beautifuldarkwolf · 2 years
Writing Prompt #1
A/N: This is not edited at all, and probably never will be ✌️ hope you enjoy.
It had been many months of travel before they reached the coordinates set into the GSP system of the ship. The search for resources was a constant battle for humanity. One place after another, the environment turned against humanity as they searched the universe for a new place to call home. The planet they had once called earth long forgotten in the cold vaccum of space.
The pilot upon the ship plopped down in the captions chair, the ship silent except for the sound of the engine. The shine of a star blinded them as they came upon the unknown planet, the bright golden rays making the planet look dark and dead. They flipped the controls back to manual as they got closer, a smile creeping into their face as the excitement of exploring a new world set in.
Though, before they could explore the lands personally a drone was released from the belly of the ship. It descended to the planet, holding up as it entered the planets atmosphere. Through the clouds and now feely flying through the sky. The pilot controlled the drone from the safety of their ship, a screen before them showing the unique formations and vegetation the planet held.
A week had passed and the pilot had discovered many things about the seemingly, uninhabited planet. While most of the planet was covered with water there was land to explore. It was such a diverse planet, something very rare on smaller planets. Another thing that surprised them was the seemingly man made structures. Pyramid like structures buried in the sand, faces carved and eroding off a cliff, cities taken back by nature. Much of it is buried under thousands of years of debris and nature, some could still be see from the drones cameras. The only think left to do was explore themself!
Humanity colonized the galaxy so long ago that it is has forgotten its origins. On a routine scouting mission, you come across a planet that has a handful of pyramid-like structures and a mountain with what resembles 4 human faces.
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beautifuldarkwolf · 3 years
The Clockwork Girl
Original Story
Word Count: 1 650
Summary: A old man tells the story about a machine who was more than just gears and wires.
Warning: Abandonment
Ah, hello! You must be new here, would you like me to tell you a story?
Usually another young man comes to visit me, but it seems like he did not come in today. He usually sits right where you are and listen to my stories. Do you mind taking his spot for tonight?
I promise it wont take long, my stories are always quick.
You will? That’s great!
Have you ever heard of the Clockwork Girl? No? Well, it is quite an interesting story, I’m sure you will love it.
This is set in the steampunk era, or so you kids call it. There was an inventor how had come up with a magnificent creation, a beautiful machine of gears and steam. It moved just like you and I, so smoothly that it could almost be human if it wasn’t a being of metal. The machine could do anything you wanted, it would clean, it could protect, and it could dance as graceful as an elite ballerina. The inventor had called it the Clockwork Girl, having made it in the image of his daughter. Something that was meant to help her and keep her safe while he was away, it was the perfect helper. That’s why it was shocking when the inventors daughter had rejected the machines help.
You see, she had lost her legs in an accident not many months before the creation of the machine. She was never to walk again. The poor girl had wished to be a dancer like her mother, having trained her whole life for it to be ruined in mere seconds by a hit and run. Clockwork Girl was meant to make her happy, keep her company as she went about her day. The best playmate you could ever wish for. But the girl hated the Clockwork machine, always finding new ways to ruin for fathers creation. She hated the sight of a mindless machine being able to move and dance while she was forced to watch from the side lines. It was a constant reminder of the pain she had gone through, of the dream she had lost.
After the many attempts to keep the Clockwork Girl running the Inventor decided it was no loner worth the trouble, his daughter would only continue to destroy the machine. It was his masterpiece, but the sight of his daughter breaking down at the sight of it was unbearable for him. So, instead of fixing it he decided to place it in the old shed filled with failed inventions. Locking it away to rust in the darkness of his failures.
What the Inventor didn’t notice was the pleas from the silent machine as he left her there. Years had passed, dust collected and red rust settled into the gears. The Clockwork Girl watched each day come and pass with the small sliver of light the came through the creak in the old wooden door. She waited for her inventor to return for her, her silent cries for help going unheard for decades.
I know you have questions but they will be answered in the story! You must be patient.
Okay, okay. I will make sure to hurry it up than.
Hahaha, impatient youth.
The Clockwork had lost all hope of her inventor coming back, thinking she would be left there until her metal became one with the dust. She had stopped keeping track with the days, the creak in the door long since covered. But it seemed as she lost hope her inventor returned, noises came from beyond the door as her eyes moved to look towards it. The eyes being the only thing left of her that seemed to still move without fail. Soon the door was torn open, blinding sunlight pouring into the room, before her a shadow of a human leaning against the door frame for support. A small gasp could be heard from the human as they struggled to move forward, falling to their hands and knees to crawl across the dirt covered floor. An image of a woman reflected off the Machines eyes, “You’re still here.” She breathed, stopping before the Clockwork Girl and letting her fingers run across the degrading metal. Both sets of eyes scanned the one before them, the woman looking though the damage while the machine tried to figure out who this woman could possibly be. “I’m so sorry for abandoning you, you were only ever doing you job.” The woman whispered, the sound of gears turning and steam releasing echoing through the shed as she struggled to push herself off the ground. It wasn’t her inventor who came to her rescue, but someone she least expected.
“Wait here. I promise I’ll be right back.” The Clockwork Girl was told as the woman moved out of the shed with some struggle. It wasn’t too long after when she returned, a young boy at her side who helped collect the pieces of the machine and placed the gently in a wheelbarrow.
They wheeled her into the workshop. The same one she had been created in, but this time it was much different than her last visit. Everything seemed newer, more technically advanced than the old steam powered shop she remembered. Different machines laid around, whirling and repeating the same motions as the woman and boy lifted her pieces onto the table.
“Mamma! Her eyes are moving!” The boy gasped and moved back from the table. The news caused the woman to smile and rush to the head of the Clockwork Girl, taking out an old rag to clean the eyes of the machine.
“She is grandpas creation, everything he made always seemed to come to life.” She spoke sweetly, her eyes glowing with admiration as she watched the girl scan her and their surroundings. “You recognize this room, don’t you?” she questioned though she knew she could not answer. “I’m going to fix you up. Even better than before.” The woman placed a kiss on the metal cheek of the Clockwork Girl, “Then you can dance for me like you did all those years ago.”
The end!
What? You don’t like how I left it off?
Well, I didn’t want to keep you so late.
Haha, fine. I’ll tell you the real end.
The woman got to work fixing the Clockwork Girl, following the directions and notes her father left her after his passing. She worked day and night to make everything perfect, only throwing in a few of her own techniques when she knew they would work. After her accident she had become selfish, finding everything unfair and against her. She grew up without hope of achieving her dreams. It wasn’t until the day her father brought her to his shop, having her sit and watches as he captured life in his machines. She learned to accept everything, that even without her legs she could still do something she loved. Sure, dancing had been her dream but inventing was her passion. Taking after her father had showered her a new life. One that would allow her to build herself new legs and learn to walk. It wasn’t until after his passing did she remember the Clockwork Girl. Digging through piles of notes until she found what she was looking for. Found the Clockwork Girl.
“You were a lot more work than I anticipated.” The woman chuckled  as she wiped her face, spreading even more oil across her face. She looked down at her fathers master piece, though what he made was barely there she could never take credit for his creation. “Now, just to connect everything.” She watched the Clockwork Girls eyes follow her, waiting to finally move again. The woman moved around the table, carefully connecting each limb before moving to the head. Her hands shook from anticipation as she slid the head into place, locking it in place.
The machines in the Clockwork Girl immediately begun to turn and whirl, electricity sparking where the points and limbs met. With a sudden surge of energy the machine sat up, turning her attention to the smiling inventor next to her. “I can’t believe it actually worked… I cant believe I actually got you to work.” She whispered as the machine moved to slip off the table, metal scraping against metal. The ability to move once again was a shock to the Clockwork Girl. She wiggled her fingers and toes, moving her arms up and down while squatting with her new legs. “Would you dance for me again?” The words of the Inventor caught her attention, causing her to turn towards the woman her destruction but also her salvation.
With a small bow and the turn of the key in her chest the Clockwork Girl began to dance. A sweet melody playing as she spun and danced around the workshop. The woman watched in awe as the machine moved gracefully around her, the song bringing back memories of her and her father dancing together. Tears began to slip down her cheeks but she let them, refusing to wipe them as she relived the memories she allowed her anger to push away.
As the Clockwork Girl came to a stop she stood in front of the woman, looking up at her. She slowly reached up, going on her tiptoes to wipe the tears from the Inventors cheek. There were many things she wished to say, ‘thank you’ being on the top of that list. But she was unable to speak. Instead she continued to play the only melody she knew, taking hold of the woman’s hands and gently pulling her into a dance. The Clockwork Girl supported the woman as they both danced around the workshop, the woman’s feet on hers, “Thank you.” The Inventor cried as they dance, something she never thought she would do again.
The End
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beautifuldarkwolf · 4 years
The Door
Original story
Word count: 675
Summary: A story about a spooky door in the woods. real spooky door, should definitely check it out. But like, don’t touch the door. That’s bad.
Warning: M (Mature), slight gore, mention of child death
When asked about the door in the middle of the wood everyone within town will give you the same answer. “Do not open the door. Do not even touch it.”
Those native to this small mining town know about the door in the middle of the wood even when most have never even seen it. from as long as they could walk they were warned to stay away from the door. Hearing stories of the door from their relatives. The most popular being a group of boys who decided seek out the door…
One day a group of friends had searched the forest for the rumored door. They wanted to see what the fuse was all about. To see way everyone was so afraid of a door.
They had opened the door, the other side looking just like the forest normally would. They even walked through the wooden frame but nothing unusual happened. The boys all concluded that it was all a joke and proceeded to fool around with the old, but sturdy, door. They had all been laughing when one of them suggested pretending it was a door to a house. Of course this got a kick out of the others so, they closed the door and the boy pulled out his house keys and walked towards the door.
As he walked forward a sudden nervousness flooded over him. The air around him becoming thick as his hand reached out on it own with his key ready to unlock the door. He started to cry and scream, “No!” “I cant stop!” “Help me!”. His friends though he was kidding until his pants turned dark and the key slipped into the knob like it was made to fit.
The group of children screamed and stumbled atop each other as they watched the swing open with a force that should have ripped it off its hinges. The small boy stood before the open door, a dark shimmering pool opened before him. His hair blew as wind rushed into the door. His small frame shaking with his feet planted to the ground. No one could do anything as a hand reached through the door and grabbed the boy.
A loud scream pierced through the forest followed by similar cries.
Only one of the boys returned that day. He screamed and cried about the monster that had devoured his friends. The monster that came through the door.
Later, while investigations were held the only thing retrieved from the scene was the key stuck in a tree opposite of the door, and a bloody shoe of one of the boys. The forest was searched up and down for the children and nothing was found, but no traces of them ever leaving the doors vicinity.
The tale of the door isn’t well known to anyone but those within the town. And those who know of the story often push it aside as way to keep the children from wandering the forest and mountainous around just outside their back door. Though, this is more common with the younger generations. Those who had not been around when the accident had occurred all those years ago.
There is still one who actively enforces the rules to stay away from the door. An old woman who was presumed to be the younger sister of one of the boys. She spoke to anyone who would listen. Telling the story of the door who had swallowed the times of four young boys. Of course everyone took her word for myth. Those who listened just taking pity on the poor lonely woman before continuing on their day.
Though, these stories weren’t true they were often joked about whenever someone went missing within the wooded area around the door. But then again, it was a large forest and people often got lost if they weren’t familiar with the area. People go missing within the woods all the time and who knows what kind of animal could sneak up on you. In unfamiliar places anything can happen.
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