starmoonsunearth · 2 years
Yeah, Slebew
(Savien x Y/N)
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What does Slebew mean?
The meaning of slebew is thought to be a play on words that smell like lewdness and porn. In fact, not infrequently there are also those who interpret the word sleebew as sex. The Darkside of Dimension FP site also reviews the word slebew in the pornographic category so it doesn't sound disgusting.
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juno7haiti · 2 years
Des membres du gang de Savien mis en déroute sur la nationale #1 à Pont-Sondé
Des membres du gang de Savien mis en déroute sur la nationale #1 à Pont-Sondé. #J7dec2022 #Juno7
Des membres du gang de Savien mis en déroute sur la route nationale #1 à Pont-Sondé. La Direction départementale de la police de l’Artibonite informe que des unités spécialisées de l’institution ont infligé un sacré revers à des membres du gang de Savien ce mardi 6 décembre au niveau de Pont-Sondé. Ces malfrats tentaient de prendre le contrôle du sous-commissariat de la commune qui est en attente…
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simuko · 2 years
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✰ Lee Family Outing
Keyorie, Cortez, and their daughter Savien ditch school and work on Friday to go snowboarding in Mt. Komorebi!
There were many fails (and I thought Cortez was going to get die underneath the vending machine) but the day was well spent and adorable!
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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news-paw-haiti-509 · 9 months
Artibonite : Au Moins Deux Morts et Plusieurs Blessés lors d'une Attaque Armée
Une nouvelle attaque attribuée aux membres du gang de Savien dans l’Artibonite a fait au moins deux morts et plusieurs blessés mardi. Les membres du gang “Gran Grif” ont ciblé un camion transportant des marchandises en provenance d’Elias Piñas (République Dominicaine) à destination de Saint-Marc. Le camion a été attaqué par des individus armés, entraînant la mort d’au moins deux personnes, dont…
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kerta-the-53rd · 3 years
Theories on what will happen in 009: :D
The crippling pain on the possibility of Geo leaving Teora and returning to Earth: D:
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uselessh3rt · 5 years
I don’t know if anyone has shared this already, but the FEEL of this song is something I can hear The Lay of Sir Savien Traliard being. The classic guitar obviously being the lute part, and the oboe part being the vocals. (The oboe has been known to be the instrument that most closely resembles the human voice).
Just thought it was cool and wanted to share. The song itself is both melancholic and beautiful!
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flagellant · 2 years
frankly I would pay good money to thumb through those annotated kingkiller copies. the seven word phrase highlights…
They're annotated for:
-Subtextual lore of The Seven and the history of the Creation War (including, for example, the inscription above the Archives and the Faen words spoken at the end of book 1 and the word shared by Shehyn in her story, all coming from the same root etymology)
-All seven word sentences said by Denna and Kvothe to each other
-Every time the number seven is relevant in the text at all (expect disaster every seven years, the seven years Savien was separated from Aloine)
-All hints of foreshadowing of the metastory (Kaysera the Poet-Killer, being 12th in line to the throne of Vint, the Penitent King, "the cobblestones are all shathered")
-All hints of Denna's knack
-Passages I just like
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...i need to list my family :']
Main Family:
Sitrius Neko (Dad)
Galactia Angela (real Mom)
Sherly Rein (Stepmom)
Chat Galaxie (Twin Bro)
Galactic Neko (meh)
Found Family:
Seiun Neko (Uncle)
Deon Neko (lil bro)
Sanell Skullbone
Swag (US! Pap)
Ruff (SF! Pap)
Howl (FS! Pap)
(Oc x canon thing :'])
Sanko Neko (Eldest)
Kayo Neko (Elder)
Ezeri Neko (Middle)
Aurora Neko (2nd Middle)
Gabi Neko (Second youngest)
Bismuth Neko (Youngest)
Nova Galaxie
Ares Galaxie
Comet Galaxie
Tomo Michisuki (Sanko's wife)
Thomas Ranger (Kayo's husband)
Pert Jacobs (Ezeri's husband)
Eddie Vein (Rora's husband)
Sabi Theuban (Gabi's girlfriend)
Hamoko Sanko (married)
Kai Ranger (married)
Tayo Ranger (married)
Ryma Jacobs (married)
Syre Jacobs (dating)
Adam Vein (single)
Grandkids Soulmate:
Mei Lee Cheng (Hamoko's wife)
Cameron Willow (Kai's husband)
Daniel Thorn (Tayo's husband)
InuRyu (Ryma's husband)
Tony Drew (Syre's boyfriend)
Great Grandchildren:
Rigel Jr. Neko
Hanabi Sanko
Lune Ranger
Found Family's in-laws:
Mel Savein (Seiun's husband)
Enge Hound (Deon's husband)
Found Family's babies:
Ashton Savien
(Rose Savein)
(Maya Savein)
(Bella Savein)
(Darnell Savein)
Razor Hound
Chat's in-laws:
Susan Allina (Nova's wife)
Clyde Quinn (Ares' husband)
Josè Perez (Comet's husband)
Chat's Grandkids
Katrina Galaxie (Nova's daughter)
Samantha Galaxie (Nova's daughter)
Hannah Galaxie (Nova's daughter)
Lola Galaxie (Ares' daughter)
Nicolas Perez (Comet's son)
Julian Perez (Comet's son)
Juana Perez (Comet's daughter)
I think that's all. Bye :']
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rhetoricandlogic · 4 years
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The Lay of Sir Savien Traliard - Kvothe by Kurogane-sensei
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va-3 · 3 years
Character Art
Taika Tempest; 
Alistair Jeon; Before and After, 
Parius Evala Moretti Dytenco; Her, 
Shartrap; Halloween, 
Patches; New Skin, 
Owenada; Titan, Duo, 
Aziza; Life, 
Savien Sinclair; Anatomy, 
Concept Art; 
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juno7haiti · 2 years
Un membre du gang de Savien arrêté par la PNH à Saint-Marc
Un membre du gang de Savien arrêté par la @PNH_Officiel à Saint-Marc.- #Juno7 #J7Sep2022
Un membre actif du gang de Savien arrêté par la PNH à Saint-Marc Le nommé Geles Étienne a été appréhendé par des agents de la Police Nationale d’Haïti (PNH) à Saint-Marc, commune du département de l’Artibonite le mardi 13 septembre 2022. Geles Étienne, 45 ans, est un membre actif du gang de Savien, selon les précisions communiquées par la PNH dans une note publiée sur sa page Meta. Le présumé…
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igmorales · 5 years
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The Lay of Sir Savien Traliard
Quarantine Painting
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martamontell · 5 years
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And, of course, the Lay of Sir Savien Traliard without Denna is not the same!! ❤️❤️ Hope you like it!! Patrick Rothfuss © Kingkiller chronicle
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tanukijay-official · 4 years
Countries Away Chapter 18
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
        Candon grabbed a sniper rifle, joining a new kid named Finn, or Finland who had joined because of Dominick. He had understood little English at the start, which was not surprising to Candon, but now Finn was doing much better. “Where we go to?” Finn asked, a thick accent sort of making it hard for him to be understood.
        ”A battle against the original countryhumans, to protect ourselves,” Candon explained to the Finnish boy. Finn pulled his mouthguard. Finn had been assigned an important mission - he was to snipe Savin, with the hope of taking him out of the equation. With them was going to be Scott, Spencer, Aussie, and Belle, just to be safe with the fact of Finn was going to be protected while he executed the order. 
        "Snohw?" Scott asked with surprise. "Dedn't see that won cuming." Candon looked up. Sure enough, soft, white snow was flitting around the stadium grounds, which they have taken to call the World Center. Candon sighed.
        "Finn, are you going to able to shoot in this weather?" After a look around, Finland surprisingly nodded with a lazy grin. "Snow second nature. Easy for Finnish."
        Amos snuck with an AR rifle on his back and a pistol on his hip, and stared at his brother for a brief moment. “Everything set up so far?” He asked, tilting his head.
        ”Waiting on Belle and Austin to arrive, I know Spencer is already here. I saw him near the front of the center talking to Philippa,” Candon replied, adjusting his rifle to his shoulder. Amos cocked his head.
        "What are they talking about?" Candon shrugged.
         "I may have a guess, which is that today is Philippa's Mom's birthday or death date. Spencer and her always get secretive around this time, and in movies, people always get secretive around a loved one's day of death and birthday." He explained. Amos nodded. 
        "Okay, give them ten minutes. We'll leave once they're done." He said as Brazil (Belle) and Australia (Austin) ran over, completely out of breath.
         "Sorry we were late! We were looking at an OTP!" Aussie panted.
        Candon, Finn, and Amos shared a look with one another before Candon sighed. “Who was it?”
        ”Huh?” Belle asked, tilting her head.
        ”Who’s the OTP, Aus?” 
        "Oh, Sam and Jackie got together finally. Seriously. Bell and I saw them!" He smiled. Another set of glances. Finn soon sighed. 
        "With Estonia. Pretty girl. Okay for War to have romance." He shrugged. "It happen." Amos nodded. 
        "Yeah, I'm with Philippa, so... and you're with Ukiah."
        ”Speaking of, do you know where she is?”
        ”Russell ordered her to stay home, that way he didn’t loose his sister,” - Candon rolled his eyes and sat down with a huff. “Of course,” He mumbled to himself.
        A yellow eye flared through the scope of the rifle, waiting on the “surprise” visitors. “You sure they arrive?” Finn questioned, in ready position to wipe out Savin and his army.
        ”Any minute now,” Austin looked around, before spotting a set of military boots. He waved his hand which let Belle and Scott drop down on their knees near Finn. Spencer weaved by the pair to stand straight on the wall of the World Center. Finn kept his aim on Savin. The group gathered together as Finn adjusted the scope. 
        "Are ye sure ye cahn het et? De target ah mean." Scott asked Finn. Finn nodded. 
        "Finesse to snipe. Patience." Finn reassures the Scot. He sighed.
        "Weh've ben at thes for ann howr." He groaned. Spencer glared at him.
        "We're giving Finland the time he needs, Scotland. Calm down. Plus, USA needs to give us the signal. It can't be too chaotic otherwise Finn endangers the mission." Spencer looked at Finland. "No pressure, Finland."
        "No worry."
        Another twenty minutes had passed by before Amos gave the signal to fire at will toward Savien. Spencer took out the first wave of soldiers, leaving a mess of bodies and weapons scattered around. Slowly he crept to the other side, and waved his hand. Scott dashed by him and got on a knee firing at any moving target in front of him; which led an open path for Finn to shoot.
        An approaching squadron came barreling by shooting at the group, Spencer got rid of two but had trouble with the rest. “Belle move!” Spencer yelled. Austin and Belle shot at the enemies.
        Finn was able to get the shot, but he got hit in the back. "AGH-" Finland skidded across the cliff. Scotland grabbed him. "Nawt on mai watch!" He strained, trying to pull him up. Finland got up with a heave, panting in both strain and pain.
        "Back." He managed to say, and Scott dragged him to the side. 
         "Ye stay dare!" Scott told him as he ran off to help Spencer.
         ”Not like I have choice,”
        ��When Spencer got around to Finn with a clamp, gauze and bandages in his hand, he pulled the bullet out of the Nordic’s back. “Give me one more second,” He mumbled, cleaning the wound and applying bandages. Quickly he shoved them back in the bag and handed them to Belle. “Take that to Brittany,”
        She nodded and ran along the snow, holding a scarf to her mouth and nose. “Are you good?”
        ”Not in much pain, still hurt like hell,”
        ”Still able to shoot?” Spencer questioned once more to the Nordic.
        ”Always able to shoot,”
        ”Good, we don’t have much time left but from what I’ve gathered Savin is coming and fast. Which means you need to be ready to shoot, in the next few minutes Finn,”
         "Got it,” Finn nodded firmly as he set up his sniper rifle. "Only one shot." He counted. Spencer nodded.
          "Make it count." Spencer said as Savin and Rïchie made their way up. Rïche aimed at Belle, and the team couldn't process what happened next.
           Before Spencer could shout, Aussie and Belle were both on the ground, bleeding. Rïchie cackled, but it was short-lived when Savin cried out and was holding his eye while trying to eliminate Scott. Everything was a blur. Blood stained the fresh snow. Finn was smirking with triumph. Scott was scrambling to Aussie and Belle, who didn't have much time. Spencer did the one thing he could think of at the moment.
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chai-tyto · 5 years
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The Lay of Sir Savien Traliard
started out as practice but I liked it. 
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