demo-slugger · 1 year
A Light in the Darkness
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Steve hadn't expected his parents to show up. He hadn't expected them to come right in without warning while he was sorting his bandages. Alone. As always. But they had. Almost like they'd heard the news ahead of time. And his mother had fussed over him for all of two days while his father patrolled the house. Steve didn't have to ask to know he was looking for faults. Steven Sr was a strict man, and he was inclined to know there would be nothing good coming. But the man never said a word, even as he inspected the place like he knew anything about what was good or bad. They asked a lot of questions he couldn't answer, especially when the men in suits arrived on the door step to speak to him.
His dad had eyed the check they'd handed over like a vulture eyeing a dying man in the desert heat. But Steve had tucked it safely away along side the cash he had saved and hidden. Then, just like that, they left him again. Just when the sound of someone else in the home had started to settle him. Just when he'd felt the comfort of knowing if he called out someone would call back. Steve woke to an empty house and nothing but a letter from his mother saying they'd left for business, along side a small check like the ones he got in the mail every month. When Steve left the house he'd intended to just go get supplies and come home. What could he do? Just keep going. The kids were home, Max was out of the hospital. Eddie too. If he went by the trailer park to check on them, well surely he couldn't be blamed. It would settle the noise in his head. So he swung by, Max was there and he'd said his hellos, asked if they'd needed anything, then headed to Eddies new trailer. Shitty, he thought, that they couldn't have bothered to afford them a proper home after everything. Just a new trailer. Bigger sure but still. He wasn't home. His van wasn't in the drive either. Steve's worry got the better of him and he set off in search of the wayward metal head. @crawledoutofmordor
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resplendentdare · 1 year
[ @crawledoutofmordor ]
God, Saskia hated Saturdays. Specifically, when parents would come in demanding refunds over "secular music" their child had bought Friday afternoon after school. She'd lost count how many times she'd given a half-assed apology to some pissed off parent, screaming in her face and threatening to call the cops.
So far on that specific Saturday; she'd had four parents scream at her and one throwing holy water in her face, and then scream in her face. And it was only 12:30. She certainly didn't get paid enough for that shit.
Sorting through the box behind the counter of returned CDs, Saskia was aware someone was waiting to be checked out but after getting screamed at, she decided to not be as nice. With a face like thunder, she didn't even bother looking before she spoke. "If you're here to scream at me over something your crotch goblin bought, I'm calling the fuckin' cops, I'm sick of being your fuckin' punching bag."
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thanaredreamtof · 1 year
closed for @crawledoutofmordor continued from here
Tommy shook his head as the man questioned about stores nearby. "No unfortunately" he smiled, knowing the journey into town himself. "There's not a store for about...fifteen, maybe twenty miles..." he mused, thinking about it. "But hey, I can give you some things, I got plenty of eggs, bread...cheese?" he offered, chuckling a little at the quaintness of it. "If you're hungry you can come on up and you can take some supplies for your trip". Tommy was always taught to be kind, and in truth, he didn't have many people to share his goods with so he didn't mind offereing it to the guy.
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~~coo~~ your resident fat pigeon has arrived to let you know that you're an amazing person and deserve all the good things!
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ "Your eyes are orbs of stars – they put the night sky to shame," Eddie was trying to flirt, something he couldn't do to begin with let alone with another guy, but he was sick of attempting to suppress his feelings for the former King of Hawkins, so he channeled his D&D character he rarely got to play, a very slutty bard and took his shot with a cheesy D&D themed one liner. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Eddie }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @crawledoutofmordor​ ❫
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They were just hanging out, that's what friends do after all. Although it had been a hot minute before any one of them had said something, not that Steve really minded it because he was used to the silence. Well if he was being honestly then he'd have to admit that he kinda sorta hated the silence but when he was with Eddie, he didn't seem to mind it as much. Yet it didn't stop it from becoming suffocating if it lingered on so he was about to say something when he heard the words causing him to freeze, eyebrows raising as his lips parted. He probably looked so dumbfounded right now but he was in shock cause was the metalhead flirting with him of all people? Yes, you idiot, he certainly is. Why is that so surprising? Maybe because he didn't think Munson swung that way or at least would have a thing for him of all people but life had ways to surprise him.
❝Do you know how cheesy that sounded?❞ Harrington inquired after getting a grip over himself. ❝Like that was really cheesy but luckily for you, it worked. I'm flattered, surprised but flattered. In which you’re so sweet, you put Hershey’s outta business.❞ Did the male sneak in his own flirty remark? Yes, yes he did.
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lcstinfantasy · 1 year
// In case you need to hear this today ,because even the strongest walls have cracks, I'm proud of you for getting this far, I know I'm basically a stranger on the internet but I see you, I appreciate the effort you're putting into keeping that priceless heart beating. I'd notice if you vanished. Love Sketch's two brain cells. Have a pigeon!
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
Eddie walked into the video store and slid a sandwich across the counter, "you want this? Dustin gave me it and I don't like to waste food but didn't have the heart to tell him I can't eat bacon."
"First off, why can't you eat bacon? It's like, the best food to ever exist on the entire damn planet." Steve blinked, raising an eyebrow. He didn't know why Eddie would have come all the way from - where had he been? Hellfire? Henderon's house? The damn trailer park? Just to bring him a sandwich. He stared at it some more, shaking his head a bit. "Second, how do I know you didn't poison it? Or put something really gross in it just to make me eat it, only for me to find out you were pranking me the whole time? Seems like something you'd do."
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lovely-laceys-blog · 1 year
I’d love to! Maybe we can talk about a bigger plot or something- i loved our little glasses bit!
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demo-slugger · 1 year
[ CARE ] sender nurses a sick / injured receiver
A wreck. It was the farthest worry from his mind and yet his beloved Beamer was totaled. Steve hadn't seen the lady blow the stop sign. He could only remember the sound of metal crunching and groaning around him as he jolted so violently to the side he broke the drivers side window with his head. Robin was supposed to be with him, but he'd been late to get her. Thank fuck, because the passenger side of his car had been so obliterated he couldn't even see the seat any more. Steve was glad to be home though, with painkillers and a cast on his leg and a splint on his wrist. Hopper had helped him through the front door, and had left him on the couch. He'd called Eddie for help. Seeing that he was having issues dealing with his new handicap of being casted.
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resplendentdare · 1 year
❛ is that my shirt? ❜
It absolutely was Eddie's shirt, the fact that it was a Metallica shirt and was slightly baggy on her was a dead give away. But damn it looked good on her, at least Saskia seemed to think so. She'd kept it after they'd gotten caught in a thunderstorm, with both of them getting completely drenched. Eddie had been kind enough to let her borrow one of his shirts while her clothes dried, and she just never gave it back.
She'd worn it completely on purpose long afterwards to get Eddie's attention, and for once it actually worked. "It might be, baby," she smirked as she leaned over towards him. "You want it back?"
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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havvkinsqueen · 1 year
~~coo~~ your resident fat pigeon has arrived to let you know that you're an amazing person and deserve all the good things!
-- Thank you so much! This was so sweet to see. I held on to it for a little, so thank you for the words of happiness.
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behindtheireyes · 1 year
Chrissy hated being back in Hawkins even for just a little bit so having to be here for a few months while she sorted out her parents estate was a freaking nightmare for the former cheerleader. Hopefully it wouldn't take as long as the lawyer thought for the house to sell so she could get back to life in Chicago but with the luck she'd been having lately it probably would never sell and she'd be stuck here until the end of time. She hadn't even tried to keep in contact with anyone because all she wanted after getting away from the Up-side down was to just get a clean slate and start a new.
After a mentally, emotionally, and physical day of going through her parents room deciding what to throw out or donate Chrissy just wanted to grab some frozen pizza before turning in for the night. Unfortunately she hadn't done any shopping so not even bothering to change from her sweats and old Hawkins t shirt she headed to the store. If her mother could see her going out in public looking like this she'd come back to life just to scream about it.
Chrissy was standing in front of the freezer section trying to figure out if she should even attempt to be healthy or say fuck it and have ice cream for dinner when she felt something bump into her foot. Turning to face the person she saw the last person she ever thought she'd see again, "Hey, Eddie. . . .and yeah, it's been a while."
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thanaredreamtof · 1 year
Just a heads up that I’m currently away from my laptop (I’m on a trip) so I can’t cut my replies at the moment. If this isn’t an issue I can post my reply within the next week, but if you’d prefer for me to wait till I can trim it then it’ll be may 24th (so in like two weeks) before I can reply, which I don’t mind doing either.
@crowns-and-claws @crawledoutofmordor @pocketbible @elegancemultimuse @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @pleinsdemuses @lost-in-ivory
(I probably will wait that extra bit of time for my longer replies @loveaffairxc @myriadxofxmuses @heartxshaped-bruises)
If you could just comment or message me that would be great so I can queue accordingly :)
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Thanks for the tag @melodymunson!! ❤
Last song: Killing Floor - Graphic Nature
Currently watching: Manifest (on Netflix)
Currently reading: Apart from fanfiction, I really struggle to read! But I am listening to a podcast right now so I’ll drop that in here. It’s on Spotify and it’s called ‘Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding?’ lmao
Current Obsession: Eddie Munson. The Lost Boys. 
No pressure tags: @winter-soldier-vibes @eddiemunsonrp @emsgoodthinkin @crawledoutofmordor @chaotically-charismatic
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waywardfreewill · 1 year
All too often, Sam and Dean found themselves wandering in the woods for a case. Tonight was no exception. They were in Hawkins Indiana working a case that truly had them puzzled. Deaths, disappearances... it all spanned back a few years. It seemed though that the little town was a beacon for the supernatural.
Leaves and twigs crunched under foot as they beamed their flashlights into the trees looking for what was rumored to be a gate to hell.
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"Man... nothing in Bobby's coordinates even remotely points to this thing actually being here," Sam sighed, obviously tired of traipsing around the woods in the middle of the night.
"Look, Sammy, I'm not saying it is, but what I can tell you, is that there's gotta be something. I just...I feel it alright?" His brother muttered, continuing forward down a path they were forgong themselves.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that his flashlight landed on a young man that looked like he'd seen better days. He recognized him from the news.
"Shit....kid hang on. You okay?" Dean questioned, hurrying forward, scaring off some raccoons that had been gathered close to him.
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lcstinfantasy · 1 year
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the unfinished
you die, hand outstretched towards the sky, as if to say 'I'm not done yet.' there are so many things you still have to do, so many goals you still have to reach. you've spent your entire life working towards them, and doing nothing else, only to die before knowing what accomplishment feels like. they'll say your death was a pity, that you had such a bright future ahead of you. it is one you'll never get to see.
tagged by: @thechaoticmusecollection tagging: @soughthope (rafe), @ner0tic (hannibal), @crawledoutofmordor, @nanlanmo, @aquamanandfriends (anyone), @brokenbcys (anyone), @dulcetmuses (anyone), and anyone else who'd like to do it.
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