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Mood of the day:
Putting cheddar cheese sauce on noodles and calling it mac n' cheese
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A Painful Truth
I come to my room every night.
Some nights with a marker,
To bring beauty to drown out the pain.
Some nights with a knife,
To give my pain a voice.
And sometimes simply with tears,
Running down my face,
Collecting in my pillow,
Which has seen so many sorrowful nights.
No matter what though,
I wash away the evidence in the morning,
And nobody asks why marker is still on my arm,
Despite how much I've scrubbed at it.
Nobody sees my fresh wounds,
Wrapped as they are and hidden in my sleeve.
Nobody asks why my eyes are red and swollen.
I plaster on a smile for the world to see,
All the while broken inside.
Never breaking free of my loneliness.
Always abandoned by those I loved,
And those I thought loved me.
-A Broken Teenage Girl
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I had a dream that someone loved me. I woke up heartbroken yet again. I should've known it was too good to be true.
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Is there a better way to phrase that someone ducked themselves over? I'm writing an essay and I can't exactly put that in it...
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I'm an awful person
I went to McDonald's at 7ish at night and I made them make me a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. I'm so sorry McDonald's employees
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Is this why people think best in the shower?
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If you say "flutist" you're wrong
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Random Guy: So what do you do for fun?
Me: I'm in band.
Guy: What do you play?
Me: Flute.
Guy: Skin flute?
Me: *Pointedly raises eyebrow at guy* Flute, not piccolo.
Nearby Band Members: *riot*
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Well clearly I've chosen the wrong fucking career path
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... Do we have to shame ancient Ireland now...
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And escapes
When your crazy cat lady starter kit arrives.
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That moment when you're on your period and you've been sitting down for a while but then you stand up and the thing happens
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I didn't know I needed this until I saw it
My cat brings me socks as offerings when he wants attention
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I can eat jello with chopsticks. Fear me.
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Guys, it's a GRAYdient
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So I went to target, and...
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So I just remembered what an asshole 12-year-old me was...
At lunch one day I was sitting across from some boys that were messing around and they accidentally threw some mashed potatoes on me. They laughed, so I raised my hand to get a teacher over to me. I could see the panic rise in their eyes. They apologized profusely when they saw a teacher start to walk over. When the teacher finally got over to me I asked to go to the bathroom (to get the mashed potatoes off of my shirt). Got back, the boys were just sitting there. To this day I don't think I've done anything as fear inducing as that. It wasn't actually that frightening for them I'm sure, but I shit myself laughing every time I think about it.
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