bees128 · 4 years
What Is Emperor Belos’s Plan for the Human World
So here’s my theory and I actually have some Evidence, particularly it’s based on three aspects of the show so far
1 A Major theme that applies heavily to all the antagonistic forces in the show is the weird and interesting being assimilated into something "normal" e.g. destroying the "chaos" of wild witches and brainwashing the children to act like "Proper Witches". 
2 As for Belos himself his character as far as I can tell he really does seem devoted to the titan? He follows the Titan’s will as he sees it. Also of lesser note is that with this most recent fight we have heavy connections between Belos and the manipulation of flesh.
3 The titan is still alive to a certain extent. It’s heart is still beating.
So how do you reconcile those 3 things together? Well something of note is that they’ve gone very hard into showing that the Human World is Weird to the people of the Boiling Isles. Gus has a fan club centered around them, Eda runs her business based on selling our junk as curios and oddities. Sure they exiled giraffes to our world in the past but with the exception of Eda bringing back Human Stuff it seems like No One has access to the human world (or at least no one we’ve met). So we have the human world is wierd and if we fit it into that theme up there Belos must want to assimilate the human world somehow. The question is how? Most people are going with the idea that “Belos wants to bring/force magic into the human world” and not gonna lie I could see that. Alot of the show is based around the destruction and assimilation of religions by Christianity/Catholicism and forcing magic as his “religion” upon a foreign land that none on the boiling isles except Eda, (and now lillith and King) have seen in living memory? A perfect allegory for missionaries spreading catholicism in North America. However, PERSONALLY I have 2 contentions with this. 1 is that Luz while not happy with Belos’s way would Absolutely be Down for magic to spread to the real world. B. Quite Frankly it doesn’t seem climactic enough for me as a BBEG Plan. Think to other cartoons like Gravity falls and SPoP with Wierdmageddon and the Heart of Etheria. I contest that Belos’s plan is going to be more concerted around some Major Event he’s going to try to bring about. But what could this shows Central event be? Well, Let’s talk about the Titan.
Belos serves the “Titan’s will” he doesn’t prostrate himself before it or anything but it’s clear that at least as far as we can see that he considers it a force greater than himself and places great value in it. He built his fortress around the one part of the Titan that we can see is visibly alive, he’s built machinery into the titans flesh (to help preserve/keep it alive?) which stretches throughout the entire fortress. He’s consolidating power through the covens system in the name of the titan. Quite frankly it’s almost like he’s trying to assimilate his castle and through the emporers coven, the strongest sources of magic he can get on the isles, into the Titan.
I Wonder what Else he might Try to Assimilate Into the Titan...
Ok so I won’t beat around the bush anymore. I think Belos is going to try to use the human world in some fashion, to essentially revive the Titan and I feel like theres so many reasons why this works. Narratively theres a couple good reasons, it shows how destructive and harmful the assimilation of religion and culture is in the real world, it’s a plan worthy of of a BBEG centered around a concrete goal that the heroes can have clear objectives on how to stop. It puts Luz in direct personally driven conflict with Belos’s ambitions because instead of bringing magic to the human world, he’s harming the human world in order to achieve a goal that literally no character in the show other than a Titan Obsessed Madman would want, likely in one way or another it will show Camilla in direct danger too which further compounds Luz having to oppose Belos. It fits Belos’s character down to his abilities I mean the man moves flesh so its not too far of a stretch to imagine his plan involves flesh too or that what with his obsession with the titan that his plan might involve the titan. As well as the human world the Boiling Isles is entirely inside of the carcass of the titan so what do you thinks going to happen to Everyone and Everything on the boiling isles if the flesh of the titan starts to grow back? That’s Right guys gals and NB pals ASSIMILATION. (im thinking of that billy and mandy meme where billy from I think the Movie? where a robot billy just keeps yelling ASSIMILATE. ASSIMILATE. ASSIMILATE.) So now Luz now has precedent to not only save the human world, but also demon world as she knows and loves it. Also it answers a question that the audience has had since we first saw the carcass which is what did it look like when it was alive? It gives Belos a motivation on why he suppresses wild witches because they understandably, would be the first to step up to stop his plan, and conversely the more he has people under the coven system the less likely they are to rebel when he tries to consume them all in his grand plan. *cough Cough allegory for capitalism too cough
Belos will have Unity, at any cost.
So we have the What of the Plan and the Why, but all that’s left is the How? Well at this point i’ve kinda run out of compelling evidence so instead of halfbaked theories this here is now in Wild Speculation Territory. The only thing thats certain is that if this theory is true something he’s missing for the revival of the Titan is in the Human World. So i’ve got a couple ideas and im just gonna lightning round them
1 Theres been multiple insinuations that the Boiling Isles isn’t the Only Titan, presumably if there is another in some shape or form it’s somehow in the Human World. Maybe there’s some Key Item from this Titan that Belos Needs to revive the Boiling Isles Titan (im gonna call it the BI titan) what could that key item be?
1a A item to supercharge his Magic for Magic Reasons(tm) so he can revive the titan
1b A Item to make the Titan able to receive Whatever Belos would use from the human world to fill in its flesh (ala anti rejection drugs when it comes to a organ transplant)
1c He has what he needs to Revive the Titan but to take what he needs from the Human World he needs a big portal like a BIG one. And the thing he needs to make a portal of that size (or potentially reopen since because of giraffes we know there was Some Way to the human world that probably wasnt the door unless they like, used shrinking magic on the entire Boiling Isles Giraffe Population, brought them through the door, then unshrunk them all) is inconveniently in the Human World
2 Same as all of 1 except instead of another titan its just something thats there
3 same as 2 except that its a Someone (Camilla?) for Some Reason
4 He thinks what he needs is in the human world but it’s actually in the demon world and Belos is just Blind
5 He has what he needs and instead of needing a really big portal the door is enough, he just needs to fix it and start assimilating
Beyond those I have some more wild Speculation on how they’re gonna deal with the Titan
1. They either destroy Belos or force him into a change of heart somehow
2. They FMA:B this and do a Massive Glyph thats at least as big as his fortress if not Larger to stop belos (likely not murder, maybe through a “trap you in a false world where everything went right for you” or something like that)
3. Luz is the one that gives Magic to the Human world either from the BI Titan or the hypotetical Human World one and the glorious revolution of the people overthrows the tyrants
4. What either Belos or Luz or both be going after is King’s Crown. If Belos doesnt need the crown Luz would and gives it to King and then King and the Titan do a Kaiju Big Battle.
5. They pull a SPoP and its literally the magic of Gay is Too Strong and Saves the Day and they date and kiss and everything is good
The End
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