beau-britton · 3 years
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beau-britton · 3 years
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beau-britton · 5 years
Danny Boone - Camo Bikini
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beau-britton · 5 years
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beau-britton · 5 years
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beau-britton · 5 years
Beau’s favorite French word was back and it made her laugh, still feeling like she should correct him on the meaning of it, but… it was just very funny. Maybe she would tell him later. “Putain, yes, you remembered.” It warmed her heart a little, not because he remembered her (it would have been kind of shitty if he didn’t), but because this inside joke or whatever it was had stuck with him too. He sounded completely lost and she could not blame him for it — at least on her end, the phone had just rung without her doing anything. Yo was definitely fully awake now thanks to the mystery of it all. Was he telepathic after all? Fate? Magic? Just the weirdest coincidence ever? … Aliens? Okay, less History Channel for her.
“I don’t have any eggrolls, sorry… and I’ve had this number for years,” she said, followed by a confused hum. “Maybe they’re really close?” Although that didn’t explain much of anything if he had that other number saved in his phone. This was a Sherlock Holmes level case, or maybe one for the mouse detective that lived in his walls. She’d have to watch that one later. Then he said he’d wanted to call her, and maybe it didn’t matter that much how he’d actually done it. “I wanted to call too,” she admitted, smiling to herself like an idiot. She’d thought about it more than once since Harley had dragged her out of The Duke that night, but for some reason, his number hadn’t magically appeared when she’d wanted it. But it felt good to know that he’d been thinking about her too. “What did you want to say?”
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       This was like trying to solve one of those puzzles in the paper every morning...if he’d stuck with it that was. (Told once that it works the brains muscle well, he’d found solace in that aspect with a daily dose of Bop It.) This one was one he’d have to just let go and really that wasn’t too hard to do when he’d been craving that Dong Fong and almost instantly his hunger wasn’t one of those crab rango things anymore. Flashbacks to his truck, hell just the thought reddened his cheeks more than they already were. Didn’t hurt knowing they were in the same boat either, “....Don’t really know.” caught between some sort of truths and those little white lies, Beau shifted in his stance on the other end of the wire. Expression no doubt readable through the words with the way his lips spread into a grin, “I got a hit out on Harley...big one.” Teasing now, of course that woman irritated him but even more-so when she stuck to her word that night. “And—” he let out a little laugh at his thought, “Your Jaba Jaba ain’t shit.” Another coinkydink, the B&B’s reception and HBO did him a favor in that sense. 
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beau-britton · 5 years
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oh cam!
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beau-britton · 5 years
“Well, that is true,” Summer answered. “But isn’t pretty much everyone in debt in some form or another. That’s how it seems these days anyway.” She didn’t know specifics, didn’t want to know specifics, but it was pretty much that way with everyone these days. “No, more than likely not, it’s got to be 50% of us.”
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      That was a think piece for sure, of course debt was for the masses; himself included, for a multitude of reasons, financially was not one at the moment but the look it’d take into that bag was one he steered right clear of— “More than that. I think. Besides, all great idea’s come with a little help from Jim, Jack, or Jose’. All those poet homeboys—lady poets too.... PTA percents go up way higher.  Has to.” 
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beau-britton · 5 years
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beau-britton · 5 years
Request: i think we all need to hear ‘tequila makes her clothes fall off’ today. especially beau 
It may only be 9 in the morning here in Beaumont, but it’s never too early to start the party! This one’s for you, @beau-britton, but also for all you out there currently stuck at work or on the commute to work. Put a little pep in your step today.
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beau-britton · 5 years
Yo had all but passed out on her bed — long day of dealing with the dead  — and she felt a little bit disoriented when her phone vibrated and it was a number she didn’t recognize at all. Probably just one of those scam calls, but then the number was local. And the voice with all its ‘heys’ felt very familiar, although it took her a moment to place it. “Hey?” she waited for him to say something else, but nope, at least nothing meant for her. “Beau? Is that you?” It definitely sounded like she was in his pocket, and there was all that background noise too. Was that Jay-Z? Then the crinkling sound of him actually picking up the phone, sounding about as confused as she felt.
“Um, no, it’s Yolande. You know, French girl from the bar.” As if that wasn’t obvious. “Are you at a party or something?” Yo glanced at her watch. Kind of an interesting hour, if he was, not that she was judging. She was, however, very confused that he was even calling her, and it made less sense the more she thought about it. That Jäger had done a great job of wiping away the memory of saving her number on his phone at the bar, and then they hadn’t talked once since the Harley incident, despite her hoping to find him on Tinder. No luck. “How did you even get my number?”
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       That he was not expecting— a dumbfounded pause because sure, he hadn’t forgotten Yolande, thought about her even since the Harley incident—when he saw Harley too not two days ago while she was out on the lake giving citations so he motor boated right on out of her way— er, “Putain?” he did say, when it came down to it, star wars and something she was stuck on with that, tequila, something sweet and....the truck had come to mind. No way had he forgotten but yes way he was lost entirely why and how she was on the other end of the phone. His phone. He was pretty sure he’d summoned Dong Fong so this was well beyond eerie future fortune cookies.  
       “.........I don’t.” He added honestly, “Didn’t.....” How did he? He’d stopped with the hard stuff long ago so there was no way it was blocking out saving her digits, (though maybe this was what everyone was talking about stopping early on, it fucked with shit way later on) the announcer dude on the screen counting down to a time too long delayed and the song change louder in the background, Beau scrambled to save his game, turn down Jay and hear that kind of hard to understand accent at all, “I was callin’ for some eggrolls and wonton, oh and those crab rango things...you pick up the old Dong Fong number? Cus I know the owner guy bit it a couple months back....” foreign people did that all the time. Or dead people, only once or twice but he figured that was where all the ignored calls went wayside anyways. Hadn’t called Dong Fong in a while either. Checking his phone again, he swore he had that saved as DF though, not to be confused with DTF which he’d mixed up once or twice but she was Adie, she was cool about it. Most of the time anyways after some under breath cuss words. “Wanted to though. Call I mean. Funny how that works out I guess.” 
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beau-britton · 5 years
“Ew, no”, she said, vehemently shaking her head, “My assistant does and she always gives me shit for it — she walks my cat too and same thing: endless bitching and whining over it.” Of course, there was the slight complication of Noreen’s cat being a now almost fully grown liger, but she didn’t understand why that was a big deal. “I’d like, carry them around in my purse if I could, but they don’t like that, so I have to leave them with the so-called help.”
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                “Don’t think they’d fit too.” He was a little surprised by also not because he saw Tyga had a tiger. Noreen Innocent with goats was a step in that whole lifestyles of the rick of famous he just would never wrap his head around. He had pits, sometimes. More his parents but they roamed his property like any other so it was like a wild range sometimes, or something like it... “Hey. You got a horse in the Kentucky Derby too?” Because another, why not? She might. “It’s comin’ up.” 
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beau-britton · 5 years
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     “oh, god – sorry, i’ve just been watching a lot of movies from the sixties and that’s a saying they have. it does mean don’t have a fit, but i don’t know why they chose those words.” she said with a shrug. lana laughed at his words and lifted her shoe to get the paper off her shoe. “i would think everyone likes to be told they have tp on their shoe.” the blonde smiled and chuckled. “yankee territory ? what are you talkin’ about ?”
        “Cow must’ve had that fit. Ancient cow. Or ate some bad grass.” He shrugged, still no closure to that saying at all. Now it being from the 60′s was another thing, learning something new every day wasn’t he. “Groovy.” He smiled, could’ve been a 70′s thing but didn’t they both run together anyways? “Yeah, you know. New York. Takin’ to northern territory...eh, but don’t know if it counts with you. You’re right back here in good ol’ Volunteer territory. Long time no see, lookin’ good by the way. Last I heard you got yourself hitched, should I do some congratulatin’ or did I long since miss that gun?” 
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beau-britton · 5 years
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“Six figures an’ macaroni tie die? My, if that ain’ an interestin’ combination I don’ know what is.” Was she serious? Was she serious? Who knew, really.  “Exactly. So, that bein’ said, I reckon I can decorate this place an’ make it almost as pretty as you are.”
        “With tp? Whatcha sayin’ there, huh? One of those med-iaphores?  Heard a lot ‘bout full of shit in my time, piss and somethin’ or other here and there but all the same...none of that pretty. So unless you got some tricks up your sleeve I’d say you’re just caught with tp on your shoe.” 
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beau-britton · 5 years
          There was a lot of effort that went into that Easter egg hunt—wasn’t supposed to be like that. Not that day, not ever. Easter was family affair, Ernest was up for the spit roasting (RIP, all good juju given in his honor of sperminating the rest of the gang for more Easter Sundays and the like to come) but that day Beau wasn’t able to participate in. Nope, RayAnne had other plans. Which, yeah bummed him out a little but he did have some making up to do still and Katie was always better at rock paper scissors than he was so it was down to him and that egg hunt. Prove he could garner something other than chocolates and a couple twenties stuffed with some melting peeps with that overflow of potential consumers....
         Tuning into 104FM and hearing Tommy Lee’s tigre radio voice announce on one of the only clear channels no matter how far out in the boonies he turned up, that he won a stay at the GF B&B. Pedal to the metal, and Beau was at the stations front doors faster than a knife fight in a phone booth. Free was free, better take advantage where you could and, Beau didn’t win things. Never had. Giddy child inside was reaching and reaching hard for that giant ice cream scoop with some exotic flavor like bubble gum. 
       What he got— was a lot more than he even heard on with the dial turned high. No answers from the fam at hand, a massive Kanye shrug and a to the tune of said mantra, Yeezy-lined stuffed duffel with a couple essentials, prepped and ready to devour that B&B. 
        *First night. Failed tinder sitch due to poor reception. Eh, they did have HBO so it wasn’t a big deal. 
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       *Second day/night. Came equipped with the ripest of ripe fruits that he took hard advantage of after that full body massage from Frederico, which he swore he’d met before at The Catfish and a pool match and his name like, Joe. Or Tom. Jose or Jesus seemed more fitting now. Whatever, more relaxed than ever before with that deep tissue all over massage. Juicy Fruit smoothie the take down. 
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          *Third night.... HBO went out. That was okay though, the Wifi worked. The last few hours before sleep hit and he’d have to pack his bags from this something starred resort was coming to its end. There was a crime doc on the 2Pac disappearance that he got ten minutes into and ended on Allie and Noah being old...and then not old. That did it. A night. A good night. 
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beau-britton · 5 years
~so Beau’s at his trailer. Playing Tekken...the new one. He’s got old school Jay-Z playing (as in pre-yonce) but under the gaming sound...up and down the sound’s probably very muffled and in and out.
      “Hey....” quiet, all focus mounting... muffled still, “Hey! Uh uhh....what’s up...” he said but probably not heard right after was a vibrant talk back to the tv... “Nope! Rodeo this bitch Jin Kazamamama!” This went on...for a while...until he died, which really wasn’t that long later. Pulling his phone out of his back pocket that was nestled between his ass and the couch, for a whole inspired delivery option but saw it was already lit up, “Dong Fong?”..... mystical shit now, they’d been long gone for a year now...but he wanted them so bad...
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beau-britton · 5 years
It wasn’t often enough that she got to ramble about her precious goats, and Noreen was instantly forgetting all about psycho Carrie Underwood. “I do, they’re my babies.” Too late to stop her, she was already pulling up her phone to show him pictures of her horned children. “This is Proserpine, and this is Styx. I want more but my PA already bitches enough because she has to walk the two of them.”
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       Kinda shook because where the heck had this gone, he was looking at photo’s of goats on Noreen Innocent’s phone, someone who he undoubtedly would’ve mixed up with the other legged beauty Carrie but now..there were goats. Nervous before he sure as shit wasn’t anymore... she walking goats. “You walk em?”  Kinda like walkin’ cats isn’t it? How’s that work out?” 
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