beastmodealpha · 2 years
The Stories of GEAR- Super Smash Bros pt. 2: Jacob Carlson
Pulling up to his friend’s apartment building, Jacob Carlson, was excited to spend some time with his friend, Daniel Moore. Jacob and Daniel have been best friends since kindergarten but adult life after college has prevented them from hanging out as much as they wanted. But today they can leave their adult responsibilities and just chill, catch-up, and play the new Super Smash Bros for the Switch that Daniel just recently acquired. Jacob quickly threw his car in park and excitedly made his way into the apartment building and made his way up to Daniel’s apartment. Jacob walked up to Daniel’s door and knocked but there was no answer. Jacob reached out to knock again but that’s when the door opened, however, Daniel wasn’t the one who answered. No, instead it was a tall, ripped man wearing nothing but a pair of black gym shorts. He had thick stubble on his face and his ripped upper body was covered in thick body hair. He was also covered in sweat like he was in the middle of a workout or just finished one.
In a deep manly voice the tall stranger ask, “Can I help you?”
Clearing his throat Jacob responded, “I’m sorry I must have the wrong apartment. I was looking for the apartment of Daniel Moore?”
The stranger responded, “No, you are at the right place. You must be Jacob; Daniel said you would be coming. He had to step out to go grab something and asked me to watch his apartment for him.”
“My name is Dan”, he said as he reached out his massive hand for handshake.
“Nice to meet you”, Jacob said as he accepted Dan’s handshake.
“Come on in, Daniel should be back any minute now.” Dan stated as he lifted his arm motioning Jacob to come in.
Jacob smiled and walked into the apartment. As Jacob walked by Dan he caught a whiff of his BO and it was rank and strong causing him to start coughing.
“You ok dude?” asked Dan.
“Yeah…cough..cough…just caught a whiff of something and it…cough…caught me off guard.” Jacob said while regaining himself.
Dan lifted one of his arms and sniffed his pit cause his eyes to roll back in delight.
After letting out a quite soft moan Dan said, “Shit man sorry, I had just finished a heavy workout when Daniel asked me to watch his apartment and I didn’t have the time to shower yet. I’ll see if Daniel has some spray deodorant. You make yourself comfortable while I go look.”
“Ok, if he has any it will either be in his room or in the bathroom” said Jacob.
“Thanks bro. be right back” responded Dan.
As Dan left to check for some deodorant, Jacob made himself comfortable on Daniel’s couch. It was not long till Dan came back.
“Hey bro you thirsty?” ask Dan.
“Ummm sure but is it ok to get something without Daniel’s approval?” question Jacob.
“Its fine I brought my own drinks before I left my apartment…..shit!” exclaimed Dan.
Turning around look towards the kitchen Jacob asked, “What’s wrong?”
“I only brought one drink with me. Oh well, here bro catch.” said Dan as he tossed Jacob a bottle.
Almost failing to catch it, Jacob, looks at the bottle in his hands. It was a fruit punch flavored sport drink call GEAR. Jacob has never heard of GEAR before but that didn’t surprise him as he doesn’t drink sport drinks often.
“Are you sure I can have this Dan, I mean you did brought for yourself and I can just get a glass of water, wait for Daniel to get back, or we could just share the drink.” said Jacob
“Don’t worry about it bro, I had one earlier and I really shouldn’t have another. Plus once you take the first sip you’ll drink the whole damn thing they are that damn good! I’ll just have a glass of water” said Dan as he grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water from the tap.
“Ok, thank you.” said Jacob as he twisted the cap of the bottle.
Jacob brought the drink up to his lips and took a sip. It was delicious and far better than he was expecting. The flavor was sweet and full and the drink itself was smooth.
“Told you it was good.” stated Dan taking a seat next to Jacob on the couch.
Reeling from the slight jump scare, Jacob let out a small laugh then went to drink some more but realized that he had already drunk it all.
“Damn you were right. I didn’t even realize that I had drunk it that fast.” said Jacob
“Told you!” Dan said while laughing
“So, Dan, Tell me about you. What do you do for a living and how long have you be living here?” asked Jacob
“I’ve just recently moved in and I work at the gym down the street as a personal trainer” stated Dan
“Oh that’s interesting. Have you always been interested in fitness?” asked Jacob
“Yeah man, ever since I was a teenager. I played football and wrestling in high school and that required I put time in the weight room. While I enjoyed playing those sports what I really loved was the feeling of building my body and getting ripped.” Stated Dan as lifted his arms and flex his massive biceps.
A strong musky scent made its way into Jacob’s nostrils. It was hot and pungent but at the same time rich and intoxicating. The smell was so strong that it caused the room to spin and it made Jacob extremely light headed. He was passing out but before he fell completely over he felt Dan catch him.
“You ok bro? You almost fell off the couch” asked a concern Dan.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just got a little light headed just now. Thanks for catching me bro.” said Jacob.
Wait did I just say bro?
“No problem bro.” said Dan
Dan sat Jacob back upright on the couch leaving his arm wrapped behind him to help hold him up. As Jacob sat there trying to regain his composure he happen to glance down at Dan’s crotch. Jacob was in awe of the bulge that was present in between Dan man-spread legs. Thoughts began to race through Jacob’s mind, thoughts like how massive Dan’s dick looked in those gym shorts, if Dan’s dick was hard or if it was just that massive soft, and ultimately how much he wanted to suck on that massive member. Jacob quickly shook his head and pulled his gaze away from Dan’s crotch. Did he really just stare at another man’s crotch and think about sucking it. He wasn’t gay and he would never have sex with another man that was a chick’s job. As Jacob was trying to understand these thoughts in his head that’s when the musky scent made its way back into his nose. Jacob took a deep breath in of the scent letting its intoxicating aroma invade his mind. The scent drew Jacob’s gaze to the armpit of Dan’s extended arm. The whole room seemed to fade way as all of his attention was drawn towards that sexy, musky aroma coming from Dan’s hairy armpit. All Jacob could think about was wanting to bury his face in that pit, inhaling all of that manly musk , and wanting to work his tongue on every single hair in that pit. Just when Jacob was going to snap himself out of this train of thought, trying to remind himself he isn’t gay, in his deep voice Dan said, “You want to get closer?” Jacob said nothing as inside he was screaming no but his body was screaming yes as he felt his head nod up and down. The next thing he felt was Dan’s massive hand reach up behind his head and using it to pull it closer to his pit. His heart was racing and his breathing growing more rapid as if his body was excited for what was to come all the while he was mentally fighting to make it stop.  Jacob closed his eyes not wanting to see this come to reality but then he felt Dan’s armpit hair tickle is face, he was buried in the pit now. Holding his breath Jacob desperately tried to regain control of himself and break free from Dan’s grasp but then deep tone Dan whispered in Jacob’s ear, “Inhale.”  With that command Jacob took a deep breath, inhaling Dan’s intoxicating scent straight from the source and letting that voice in his head to grow quiet.
Jacob continued to inhale Dan’s scent letting it soak into every fiber of his being as a warm feeling washed over his body. Jacob felt Dan repositioning himself on the couch giving Jacob more room to stretch out. Jacob was grateful for the extra room as his body ached but he never left Dan’s warm pit, Dan’s hand no longer on the back of his head instead now resting behind his own head to give Jacob full access to his pit. Little did Jacob know, as he was buried in Dan armpit inhaling that warm aroma, the aching his body was feeling was coming from the growth his body was experiencing. His body stretch and lengthen adding inches to his height. Quickly Jacob grew from 5’5” to 6”5” all the while his chest, back, and shoulders grew wider and broader allowing him to inhale even deeper. Feeling the aching reach his feet, Jacob, kicked off his shoes and sock and it was a good thing he did as his feet were growing longer and wider no longer fitting his size 11s. No, he will be wearing size 15s now. His hands also grew bigger to match his large frame, now owning a pair of man mitts himself. Dan took his other hand and reached down Jacob’s shirt and began to rub it causing Jacob to let out a small moan.
“Fuck…” said Jacob mid moan.
“You like that tall guy?” asked Dan.
“Mmmhmm.” Mumbled Jacob.
“You love the way I smell don’t you?” asked Dan
“Yeeess, want deodorant did you use?” asked Jacob
“I didn’t. That is all pure man musk.” Stated Dan
“Fuck….” Moaned Jacob
Jacob’s inner voice return wanting to know what was going on. He knew without a doubt that he wasn’t gay and/or was attracted to men, but here he was with his face buried in a man’s armpit breathing in his scent and enjoying it. What did Dan mean by tall too, he was short for an adult male? He then began to think about what if Daniel walked in and saw him like this what would he say, but this thought was interrupted by Dan.
“You want to lick it don’t you.” asked Dan
“No.” stated Jacob listening to his inner voice
“Yes you do.” said Dan
“No.” stated Jacob again while pulling away
I’m not gay thought Jacob as he was regaining control of himself. He continued to pull himself free but something was off. It was like his body was fighting him, wanting to stay in Dan’s warm pit. No he keep repeating to himself, something is wrong.
“I’m not ga--“
“Lick it.”
With those commanding words whispered in Jacob’s ear by Dan, Jacob’s inner voice once again went silent. His face quickly plunged its self back into Dan’s open pit but this time his mouth opened up and allowed his tongue to escape. It quickly went to work licking and exploring Dan’s hairy pit. Jacob could taste Dan’s salty sweat, it was absolutely delectable. As Jacob went to town on Dan’s armpit, Dan reached down and grabbed the tail of Jacob’s shirt and proceed to pull it off. Jacob didn’t fight it and easily allow his shirt to glide right off of him, exposing his now broad back. Dan then proceeds to move Jacob out of his pit so he could readjust and let him work on the other one. As he did, Jacob kissed and licked Dan hairy pecs and nipples causing Dan to let out a deep moan in pleasure. The sound rang in Jacob’s ears making his dick to start growing hard. When Dan finally got Jacob in his other pit he reached down and started to unbutton and unzip Jacob’s pants. Jacob realizing what Dan was doing help him strip of his pants. Afterwards Dan began to massage Jacob’s dick through his underwear causing him to let out loud moans while he was still in Dan’s pit. A warm feeling began to spread throughout Jacob’s body as Dan continued to massage Jacob’s raging boner. Dan then moved his hand away Jacob’s crotch and started to rub Jacob’s thighs. As he did Jacob’s legs began to grow in size adding pounds of muscle to them. His once skinny legs were now as thick as tree trunks. His calves then began to balloon in size becoming the size of soft balls and as hard as stone. The feeling the made its way up to his ass, making it grow rounder and firmer with muscle. Dan then began to rub Jacob’s stomach as the warm feeling moved its way there. Jacob’s once flat stomach soon grew bricks of muscle as a nice six pack formed. The feeling then moved its way into his chest causing nice, strong, manly pecs to form and take shape. The feeling then wrapped its self around Jacob’s back, shoulders, and traps. His already broad back and shoulders became even more define as strong muscle grew all the while his traps became thicker with muscle too. The feeling then make its way down Jacob’s arms. Large veins began to snake their way up and around his arms as thick, strong muscle grew. His triceps and biceps ballooned in size becoming 15” guns of rock hard muscle. His forearms followed suit thickening up and becoming shredded. With that the feeling subsided, leaving the now transformed Jacob. Gone was his skinny body, now replace with the body of a bodybuilding jock.
Dan grabbed Jacob’s hand a placed it on his crotch, shocking Jacob out of his hypnotic trance. Dan lefted Jacob’s head to where the two locked eyes. Using Jacob’s hand, Dan massaged his massive dick through his gym shorts.  
“You like that don’t you big man?” asked Dan
“Ye—no. No, I don’t! I’m not ga--“
“Yes! …You do.”
“Yes, I do”
Jacob was trying his best to resist these new invading thoughts but to no avail. While something deep down was telling him to stop and trying to remind him that he wasn’t gay this new feeling was strong and overwhelming. He was loving this feeling and it felt all too natural to him. Yet something still felt off like he was becoming something he wasn’t.
“You want to suck it don’t you?” ask Dan
Dan proceed to remove his gym shorts reveling the fact he wasn’t wearing underwear but more importantly reveling his massive dick.
“You want, to suck it.”
Dan leaned up and whispered in Jacob’s ear, “Suck it”, then with his hand on the back of Jacob’s head pull him down toward his crotch. Jacob didn’t fight it and easy let his head move toward Dan’s dick. Then as if he had done this before, Jacob, grab Dan’s dick and wrapped his mouth around it. He then began to bob his head up and down, letting his tongue and mouth glide smoothly along Dan’s massive shaft. Thoughts reentered his mind trying to convince him that this wasn’t right and that this wasn’t him. But at the same time he loved the way Dan’s dick felt in his mouth and the moans from Dan filled him with pleasure and assured him that this was right.
As Jacob continued to suck Dan’s dick a new taste hit Jacob’s tongue. It was light but salty and sticky at the same time, it was pre-cum. Like a thirsty animal Jacob began to focus and work on the tip of Dan’s dick, try to lick every last drop on the translucent nectar. As he did that warm feeling reemerged but this time it felt like a pair of hands that wrapped around his face. Those warm hands then proceed to work and massage his face and head, reshaping it. His jaw became shaper and more square while his face became more symmetrical, removing and imbalances and blemishes. His hair then became a more manly style with shorter sides and back but slightly longer crown and front. Those warm hands then made their way down to his neck, wrapping around it. In that warmth it grew thicker while making his moans grow deeper. Gone was his pitchy high voice now replaced with a deep, baritone, manly one. The warm feeling spread to cover his whole being and from the warmth hair began to rapidly grow all over his body. Starting on his face a thick nicely shaped beard grew finishing off handsome face. Then in his deep armpits thick bushes of hair to rival that of Dan’s grew and from them a new scent began to fill the air. Dan caught a whiff of this new smell and let out a deep, load moan.
“You smelling nice bro”, stated Dan.
Jacob let out a moan in agreement as he continued to suck Dan’s dick. As he did the warm feeling continued to do its work, this time on his ripped arms. A light coating grew on the back of his man paws and forearm. Then the warms began to work on his legs. Thick dark hairs grew all up and down his long legs, covering every inch. The warm feeling then began to condense itself in Jacob’s chest. Hair erupted on his pecs giving them a nice coating. A slightly lighter coating grew on the top of his abs, but not enough to hide his impressive stomach, all the while the hair in the middle of his abs grew thicker giving him a nice treasure tail. And of course where there is a treasure trail there has to be treasure. The warmth made its way down to his groin and began messaging his dick and balls. His dick grew past its previous length all the while it grew thicker become a massive python that men only dream of. His balls grew larger to match is massive dick, as a result, releasing waves of pleasure and testosterone throughout him.
Dan pull Jacob up and away from his dick, a thread of pre-cum trailed from Jacob’s tongue to the tip of Dan’s dick’s. He brought Jacob up to his face and locked lips with him. As the two made-out, Dan pushed Jacob back on his back.
Breaking from Jacob, Dan said, “Your one hell of man and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
“Right back at ya br..!”
Snapping out of his trance to the sound of his voice, Jacob was in shock by how deep it sounded. His senses and mind returning to him, Jacob realized what he had just done and push Dan off of him.
“What’s wrong bro?”
“No! Something isn’t right, this isn’t right. I’m not ga..!”
Jacob gasped as he looked upon his newly transformed body. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he was jacked. Gone was his small thin body, now only the body of a hairy muscle jock remained.
“What the hell happened to me?!”
“What are you talking about bro?”
“My body! What the hell happened to my body?”
“What’s wrong with your body?”
“I’m HUGE!”
“Damn right you are!”, said Dan as he began to message Jacob’s pecs.
A wave of pleasure washed over Jacob causing his thoughts to get foggy.
“You were always the biggest guy on the wrestling team back in high school and college”
“Damn right I…nnn..nnno that’s not….”
Jacob was trying to his best to hold on to himself but every thought was so clouded. He could have sworn that he never played sports, especially wrestling, but then why does he remember it. Yes, he remembers now. He was the captain of the wrestling team in both high school and college. He was an absolute beast on the mat. He also remembers working out and get absolutely jacked in the weight room. He also remembered the nights he would give “extra practice” to the other team members. He loved the way they would suck his dick and their asses were also so fu…
“No! That’s a lie. I don’t like dudes! I’m not gay!” shouted Jacob
“What do you mean you’re not gay? You’ve always been gay and you never hid that fact Jake.”
“No, that’s not right and that’s not my name. I’m Jacob and I’m not gay and I’ve never fucked a mmmmm….”  
Jacob let out a load moan has Dan began to rub his dick through his now tight fitting underwear. As his dick was being rubbed he remembered that he was in fact gay. He remembered fucking every guy on the wrestling team, securing his dominance as captain on the team. However there was one guy on the team that made him feel safe enough to let go of control, that guy was his best friend Dan.
“How does that feel big guy?”
“You like that don’t you Jake”
“Fuuuuuck yes”
“Then you’ll love this….”
Dan proceed to strip the underwear off of Jake, releasing his new massive dick. Dan then spit into his hand and then wrapped it around Jakes hard python and started to jack him off.
“Oooooh Fuuck”
Dan jacked Jake’s dick off sending wave of sexual pleasure through Jake. As the waves washed over him, Jake began to settle in place.
Loving working out
Being a beast in the gym
Being a buff wrestling jock in high school and college.
Being attracted to the scent of a man
Being attracted to the body of a man
Being a dominate gay man
But submissive to his best friend now husband Dan
Dan’s picked up the pace and began to bring Jake to his climax.
“I am”
“I am about”
“I’m about to”
And with one final thrust Jake shot rivers of cum all over his bare chest, some of it even landing in his beard. As he cam any traces of Jacob vanished, leaving only the switch muscle jock Jake behind. Dan leaned in licked the cum of Jake’s face and chest.
“Fuck babe, what did I do to deserve that?” asked Jake reeling from the massive orgasm he just had.
“You were look so fine that I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Well you aren’t looking too half bad yourself, babe. But you know what?”
“I can’t just leave you hanging like that now can I” said Jake with a smirk on his face.
Jake then flipped him and Dan around. He then went back to town on Dan’s dick, sucking it like a popsicle. It wasn’t long till Dan shot his load right into Jake’s throat. Jake didn’t hestitate swallowing it. The two then proceed to make-out only stop so Dan could state that they need to talk to GEAR rep about selling it at the gym, saying that it could help make the gym grow. Jake agree and said he will call him tomorrow but right now only wanted him. The couple would continue to embrace each other for the rest of the day completely forgetting about play their new switch game. That was fine though as they were enjoying they own version of Super Smash Bros.
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beastmodealpha · 2 years
Trying something new.
Hello everyone it’s Beastmode here trying something new with this latest story. Please let me know how you all like it and feel free to either comment or message me with any constructive advise. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
Link to latest story:
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beastmodealpha · 2 years
The Stories of GEAR- Super Smash Bros Pt. 1: Daniel Moore
Daniel struggled to open the door to his apartment. He was reconsidering his decision to carry everything from the store in one trip but he just bought Super Smash Bros for his Switch and his friend Jacob was coming over to play it with him. He didn’t have much time before Jacob would show up and he still had so much to prepare, but first he need to get in. Putting his bags down he proceed to open the door and walk in. He then placed his bags on the counter and proceeds to put things away.
“Huh? I don’t remember buying this.”
Daniel proceeds to pull out what appeared to be some sort of sports drink. It was called GEAR a brand that he never heard of so it must have been new. Then it dawned on him, as he was leaving the store there was a booth set up outside handing out a free bottle of GEAR to customers. The guy who was handing them out claimed that they gave him boost and helped him transformed his body. It must have done something because that dude was absolutely ripped.  He grabbed the bottle and proceeds to open it.
“Why not, I haven’t had anything to drink today since this morning.”
Daniel brought the drink up to his lips and took a sip. It was delicious and tasted like fruit punch. Daniel chugged the rest of the drink down. He wiped his mouth off then went back to work putting the rest of the stuff up. It took him no time to do is so he decided to clean up a bit but that too took no time.
“Woah! That drink really did give me a lot of energy. I can see now how that guy got so ripped. With this much energy it be no problem going to the gym to work it off.”
As he was saying this his stomach began to turn. First he thought it was just the fact he had that sugar filled drink with nothing else on his stomach but then his core began to burn. Daniel braced himself on the counter as that burning feeling began to spread throughout his body. It was like he was on fire. Then it began. He felt his bones beginning to stretch long adding inches to his height. He quickly grew from 5’6” to 6’4”. Breathing heavily, Daniel began to question what was going on but he didn’t have long before his growth spurt continued. He lurched back gasping in pain as his back and chest widened as his shoulders became broader. Looking down at his hands he saw them too growing bigger. Then he heard his socks ripping as his feet grew larger and wider. His size 10 shoes won’t fit him anymore, he will need size 15’s now.
“What is happening to me! My—ugh—body!”
The burning feeling then seeped into Daniel’s muscles. First it was in his legs. His calves grew larger, then his thighs grew thick with muscle. His pants where straining to contain his now massive tree trunk legs. Daniel then hunched forward as the burning feeling proceed up into his abdomen. He lifted up his shirt causing his eyes to widen in shock. His stomach began to melt away as solid slabs of muscle began to emerge. He had abs! The burning moved further up into his chest causing his breathing to deepen. With each breath watched as his chest, his pecs, beginning to rise and push his shirt out away from him. As they did his nipples rubbed up against the fabric of his shirt sending a shiver of pleasure through him. As that burning pleasure washed over him it moved to his shoulders and back adding thick muscle to them. It then traveled down his arms. His biceps and triceps ballooned in size straining at the sleeves of his shirt. His forearms grew to match the rest of his arms as thick veins snaked their way up and around his massive arms. The burning feeling worked its way back up his arms and wrapped itself around Daniel’s throat and neck. It felt he was being choked by a pair of massive hands as his traps grew thicker. Gasping for air he could feel his neck growing thicker. When the feeling let go took a deep breath and then began to cough while he felt his now thick neck with his hands.
“What the fuck?!”
His eyes widen in shock to the sound of his voice. Gone was his normal voice, now replaced with a deep manly voice that made men melt into him.
“Wait men?! I’m not into men! I love pussy and chicks! The thought of sleeping with another ma.ugh..mmmmhhh”
Daniel’s thought was cut short has the burning feeling intensified, he felt like he was on fire. He quickly stripped down to his underwear in an attempted to cool himself off, reveling his now large, muscular body. A smile creped its way onto his face as he look in awe of his body.
“I’m fucking shredded. Men wish they could be like this. Maybe that’s why they love to be with me…WHAT! No, no I’m not into m…..”
His thought was cut off again, this time by a hot musky scent that infiltrated his nostrils. He lifted his arm and took a big whiff of his armpit.
His eyes rolled back as he took another deep sniff.
Daniel’s dick began to grow hard as he became more and more turned on by his own manly musk. When he opened his eyes he looked into his deep pit and saw that the hair became thicker. He pulled his face in closer and took another deep breath of his musk in and as he did he let out a deep moan. As he continued to sniff himself his legs began to get covered in hair. It didn’t stop at his legs though, no, he began to grow a thick pelt of hair on his chest that worked its way down his abs covering them in hair too. Then the hair on his arms grew thicker. While he continued to sniff is pit his face began to shift and change. It grew sharper and manly. Thick facial hair began to grow on his face forming a nice stable beard. His ass then grew thicker and firmer. The musky aroma finally worked its way into Daniel’s mind, where he was still fighting these new thoughts entering his mind.
“Fuck this smell is amazing. No wonder guys like to be in there. I bet they just love it when I grab their head and shove it in there. I know I like it when they start licking…..sniff…..mmmmmhh. NO! NO! I’M NOT GAY! I’M NO..!”
Pulling himself out of his pit he was in shock after seeing his now hairy body. But what shocked him the most was the raging boner in is now tight underwear. As he began to think on the thought of being hard over his new body and other men his dick twitched and released and wave of pleasure and ecstasy. Daniel moaned in pleasure, bracing himself against the counter. He looked back down and watched has his dick elongated past its previous length and grew thicker. His balls also grew in size to match his growing python. In a matter of moments Daniel’s dick grew to match his now massive size. When it finally stop growing he looked down at his new appendage straining against the fabric of his underwear as musky smelling sweat ran down his body. Then another pulse of pleasure and lust washed over him.
His dick pulsed again.
And again.
Thoughts of men entered his mind as it pulsed again.
Hot men worshiping him
Hot men sucking his dick.
Him sucking other men’s dick.
Him dominating and fucking other men.
And with a deep primal moan Daniel shot rivers of hot sticky cum that soaked right through his underwear and formed a small puddle at his feet. As Daniel, now preferring the nickname Dan, was coming back to reality after that wave of bliss and ecstasy, he took a deep breath.
“Fuck….I guess I must have worked up a sweet bringing the groceries in and it just turned me on and took over me, but damn did it feel good.”
Gone was small and straight gamer Daniel, remade now as the gay dominate stud Dan. Still reeling back from that experience, he looks down at the wet cum stain on his underwear and puddle at his feet then lets out a small chuckle.
“It’s a shame no one was here to enjoy that.”
At that moment knocking can be heard knocking from the door to his apartment. A devilish smile grows on his Dan’s face. Dan slips off his cum soaked underwear as he grabs a dirty pair of black gym shorts from the laundry basket and puts them on.
“That’s right Jacob was coming over and we were going to play Smash Bros. Well, I hope he does mind playing with my joy-con.”
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beastmodealpha · 7 years
Confidence Boost
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“I-I-I don’t know,” Vince paused for a few seconds trying to finish his sentence, “Mr. Larson. I’ve never been very good at sports. It’s just that… It’s just that… I don’t know.” Vince’s head sunk to the ground.
“Nonsense my boy,” Coach Larson patted him on the back. The wind was practically knocked out of the freshman. “You’ll be perfect. Just gotta believe in yourself a little more. That’s all.” Coach Larson led Vince into the college locker room. “And it’s Coach Larson.”
“Oh,” Vince’s eyes shot back to the floor. “Right. Coach Larson. I’ll try.” Each syllable came out in short breaths. There was no way Vince felt like he was going to live up to Coach’s expectations.
Coach Larson gave a hearty laugh and another slap to the back. “Thata boy. It’s all I can ask for. Now go get changed into something more fitting.” Coach pointed Vince down to the changing room. An XL shirt and some flexible fabric shorts sat on a bench.
Vince picked them up and eyed them suspiciously. Honestly he didn’t even know how he got into the locker room. Last thing he remembered was walking out of the library carrying several psych books and then he was talking to Mr. Larson. “Coach.” He corrected himself.
Despite not wanting to do any of this Vince still found himself undressing in the locker room. He reached over and pulled the XL shirt over his head. “I look so stupid…” Vince muttered as the shirt draped over his shoulder. “There’s no way that Coach thought this was my size.”
As Vince stood staring at himself in the mirror he didn’t realize that his posture was changing. He was standing straighter instead of leaning forward. His shoulders pulled back as muscle started to build. He looked at himself confused. Something was different. He rubbed his hand against his chin. “Damn it,” he cursed, “I forgot to shave this morning. Whatever Jenny will like it.” Who was Jenny?
Oh that’s right it was the girl he fucked last night. He’d been through so many lately he forgot for a moment. But Jenny actually stuck around. “Yeah Jenny. She’s a real good fuck. Couldn’t get enough of this bod last night. Actually knows what a real man is.” Vince rubbed his hands underneath his shirt grabbing at his pecs. They kept growing; filling the top of the shirt giving him a wide v shape.
It didn’t take long before he was flexing in the mirror again; one of his favorite pastimes. His powerful arms, he’d gotten from wrestling, was his favorite part. He loved the large round tops whenever he flexed. However he wasn’t able to enjoy it for long as he heard a loud rip from one of the sleeves.
“Damn it Coach, I need double XL. Stop getting me such small clothes!” Vince shouted from the locker room.
Coach Larson stood at the door smiling to himself, “Alright bud. I’ll make sure to order it right next time.”
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beastmodealpha · 8 years
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“You sure you’re in the right place?”
The two jocks stood with their arms crossed, their chests puffed out, their eye black smeared across their handsome, All-American faces like war paint. They were trying to intimidate me, but I had a note from Coach. I held it out in front of me.
“Oh, what’s this?” the one in blue said, “He’s got a note.”
“He’s got a note!” the other one repeated. “Give it here, nerd.”
He ripped it out of my hands and unfolded it. He looked it over, but I doubted that he even read it. Honestly, I doubted if he even could read any more. All he needed to see was Coach’s signature at the bottom, and that was good enough for him. He handed it over to the jock in blue. 
“Welcome to the team, nerd.” He had a sneer on his lips as he handed the note back to me. “Coach’s office is in the back. Follow me.”
He turned and I followed. Walking through the locker room, I saw the rest of the team. All of them were nearly identical to these two who had greeted me at the front. Athletic, aggressive, dumb. Jocks. And Coach had chosen me to become one of them. The note that had been delivered to me explained everything. Coach had a top-secret serum that was going to transform me into one of his jocks, and today I was going to get my first dose of it. Over the next couple of weeks, I would get stronger and stronger doses of the serum, each dose making me stronger, faster, meaner. Dumber. That was the part I liked best.
“This is Coach’s office,” the jock stopped abruptly and looked down at me before opening the door and gesturing for me to enter. The room was dark, lit only by a single flickering fluorescent light. Coach was at his desk, arms folded across his massive chest. He had already prepared the serum for me. It glowed neon green in the plastic sports bottle in front of him.
 “Are you ready for this, Connor?” he said. His voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. It was as if suddenly the sound of his voice was all that mattered to me. He pushed the sports bottle towards the edge of his desk. I reached out for it.
“I’m ready,” I said.
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beastmodealpha · 8 years
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When the PE teacher made you wrestle Chet Stockman for a round, it was no surprise when you got pinned by the 3-sport athlete in 20 seconds. With a smirk, Chet maintained the headlock he had on you between his boulder-like arms. Moments after he finally released you, you realized in horror that he’d managed to rub his dank pit sweat all over your face and neck. You panicked contemplating the worst consequence of Chet’s humiliating pin: fuck, you’ll have to shower now.
In your class, only the jocks are comfortable enough with nudity to take showers after PE. You’d sometimes overhear the echoes of their bro-ish banter and roughhousing as you’d quickly change for your walk home, hoping to avoid anyone seeing your flabby frame. But now, you have to take off all your clothes and follow the jocks into the locker room shower. You feel their leers as they size you up and laugh among themselves. You suspect they have something planned for you. You start to soap yourself as fast as possible.
Suddenly, you feel hands grab you and lift you off the ground. Is this it? Are you getting a beatdown? You’re lain on the floor and someone lifts up your legs. You feel strips of fabric grasping your crotch before something snaps against your waist: you’re now wearing a jockstrap. What the fuck? You look up at the jocks standing over you in a circle.
“Enjoying my cologne?” says Chet, as he leans over your body, flexing his beefy bicep while pointing underneath to the armpit that got you in this situation. You grimace in disgust.
“I marked you with my smell so the bros would know you’re in for a jocking. You don’t get to wash it off, not yet. Not until you start making this stuff on your own. Right now, you’re nothing. Your body is weak and useless, when it should be in its prime. But because Coach chose you, we’re fixing that. Once the jocking strap is done with you, your balls are gonna be brimming with jock juice, and they’ll be pumping it into your bod and your brain. After the changes, you’ll look like one of us. And smell like one of us tool: a studbeast football player.”
Your balls feel warm and heavy, and a sensation like static electricity starts to build up inside them. Your dick rises. Sweat drips off your flushing face and your heart beats faster, and with each pump, the electricity spreads to the rest of your body: down your legs to your heels and through your toes, up your belly to your chest and out to your arms, back, neck and head.
Heat and electricity consume your whole body as each muscle tenses, twitches, and flexes uncontrollably. For what seems like an eternity your head is filled with nothing but a white hot light that washes out every other thought.
A spray of cold water hits your chest. You open your eyes. You’re still laying on the slick tile floor of the locker room showers, but something about your situation there seems different. Your skin feels tighter and every single movement of your muscles–flush with blood–has a certain power behind it. You try to look down at your own body but it’s shrouded by steam. You close your eyes. After a while you start to get numb from the cold water.
“Looks like his jocking’s leveled off. He’s not making any more steam.” “Yeah, bro, he’s ready.”
You feel someone grab your hand. “Get up, bro,” he says. You pull yourself up and follow him out the showers. There is nothing in your head but the sensation of water dripping off your body, and the need to follow your bro. You don’t even remember your own name.
Still naked, you follow your bro out the opposite door from where you came in, into the athletic locker room. Your bro pulls the jockstrap off you and hands you a duffel bag. With your brain so blanked out, you can’t tell that it has “TIGHT END” written on it.
“Open it, bro.”
You open the duffel bag and find a gold-colored football inside. Something about it calls out to you, and you instinctively know that it will complete you. You grab it and hear a voice tell you that Coach needs you as a vessel for his will. He needs a body for his team, to play as a tight end. Meanwhile, you have no will of your own now, and you need a purpose to serve, and the skills to fulfill that purpose. This football contains the talent, the drive, the experience and the training of many tight ends from the past. This football-playing spirit will inhabit your body and make it a part of Coach’s glory and legacy. Then, once it retires football (usually after college, but sometimes after pro ball) it will go back to the golden football and leave you blank again. But don’t worry, Coach takes good care of all his jocks, even the blanked-out ones. So do you accept the position on his team?
Yeah, bro.
Sometime after the football finishes filling your brain with your new self, the PE teacher–now your Coach–walks in on you admiring your own reflection in the locker room mirror. You can’t wait to get out and play Coach’s offense, which is pretty much the only thing you have any knowledge of now (except for how to lift and train and stuff). Coach tosses you a white pair of shorts. Before you can practice, first Coach will have to see your 40, your jumps, and all your drills. But you’re confident that you’ll clear all your tests like a beast. Coach leaves you to continue processing your new life, and you resume staring at the massive, finely-tuned jock body in the mirror.
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beastmodealpha · 8 years
New QB- Connor
Look bro what harm can come form just trying it on?
First off I’m not your “bro” and second I don’t know were that helmet has been. Also I feel dumb enough having to this shirt and what was this thing on my arm again?
Its a sleeve with all the plays on it you are going to be our QB in the scrimmage and that shirt allows you to keep full range of mobility while staying cool as well. Plus I figured you didn’t want to go shirtless which is the best way to stay cool I might add.
That’s another thing why do I have to participate in your scrimmage practice? I’m just here to get info for my article about the football team for the school newspaper.
This way you can get the full experience and you can write a great story for us bro. Now here put on this helmet so we can get started.
Fine, but I’m not your “bro”. My name is Connor. I slip it on like this right.
That it bro now let just help you snap on the chin strap and there you go. It looks good on you bro.
After Jon finished snapping on Connor’s chin strap he felt a strange tingling sensation course through his mind and body, however, he quickly shook it off.
Now come on bro lets get started.
I’m not your….you now what never mind.
Connor’s team had the ball first. Getting into the huddle everyone stared at Connor waiting to hear the play. He looked down at the sleeve on his arm that had the plays on them.
All right team Red Right 90 Pull Trap break on three….1….2….3
After they break, Connor stood in shock as he realized that he just raddled off a play like he as play QB all his life. He got into position after the ball was snapped to him and his receiver was in position he launched the ball at him and delivered a perfect pass. After which he placed his hands on top of his helmet in awe of what he just did.
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Great pass bro. You sure you haven’t play football before?
Thanks bro and no, I must just have some hidden natural talent or something.
Well what ever it is keep it up the game is just getting started.
Connor went on for the the rest of the 1st quarter throwing perfect pass after perfect pass. He was so focus on trying to figure out were all this talent was coming from that he didn’t even notice that he had taken his shirt and sleeve off and threw them over to the sideline. However,  at the end of the 1st quarter the tingling sensation return but this time it was stronger. It was so strong that the whole field began to spin. He called in the back up QB and began to stumble his way back to the locker room. Once inside he lead his arms up against the lockers to brace himself and to prevent himself form falling.
What the fuck is happening to me. Where did all this knowledge and talent for football come from? What am I saying I’ve been playing football all my life. Wait a second no I haven’t. I’ve never played football in my life in fact I’ve always hated football. Then why do I remember playing it ever since i was able to walk. I can remember playing pee-wee, flag, and even leading my middle school team to becoming state champions. No, this can’t be true, then why did coach Dustin asked me to come to  tryouts today. Tryouts? I’m here to write an article on the football team for the school newspaper. What am I saying, an article what am I a nerd. Yes, yes I am. No, no I’m not. What the fuck is wrong with me. The whole room is spinning and I’m burning up. I need to get this helmet off.
Connor went to remove the helmet, but for some reason it wouldn’t come off. Connor pulled and pulled but the helmet wouldn’t bulge as if it was glued to his head. Then tingling sensation return but this time it was stronger than it was in the past and seemed like it wasn’t going to let up. The sensation  engulfed his all of his muscles to contract and relax as if they were doing a years worth of weight lifting in the gym. His skinny arms began to inflate and tighten into beams of steel. His chest began to grow into mountains replacing what used to be a flat valley. His stomach flatten before bricks muscle began to bulge up forming his abs and a nice v-shape leading into his shorts. Next his thighs swelled up becoming tree trunks and his calves became hard as diamonds. Then his feet grew longer and wider while his hand grew bigger. Then his legs and back stretched longer making Connor go from 5′7″ to 6′5″ in a matter of minutes all the while his chest, back, and shoulders grew wider and broader. Then what felt like a hand rapped around his neck making it thicker and his adams apple more pronounced. Then his voice drop like a stone in a lake causing to have a voice that will make anyone weak in there legs. Next the gripping feeling creeped its way up to his face, reshaping it and making his jaw more squared. Then his hair began to grow longer, causing it to creep out the back of the helmet and slightly curl upwards, and turn lighter to a more  sandy blonde color. Finally the rest of his memories were replaced with those of years of playing football, going beast-mode in the gym, and all things jock. Gone was the nerdy Connor all that remained was the jock Connor. Afterwards the sensation left Connor’s body that is when the team came in from the practice field.
Bro what happen to you out there. You left us out there at the end of the 1st quarter.
Sorry bro just started to feel strange must of gotten to hot out there.
I told you not to wear that shirt out there.
I know bro but I even tried taking it off and that didn’t work.
Strange….anyway good job out there. I see that the rumors of your passing skills are true.
Connor lifted his arms and began to flex them.
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Well it helps to have guns like this bro.
Sure does bro. I believe that the coach wish to talk to you but I have an idea what he is going to say so I’m going to say it first. Welcome to the Team Bro
Thanks bro.  
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beastmodealpha · 8 years
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New Recruits
Bro, I thought that nerds were supposed to be smart or something.
Right! It was way to easy to trick them into putting on the helmets. Oh well what brains they had are being drained away now. All of it being replaced with memories of football, getting big in the gym, and just becoming good JOCK Bros.
Even their puny bodies are starting to swell with muscle. But, I believe coach said that they won’t get to big yet something about need the rest of their gear for that. By the way shouldn’t we be moving them them over to the coach by now.
Na bro give it a few more minutes to completely drain away brains. That way we be the smart ones bro and besides they are going to be the on defensive line so they just need to know how to ram into things.
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beastmodealpha · 8 years
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Can you see it, your true self?
Yes, Coach I can and I look amazing! What did you do?
All I did was open your mind so you can see your full potential is all. So how about it bro you ready to the weightlifting team?
I don’t know Coach, can I actually look like than and what about my class schedule. It is already so full I can’t possible fit in the gym time and practice.
Don’t worry about it bro. If you just put your trust in me and follow my training program you be look like your true self it no time and as for your schedule, I can have that change easily.
Then sign me up Coach! I want to look like the version of me I see in the mirror as soon as possible.
Perfect. Then let’s go get you a uniform and I introduce you to the other bros.
 And just like that Coach Dustin added Johnny Stone to his weightlifting team. However, little did Johnny know is that Coach did a little more than just open his mind to his true self. No, instead Coach reached down into Johnny’s mind and pulled out his inner JOCK. Over the course of the next few weeks all of the things Johnny loves to do and that make him Johnny will be replaced with a new love for weightlifting, bodybuilding, and hanging out with his new bros. Say goodbye to the smart and bright, Johnny, and say hello to the dumb bodybuilding jock, Jon.
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