beforenightfalls · 1 year
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
Ya ever talk to someone and it seems like you're just talking to yourself?? That's me always.
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
I was joking with my dad about him shaving his eyebrows and now he's going into a tangent about how I'm gonna be a spinster and asked if my mom never taught me how to get/flirt w/ a man. sir what? also the answer is no.
I feel very uncomfortable cause relationships/dating have always made me feel gross & I see as pointless. and im actually happier single. I said ''there's enough kids in the world, why have more?'' (he also has 5 grands and 3 great grands) so why? and he's going on and on.
He goes on tangents when he drinks, but now he's changed the topic. He's also like ''well even if you had just one they'd have their dad's last name, so it's not like it even matters if you do or don't'' so.....idk. This has been a constant issue w/ family & an in-joke with family because I am EXTREMELY private about relationships/dating/interests, shit even celebs I think are cute I dont share. So, it's ALWAYS brought up at EVERY FAMILY GATHERING. & although I say ''no'' etc. I prefer to keep to myself cause I've spent an entire lifetime of people talking to me like I'm either a total idiot or like I'm a useless person. And then they just go on and on and on and on and on.
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beforenightfalls · 1 year
The scar meant that
I was stronger than
what had tried
to hurt me.
Anaïs Nin
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
Do simple shit for your significant other. Send them songs you like, tell them they look good, write them dumb little notes, buy them their favorite candy, tell them corny jokes, watch their favorite show with them, etc.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
i deserve a slow love. reciprocated. consistent. stable. whole. the type of love that makes me wonder why i ever let anyone else treat me any other way.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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big l.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
That awkward moment when your dad is explaining something to you and he opens your drawer and looks down and does a double blink cause in clear view are your toys. 😅😅
I can never hide those things.
This Is like the 3rd time someone finds my shit. I mean, I've always said I hate it when people look through my stuff. So it's your own fault.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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They just make holidays for everything now. Yesterday was National Daughter's Day apparently. I don't have a daughter, so I'd like to dedicate this day to me. For surviving 24 years with an old-school, overbearing, narcissistic, toxic mom who somehow manipulated me into thinking for 8 years after she was dead that she was the GOAT until I saw the movie LadyBird that I realized, ''hey! that's me!...except that LadyBird had way more freedom than I did, cause when I tell you, I wasn't allowed to do shit, I mean I wasn't allow to DO SHIT!'' Eventually I found more TV/Movies that made me realize this wasnt normal. For somehow not offing myself all those times I wanted to in my teens, 20s and 30s because I didn't want anyone to get the pleasure. Shout out to me though. You're a bad bitch.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
Being The Boss
***I have quite a bit of fanfiction on my computer & in notebooks but I've never shared it. Mostly cause I never finish one before getting to another. This one just kinda came to me. It's my first real try, so please be honest but not too hard on me. I had to use myself in this one while I figure out how it works**** --------------------------
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Bryan Kneef fucks me like he hasn't seen me in months but he literally sees me all day cause not only do we work together but we are also dating and live together. Like he's been waittttting to get home. (As if not being home ever stopped him before). It's basically like (this)
But after he nuts epically, he looks down at me, still trying to catch his breath; and smirks through the beautiful beard like this:
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And then he kisses my sweaty body slowly, I can sense his pride because he knows, I'm sweaty because of him. all the way down to my nethers, he goes, he's such a good boy the way he eats his feast, the one he made between my legs. The kitty LOVES her 'milk' and so does Bryan. 😏 Partly because he gave me what I wanted but also because he got what he wanted x2. As he's down there, I continue talking to him, Bryan works hard on the top floor of our firm, he's a boss, the tells people what to do all day and deals with, well, morons. Crazy clients, countless cases, in short the man is stressed. So when he comes home, he doesnt get to be the boss, I do. Hence the smirk. He loves it when I talk to him. I entice, I pull away, I order, I sweet talk. I know what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. I can say one thing but do something else or add a little more of that, it's a perfect seduction stew. Add that to the caressing, the hair pulling etc, and I have him in my back pocket. (the back pocket of the slacks he ripped off me as soon as I walked in the door that are on the floor somewhere) I told him he was a good boy but that I was thirsty, so he did like all little he-bitches do and he went to eat, and boy was he hungry! He came back up, mouth pursed, beard gleaming from the moisture of my nethers, (gotta keep the beard moisturized fellas!!) and our eyes met. His beautiful green eyes glistening with lust and ofcourse love. He's a happy little love slave. Believe it or not, this is his favourite part. I said I was thisty, now he gets to quench my thirst. I run my fingers though that sexy pepper hair, (remember when we were younger and thought men in their 50s were old? haha, we were so dumb. 50s is where it's at!) While holding it in my fist, I gently caress his cheek with my thumb, I lean him in, and our lips brush slightly, just a tease, I look at his mouth, still pursed. Still smirking, he can't speak. I meet his eyes again, and smile. He knows what that means. He leans in, no words spoken, and he kisses me, just lips. And as I part mine, he quenches my thirst. My body reacts as I reach for more of him inside me, suddenly, he parts with my lips and his eyes glance over from the side of my face, looking for reassurance, that he was a good boy who did what he was told. Just the way his mistress wanted it, and if I wanted more, of course. He's always here to please. Ready, for another round. He's truly is my good little he-bitch. Fin.
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
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