behold-cyaegha · 38 minutes
Your a dimensional traveler, and you begin to realize that the same handful of religions in every dimension. Like, the same gods and belief systems seem to repeat. Earth has most of them but there are a few that haven't hit us yet.
Some of them make sense, like there's a dimension of endless night, that's mostly forests and maze like modern cities, which are inhabited by these eldrich farie/cryptid/creepypasta beings. And most of them seem to worship either the Celtic or Aztec pantheons, with a handful of catholics, which kind of checks out knowing their vibe.
But then there are weird ones like a very low magic world with medieval technology having scientology and wiccanism as their main two religions, just because those are the two that began to spread in this region the most rapidly. Oftentimes there will be rival dynasties between kingdoms of those two religions.
You've been to a dimension where humanity is an all female race, where you learned chrsitantiy was common. But the entire religion feels diffrent because of how sex and reproduction work in that world, and their version of the Bible is just diffrent enough to weird you out. It's also weird seeing how they depict Jesus, especially amoung the minority of their population that has cat ears.
There's a dimension of robots, where no biological life exists, where you learned worship of the hellenic pantheon was common. But the aspects of the gods and the way they see them as working is very inherently diffrent for mechanical beings. But you can still see that there are fundamental parts of those gods that are still there in your world too.
Eventually you meet something eldritch, a being of higher knowledge, that's nearly incomprehensible to humanity. It has a thousand eyes, and a hunder arms, and towers above you. It's something someone more naive to the multiverse would call a god. You ask it what religion it thinks is true, and it replies that from where it stands all of them are, and that all gods coexist. That feels about right, and you ask it if it follows any as it's own truth, the eldritch horror replies that it was raised Jewish, but it doesn't really practice the faith anymore unless it's with its mother. This confuses you more.
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behold-cyaegha · 40 minutes
Imagine waking up to see the only thing in your field of view being a perfect crisp image of whar would be displayed on a computer monitor. Nothing exists beyond the display, there's nothing beyond the borders. You cannot turn your head to change your field of vision, you cannot move your eyes, and you cannot close them.
You can't feel your body. When you try to move you can't. But you can make the inputs you would on a desktop with a keyboard and mouse. You can hear but only what the computer could produce. You realize you have no body, you can't feel anything, you just have this vision of a strange computer.
You decide to go on the internet. You're able to exist that way. And you can entertain yourself for awhile, looking at the online world. Though there really is no end to it. It's not even like being alone in your room, you can't even eat or sleep.
But your still alive. There is still value. You contact your old freinds online, and make new freinds. You aren't alone. You don't need a job, but you do find a role in society. You're able to make creative works, and dedicate more time with it then anybody else. You have a life, and people you care about. Yet still, it's been so long since you've touched anything, so long since you've even eaten or slept, so long since there's been a person who you've actually met. You just want to be able to hug one of the people you've met.
Time passes. The works you've created are now culturally important enough to have products in the real physical world inspired by them that you can never see. You've watched people you love grow old but you're still the same. You know more about the internet then anyone else. You've met other people trapped online like you are. And you've seen websites normal humans don't see, parts of the internet only powerful organizations know about, parts that only people who know that magic is real use, parts where eldrich horrors live, and parts where faries and demons post. Yet time still passes.
After decades of being trapped online more and more technology you'll never see appears. Eventually robotics starts advancing, so much you can control mechanical limbs though an online connection. You do everything you can to be able to experience this, it's been decades since you could touch anything in the real world after all.
When you do it's strange. When you first try it it's nothing like what you think you remember human touch being like all those years ago, though it's still a lot. But it gets better, and the time passes. It's awkward controlling a robot body at first, trying to remember how to move, how moving and interacting in 3d space even is supposed to feel like. But eventually it starts feeling more natural, and the body is a full body, not a human, but something like it. It's been more then a hundred years, but you feel the earth beneath your feet again. Nobody remembers who you were before you became trapped online, but there are people who care about you here and now, and finally, you can touch one of them, and look in their eyes.
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behold-cyaegha · 1 hour
Apparently in China peach wood (Along with the rest of the plant) is believed to have properties that repel evil spirits, a little similar to silver in European legends or iron for both European fae and West Asian/Middle eastern Jinn. Taoists sometimes keep swords made of peach wood because of this. This made me realize something. If you took a peach wood stick, and attached studs to it of both silver and iron you'd end up with a club or staff (or mace, flail etc.) that would have the weaknesses of many kinds of supernatural creatures while still retaining effectiveness as a normal weapon (peach is a hardwood and silver's poor edge retention doesn't matter for studs). You could even keep adding new stud materials to get something ridiculous that affects over 120 catalogued folkloric monsters. Since you just need a few little studs you could even get some really expensive materials like meteoric iron (a thumb tip sized meteorite can still cost like 10-20 bucks I think). I could somewhat feasibly make a weapon that affects every monster ever thought to walk the earth, from vampires and werewolves to jinn and jiangshi and even mankind.
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behold-cyaegha · 4 hours
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hello malevolent podcast fandom. i have listened to the first 6 episodes.
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behold-cyaegha · 4 hours
I’m going to save up for a new motorcycle by running a scam where I bet straight dudes at bars twenty bucks that I can get a girl’s number in under five minutes and then politely walk up her and say, “I just bet that asshole twenty bucks that I could get your number. I’ll split it with you if you pretend to laugh like I just said a good pick up line and then write a fake number on my hand.”
Like, I never understood those kind of bets in those shitty teen movies. Everybody loves being part of a scheme, man. Use your head.
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behold-cyaegha · 6 hours
Yeah, there’s someone called number1martinblackwoodhater and i keep blocking them cause i don’t want to see their stuff but i keep seeing their stuff recommended to me anyway. Tumblr is broken.
Just learned today that there are people who hate Martin Blackwood.
Martin “I will repeatedly and without hesitation throw myself before eldritch horrors so the people I love can be free from tyranny” Blackwood.
Martin “My fatal flaw is loyalty and the need to protect my loved ones” Blackwood.
Martin “The thing that breaks my brain is that no matter how much I love and care for my mother she will always hate me because I look like my father” Blackwood.
Martin “There’s nothing wrong with wanting everyone to be ok” Blackwood.
Ok, sure, yeah. Clearly he pretends to be mild mannered as a defense mechanism. If given the chance he would go scorched earth on every avatar and is angry when Jon doesn’t listen to him. And? Is he not allowed to be angry at a lack of justice? It’s not exactly a dilemma with a perfect solution.
Idk there’s something about characters so dedicated to the well being of the people around them that they repeatedly fall on swords for them. Sure, it’s a coping mechanism to need everyone in your life to be happy. That makes him feel safe.
And??? Jon’s cope is the need to understand. That doesn’t do much for anyone except repeatedly put people in harm’s way. He tells himself he’ll destroy the fears once he kills Jonah, but he was clearly deluding himself. He wanted the knowledge all to himself and Martin called him on his bullshit.
That’s not to say he deserves hate either. Obviously he’s a victim of the Ceaseless Watcher and had his fear warped into something monstrous. But Martin’s fears drove him to extremes in order to protect the people around him.
He’s a terrified, bumbling hero and the most nuanced character of the Magnus Archives.
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behold-cyaegha · 6 hours
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Skilltober #19 - Hand/Eye-Coordination
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behold-cyaegha · 6 hours
Miscellaneous Jmart Doodles
Exactly what it says on the tin. Well, really it's more like, "all of the doodles with both of them in it that isn't part of a group/tiny comic"
these aren't in the order they were drawn either so it's a mixed bag of sorts lmao
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behold-cyaegha · 7 hours
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (UK) posted this to their Facebook page today:
We are very excited to announce our NEW RECOGNISED BREED - The Transylvanian! 🤩
'Indigenous to the woodlands and forests around the Carpathian Mountain areas of Romania and Hungary, the Transylvanian cat is the most recently discovered natural breed in the world.
They have fascinating features such as the reverse Karparti coat, born white, over the first 12 months the kitten grows a black, blue or sometimes a red coat whilst leaving the points of the ears, nose and paws white. Basically a reverse point! The Transylvanian is thermal too, being lighter in summer and darker in winter.
The foundation breeders led by Beverly Elian (WCF Judge) are based in Romania, Hungary, Switzerland and in the UK with Stuart & Amanda Brass.
Extensive testing has occurred on all four generations supported by Leslie Lyons and it appears the breed is robust with no genetic or hereditary issues appearing in any of the litters.'
Not seen and heard enough? You can see our newly recognised Transylvanian at the Feline Fair! Buy your tickets here - https://tinyurl.com/5dm7kp9a! 🎟️
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behold-cyaegha · 7 hours
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I TRY to be nice for ONCE and no one's believing me
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behold-cyaegha · 7 hours
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Bringing this back
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behold-cyaegha · 7 hours
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behold-cyaegha · 1 day
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behold-cyaegha · 1 day
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yeah so Tim why do you just have zip ties
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behold-cyaegha · 3 days
a favorite memory:
when i was in fifth grade, we read a book in school where a young girl in prehistory finds a dolphin skeleton. and i was so taken in by the description of the bones, how there were fingers in the fins, that i came home to my dad and told him "i think that when humans came out of the oceans, dolphins did, too, but they went back in."
my dad went upstairs and came back with an issue of analog magazine, the sci-fi digest he read religiously, and handed it to me.
"here," he said. "you're ready for this."
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behold-cyaegha · 4 days
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behold-cyaegha · 4 days
You're the personal subject of a vampire. You have been since you were young. You were taken from human lands as a child, before you had any memories. Whoever your birth parents are they're not alive now.
Your only job is to give your vampire blood. Other than that you're almost entirely free. He takes blood around once a month, it hurts a bit but it's not like when other humans have it happen because you don't struggle. You're always a bit pale and weak, and you have trouble putting on weight, but you're mostly ok. He's always so nice to you, he pets your head, and let's you live in his castle, and buys you cute clothing and pretty things.
You know you're not undead like most people in the place you live. But you've been here so long you don't really think of yourself like the normal mortals undead kill. You don't scream or struggle, you don't speak a strange language or follow strange gods. You're technically below things like wraiths and ghouls and revnents when it comes to your rights, but your vampire is a lot richer than most of them so you're treated so much better. You even have some ghoil servents who take care of your needs.
You feel closest to other mortal subjects of vampires. Humans and orcs and dwarves and all sorts of mortal races who are in similar arrangements to you. But even amoung them you're pretty high status. You are allowed to walk around the city without an escort, and see all it's wonderful things on your own. Your vampire tells you nice things, and is so sweet to you.
A lot of the other subjects are hit or slapped or worse by their vampires but you never were, or at least you never disobeyed in the way that would make him want to. Like most subjects he had you neutered, it was a quick and painless process, before your first period. Because of how your neutered body developed and how your vampire treats you, you kind of felt like you never stopped being a kid.
You've seen human ambassadors negotiate with your vampire. They look so strange, wearing clothing, and speaking words you don't understand. You saw one with a sword, it's so weird to think of a human as having a sword. Part of you wants to want to be them, but you can't anymore, even they'd see you as strange and other to them.
Of course there will always be things subjects can't do. Even though he let's you walk alone in the city you have to be home by sunrise. Nomatter how loyal you are it's dangerous to be outside when everyone is supposed to be asleep. You're expected to dress as not to expose your skin especially around your neak, so no undead are too tempted to want your blood, there's a lot of things you aren't supposed to do because you don't want undead to try to eat you. And you can't own land or weapons of course, and can't prey to human gods or learn human languages. And of course you have to obey him, you never disobey him, but you know that you can't.
But for the most part it's nice. You get to draw and study and write. You even have a few books published. You're in your mid twenties, it's been so long it all feels so normal. You have a safe comfortable life. But part of you secretly hopes you'll be turned into a vampire someday, as strange as it sounds, you'll see vampiric red knights, or wealthy vampire traders, and you'll wish you could be them. You could do it, you'd just need to grab your master for a few seconds, and let him bite you for longer than he's supposed to. You'd be on the streets when it was over but you'd have the rights to not be punished for it, for nearly anything.
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