly saving the entirety of Eun from Carrhen domination, by destroying a First Godwar weapons cache.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
A: Kelias used to value loyalty and humour, and treasured his friends dearly. The Avenger only looks for those who don’t ask too many questions, aren’t perceptive enough to divine his true intentions, and who can be killed should they begin to become problematic.
S: Savien is friendly towards everyone, but the true title of friend is reserved for people who have fought alongside him. He is fiercely loyal to his team of mercenaries, the Raptors, and even forgiving, sparing the life of Stroud, the team’s sorcerer, when he betrayed them.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
A: Kelias was not a man who looked for love, until it smacked him in the face and pulled a knife on him. His and Hareah’s first encounter was violent, as the elf assumed he was attempting to kidnap her younger sister. Eventually, it grew into attraction, as Hareah spent time with the dour young knight, and the man struggled with his enchantment with the woman, an emotion he didn’t understand. Hareah effectively taught him how to be human, and not merely a weapon for the Red Knights, and soothed his wounded heart. She completed him as a human being. Her death has left an irreparable wound in the Avenger’s psyche, and transformed a troubled but ultimately kind man into a cold, lifeless human weapon.
S: Savien is to commitment as cats are to water. Mostly stemming from a single traumatic experience in his youth, where a girl who could be considered his first love, and not merely a fling, told him that he was only fit to be a lover, never a husband. Since then, the few times Savien has committed himself to a woman, they have left him for better, more stable prospects. Savien views love as fickle and ultimately subject to the brutal pragmatism that exerts its iron rule over all life.
This belief is a major factor determining his relationship with Arienne- both distrust or disbelieve the concept of ‘love’, and are afraid to shatter a friendship that both hold incredibly dear.
However, if Savien were to look for a significant other, he would (surprisingly) look past mere physical appearance, and prefer strength of character, a sharp mind, and a resolute steadfastness.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
A: Kelias is naturally lazy. He prefers to do tasks in the most expedient way possible. In his warped mind, that usually devolves into killing everything in sight. Tearing information from a quavering soul is simpler than an interrogation, after all.
S: Savien is incredibly dedicated to everything he does, contrary to his appearance and personality. While he gives off the impression of a happy-go-lucky slacker, Savien works harder than anyone else. He is a man of few but singular talents, and he feels to make up for his great weaknesses in other areas, he needs to train with a singleminded devotion few can rival. Thus, some of his greatest weaknesses become strengths.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
A: Avoid or kill them.
S: Offer a drink and exchange stories next to a warm fire, accompanied by bards’ music.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
A: The Avenger’s happy place used to be the cabin he built in Tern, where Hareah and Caecyn used to live. Now, he still regularly visits the grave he erected for his wife, and plants her favourite flowers, marigolds, around it.
S: Just like Avvy, Savien often goes to Galehaut’s grave when the pressures of the world get to him, and he has questions that he needs answered. Other than that, being a nomad, Savien doesn’t really have a fixed place to return to other than Elaine’s home. Laying in Arienne’s lap usually calms him down, though.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
A: The smell of freshly cut flowers, Hareah used to arrange bouquets to decorate their home with using flowers from the forest nearby, and the smell would always greet him when he came home.
S: The smell of Arienne in general.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
A: The Avenger is particularly partial towards a kind of apple pie made near Fleetrun, only served during festival season.
S: Savien absolutely adores the merill fruit, a sweet mango-like fruit that grows in the southern reaches of Jindis as well as the Kana Empire, where it is called the goya fruit. It also makes for delicious juice, as well as with ice cream.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
A: Shit-talking Hareah will ensure your death.
S: Insulting Elaine or showing a blatant disregard for the value of human life. Savien doesn’t mind his superiors killing, so long as they realize the weight of their actions. If they don’t, he will kill them in turn.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
A: The Avenger is already living his worst fear.
S: Savien is afraid of dying without having trained an apprentice, but also he secretly fears dying in total anonymity, known only as the Knight of Crows to history.
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
A: Kelias valued bravery and loyalty, as well as mercy. The Avenger values efficiency and ruthlessness. Both look down on cowardice, although the Avenger particularly disdains mercy nowadays.
S: Savien values professionalism and dedication to one’s task, looking down on those who only dedicate half their energy to their duty, in fact often refusing to help those he feels are unwilling to help themselves. He also disapproves of gluttony and corruption.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
A & S: Both are particularly partial to the lures of women (in the Avenger’s case somewhat, but not totally deadened) with a marked preference for buxom women. Savien is vocal about his tastes- the Avenger keeps his silence.
The Avenger is also very fond of cute things, which include but are not limited to fluffy animals, stuffed toys, and cute young women.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
A: The Avenger is haunted every night by a specific nightmare, where he stands in a lake of blood and is slowly pulled under by everyone he has ever killed, in order of earliest to most recent, with the last one always being Hareah, holding him down as he drowns. So yes, he has a guilty conscience.
S: Savien has few regrets in life, mostly stemming from soldiers who died while fighting alongside him, but the philosophy Galehaut instilled in him allows him to move forward. Savien believes that regret is an insult to the person you have regrets about, and that the greatest tribute to the dead is to move forward. However, there is one exception to this, the nightmare period where he was enslaved by the Order of Dawn and forced to kill, kill and kill again at their behest. He still remembers killing the dark-skinned woman, and the pain he felt at the occasion. His branded arm serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed, and also reminds him of why he rejected his fate.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
A: It’s like his job to get injured. He’s basically Kenny.
S: The man is a tapestry of scars. He’s been injured many, many times. He used to take his helmet off rather often in battle, to get better visibility, but his throat was cut by an arrow once, and since then he’s kept the helmet on at all times (this has also instilled his long-term hatred for arrows and archers). He’s trained in first aid and basic surgery, and takes the pain stoically.
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
A&S: Determinator
Pragmatic Hero
A: Jerkass
Designated Hero
Troubled, but Cute
Death Seeker
S: Master Swordsman
The Ace
The Dragon
Blood Knight
The Pornomancer
Everything Sounds Sexier in French
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
A: Multiple. From the sheer embarrassing state he’s been found in by the previous Negotiator, piss-drunk, to more comedic situations, such as when Caecyn walked in on him and Hareah about to make love after he’d been away awhile. Generally speaking, the Avenger keeps his dignity. Although….
A & S: Perhaps more embarrassing for the Avenger, as Savien wasn’t phased at all, but during their first mission together (which cemented Savien’s friendship towards the Avenger, and begrudgingly the other way round as well), the Avenger (then Kelias) was wounded with an arrow through the leg. Savien carried him out of harm’s way.. bridal-style. Kelias spent the next few kilometers, as Savien ran from enemy fire, cursing the mercenary and demanding he be put down. To this day, Savien refers to him as ‘Princess’ due to this incident.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
A: My estate is worth several hundred times this. The fuck do I care.
S: Well I’ve spent most of it on weapons and armour repair, so I guess I’ll spend the rest on blackjack and hookers. Or, more likely, cakes for Arienne as soon as she finds out I got some money. Merde.
23: Any ships for your OC?
A: None.
S: Savien x Arienne, Blackbird ship best ship.
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
A: MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING. And redemption. And character growth.
S: You know that feel when you find out you’re not the protagonist of the action film? That’s what I want to achieve with Savien. He’s the protagonist. He’s Bruce Willis and you’re everything that’s not Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
To answer your question, Fanta: Both support Team Iron Man because they’re both really into helmets and armour in general.
But then Avvy finds out Savien likes Team Iron Man so he switches to Team Captain America to spite him.
To address your statement, Fly:
Avvy or Savien n___n
RIP no Arienne question
JK like I care
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Also Batman.
Basically I really liked the concept of the self-hating anti-hero that Fate/Zero presented in Kiritsugu, and decided such a character would be interesting to write. I ended up deciding that a tragic, self-doubting designated hero would be a cool character to explore thematically, as well as the fact that many of his traits make him seem more like a villain.
S for Savien: A long time ago, before I ever met you guys, I was trawling around for RPs. I started RPing back when I used to play Runescape, and found out the forums had a roleplay section when I was looking for a guild to join. Never got into Runescape roleplays, but the forums hosted a variety of original ones, which I joined.
Once I found out FF was a thing, I looked for cool fantasy and sci fi stuff. One such forum was a medieval one, hosting multiple RPs. One particular one caught my eye, set in Europe during the Dark Ages. I saw that most of the characters were your typical antisocial edgelords who were apparently raised in a razor factory and fed broken glass for breakfast. At the time I used to read a lot of fantasy books from the Conan era, back when multiple short stories starring the same protagonists used to be published in fantasy magazines. One such was Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. The Grey Mouser was a charming, witty thief. Inspired by this, and wanting to counteract the turbulent vortex of negative emo energy that was steadily growing, I created a friendly, witty, womanizing Frenchman Knight, and named him the Knight of Crows. This was the birth of Savien.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
You tell me. Auror quite likes them both, though.
No, seriously. Tell me.
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
They don’t reside on Tumblr, but rephrasing the question to be more pertinent, then the one who has really evolved is Savien, mostly through changing universes. However, Savien has also changed in terms of mindset, and subtle ways in his personality.
Savien has a very complex personal philosophy and set of morals, which are only hinted at through his actions. His sense of chivalry is most definitely not the same as standard chivalry, which will become increasingly apparent. His motivations are also rather complicated.
He’s gone from a knight errant, to a powerful mercenary, to a central character reluctantly involved in the fate of his world.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
A: I stub my toe and use my resulting hatred for all life to write him.
S: Drink wine and say “O-hon-hon-hon-hon” in my best French accent while looking at pictures of swords.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
The Avenger’s only living family are his cousins, Lucius and Adiannon, who he fostered with as a child. Their relationship is… complicated. Currently he wants Lucius dead for his perceived betrayal, but Lucius admires and desperately craves for the Avenger’s approval. The Avenger is rather terrified of Adiannon, who he views as much smarter than she lets on, and the actual most dangerous person in the Erristar family. His fear mostly stems from the fact that as children, she forcibly stole his first kiss from him, and might have gone further had his aunt not found them. He has only met their son, also named Kelias, once, and the young boy was rather intimidated by his uncle.
Caecyn is also a thing, being his sister-in-law, but the Avenger effectively only cares for her because she’s the last thing related to Hareah he has left, besides her bracelets. He will fight tooth-and-nail to protect his wife’s legacy, but he actively dissuades a friendly relationship between the two of them, trying to drive Caecyn away for what he perceives to be her own safety.
S: Savien has two older siblings: Elaine, the oldest and de facto leader of the family, and Ban, a rather angry poet. They both disapprove of his mercenary ways, even if they don’t know the full extent of his activities, but mostly worry for his well-being.Ban will often get into arguments with Savien, resorting to mocking him for his lacking capabilities in the field of reading, writing and general culture, to which Savien will respond by demonstrating the disparity in physical capabilities the two brothers have.
Savien is very popular with Elaine’s children, his niece, Igraine, and nephew, Lionel, who often request gifts that he brings from far-off places, although recently they seem to favour Arienne over him, in the fickle nature of children.
However, perhaps the single most important figure in Savien’s life, Galehaut, is dead. While he will never refer to him as such, the man was a father to Savien, and shaped him into what he is today. Savien still struggles with finding out Galehaut was wrong in certain ways, and shudders when he sees how terrifyingly right he was in others. The new Knight of Crows has a staggering legacy to live up to, for Galehaut did much, from killing the Red Lord to unwittingly saving the entirety of Eun from Carrhen domination, by destroying a First Godwar weapons cache.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
A: Kelias used to value loyalty and humour, and treasured his friends dearly. The Avenger only looks for those who don’t ask too many questions, aren’t perceptive enough to divine his true intentions, and who can be killed should they begin to become problematic.
S: Savien is friendly towards everyone, but the true title of friend is reserved for people who have fought alongside him. He is fiercely loyal to his team of mercenaries, the Raptors, and even forgiving, sparing the life of Stroud, the team’s sorcerer, when he betrayed them.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
A: Kelias was not a man who looked for love, until it smacked him in the face and pulled a knife on him. His and Hareah’s first encounter was violent, as the elf assumed he was attempting to kidnap her younger sister. Eventually, it grew into attraction, as Hareah spent time with the dour young knight, and the man struggled with his enchantment with the woman, an emotion he didn’t understand. Hareah effectively taught him how to be human, and not merely a weapon for the Red Knights, and soothed his wounded heart. She completed him as a human being. Her death has left an irreparable wound in the Avenger’s psyche, and transformed a troubled but ultimately kind man into a cold, lifeless human weapon.
S: Savien is to commitment as cats are to water. Mostly stemming from a single traumatic experience in his youth, where a girl who could be considered his first love, and not merely a fling, told him that he was only fit to be a lover, never a husband. Since then, the few times Savien has committed himself to a woman, they have left him for better, more stable prospects. Savien views love as fickle and ultimately subject to the brutal pragmatism that exerts its iron rule over all life.
This belief is a major factor determining his relationship with Arienne- both distrust or disbelieve the concept of ‘love’, and are afraid to shatter a friendship that both hold incredibly dear.
However, if Savien were to look for a significant other, he would (surprisingly) look past mere physical appearance, and prefer strength of character, a sharp mind, and a resolute steadfastness.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
A: Kelias is naturally lazy. He prefers to do tasks in the most expedient way possible. In his warped mind, that usually devolves into killing everything in sight. Tearing information from a quavering soul is simpler than an interrogation, after all.
S: Savien is incredibly dedicated to everything he does, contrary to his appearance and personality. While he gives off the impression of a happy-go-lucky slacker, Savien works harder than anyone else. He is a man of few but singular talents, and he feels to make up for his great weaknesses in other areas, he needs to train with a singleminded devotion few can rival. Thus, some of his greatest weaknesses become strengths.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
A: Avoid or kill them.
S: Offer a drink and exchange stories next to a warm fire, accompanied by bards’ music.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
A: The Avenger’s happy place used to be the cabin he built in Tern, where Hareah and Caecyn used to live. Now, he still regularly visits the grave he erected for his wife, and plants her favourite flowers, marigolds, around it.
S: Just like Avvy, Savien often goes to Galehaut’s grave when the pressures of the world get to him, and he has questions that he needs answered. Other than that, being a nomad, Savien doesn’t really have a fixed place to return to other than Elaine’s home. Laying in Arienne’s lap usually calms him down, though.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
A: The smell of freshly cut flowers, Hareah used to arrange bouquets to decorate their home with using flowers from the forest nearby, and the smell would always greet him when he came home.
S: The smell of Arienne in general.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
A: The Avenger is particularly partial towards a kind of apple pie made near Fleetrun, only served during festival season.
S: Savien absolutely adores the merill fruit, a sweet mango-like fruit that grows in the southern reaches of Jindis as well as the Kana Empire, where it is called the goya fruit. It also makes for delicious juice, as well as with ice cream.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
A: Shit-talking Hareah will ensure your death.
S: Insulting Elaine or showing a blatant disregard for the value of human life. Savien doesn’t mind his superiors killing, so long as they realize the weight of their actions. If they don’t, he will kill them in turn.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
A: The Avenger is already living his worst fear.
S: Savien is afraid of dying without having trained an apprentice, but also he secretly fears dying in total anonymity, known only as the Knight of Crows to history.
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
A: Kelias valued bravery and loyalty, as well as mercy. The Avenger values efficiency and ruthlessness. Both look down on cowardice, although the Avenger particularly disdains mercy nowadays.
S: Savien values professionalism and dedication to one’s task, looking down on those who only dedicate half their energy to their duty, in fact often refusing to help those he feels are unwilling to help themselves. He also disapproves of gluttony and corruption.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
A & S: Both are particularly partial to the lures of women (in the Avenger’s case somewhat, but not totally deadened) with a marked preference for buxom women. Savien is vocal about his tastes- the Avenger keeps his silence.
The Avenger is also very fond of cute things, which include but are not limited to fluffy animals, stuffed toys, and cute young women.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
A: The Avenger is haunted every night by a specific nightmare, where he stands in a lake of blood and is slowly pulled under by everyone he has ever killed, in order of earliest to most recent, with the last one always being Hareah, holding him down as he drowns. So yes, he has a guilty conscience.
S: Savien has few regrets in life, mostly stemming from soldiers who died while fighting alongside him, but the philosophy Galehaut instilled in him allows him to move forward. Savien believes that regret is an insult to the person you have regrets about, and that the greatest tribute to the dead is to move forward. However, there is one exception to this, the nightmare period where he was enslaved by the Order of Dawn and forced to kill, kill and kill again at their behest. He still remembers killing the dark-skinned woman, and the pain he felt at the occasion. His branded arm serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed, and also reminds him of why he rejected his fate.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
A: It’s like his job to get injured. He’s basically Kenny.
S: The man is a tapestry of scars. He’s been injured many, many times. He used to take his helmet off rather often in battle, to get better visibility, but his throat was cut by an arrow once, and since then he’s kept the helmet on at all times (this has also instilled his long-term hatred for arrows and archers). He’s trained in first aid and basic surgery, and takes the pain stoically.
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
A&S: Determinator
Pragmatic Hero
A: Jerkass
Designated Hero
Troubled, but Cute
Death Seeker
S: Master Swordsman
The Ace
The Dragon
Blood Knight
The Pornomancer
Everything Sounds Sexier in French
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
A: Multiple. From the sheer embarrassing state he’s been found in by the previous Negotiator, piss-drunk, to more comedic situations, such as when Caecyn walked in on him and Hareah about to make love after he’d been away awhile. Generally speaking, the Avenger keeps his dignity. Although….
A & S: Perhaps more embarrassing for the Avenger, as Savien wasn’t phased at all, but during their first mission together (which cemented Savien’s friendship towards the Avenger, and begrudgingly the other way round as well), the Avenger (then Kelias) was wounded with an arrow through the leg. Savien carried him out of harm’s way.. bridal-style. Kelias spent the next few kilometers, as Savien ran from enemy fire, cursing the mercenary and demanding he be put down. To this day, Savien refers to him as ‘Princess’ due to this incident.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
A: My estate is worth several hundred times this. The fuck do I care.
S: Well I’ve spent most of it on weapons and armour repair, so I guess I’ll spend the rest on blackjack and hookers. Or, more likely, cakes for Arienne as soon as she finds out I got some money. Merde.
23: Any ships for your OC?
A: None.
S: Savien x Arienne, Blackbird ship best ship.
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
A: MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING. And redemption. And character growth.
S: You know that feel when you find out you’re not the protagonist of the action film? That’s what I want to achieve with Savien. He’s the protagonist. He’s Bruce Willis and you’re everything that’s not Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
Avvy or Savien n___n
RIP no Arienne question
JK like I care
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Also Batman.
Basically I really liked the concept of the self-hating anti-hero that Fate/Zero presented in Kiritsugu, and decided such a character would be interesting to write. I ended up deciding that a tragic, self-doubting designated hero would be a cool character to explore thematically, as well as the fact that many of his traits make him seem more like a villain.
S for Savien: A long time ago, before I ever met you guys, I was trawling around for RPs. I started RPing back when I used to play Runescape, and found out the forums had a roleplay section when I was looking for a guild to join. Never got into Runescape roleplays, but the forums hosted a variety of original ones, which I joined.
Once I found out FF was a thing, I looked for cool fantasy and sci fi stuff. One such forum was a medieval one, hosting multiple RPs. One particular one caught my eye, set in Europe during the Dark Ages. I saw that most of the characters were your typical antisocial edgelords who were apparently raised in a razor factory and fed broken glass for breakfast. At the time I used to read a lot of fantasy books from the Conan era, back when multiple short stories starring the same protagonists used to be published in fantasy magazines. One such was Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. The Grey Mouser was a charming, witty thief. Inspired by this, and wanting to counteract the turbulent vortex of negative emo energy that was steadily growing, I created a friendly, witty, womanizing Frenchman Knight, and named him the Knight of Crows. This was the birth of Savien.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
You tell me. Auror quite likes them both, though.
No, seriously. Tell me.
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
They don’t reside on Tumblr, but rephrasing the question to be more pertinent, then the one who has really evolved is Savien, mostly through changing universes. However, Savien has also changed in terms of mindset, and subtle ways in his personality.
Savien has a very complex personal philosophy and set of morals, which are only hinted at through his actions. His sense of chivalry is most definitely not the same as standard chivalry, which will become increasingly apparent. His motivations are also rather complicated.
He’s gone from a knight errant, to a powerful mercenary, to a central character reluctantly involved in the fate of his world.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
A: I stub my toe and use my resulting hatred for all life to write him.
S: Drink wine and say “O-hon-hon-hon-hon” in my best French accent while looking at pictures of swords.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
The Avenger’s only living family are his cousins, Lucius and Adiannon, who he fostered with as a child. Their relationship is... complicated. Currently he wants Lucius dead for his perceived betrayal, but Lucius admires and desperately craves for the Avenger’s approval. The Avenger is rather terrified of Adiannon, who he views as much smarter than she lets on, and the actual most dangerous person in the Erristar family. His fear mostly stems from the fact that as children, she forcibly stole his first kiss from him, and might have gone further had his aunt not found them. He has only met their son, also named Kelias, once, and the young boy was rather intimidated by his uncle.
Caecyn is also a thing, being his sister-in-law, but the Avenger effectively only cares for her because she’s the last thing related to Hareah he has left, besides her bracelets. He will fight tooth-and-nail to protect his wife’s legacy, but he actively dissuades a friendly relationship between the two of them, trying to drive Caecyn away for what he perceives to be her own safety.
S: Savien has two older siblings: Elaine, the oldest and de facto leader of the family, and Ban, a rather angry poet. They both disapprove of his mercenary ways, even if they don’t know the full extent of his activities, but mostly worry for his well-being.Ban will often get into arguments with Savien, resorting to mocking him for his lacking capabilities in the field of reading, writing and general culture, to which Savien will respond by demonstrating the disparity in physical capabilities the two brothers have.
Savien is very popular with Elaine’s children, his niece, Igraine, and nephew, Lionel, who often request gifts that he brings from far-off places, although recently they seem to favour Arienne over him, in the fickle nature of children.
However, perhaps the single most important figure in Savien’s life, Galehaut, is dead. While he will never refer to him as such, the man was a father to Savien, and shaped him into what he is today. Savien still struggles with finding out Galehaut was wrong in certain ways, and shudders when he sees how terrifyingly right he was in others. The new Knight of Crows has a staggering legacy to live up to, for Galehaut did much, from killing the Red Lord to unwittingly saving the entirety of Eun from Carrhen domination, by destroying a First Godwar weapons cache.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
A: Kelias used to value loyalty and humour, and treasured his friends dearly. The Avenger only looks for those who don’t ask too many questions, aren’t perceptive enough to divine his true intentions, and who can be killed should they begin to become problematic.
S: Savien is friendly towards everyone, but the true title of friend is reserved for people who have fought alongside him. He is fiercely loyal to his team of mercenaries, the Raptors, and even forgiving, sparing the life of Stroud, the team’s sorcerer, when he betrayed them.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
A: Kelias was not a man who looked for love, until it smacked him in the face and pulled a knife on him. His and Hareah’s first encounter was violent, as the elf assumed he was attempting to kidnap her younger sister. Eventually, it grew into attraction, as Hareah spent time with the dour young knight, and the man struggled with his enchantment with the woman, an emotion he didn’t understand. Hareah effectively taught him how to be human, and not merely a weapon for the Red Knights, and soothed his wounded heart. She completed him as a human being. Her death has left an irreparable wound in the Avenger’s psyche, and transformed a troubled but ultimately kind man into a cold, lifeless human weapon.
S: Savien is to commitment as cats are to water. Mostly stemming from a single traumatic experience in his youth, where a girl who could be considered his first love, and not merely a fling, told him that he was only fit to be a lover, never a husband. Since then, the few times Savien has committed himself to a woman, they have left him for better, more stable prospects. Savien views love as fickle and ultimately subject to the brutal pragmatism that exerts its iron rule over all life.
This belief is a major factor determining his relationship with Arienne- both distrust or disbelieve the concept of ‘love’, and are afraid to shatter a friendship that both hold incredibly dear.
However, if Savien were to look for a significant other, he would (surprisingly) look past mere physical appearance, and prefer strength of character, a sharp mind, and a resolute steadfastness.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
A: Kelias is naturally lazy. He prefers to do tasks in the most expedient way possible. In his warped mind, that usually devolves into killing everything in sight. Tearing information from a quavering soul is simpler than an interrogation, after all.
S: Savien is incredibly dedicated to everything he does, contrary to his appearance and personality. While he gives off the impression of a happy-go-lucky slacker, Savien works harder than anyone else. He is a man of few but singular talents, and he feels to make up for his great weaknesses in other areas, he needs to train with a singleminded devotion few can rival. Thus, some of his greatest weaknesses become strengths.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
A: Avoid or kill them.
S: Offer a drink and exchange stories next to a warm fire, accompanied by bards’ music.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
A: The Avenger’s happy place used to be the cabin he built in Tern, where Hareah and Caecyn used to live. Now, he still regularly visits the grave he erected for his wife, and plants her favourite flowers, marigolds, around it.
S: Just like Avvy, Savien often goes to Galehaut’s grave when the pressures of the world get to him, and he has questions that he needs answered. Other than that, being a nomad, Savien doesn’t really have a fixed place to return to other than Elaine’s home. Laying in Arienne’s lap usually calms him down, though.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
A: The smell of freshly cut flowers, Hareah used to arrange bouquets to decorate their home with using flowers from the forest nearby, and the smell would always greet him when he came home.
S: The smell of Arienne in general.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
A: The Avenger is particularly partial towards a kind of apple pie made near Fleetrun, only served during festival season.
S: Savien absolutely adores the merill fruit, a sweet mango-like fruit that grows in the southern reaches of Jindis as well as the Kana Empire, where it is called the goya fruit. It also makes for delicious juice, as well as with ice cream.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
A: Shit-talking Hareah will ensure your death.
S: Insulting Elaine or showing a blatant disregard for the value of human life. Savien doesn’t mind his superiors killing, so long as they realize the weight of their actions. If they don’t, he will kill them in turn.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
A: The Avenger is already living his worst fear.
S: Savien is afraid of dying without having trained an apprentice, but also he secretly fears dying in total anonymity, known only as the Knight of Crows to history.
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
A: Kelias valued bravery and loyalty, as well as mercy. The Avenger values efficiency and ruthlessness. Both look down on cowardice, although the Avenger particularly disdains mercy nowadays.
S: Savien values professionalism and dedication to one’s task, looking down on those who only dedicate half their energy to their duty, in fact often refusing to help those he feels are unwilling to help themselves. He also disapproves of gluttony and corruption.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
A & S: Both are particularly partial to the lures of women (in the Avenger’s case somewhat, but not totally deadened) with a marked preference for buxom women. Savien is vocal about his tastes- the Avenger keeps his silence.
The Avenger is also very fond of cute things, which include but are not limited to fluffy animals, stuffed toys, and cute young women.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
A: The Avenger is haunted every night by a specific nightmare, where he stands in a lake of blood and is slowly pulled under by everyone he has ever killed, in order of earliest to most recent, with the last one always being Hareah, holding him down as he drowns. So yes, he has a guilty conscience.
S: Savien has few regrets in life, mostly stemming from soldiers who died while fighting alongside him, but the philosophy Galehaut instilled in him allows him to move forward. Savien believes that regret is an insult to the person you have regrets about, and that the greatest tribute to the dead is to move forward. However, there is one exception to this, the nightmare period where he was enslaved by the Order of Dawn and forced to kill, kill and kill again at their behest. He still remembers killing the dark-skinned woman, and the pain he felt at the occasion. His branded arm serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed, and also reminds him of why he rejected his fate.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
A: It’s like his job to get injured. He’s basically Kenny.
S: The man is a tapestry of scars. He’s been injured many, many times. He used to take his helmet off rather often in battle, to get better visibility, but his throat was cut by an arrow once, and since then he’s kept the helmet on at all times (this has also instilled his long-term hatred for arrows and archers). He’s trained in first aid and basic surgery, and takes the pain stoically.
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
A&S: Determinator
Pragmatic Hero
A: Jerkass
Designated Hero
Troubled, but Cute
Death Seeker
S: Master Swordsman
The Ace
The Dragon
Blood Knight
The Pornomancer
Everything Sounds Sexier in French
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
A: Multiple. From the sheer embarrassing state he’s been found in by the previous Negotiator, piss-drunk, to more comedic situations, such as when Caecyn walked in on him and Hareah about to make love after he’d been away awhile. Generally speaking, the Avenger keeps his dignity. Although....
A & S: Perhaps more embarrassing for the Avenger, as Savien wasn’t phased at all, but during their first mission together (which cemented Savien’s friendship towards the Avenger, and begrudgingly the other way round as well), the Avenger (then Kelias) was wounded with an arrow through the leg. Savien carried him out of harm’s way.. bridal-style. Kelias spent the next few kilometers, as Savien ran from enemy fire, cursing the mercenary and demanding he be put down. To this day, Savien refers to him as ‘Princess’ due to this incident.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
A: My estate is worth several hundred times this. The fuck do I care.
S: Well I’ve spent most of it on weapons and armour repair, so I guess I’ll spend the rest on blackjack and hookers. Or, more likely, cakes for Arienne as soon as she finds out I got some money. Merde.
23: Any ships for your OC?
A: None.
S: Savien x Arienne, Blackbird ship best ship.
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
A: MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING. And redemption. And character growth.
S: You know that feel when you find out you’re not the protagonist of the action film? That’s what I want to achieve with Savien. He’s the protagonist. He’s Bruce Willis and you’re everything that’s not Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
Ask me about my OC!
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
23: Any ships for your OC?
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
15K notes · View notes
bearsofdeathx · 9 years
Random feel good thing that I think would be good for everyone’s egos: reblog with your favorite OC of the person above you in the tags. Reasons are optional. Any fandom.
19K notes · View notes
bearsofdeathx · 9 years
He’s probably respect her until she starts questioning Council orders, Then he’d be all “HERESY? IN MY GALEA? NOT TODAY.”
For the young @fandamntabulous, I shall cover both Shayla and Rainier. Good think you didn’t ask about Savien or Arienne, I’d have written a goddamn book. If you’d asked about Kelias, I’d have told you to fuck off because the guy depresses me.
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Rainier is the quintessential patriotic soldier, and was inspired by the need for someone who is fanatically devoted to Galea. At the same time, he illustrates how loyalty is blind, and nuances the struggle between the Pretender and the Council. We have a rebel would-be monarch who’s been shown to kill children, and a Council that seems good by comparison. Rainier, however, demonstrates that the Council is willing to do the same things, and shows just how horrible Galea’s current government truly is.
Shayla is a sort of spin-off of Arienne. I noticed that there were no modern Avalonians around, so I wanted to make one, to show the difference between Arienne’s Avalon and the present day one- she’s a relic of a dying empire, basically. Once I decided on that concept, I wanted to tie her in to the Avenger’s backstory, humanize him somewhat, and she served as a replacement for Anabel to do so. Finally, I’m very interested by the Gawyn/Avvy parallels that crop up, so I figured I’d make her past similar to Aerith’s, for comparison. 
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom?
No frikkin’ idea. I bet people will be crying about how fucking OP Rainier is soon though. 
3: Has your OC been reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
N/A. These are fetus-age OCs. They have not existed long enough to be reimagined or reassessed.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
Shayla: Think Arienne wannabe. Add gold digger.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there?
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
Rainier is an orphan, his parents gunned down in an alley in the distant north. On that night, he swore he would stand up for justice, and thus took on the mantle of… GALEAMAN. 
For real though, Rainier’s mom is still alive, he sends her letters and a portion of his pay. His dad and his five siblings were killed by barbarian raids. 
Shayla’s mother and sister were killed by Jindisian mercs. Her dad is still alive, but she doesn’t like to talk about him (he is important though). 
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
Rainier looks for an undying love for Galea, the one true fatherland.
Shayla looks for a sense of humour and money.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
Rainier: An undying love for Galea. And boobs. Dude is super cereal all the time but he is easily tempted by breasts. Despite his avowals that all are equal before him. Yay, hypocrisy.
Shayla looks for money and a noble status, although she’ll settle for just a lot of the former.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Rainier will ride your ass all day long and do spot checks to make sure you’re not being heretical and insulting Galea. 
Shayla seems lazy, but she’s actually highly effective at her job. She’s Avvy’s #2 intelligence agent (after Caecyn) after all, and one of his better assassins.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Unless she has business with them or they are intriguing, Shayla will just ignore them.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life?
Rainier looks at a map of Galea and wraps himself in the Galean flag while humming the Galean national anthem.
Shayla likes to sit in Avvy’s lap, although she’s outgrown it now. She settles for draping herself over his head now.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
Rainier likes the smell of chamomile. Reminds him of home and his mother’s tea.
Shayla likes rosewood.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
Rainier loves any food produced from natural Galean goods.
Shayla is extremely partial to a form of sweet almond cake imported from Astoris in the Jindis strip.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off?
S: Not having money.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears?
Rainier has nightmares of Fel invading Galea. When he wakes up, he hits the helmet of a Fel legionary he keeps in his room. It is very dented. Rainier is also secretly terrified of the possibility that his superiors do not have Galea’s real interests at heart, but he struggles to differentiate between loyalty to his officers and to Galea itself.
Shayla is afraid of being forgotten. Her family was essentially abandoned by her father, who erased them from Avalonian records, and her mother and sister died in the middle of nowhere. Shayla wants to be remembered. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
Is this a surprise? Rainier fucking loves DEVOTION TO OUR FAIR COUNTRY OF GALEA, MAY THE DROWNED SMILE UPON IT. Talk shit about Galea and he’ll fuck you up like I would if you talked shit about my waifu.
Galea is Rainier’s waifu.
Shayla admires honesty, being Avalonian, but most importantly the ability to obfuscate the truth while still being honest. She appreciates craftiness and Machiavellian planning. She dislikes stupidity, and is unnerved by sincerity.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Rainier reads the books of Arturias Blanc, particularly partial to his military treatises, but mostly enjoys the escapades of the ‘lucky pervert’ protagonist of the Witches’ Den, Blanc’s erotic series. If he knew the protagonist was based on Savien de L’Etraz, a Lyenni, he would incinerate his collection.
Shayla has a collection of coloured spinning tops and marbles. She refuses to show such a juvenile hobby to the rest of the world.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience?
Rainier killed his conscience when he signed up to serve the army, rationalizing everything he does is for the good of Galea.
Shayla dislikes killing people, and their faces haunt her, but she pushes it aside and reasons that in order to survive in the world, one must do what they have to.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Rainier uses his faith in Galea to hold his wounds closed. Seriously though, no, he is a man of hale constitution.
Shayla makes sure to keep herself healthy- a period of sickness might make her miss out on important intel.
20: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
At an awards ceremony, Lucius Erristar’s wife, Adiannon, once caught Rainier staring at her cleavage. She gave him a stern talking to later, and his subordinates saw the man go beet red and shuffle his feet like a schoolboy for the first time. 
Shayla once attempted to demonstrate her athletic skills to the Avenger in order to prove that she could travel alongside him, and ended up falling through a tarpaulin, getting entangled with a chariot wheel, and being dragged along until she managed to claw her way out- only to fall off the raised carriageway into an aqueduct reservoir. The Avenger then informed her that she would be remaining in stationary posts.
21: Any ships for your OC? Rainier X Galea.
Shayla X Single (preferably) good looking well-to-do noblemen
22: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
If people don’t hate Rainier’s fanatic OP guts I will question things.
23: What are your plans for your muse in the future
Rainier: Secrets.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
“I know you hate me, and the feeling is mutual. But I am saving all of you bastards, and there is no way you’ll stop me. So when it’s all done, you can take it all. No, you have to take it all. Then I’ll have the last laugh, Gawyn. Because I may hate you, but that means I trust you.”
For the young @fandamntabulous, I shall cover both Shayla and Rainier. Good think you didn’t ask about Savien or Arienne, I’d have written a goddamn book. If you’d asked about Kelias, I’d have told you to fuck off because the guy depresses me.
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Rainier is the quintessential patriotic soldier, and was inspired by the need for someone who is fanatically devoted to Galea. At the same time, he illustrates how loyalty is blind, and nuances the struggle between the Pretender and the Council. We have a rebel would-be monarch who’s been shown to kill children, and a Council that seems good by comparison. Rainier, however, demonstrates that the Council is willing to do the same things, and shows just how horrible Galea’s current government truly is.
Shayla is a sort of spin-off of Arienne. I noticed that there were no modern Avalonians around, so I wanted to make one, to show the difference between Arienne’s Avalon and the present day one- she’s a relic of a dying empire, basically. Once I decided on that concept, I wanted to tie her in to the Avenger’s backstory, humanize him somewhat, and she served as a replacement for Anabel to do so. Finally, I’m very interested by the Gawyn/Avvy parallels that crop up, so I figured I’d make her past similar to Aerith’s, for comparison. 
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom?
No frikkin’ idea. I bet people will be crying about how fucking OP Rainier is soon though. 
3: Has your OC been reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
N/A. These are fetus-age OCs. They have not existed long enough to be reimagined or reassessed.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
Shayla: Think Arienne wannabe. Add gold digger.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there?
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
Rainier is an orphan, his parents gunned down in an alley in the distant north. On that night, he swore he would stand up for justice, and thus took on the mantle of… GALEAMAN. 
For real though, Rainier’s mom is still alive, he sends her letters and a portion of his pay. His dad and his five siblings were killed by barbarian raids. 
Shayla’s mother and sister were killed by Jindisian mercs. Her dad is still alive, but she doesn’t like to talk about him (he is important though). 
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
Rainier looks for an undying love for Galea, the one true fatherland.
Shayla looks for a sense of humour and money.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
Rainier: An undying love for Galea. And boobs. Dude is super cereal all the time but he is easily tempted by breasts. Despite his avowals that all are equal before him. Yay, hypocrisy.
Shayla looks for money and a noble status, although she’ll settle for just a lot of the former.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Rainier will ride your ass all day long and do spot checks to make sure you’re not being heretical and insulting Galea. 
Shayla seems lazy, but she’s actually highly effective at her job. She’s Avvy’s #2 intelligence agent (after Caecyn) after all, and one of his better assassins.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Unless she has business with them or they are intriguing, Shayla will just ignore them.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life?
Rainier looks at a map of Galea and wraps himself in the Galean flag while humming the Galean national anthem.
Shayla likes to sit in Avvy’s lap, although she’s outgrown it now. She settles for draping herself over his head now.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
Rainier likes the smell of chamomile. Reminds him of home and his mother’s tea.
Shayla likes rosewood.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
Rainier loves any food produced from natural Galean goods.
Shayla is extremely partial to a form of sweet almond cake imported from Astoris in the Jindis strip.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off?
S: Not having money.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears?
Rainier has nightmares of Fel invading Galea. When he wakes up, he hits the helmet of a Fel legionary he keeps in his room. It is very dented. Rainier is also secretly terrified of the possibility that his superiors do not have Galea’s real interests at heart, but he struggles to differentiate between loyalty to his officers and to Galea itself.
Shayla is afraid of being forgotten. Her family was essentially abandoned by her father, who erased them from Avalonian records, and her mother and sister died in the middle of nowhere. Shayla wants to be remembered. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
Is this a surprise? Rainier fucking loves DEVOTION TO OUR FAIR COUNTRY OF GALEA, MAY THE DROWNED SMILE UPON IT. Talk shit about Galea and he’ll fuck you up like I would if you talked shit about my waifu.
Galea is Rainier’s waifu.
Shayla admires honesty, being Avalonian, but most importantly the ability to obfuscate the truth while still being honest. She appreciates craftiness and Machiavellian planning. She dislikes stupidity, and is unnerved by sincerity.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Rainier reads the books of Arturias Blanc, particularly partial to his military treatises, but mostly enjoys the escapades of the ‘lucky pervert’ protagonist of the Witches’ Den, Blanc’s erotic series. If he knew the protagonist was based on Savien de L’Etraz, a Lyenni, he would incinerate his collection.
Shayla has a collection of coloured spinning tops and marbles. She refuses to show such a juvenile hobby to the rest of the world.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience?
Rainier killed his conscience when he signed up to serve the army, rationalizing everything he does is for the good of Galea.
Shayla dislikes killing people, and their faces haunt her, but she pushes it aside and reasons that in order to survive in the world, one must do what they have to.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Rainier uses his faith in Galea to hold his wounds closed. Seriously though, no, he is a man of hale constitution.
Shayla makes sure to keep herself healthy- a period of sickness might make her miss out on important intel.
20: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
At an awards ceremony, Lucius Erristar’s wife, Adiannon, once caught Rainier staring at her cleavage. She gave him a stern talking to later, and his subordinates saw the man go beet red and shuffle his feet like a schoolboy for the first time. 
Shayla once attempted to demonstrate her athletic skills to the Avenger in order to prove that she could travel alongside him, and ended up falling through a tarpaulin, getting entangled with a chariot wheel, and being dragged along until she managed to claw her way out- only to fall off the raised carriageway into an aqueduct reservoir. The Avenger then informed her that she would be remaining in stationary posts.
21: Any ships for your OC? Rainier X Galea.
Shayla X Single (preferably) good looking well-to-do noblemen
22: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
If people don’t hate Rainier’s fanatic OP guts I will question things.
23: What are your plans for your muse in the future
Rainier: Secrets.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
If everything goes to plan, Gawyn would essentially inherit Avvy’s legacy. 
For the young @fandamntabulous, I shall cover both Shayla and Rainier. Good think you didn’t ask about Savien or Arienne, I’d have written a goddamn book. If you’d asked about Kelias, I’d have told you to fuck off because the guy depresses me.
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Rainier is the quintessential patriotic soldier, and was inspired by the need for someone who is fanatically devoted to Galea. At the same time, he illustrates how loyalty is blind, and nuances the struggle between the Pretender and the Council. We have a rebel would-be monarch who’s been shown to kill children, and a Council that seems good by comparison. Rainier, however, demonstrates that the Council is willing to do the same things, and shows just how horrible Galea’s current government truly is.
Shayla is a sort of spin-off of Arienne. I noticed that there were no modern Avalonians around, so I wanted to make one, to show the difference between Arienne’s Avalon and the present day one- she’s a relic of a dying empire, basically. Once I decided on that concept, I wanted to tie her in to the Avenger’s backstory, humanize him somewhat, and she served as a replacement for Anabel to do so. Finally, I’m very interested by the Gawyn/Avvy parallels that crop up, so I figured I’d make her past similar to Aerith’s, for comparison. 
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom?
No frikkin’ idea. I bet people will be crying about how fucking OP Rainier is soon though. 
3: Has your OC been reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
N/A. These are fetus-age OCs. They have not existed long enough to be reimagined or reassessed.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
Shayla: Think Arienne wannabe. Add gold digger.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there?
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
Rainier is an orphan, his parents gunned down in an alley in the distant north. On that night, he swore he would stand up for justice, and thus took on the mantle of… GALEAMAN. 
For real though, Rainier’s mom is still alive, he sends her letters and a portion of his pay. His dad and his five siblings were killed by barbarian raids. 
Shayla’s mother and sister were killed by Jindisian mercs. Her dad is still alive, but she doesn’t like to talk about him (he is important though). 
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
Rainier looks for an undying love for Galea, the one true fatherland.
Shayla looks for a sense of humour and money.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
Rainier: An undying love for Galea. And boobs. Dude is super cereal all the time but he is easily tempted by breasts. Despite his avowals that all are equal before him. Yay, hypocrisy.
Shayla looks for money and a noble status, although she’ll settle for just a lot of the former.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Rainier will ride your ass all day long and do spot checks to make sure you’re not being heretical and insulting Galea. 
Shayla seems lazy, but she’s actually highly effective at her job. She’s Avvy’s #2 intelligence agent (after Caecyn) after all, and one of his better assassins.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Unless she has business with them or they are intriguing, Shayla will just ignore them.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life?
Rainier looks at a map of Galea and wraps himself in the Galean flag while humming the Galean national anthem.
Shayla likes to sit in Avvy’s lap, although she’s outgrown it now. She settles for draping herself over his head now.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
Rainier likes the smell of chamomile. Reminds him of home and his mother’s tea.
Shayla likes rosewood.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
Rainier loves any food produced from natural Galean goods.
Shayla is extremely partial to a form of sweet almond cake imported from Astoris in the Jindis strip.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off?
S: Not having money.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears?
Rainier has nightmares of Fel invading Galea. When he wakes up, he hits the helmet of a Fel legionary he keeps in his room. It is very dented. Rainier is also secretly terrified of the possibility that his superiors do not have Galea’s real interests at heart, but he struggles to differentiate between loyalty to his officers and to Galea itself.
Shayla is afraid of being forgotten. Her family was essentially abandoned by her father, who erased them from Avalonian records, and her mother and sister died in the middle of nowhere. Shayla wants to be remembered. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
Is this a surprise? Rainier fucking loves DEVOTION TO OUR FAIR COUNTRY OF GALEA, MAY THE DROWNED SMILE UPON IT. Talk shit about Galea and he’ll fuck you up like I would if you talked shit about my waifu.
Galea is Rainier’s waifu.
Shayla admires honesty, being Avalonian, but most importantly the ability to obfuscate the truth while still being honest. She appreciates craftiness and Machiavellian planning. She dislikes stupidity, and is unnerved by sincerity.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Rainier reads the books of Arturias Blanc, particularly partial to his military treatises, but mostly enjoys the escapades of the ‘lucky pervert’ protagonist of the Witches’ Den, Blanc’s erotic series. If he knew the protagonist was based on Savien de L’Etraz, a Lyenni, he would incinerate his collection.
Shayla has a collection of coloured spinning tops and marbles. She refuses to show such a juvenile hobby to the rest of the world.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience?
Rainier killed his conscience when he signed up to serve the army, rationalizing everything he does is for the good of Galea.
Shayla dislikes killing people, and their faces haunt her, but she pushes it aside and reasons that in order to survive in the world, one must do what they have to.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Rainier uses his faith in Galea to hold his wounds closed. Seriously though, no, he is a man of hale constitution.
Shayla makes sure to keep herself healthy- a period of sickness might make her miss out on important intel.
20: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
At an awards ceremony, Lucius Erristar’s wife, Adiannon, once caught Rainier staring at her cleavage. She gave him a stern talking to later, and his subordinates saw the man go beet red and shuffle his feet like a schoolboy for the first time. 
Shayla once attempted to demonstrate her athletic skills to the Avenger in order to prove that she could travel alongside him, and ended up falling through a tarpaulin, getting entangled with a chariot wheel, and being dragged along until she managed to claw her way out- only to fall off the raised carriageway into an aqueduct reservoir. The Avenger then informed her that she would be remaining in stationary posts.
21: Any ships for your OC? Rainier X Galea.
Shayla X Single (preferably) good looking well-to-do noblemen
22: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
If people don’t hate Rainier’s fanatic OP guts I will question things.
23: What are your plans for your muse in the future
Rainier: Secrets.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
For the young @fandamntabulous, I shall cover both Shayla and Rainier. Good think you didn’t ask about Savien or Arienne, I’d have written a goddamn book. If you’d asked about Kelias, I’d have told you to fuck off because the guy depresses me.
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Rainier is the quintessential patriotic soldier, and was inspired by the need for someone who is fanatically devoted to Galea. At the same time, he illustrates how loyalty is blind, and nuances the struggle between the Pretender and the Council. We have a rebel would-be monarch who’s been shown to kill children, and a Council that seems good by comparison. Rainier, however, demonstrates that the Council is willing to do the same things, and shows just how horrible Galea’s current government truly is.
Shayla is a sort of spin-off of Arienne. I noticed that there were no modern Avalonians around, so I wanted to make one, to show the difference between Arienne’s Avalon and the present day one- she’s a relic of a dying empire, basically. Once I decided on that concept, I wanted to tie her in to the Avenger’s backstory, humanize him somewhat, and she served as a replacement for Anabel to do so. Finally, I’m very interested by the Gawyn/Avvy parallels that crop up, so I figured I’d make her past similar to Aerith’s, for comparison. 
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom?
No frikkin’ idea. I bet people will be crying about how fucking OP Rainier is soon though. 
3: Has your OC been reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
N/A. These are fetus-age OCs. They have not existed long enough to be reimagined or reassessed.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
Shayla: Think Arienne wannabe. Add gold digger.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there?
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
Rainier is an orphan, his parents gunned down in an alley in the distant north. On that night, he swore he would stand up for justice, and thus took on the mantle of... GALEAMAN. 
For real though, Rainier’s mom is still alive, he sends her letters and a portion of his pay. His dad and his five siblings were killed by barbarian raids. 
Shayla’s mother and sister were killed by Jindisian mercs. Her dad is still alive, but she doesn’t like to talk about him (he is important though). 
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
Rainier looks for an undying love for Galea, the one true fatherland.
Shayla looks for a sense of humour and money.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
Rainier: An undying love for Galea. And boobs. Dude is super cereal all the time but he is easily tempted by breasts. Despite his avowals that all are equal before him. Yay, hypocrisy.
Shayla looks for money and a noble status, although she’ll settle for just a lot of the former.
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Rainier will ride your ass all day long and do spot checks to make sure you’re not being heretical and insulting Galea. 
Shayla seems lazy, but she’s actually highly effective at her job. She’s Avvy’s #2 intelligence agent (after Caecyn) after all, and one of his better assassins.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Unless she has business with them or they are intriguing, Shayla will just ignore them.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life?
Rainier looks at a map of Galea and wraps himself in the Galean flag while humming the Galean national anthem.
Shayla likes to sit in Avvy’s lap, although she’s outgrown it now. She settles for draping herself over his head now.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
Rainier likes the smell of chamomile. Reminds him of home and his mother’s tea.
Shayla likes rosewood.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
Rainier loves any food produced from natural Galean goods.
Shayla is extremely partial to a form of sweet almond cake imported from Astoris in the Jindis strip.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off?
S: Not having money.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears?
Rainier has nightmares of Fel invading Galea. When he wakes up, he hits the helmet of a Fel legionary he keeps in his room. It is very dented. Rainier is also secretly terrified of the possibility that his superiors do not have Galea’s real interests at heart, but he struggles to differentiate between loyalty to his officers and to Galea itself.
Shayla is afraid of being forgotten. Her family was essentially abandoned by her father, who erased them from Avalonian records, and her mother and sister died in the middle of nowhere. Shayla wants to be remembered. 
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
Is this a surprise? Rainier fucking loves DEVOTION TO OUR FAIR COUNTRY OF GALEA, MAY THE DROWNED SMILE UPON IT. Talk shit about Galea and he’ll fuck you up like I would if you talked shit about my waifu.
Galea is Rainier’s waifu.
Shayla admires honesty, being Avalonian, but most importantly the ability to obfuscate the truth while still being honest. She appreciates craftiness and Machiavellian planning. She dislikes stupidity, and is unnerved by sincerity.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Rainier reads the books of Arturias Blanc, particularly partial to his military treatises, but mostly enjoys the escapades of the ‘lucky pervert’ protagonist of the Witches’ Den, Blanc’s erotic series. If he knew the protagonist was based on Savien de L’Etraz, a Lyenni, he would incinerate his collection.
Shayla has a collection of coloured spinning tops and marbles. She refuses to show such a juvenile hobby to the rest of the world.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience?
Rainier killed his conscience when he signed up to serve the army, rationalizing everything he does is for the good of Galea.
Shayla dislikes killing people, and their faces haunt her, but she pushes it aside and reasons that in order to survive in the world, one must do what they have to.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Rainier uses his faith in Galea to hold his wounds closed. Seriously though, no, he is a man of hale constitution.
Shayla makes sure to keep herself healthy- a period of sickness might make her miss out on important intel.
20: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
At an awards ceremony, Lucius Erristar’s wife, Adiannon, once caught Rainier staring at her cleavage. She gave him a stern talking to later, and his subordinates saw the man go beet red and shuffle his feet like a schoolboy for the first time. 
Shayla once attempted to demonstrate her athletic skills to the Avenger in order to prove that she could travel alongside him, and ended up falling through a tarpaulin, getting entangled with a chariot wheel, and being dragged along until she managed to claw her way out- only to fall off the raised carriageway into an aqueduct reservoir. The Avenger then informed her that she would be remaining in stationary posts.
21: Any ships for your OC? Rainier X Galea.
Shayla X Single (preferably) good looking well-to-do noblemen
22: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
If people don’t hate Rainier’s fanatic OP guts I will question things.
23: What are your plans for your muse in the future
Rainier: Secrets.
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
RIP the yandere dream. On the other hand, yandere!Aerith AU’s here we go.
“ and she can’t eat an animal if she’s seen it before it died. “
Oh god that is diabetes-inducing. 
Thanks for doing this, Fanta, it’s always great to know Aerith better. You can ask me the same about any character as well if you want, to return the favour.
Also, I’m gonna go ahead and ship Aerith X Thing in the Basement as the true OTP of this forum.  
OC Questions
Going to be doing these for my Gotter OC, Aerith Surrai for my bud @bearsofdeathx
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
Aerith started off originally as my want for a companion to my other OC, Gawyn; however, I also had just recently finished FMA: Brotherhood, which ended up being an inspiration to her backstory. In planning she was supposed to have some yandere-ish tendencies, but uh, that didn’t happen. Thank god.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom?
I like to think she’s this adorable child that everybody on Gotter has an irresistible urge to protect (even the people that want to kill her). n_n
3: Has your OC been reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
Since her creation, I’ve actually made Aerith a little bit shorter, and I’m trying to focus less on her social awkwardness, and much more on just how incredibly intelligent she is.
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
I dress up as a small girl and then stutter a lot while blushing.
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there?
A bit, yeah. From the beginning I’ve tried so hard to make sure that Aerith comes across as so much more than a romantic interest to another one of my OCs (I like her better than him anyway :P).
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
Wellllllll, Aerith did sort of try to resurrect her mom from the dead after she died of a horrifying infection. It, uh, didn’t work. As for her dad, we’ll see.
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
Aerith weirdly finds friendship in characters that posses the traits she lacks, her natural FOILs I suppose.
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
Red hair, dragon tattoos on their arms, a name starting with a “G” and ending with an “awyn.”
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
Aerith doesn’t necessarily talk a lot at the Institution; however, when she does it’s always something nice, and so she’s achieved a really positive reputation there.
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Polite yet almost noticeably detached, she isn’t fast to comfortably trust somebody. She stutters more the less she knows you.
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life?
In the apartment Aerith shares with Gawyn, there’s an armchair that’s been in the main room for as long as she can remember. It sits close enough to the window that by midday the sun warms her bones, and washes away the pain of a long day. It’s her favorite place to read.
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
At night, many rooms of the apartment are lit with candles made from lemon peelings, so the scent of lemon has always made Aerith think of home.
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
Aerith loves anything sweet and baked. She prefers chicken and fish to pork and beef, and she can’t eat an animal if she’s seen it before it died.
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off?
Racists ohhhhhh myyyyy godddddd she CANNOT stand ignorant people. She expresses it in a very non-aggressive way.
15: Does your OC have any awful fears?
Well uh, she’s had sleep paralysis a few times and it was pretty fucked up. She has a slight fear of heights, and water that she can’t see through (aka no depth perception).
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
She prefers honesty, even if you’re a bad person, the ones who are frank about it are better off in her books. A certain amount of compassion, loyalty, the generally accepted norm for admirable traits.
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Romance Novels, and she gets so embarrassed over them that sometimes she’ll cover her romance books with bindings from tomes in advanced healing that she’d already learned several years ago.
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
Over the years Gawyn has really helped Aerith with her ability of self-justification. I mean, you kind of have to when you kill kids for a living. So, she normally doesn’t feel guilty about the things she does.
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
Aerith is more than capable of taking care of herself; however, she occasionally has convinced Gawyn to nurse her through a small cold or virus. It’s like her own little vacation.
20: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
Being a woman, especially when she first was living with Gawyn, Aerith unfortunately has had to ask Gawyn for help in her personal hygiene. More than once. She also will occasionally greet somebody and the realize it was a stranger who just looked a familiar, Aerith will the promptly die of embarrassment and apologies.
21: Any ships for your OC? This one is uh, kind of easy XD
22: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
I better fucking not because I’ll cut a bitch
23: What are your plans for your muse in the future
Fuck Gawyns, Get Money
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bearsofdeathx · 9 years
Ah see, I meant pick one OC and answer all the questions XD Thanks for the answers, though! Interesting stuff. I cracked up at the Gawyn part, “Now in possession of 2 million dollars”.
I suppose if it’s up to me, er, Aerith? I’ve asked a lot about Gawyn in the past, time to give the cutie the spotlight.
Ask me about my OC!
Character Creation Questions
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?
4: How do you get into your OC’s mindset to write for them? How do you find the muse for them?
5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.
IC Interaction Questions
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?
7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?
8: What does your OC look for in a significant other? Are they looking at all?
9: What is your OC like when at work? Are they diligent? Slacker? Do they get along with their co-workers?
10: How do they deal with strangers?
Inside the Muse’s Mind Questions
11: Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
12: What scent calms them? Reminds them of home or something soothing?
13: Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat?
14: Pet peeves. Tell us what would really tick them off. Do they have a Berserk Button?
15: Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
18: Do they have a guilty conscience? Why? Did they ever do something they totally regretted?
Miscellaneous Questions
19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?
20: What are Tropes you associate with your muse?
21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.
22: If given a million dollars, what would your OC do?
23: Any ships for your OC?
24: Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC?
25: What are your plans for your muse in the future?
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