beatmadbarrister · 4 years
What is “disability”?
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(My thanks to Randy Glasbergen)
  We are always taught to define key concepts at the beginning of any investigation, so let’s try and do that. What is meant by the term ‘disability’?
Disability was defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2008 as:
“Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
People with intellectual disabilities who want to marry.
People with intellectual disabilities who want to marry.
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In the matter of A
A man with an intellectual disability who wants to marry his long term partner has won his appeal to halt an inquiry into whether he should be made a Ward of Court.
In June 2019, the man’s care provider successfully applied for an injunction from the High Court to prevent the man from marrying his partner. The High Court then considered whether the man should be made…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
When you need a helping hand
When you need a helping hand
For parents whose child has been (recently) diagnosed with autism, my wife Fiona has graciously made her book available on line for free.
Please spread the word.
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Learning at Level 5
Learning at Level 5
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This blog has been quiet for a while as I am currently engaged with lecturing online, which is a time-consuming and often stressful exercise, as there are so many elements completely beyond your control. I know that from a student perspective this is a really tough gig, and students (and their families) need all the help that we can give them.
With that in mind, I am developing a Discord…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
The concept of Standing and the access to justice
The concept of Standing and the access to justice
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The Roman forum was a busy, often chaotic, place. Merchants, moneylenders, prophets, politicians, herbalists, apothecaries, and so on, were all jostling around doing business. It was similar to our modern-day marketplace, but probably a lot rowdier.
What set the Roman forum apart from our experience of an open-air market was that the courts were also held in the forum. The Romans were in many…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Public Consultation - fruitful or farcical?
Public Consultation – fruitful or farcical?
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  What makes a good public consultation?
  I often write about a flawed or absent public consultation process. People keep saying to me: “We know how you are not supposed to do it, but can you not be constructive and suggest how a good consultation is set up?”.
  Public consultation is a process that involves the public in providing their views and feedback, usually on a proposed Bill before it…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
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Victims Vindicated: Farmers Victorious in Landmark Legal Battle Over Wind Turbine Noise Victims Vindicated: Farmers Victorious in Landmark Legal Battle Over Wind Turbine Noise August 25, 2020 by stopthesethingsLeave a Comment Victors … Victims Vindicated: Farmers Victorious in Landmark Legal Battle Over Wind Turbine Noise
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
More on Forestry
Those readers who were I interested in my previous blog on the forestry industry in Ireland will be interested to read an interview that Peter Sweetman gave to the Irish Independent:
Peter Sweetman is not opposed to forestry, he says, he’s opposed to the Government “getting around EU legislation”.
Known for his numerous submissions, the Mayo-based environmental activist currently has 21…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Seeing the Wood and the trees.
Seeing the Wood and the trees.
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 My most favourite place is in a forest. They are full of energy, they smell lovely, they shield you from outside noise, there is birdsong and the occasional chatter of squirrels, you might see deer or other forest creature, and there is often the burbling brook just to top it off. Forests make you feel alive and recharge your batteries for future use.
  My research has taught me that by the…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
"obscurum per obscurius"
“obscurum per obscurius”
(“the obscure by the more obscure”)
  If “bullshit” was a proper legal concept, it would have been used liberally in the latest Supreme Court judgment, and one can only imagine that the actual word was used in discussions between the learned judges before Chief Justice Clarke delivered the unanimous judgment.
  The judgment was Friends of the Irish Environment v. Government of Ireland [2020] IESC
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Forcing the ‘Custodians of the Planning Process’ to do their job.
Forcing the ‘Custodians of the Planning Process’ to do their job.
Many readers will be surprised to know that Irish planning law does have enforcement procedures. They will be even more surprised to know that the bodies designated to perform this enforcement function are the Councils. This is due to the fact that in Ireland these two entities rarely appear at the same time. Despite our Councils being the designated custodians of the planning process, they…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Injunctions against Quarries
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Illegal quarries seem to be in the news a lot lately, and it is always useful to pursue these stories, as their level of proliferation is usually directly proportional to the level of corruption in our county council system.  The reason for that is that it should be impossible to conduct illegal quarrying if a council is enforcing the planning laws. It always seems to be the case that where an…
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
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Path to Extinction: Giant Wind & Solar Farms Destroying Habitat & Threatening Endangered Species Originally posted on STOP THESE THINGS: Mike Moore’s Planet of The Humans revealed the wholesale environmental destruction caused by wind and solar; … Path to Extinction: Giant Wind & Solar Farms Destroying Habitat & Threatening Endangered Species
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
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Michael Shellenberger: Sorry, But I Cried Wolf on Climate Change Originally posted on STOP THESE THINGS: If climate change is a problem, then wind turbines and solar panels aren’t a solution: heavily subsidised and… Michael Shellenberger: Sorry, But I Cried Wolf on Climate Change
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Adios to Substituted Consent. At last.
Adios to Substituted Consent. At last.
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Peter Sweetman
    What is substituted consent?
  Substituted consent is a form of retention permission, whereby a person can obtain planning permission for a building or development  after that building has already been erected. It has a long and colourful history in Irish law, having first been officially introduced by Section 27 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act of 1963.
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beatmadbarrister · 4 years
Distraction from the car engine
Distraction from the car engine
A very insightful piece from an amazing young woman.
via Distraction from the car engine
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beatmadbarrister · 5 years
What do we mean by "Conflict of Interest"?
What do we mean by “Conflict of Interest”?
EU commissioner lobbied by energy firm he owns shares in
Johannes Hahn is the European Commissioner for budget and administration. He also owns 2,200 shares in Austria’s largest electricity-provider (Photo: europarl.europa.eu)
  BRUSSELS, 14. FEB, 07:04
  EU budget commissioner Johannes Hahnowns 2,200 shares in Austria’s largest electricity-provider Verbund AG whilst…
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