behindviolenteyes · 1 year
in the club getting psychosexual
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Eddie damn near jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice that didn’t come from his headphones and quickly pulled them off, “christ don’t just scare people like that,” Eddie’s heartbeat was slightly uneven, it had never recovered fully from stopping in the Upside Down, he pressed his fist over his heart to make sure it was still beating. “Some song one of my friends found,” he finally answered, he had been listening to a mixtape made for him by the members of Hellfire Club while he had been in hospital.
The vampire smiled and moved to sit beside the young mortal.  He was curious about them.  It was like their mind was blocked from him when most minds were not.
“Your voice is beautiful.  But tell me, have you ever listened to anything by The Vampire Lestat?”
He loved talking about himself and meeting fans.  He wondered if this young man was one of them.
“Do you feel alone just like I do, do you hate the sound of your heartbeat too?” Eddie was so sure that he was alone as he sat on the hood of his van singing along to the music coming through his headphones.
The vampire was looking for someone to feed on.  At this point in his life, he was already a famous rock musician.  Being in a small town would probably raise some eyebrows, but he had felt a pull to come here.
And now, he heard the singing of a male voice.  Following it, he came to stand before the other.
“What is that song you are singing?”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Discord RP
As me for my username if you want to RP over there.  It’s where I’ve been most as of late.
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Send '❤️❔' if you'd be interested in discussing a potential ship between our muses!
-send '<3?' if the emojis don't show!
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Aiden let a small groan escape his lips, a shiver going down his spine as he felt Lestats hand going down to his pants, starting to get hard as he rubbed against him, he was finding it difficult to focus on anything in that moment. 
“I…I go both ways…fuck you might be right about that werewolf blood.” 
Lestat chuckled.
“They are naturally, very horny creatures.  Fuck like rabbits.”
He pushed Aiden back against the wall.
“How would you like it tonight?”
He caressed the other’s cheek with his free hand, as his other worked on unbuttoning and unzipping Aiden’s pants.
“What do you desire?”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
That… was not what Louis expected to hear. He’d always had a bit of a suspicion that Grace knew about his preference for men, but he knew his mother would never accept it. Knowing that Grace had mourned him; had tried to save him, made him feel a little better.
He wanted to continue to support his sister, to make sure she always got what she needed. That was his job as older brother, wasn’t it? He was the provider, and he’d keep up that role. “Thank you.”
As Lestat moved closer, Louis didn’t move away. He allowed Lestat to touch him, even leaning into his hand. “I’m not used to all this. To bring sacrifice. To vampires.”
“Then I will give you time to adjust.  I do not want to push.”
He had pushed before and now Nicolas was gone forever, nothing but so much ash.  it pained  him to have lost is childhood friend and lover.  He wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
Squeezing Louis knee gently, he offered a friendly smile.
“You are not used to the hours I keep.  It is quite late, Louis.  If you desire, I can convert the opposite bench into it’s bed form.  If you are comfortable sleeping with a vampire in the same compartment, then you can rest until such time as we arrive in New York.  I will not harm you.  I won’t bite unless you want me too.”
He winked at Louis.
“But I also do not wish you getting ill from lack of slumber.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Aiden stepped back a little before he followed Lestat in to the room, not a window in sight, unlike his own room where he had to pin his blackout curtains down to get some shuteye. The place was bigger than any living space he had stepped foot in. 
“It can? I don’t really feel anything different.” He still had the taste of the blood on his tongue and to him it was just like any other blood, that was until he felt Lestat’s lips against his jaw and neck, causing him to bite his own lip. 
“Need? I need…you.” he said, his voice almost like a whisper as he spoke. 
His fangs gently scraped along Aiden’s neck as his hand slipped to the front of Aiden’s pants, gently rubbing him through them.  Lestat was hard already.  He wanted this man.
“Are you a top, or a bottom?”
He nipped gently.
“Or do you want it both ways?”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
He nodded. “Okay. I agree. I don’t want to kill anyone innocent.”
Lestat smiled.
“Good boy.”
It was only half an hour before they stood in the alley of an apartment building.
“Third floor.  The man inside killed his mother for the insurance money.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
“I looked like a mess as i died, didn’t I?” He joked as he sat up. “I don’t know. I just know I’m hungry.” He said softly.
“That is the need for blood.”
He stood, and helped his mate to his feet.
“Now, your brother in law did give some rules.  No killing anyone innocent.  Murders and the sort are okay.  Best to get them off the streets.  Otherwise, it is the little drink only.  For your first time, we should go with a killer.  So that you do not have to fear killing them.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
“How long was I out?” His voice was raspy. And he was hungry. He didn’t even know how to explain it.
“Only an hour.  Your body expelled the waste within and I cleaned and redressed you.  Now, you are all better, and ready to start your life as a vampire.”
He smiled.
“Do you want to kill or no?  Because if I do kill, it is evil men and women.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
“Stay with me?” He said weakly before he lost consciousness. For awhile, all he could feel was pain as his body shut down. He didn’t know how long he was out, all he knew was when the pain stopped and he could open his eyes again.
Lestat did not eave Jake’s side.  He held him in his arms, gently rocking him back and forth as he sang an old French lullaby to him.  When he eyes opened again, Lestat stopped singing. “Welcome back.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
it would be great if the voices would shut the fuck up for a second, Anthony thought, feeling his pulse jolt like a racehorse breaking at full gallop.
Was it getting hot? Was his throat closing up on him? Was the blond too sexy and beautiful by half? All a big fucking Yes, but he had to think. Why was he here? Did this man- wealthy patritian in appearance- own some fiery death trap of a factory, or something? Patient zero in some fashionable new venereal disease? On second thought, strike that, he thought, as The other man grew visibly hard right in front of him.
He found himself drawn in, imagining the no-strings tryst they could have. No names, no expectations. He almost stepped closer before he heard it.
“Blood” came one strikingly clear word among the throng in his head. “Blood. Blood. Blood.” Far too late, the pieces began to slot to shape. The otherworldly, allure, that erotic gaze (that body)…. And all the woe that struggled to be heard above the glamour. Of fucking course it had to be THAT.
“Beg pardon,” the witch stammered and turned to leave the way he came. This matter was far above his paygrade, as the saying went.
The armor had slipped.  Oh how greatly Lestat wanted him now.  To defile him.  To make him as he was to shut those cursed voices out.  To feed on him and be fed on in return.  He would have him.
He appeared before the door, standing there, his towel having been lost in his speed.  He didn’t care.  Cock hard and proud, he looked at the other.
“Oh?  Leaving so soon?”
He was on the other in an instant, his hand gently wrapping around his throat.
“Ignore the voices.  I can make them stop for you.”
He kissed the other side of Anthony’s throat.
“I can make them go away forever.”
Lestat rose a perfect blonde eyebrow as he stepped out of the bathroom and into his room. How had he not noticed that someone had not only snuck into his home, but also into his bedroom? He was an attractive young man, for sure. One that Lestat wouldn't mind sinking his fangs or cock into.
His towel hung low on his hips as he made his way towards the other the way a predator might.
"And who might you be?"
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
He felt weak and cold, but he did as he was told. He put his lips to the wound on Lestat’s wrist and drank deeply. He drank as deeply as he could.
Lestat kissed the top of his mate’s head as they fed from him, and soon had to pull his wrist away, capturing their lips with his own.  He pulled away slowly. “Now the pain, I’m so sorry.  But now...you will die.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Lestat stopped drinking when he felt life starting to leave his mate.  Biting into his own wrist, he brought it to Jake’s lips.
“Drink deeply, my love.  Drink deeply and become strong.”
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Now, Anthony was many things, but blind wasn’t one of them. He had taken a chance-heeding a heady toxic call that only a massive psychic wound could incur. It bled and screamed and cajoled and whispred, dragging the male witch in its wake. Curious, he had to know the source of this fetid noise.
He did NOT expect the font, the wellspring of all that to look like this. Gleaming, mostly nude, golden. A master sculptor could make an image of the most beautiful man, see the blond before them and know that their imaginations were lacking.
Anthony promptly remembered himself, and realized he had been staring.
“I…” he began. He clearly ought to have tbought of a cover well before this. “I had to come see for myself,” he began, twisting the truth just slightly. “Gossip is rampant here…. People talk.” Of course those people were a cacophany of the dead, but same difference.
“What did you have to see for yourself?  What do people talk about?”
He had tried to slip into this man’s mind.  But it was well guarded and he didn’t want to put in the mental effort to break through the shields.  Besides, breaking shields would be something easily recognized.  Lestat was, at this moment, still playing human.
He moved closer.
He could feel the attracting coming off of the other man in waves.
How easy it would be to bed him over and shove his cock into him.  To make him while and cry and beg and cum.  It had been years since Lestat had taken a lover.  Years since Louis.  Years since he had wanted anyone.  And he wanted this man who had dared to break into his home.  He felt his cock hardening under his towel.  He didn’t care that he was on full display.
Lestat rose a perfect blonde eyebrow as he stepped out of the bathroom and into his room. How had he not noticed that someone had not only snuck into his home, but also into his bedroom? He was an attractive young man, for sure. One that Lestat wouldn't mind sinking his fangs or cock into.
His towel hung low on his hips as he made his way towards the other the way a predator might.
"And who might you be?"
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Lestat rose a perfect blonde eyebrow as he stepped out of the bathroom and into his room. How had he not noticed that someone had not only snuck into his home, but also into his bedroom? He was an attractive young man, for sure. One that Lestat wouldn't mind sinking his fangs or cock into.
His towel hung low on his hips as he made his way towards the other the way a predator might.
"And who might you be?"
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Send “Oops” for your muse to catch mine in just a towel.
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