I’ve been really frustrated lately. I haven’t been on I awhile because of things going on in my personal life, but I’ve been taking this time to think a lot about dynamics in this fandom.
The twilight renaissance has rejected smeyers racism and I am so glad. But it can’t just stop there. Reblogging something about how Jacob is valid and was ruined by smeyer because of her racism is good, but that alone is not enough to make you nearly as “woke” as you might think. I’ve been talking to @emerald-studies aka @lookbellaissaworm and a few others about this a lot. I’m not going to sugar coat things in this post.
Reblogging things about black lives matter doesn’t make your blog ugly and just because things have slowed down DOES NOT mean it is over. You should still be reblogging things about black lives matter.
But that’s also the bare minimum. Donate(if you can afford it). Sign petitions. Talk to your local government. Don’t follow email templates many officials filter out emails that match templates. I’ve seen several of the racist people in this fandom reblog things about black lives matter.
Listen to your peers that are poc ESPECIALLY bipoc. Stop speaking over poc when we talk about issues they have faced. You do not know more about racism than poc. You do not know more about our experiences.
If a poc, especially one from the race you’re talking about, tells you something is racist believe them. Your intentions might be good, but you still don’t have the “authority” to argue with them. A very small example of this is when I, a Japanese person, made a post basically saying “hey I’m Japanese and the reason people want Alice to be Japanese is racist. I understand the intention but it’s rooted in stereotypes please stop.” My ask box was flooded with people, who are not Asian, arguing with me. That is not okay.
Stop looking at racism as just “drama”. Calling someone out for being racist isn’t “drama”. Thinking it is heavily diminishes the impact, invalidates the experience of the victim, and ultimately makes YOU feel justified being a bystander not getting involved.
I know this fandom tries really hard to take the racism out of twilight, but we need to apply that beyond twilight. If you really care about all of smeyers racism you shouldn’t be okay with people in this fandom being racist. It’s not drama. It’s not a silly misunderstanding. It’s not okay because they’re your friend. You’re enabling them and valuing them over a person of color that they were racist to.
So many POC in this fandom have experienced racism and the “allies” are turning a blind eye pretending that nothing is wrong and I’m fucking sick of it. I know twilight is a form of escapism for a lot of people. But as poc we don’t get to “escape” what people do when they see or think of the color of our skin. We don’t get to have a place where the racism from the “real world” doesn’t follow us when other members of this fandom are being actively racist to us. You need to be supporting the POC and BIPOC in this fandom, take your activism beyond fictional characters. Help make change in this fandom and in the real world as well.
For the next week I’m not posting any twilight context only activism. If you have a problem with that or if it “ruins your feed” feel free to unfollow me.
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If you get a vampire to laugh while they’re feeding, does blood shoot out of their nose or are they too perfect~
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i know there’s a lot going on but ICE are now one step closer to literally creating gas chambers. they are spraying a chemical called HDQ neutral roughly 100 times a day, every 15 minutes at the adelanto detention center (one of the biggest in the country). people are getting rashes, headaches, their insides are bleeding, etc. the guards are wearing gloves and masks but the detainees have NOTHING. and here’s a quick reminder - america inspired the nazis to create gas chambers when they gassed latino people during the 1917 bath riots. 
here’s a petition to sign. it’s close to it’s goal. if there’s anything else we can do to help i’ll update this post.
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is this a twilight blog or a sm*yer hate blog? lmk when you figure it out bc i sure as hell don’t know
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Could you maybe reblog this post if you think respecting trans peoples' names and identities is a basic right and not a political opinion?
No pressure. Just seeking some validation of my sentiment. Due to some. people
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twilight au where carlisle is in prison with lori loughlin for bribing dartmouth into accepting bella
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Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper from Twilight played Sokka in the live-action atla movie
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I’m severely disappointed in this discovery please do not contact me for 123901 years
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charlie swan is no longer a cop but now a full time dilf
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Okay I know I mentioned it in my life and death commentary BUT I CANNOT GET OVER THIS
In order to fake Beau’s death in a believable way, Archie and Eleanor take it upon themselves to exhume a fresh dead body from some random ass cemetery, placed it into Beau’s truck, sets it on fire, AND YEETS IT INTO A RAVINE SOMEWHERE IN NEVADA
Stephenie Meyer really wrote that.
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The category is: black women in ethereal moments.
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this post read me to filth when i least expected it
part of the twilight renaissance is realizing how reading twilight as a young person has affected your taste in romantic partners for the rest of your life
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edward mf "If yOu eVeR TouCh Her AGaiNst Her WiLL agAiN" cullen oooooojhjjjooojjnmm what a king
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name one native american intellectual off the top of your head, name one native american actor or actress off the top of your head, name one native american senator, one native american news anchor, or an author or a tv personality or a singer or a poet or a comedian, name a single native american teacher you’ve had, can you? probably not 
ok so now think of one native american cartoon character you know of or a sports team relating to native americans whether it’s their actual name or their team logo, or a town you live in or near with a “native” name bet a lot of these things came to you right away i bet you didn’t even have to think 
needing native representation in media, education and government are not decoy issues, the commercialization and appropriation of native cultures are not decoy issues, the lack of native representation is institutional oppression at work 
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so are we just not gonna talk about the sexual tension between Carlisle and Bella while he stitched her up in new moon?
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ok but like.... at least bella consented to the fiasco that is Edward I’m A Religous Virgin Cullen
edward is actually a dick who doesn’t deserve bella and neither does jacob but he’s not as bad
mmmmmmm lowkey agree
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Absolutely gutted to find out this scene was filmed but deleted
Even more disappointed that they didn’t even think to include the best line of the whole exchange:
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