symphonyofmalice · 5 months
Buried secrets
It would have been easy to miss the prisoner. The cell in which he was kept was far down into the catacombs, past winding paths and twisting passages that most of the troupe never used, and some didn't even know were there. To even call it a cell was an exaggeration, it was a literal hole in the ground, an oubliette with metal grating on the top.
Nicolas smelled the scent of oil, and looked up into the first light he had seen in days. "You're not supposed to be here" he said in a rough, creaky voice. "He wouldn't want you to find me". His smile looked absolutely unhinged. Nicolas looked appalling- at least, what little of him could be seen. He was filthy, his hair loose and tangled. He was clearly half starved. Most of his body was shrouded in darkness, but there was a clink of metal chain when he moved.
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formerlyamadeo · 5 months
Armand and Louis
"Louis, dear; are you okay? Did you feed while I was away?"
Armand frowned as he looked upon his lover. Armand had been called away, and fearing for Louis when it came to meeting with his own maker; he has left Louis behind. But if Louis had gotten lost in his memories then there was a chance he would forget to feed.
"Louis. You look pale."
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yoursavagebeauty · 1 year
❛ the last time we talked, didn’t you say you wanted to kill me? ❜ @laiddownwiththedevil
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
Continued from HERE
“You misunderstand me Louis.  I wish for you to kill those who marked you as unworthy.  I’ve been meaning to leave this town for a while.  We could kill them.  The ones who locked you here to die.  Then move on to another city.  We could pretend to be human.  I hear the south is far less accepting than the North.  We could go to New York.  In such a vast city; the locals wouldn’t even hear the scream of our vicitims.”
He gently cupped Louis’ face.
“You are beautiful to me.  Far too beautiful to kill.  But if you do not become as I am tonight...they will kill you.  They’ll hang you for having been with a white man.”
He leaned down, kissing Louis neck gently.
“Do you not find me attractive?  Do you not find me worthy of your affections?”
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aranostra · 2 years
@laiddownwiththedevil​ "I've been having nightmares."
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“Have you?”
Perhaps there is an attempt at sympathy in his voice, but it is not only sympathy. It is also irritation verging on anger. To temper it, he runs the back of his bent finger along Louis’ jaw.
“It’s no wonder. You are dwelling...” He stops himself from saying on those you should be above, or at least beyond. “...more than usual on what is not good for you to dwell on.”
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
"Can I help you?" Cressida asked, glancing up from the book she had been examining on the French influence on the culture of New Orleans. The bookshop was fairly quiet, most people elsewhere probably getting their costumes ready for the upcoming Mardi Gras. Cressida would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to it. She wasn't one for crowds so she wouldn't be hanging around too long, just enough that she would be able to take in the spectacle of the night festivities. It would be too much to see it all in the day. At least at night, if she decided she wanted to join in the festivities then she could but she would probably lurk towards the back of the crowd and then slip away when she'd seen what she wanted.
The bookshop she had found had been small but had character to it and the owner had seemed friendly enough when she had come in half an hour before. Cressida had been content to just slowly walk around, examining the shelves and occasionally pulling out a text that grabbed her attention. She hadn't paid much attention to the others around her but she'd had this strange, niggling sensation for the past few minutes as if someone was watching her. When she'd looked up, it had been to find a man staring at her, a man who seemed like he should be familiar. Perhaps he just had one of those distinctive faces. Either way, he was staring at her like he wanted to eat her or something. 
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journalsinblood · 2 years
Louis { @laiddownwiththedevil } said: "I brought you a gift." Louis held out a wrapped package, containing a fine leather bound journal with Claudia's name inscribed in the leather. "I'm sure you'll be needing a new one soon enough."
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Claudia had spent the evening so far sat in the window sill of the front room watching people go by while eating an entire pyramid of macarons. They tasted how she would image licking wallpaper might taste but the extravagancy of it wasn't lost on her. She would never have been able to do something like that before becoming a vampire and she wanted the experience, even if it was slightly diminished. She was getting a little distracted by thinking about how much better the people outside would taste than these macarons when Louis approached with a package. Wiping her mouth on the back of one of her sleeves, she reached out to take it.
"It's not my birthday or nothing. Why do you keep buying me stuff? Not that I'm complainin'. Just curious." She liked that Louis and Lestat were constantly showering her with gifts and buying her whatever she wanted. Perhaps it was starting to make her a little bit spoilt but it was another of those things that she would never have experienced before becoming a vampire. She knew it was their way of showing that they loved her and just the idea that someone did love her was nice enough.
"Oh! It's so pretty!" She exclaimed with a gasp, having opened the package "Thank you!" She clasped the book close, standing up quickly to kiss him on the cheek.
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Continued from here with @laiddownwiththedevil
Lestat wished that were true but he could tell, he knew deep within his heart that all he felt for Louis could not be reciprocated to the same degree. Once, perhaps, they had been in love, but then they had grown apart and Claudia, she had been a painful mistake for the both of them and even in her absence, they had no reunited as perhaps they could have. The absence of her would always be between them.
"Do not tell me that Louis because I will believe it and once I believe it, I am lost. We both know you can hardly stand the sight of me anymore."
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devourcr · 5 months
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( @laiddownwiththedevil asked: ❛ you took everything from me ❜ // always accepting !! )
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the words barely sink in and for all the languages that armand spoke, louis might as well have been speaking one too foreign, too obscure. for all that he stole, could he not see it were for his own good? for their good. armand's expression is impassive, amber eyes staring back at louis, allowing seconds to pass between them. he doesn't want to answer. he doesn't want him to clarify, not at first. he doesn't want to hear him lay out his sins before them, to categorize and highlight them because nothing he did had ever been without reason. but silence won't be good enough either.
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finally, with a slow exhale, he allows the confusion to furrow his brow, his eyes to express an inability to understand as he shakes his head. oh, he does understand. there's no confusion here. there's no true wonder at what louis means, but if he wants to say it, he'll make him voice it fully. verbalize it. if only his chest didn't ache in response. ❝ and all that i've given to you? ❞ he asks. ❝ for you to look at me how you are now, i'm beginning to think this was all a mistake. ❞ the interview. the interview and the weight that came with it.
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honeyandpineapple · 2 years
📖 from @laiddownwiththedevil [send 📖 and i’ll write a starter using a line, sentence, or quote from a book. - accepting]
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"Don't look back into your past," said Armand. "You've lost what you cared for, so you must lose everything? Don't you know the story of Eurydice? Her lover glanced back at her, though warned not to. They were coming up from the Underworld, no less, and she was yet half dead. She couldn't, that way, bear his eyes, and was driven down again. If he'd waited, the sunlight would have made her whole. Impatience. Men are fools."
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Why Did The Author Kill You Off?
Plot Twist: You Didn't Die
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Maybe the story starts with the hero finding out you died, or maybe you're dragged off screen just before a gunshot. Or, possibly, you suffer a wound that no mortal could possibly survive. Then, in the hero's most desperate hour (or just in time for sequel bait), you'll reappear to save the day. Something makes you stronger than most, or perhaps there was simply a grand, miserable sort of miscommunication regarding your status. Nonetheless, just about everyone will be happy to see you, and more than happy to hear the story of how you survived. Just hope that the author won't make a habit of this- otherwise no one will know what to do when you die for real.
//😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯 Wow! This quizz discovered the past/reborn of my Caim!🫠🌹AmaZing!🤩
Tagging: @claudiaindarkness @aeternalis-aelia @hauxtedbeauty @of-ivory-and-gold @thanaredreamtof @thevampireforthesetimes @thevampiremariusderomanus @justjudan247 @lumen-in-tenebris-iii @vitanya-sergienko @ofmercy @leducdeorleans @laiddownwiththedevil @sangcreole @jesscmy @beautifulsavagegarden @house-of-slayterr @honeyandpineapple
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symphonyofmalice · 5 months
PRONOUNS: they/them or any neos
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr, Discord secondary
NAME OF MUSE(S): Nicolas de Lenfent
BEST EXPERIENCE: Threads that get emotional or deep
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: Being disrespectful or harassing people. Illegible text
MUSE PREFERENCES: Any characters I write end up being fucked up in some way, often in ways that mean escaping rigidity or cycles of harm
PLOTS OR MEMES: I prefer memes, they tend to be quick and easy and jump right off. But plotting is great when I have a specific idea in mind or there's a particular thread/goal
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I tend to match my partner. As long as there's enough for me to meaningfully respond to, I'm good. I've seen multi-paragraph responses with very little to engage with, and single-sentence responses that were perfect and dynamic, it's really not a strict thing.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I like mornings but have more time after work
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): No, except for the Catholic Guilt, but I;ve grown past that more than Nicolas has.
TAGGED BY: @twistedtangledfate TAGGING: @laiddownwiththedevil @immortalmolloy @thevamplelio @beautifulsavagegarden @danielinhell
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minas-diary · 1 year
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Where should you be kissed?
it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
Tagged by: myself.
Tagging: @zoophagist @wildlucywesternra @wcstenra @re-dracula @ofkilmartin @carpathianprince @thevampireforthesetimes @cursedviolinist @laiddownwiththedevil @lestatscherie @vampirocrota and anyone who wants to. ❤️❤️‍🔥
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yoursavagebeauty · 1 year
❛    don't waste your time praying for my soul, i am too damned ot be saved.  ❜  @laiddownwiththedevil
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behindviolenteyes · 1 year
"appease the monster" from @laiddownwiththedevil cus it seems funny
Lestat loved how the city of New Orleans had bowed before him. They didn't know where he rested his head during the day. They didn't know how to kill him. So they had started leaving sacrifices for him. Leave those they found undesirable for his blood lust and maybe he wouldn't kill their most beautiful and beloved.
However, tonight held something strange. A beautiful man was chained to the slab in the graveyard where he took his sacrifices. It was something different than what he had expected. Lestat shook his head for a moment before coming to stand before the man.
"They usually send me the homeless or ill. Why have they sent you?"
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aranostra · 2 years
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@laiddownwiththedevil​ - semi plotted starter
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The cage where Nicolas has been kept for some unknown number of years is windowless (of course, because he refuses to give you a way out) but otherwise beautiful. Designed in the style of his age with pale yellow and dark gold paneling on the walls and thick embroidered fabrics on the furniture. Every so often, he will appear and change out a painting or a the bedcovers or the rug, but never too much change.
"I don’t want to overwhelm you,” he said once. Always tormenting him with his protection.
Nicolas never uses the bed, the armchairs, the chaise lounge. More often than not, he crams himself in a corner where the armoire meets the wall. He doesn’t make personal appearances very often anymore. Someone will come and give Nicolas sustenance and leave without looking him in the eye, without speaking to him.
But one--day? night? it’s impossible to know--he comes with a man Nicolas doesn’t know in his arms and lays the man out on the bed. A vampire. Unconscious. 
He says “do not harm him” and he leaves.
Nicolas waits a long while before he creeps toward the figure on the bed. The stranger is beautiful--of course he is--and Nicolas can’t help but wonder what awful sins he’s committed to be put into this cage with him. He pushes his finger against the stranger’s cheek. 
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