bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
The cold air was refreshing as the man walked out of the building. The night of drinking and dancing in close proximity had made Bentley wish he had chosen something lighter in his attire. He had stepped outside for a cool down, the quieter atmosphere surprisingly welcomed to him. Back leaning against the building he noticed the figure next to him. “Looks like you and I had the same idea,” he offered up the small talk a smile following. “Kinda crazy in there, huh?”
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And this party had proven to be, not only more interesting and fun than she first expected, but a lot more in between, too. Isabella was having more fun than she did in a long, long while so to take a break to simply breath, was something she did counting down the seconds until she could go back. At first she was the only one, besides a few couples a few feet away from her, giving her the privacy and moment needed to simply enjoy. With her eyes closed, Isabella held her head back, enjoying the cold breeze, getting lost in her own thoughts until a question brought her back. “Hmm?” She asked, eyes opening as she turned to look at the voice. “A little bit, yes. Too many people, but that is not so bad.” She shrugged. “A little bit of madness can be fun.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Bella wasn’t going to stay in New Orleans for the New Years at first. Her ideal plan was to spend the holidays at home with her parents, but after a fiasco Christmas dinner she knew she needed something good to bring out the positive vibes to her new year. 2018 was going to be it and she knew it. She had heard about the extravaganza of the parties in town, but never expected to have something so glorious as the party she was presented to. Walking in by herself, Bella thought this moment would be odd, but on the contrary, it became more liberating than anything else. “Wow. This is a lot more than I expected.” The blonde exclaimed to the person next to her. “Are all the parties like this?”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Damn I love this song,” Tyler said over the loud, bumping music as he moved his feet to the beat. Despite being tough on the eyes, Tyler had a soft spot for any kind of dancing. He mostly did swing while he was on tour as a bull rider, enjoying tossing around girls and making them grin from ear to ear after he spun them around on the dance floor. However, he also knew how to modern dance well, and had taken several partners throughout the night so far without slowing down, on the dancing, or the drinking. As he glanced around, looking for his next victim, he spotted someone. “Come on, I know you want to join in,” he said, obviously buzzed off the shots he’d taken. 
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A break. A break was what Isabella needed for the night. With a glass of water in hands, the blonde took sips of her water as she looked at the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor. Many couples were getting closer, enjoying their moment while some loners were taking their chance on the dance floor, enjoying the night as if there was no tomorrow. One particular male gathered her attention as he did seem to know what he was doing, she spotted him from a distance a few times already and every single of those times, he was still dancing. It was almost like he would dance his night away in this. When he spotted her, thought, she tried to be invisible. “What? No, no no. I’m definitely fine where I am, I swear.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Oh my god,” Wren exclaimed, clutching her head in excitement as people begin counting down from ten seconds, watching the large video screens. She hadn’t realized what the time truly was, distracted by dancing, conversation, and endless drinks bought by friends and strangers. Champagne was being handed out around the dance floor and Wren found herself with a glass in hand before everyone got to one. Excitedly, she cheered as the clock hit zero, taking a celebratory drink from her champagne before looking around her. Many couples began to smooch, or strangers who had met that night she assumed as another possibility. And with an awkward smile Wren turned to someone who seemed just alone as herself, “Hey uh-Happy New Years,” she said with a wide grin, offering her champagne glass out to clink with the others.
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Isabella was dancing all by herself, enjoying the moment not really bothering with who and what could happen in that party. She was happy and that was all to it. The countdown begin, and for the first time, she wasn’t expecting to watch some ball drop in the middle of madness, she looked around, chanting the words, counting down the numbers as excited as everyone else around her and the minute it hit zero, she looked around, smile wide as she searching for someone, anyone that would be in the exact same situation as her, finding that one person that was the reason she decided to come to the party in the first place. “Hi! Happy New Year to you, too!” The blonde exclaimed, holding her glass out to her.
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Metro was already hopping with the crowds pouring in, the music bumping in anticipation of the night’s entertainment leading up to midnight. On the regular, Talan called Bourbon Street home, his work, main haunts always there. But he had no reservations about switching certain things up, to him, it’s what kept things exciting. And a huge club party away to ring in the New Year from the usual crowds at that? He was sold. “Wonder how long it would take to pop all those at once?” Talan asked to the person nearest him, his eyes catching sight of the abundance of balloons netted on the ceiling.
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Bella was definitely glad she came to the party. The looks, the music, the promise the environment brought was more than she could have hoped for. Walking on the club by herself was something she wasn’t used to, but still feeling like the newbie in town brought some sort of mystery and new adventure to the whole thing. She was just admiring the whole scene when a familiar voice spoke by her side, bringing an instant smirk to her lips. “I think one and half minutes tops.” She answered, taking a sip of the champagne flute she had in hands, turning to look at him. “But if you are talking about doing them all at the same time, I’d say....5 seconds or so.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Guess that’s what I implied,” Noah admitted with a grin, knowing she had him beat. She was quick on her toes, quick to come back with a sly grin and that twinkle in her eye and he was lying if he said he didn’t like it. Bella was an interesting one - and suddenly he was grateful she’d decided to sit down beside him. He listened attentively as the blonde answered his question, nodding his head along with her reasoning. It made sense - the hustle and bustle of a work day, the longing to just… get away from it all. “Actually, no,” Noah replied, his body angled towards her as he answered. “Normally it’s straight back to the apartment but these damn files are due in the mornin’ so I figured I’d try and get some work done. Until you showed up.”
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Bella was surprised how easy it became to simply talk to Noah. Maybe it was the situation, both being workaholics, terribly tired of their daily routine and work, at a bar drinking to help cope with their responsibilities, but something told her it was something else. She was definitely enjoying this encounter more than she should’ve -- probably. “Oh no, then I am the one keeping you from doing your work now?” Eyes widened, Isabella felt guilty for distracting him in the first place, realizing that this was probably a bad idea. “Now I feel extremely guilty for this. I probably should leave you alone, then...”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“If that’s the case, I’m not looking forward to it.” Ben went along with her, leaning back slightly and taking a sip of his drink with a smirk. “It can’t be that bad, though. After all, age is just a number.” To be honest, he wasn’t expecting her to say anything about what was on her mind. Most people shrugged the question off. So, as she briefly explained, Ben slightly tilted his head as he listened. “Things not changing? Are these ‘things’ something you have control over?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Intentional or not, you got me thinking deeper than just a few scribbles on paper now.”
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“Age is just a number, but that is only something you believe on, or want to believe on, it is different when you have to say it out loud and you see the reaction on people’s faces. That is when it really sink in and stops being just a number.” Isabella shrugged. They were getting too deep on something that didn’t need to, and to be quite frankly she was the one to blame for. “Depends on the point of view?” She sighed. “Sorry! I tend to do that when I get too worked up on my own thinking.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Sure, it could be, but you’re right; you never know when the middle of your life is, so there’s no use in worrying about that,” Dallas replied, taking a sip of his Coke and resting his chin on his hand. “Right, everyone does it, but I can’t think of any New Years resolution I’ve made that has lasted. I stopped drinking when I was ready, not because I made myself. I got in shape because I was ready to make the change. I guess what I’m saying it change only comes when you’re ready, not when you force yourself.”
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Bella stopped to think knowing that, once more, he came up with good reasoning that were too good for her to reply to them. “I suppose you are right about it, but if you have nothing to look forward to, no direction to head for, it will be hard to even become ready for it if you do not know what to expect or what to see, at lesat that is something I believe.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Pursing her lips as she looked down at the boxes in her hand, Alessia shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, these are all pretty sweet. They put sugar on top and the sauces are so sweet I don’t think there’s much in it..” Tapping her foot gently against the floor, she shook her head, more at herself than anything else. “I can’t believe I’m actually agonising over this small of a decision, it’s ridiculous, right? See, the old me would just buy all three and hope I can still fit into my skinny jeans. The new me spent over an hour at the gym this morning and doesn’t want to cry over eating three boxes of strudel..” Turning back to the blonde, Alessia pouted a little. “Quick fire, pick a box and I’ll get it. Wait, do I know you? I met you the other week right? The New Orleans newbie?”
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“Then if they are all sweet it makes this decision a little bit harder, don’t you think?” Bella offered the girl a small, gentle smile, trying to be as supportive as she could be. “I don’t think it is that ridiculous. I’ve seen people agonizing over more...things that would be considered silly instead -- me included. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you feel like you will be regretting this decision come tomorrow, just pick one today, then come eat another next week and then the last one the next week. This way you won’t feel so guilty about eating all of them right now.” The blonde shrugged. “Me?? Why should I be making this decision? And yes? I think we have. And yeah, that would be me.” Bella chuckled.
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
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Isabella King NYE Outfit
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Hey now, what kind of services are we talkin’ ‘bout here?” Noah inquired with a cheeky grin, rolling with the punches and enjoying their back and forth banter, a smile planted firmly on his features, trying not to get distracted by her obvious good looks along with the distinct buzz of alcohol in his head. So far he wasn’t doing so hot. He noticed he had her off guard with the slight skin to skin contact, not sure where it had come from on his end but glad he had steered the mood back in the right direction. He hadn’t wanted to offend her in the first place so he was grateful when that teasing smirk appeared right back on her features. “Seafood. A hell of a lotta seafood,” Noah replied with a chuckle. “Now if ‘ya don’t mind my askin’ - what’s a pretty lady like you doin’ here all by herself?” 
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Isabella smirked, knowing she had gotten him where she wanted with her comeback. Shrugging, she didn’t make much case of her and his words. “None that should be mentioned now. Seems like you got it all covered, don’t you?” Smiling, she somehow hoped this would still continue to keep him interested in the conversation, even with her obviously not giving him much to think or make up of her words. “Seafood, really?” She questioned, brow raised as she looked at him. “So, food is another great part important of New Orleans. Noted.” Isabella pointed out. “Would it be terrible to simply say I only wanted an escape?” Isabella answered honestly. “And since I’m all up to discovering new places and things to do, this seemed like a good place to add to the list. What about you, is this your usual night routine?”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“It’s crazy how I have a packed year and it didn’t even start yet. I feel like I have a ton of new cases and I think my brain is going to explode. I hope things slow down soon,” Hazel took a deep breath as she shook her head. “As long as you don’t go out and buy a random sports car then date an eighteen year old, I think you’ll be fine.”
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“New cases? That seems interesting. I have a theory that if your year is already starting that way the probability of it slowing down is very slim. So I’d be all prepared for whatever it is to come.” Isabella sighed, knowing that the woman was probably already predicting an year just as similar as hers. “Uh-oh. What if I already have a sports car?”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Scratching the side of his head, Ben tried to keep up with her. “Thirty is so old, but I think it’s still a bit young for a mid life crisis.” He provided the blonde with a tight lipped smile. “Pretty sure ‘grumpy’ happens to everyone. What’s got you so worked up? It’s just another year. Doesn’t mean you have to buy into all the ‘new year, new me’ bullshit. Just wait until February and it’ll all die off. Everyone will forget, and we can finally stop scratching out 2017 when we write it by mistake.”
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“I know right? I feel the age already getting to me, I don’t know how will I cope with the idea of becoming thirty of all ages. -- It could be a mid life crisis depending on the point of view, though.” Isabella pointed out, stubbornly, not wanting to simply accept the fact that he was probably -- most definitely -- right about it. “Life...the idea of some things not changing, only getting worse, you know? Will we really be stop scratching around February? Something tells me it might take a little bit longer.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Lyanna listened to the woman beside her, she wasn’t sure if the blonde was talking to her but judging from the people around the other, she was the only one near enough to hear her. She wasn’t sure if the other wanted a response for her, and Lyanna didn’t want to make an enemy of someone just because she spoke at the wrong time. After the other’s question, Lyanna couldn’t help but chuckle at the other. “Thirty is young to get a mid life crisis.” She stated, trying to reassure the other, “I mean, maybe you’re just looking for something new? Try doing things you’re not used to doing and see if it satisfies your needs?”
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“It is young depending on your point of view, I think.” Isabella sighed, turning to face the woman besides her knowing that she was somewhat about that statement, even though she clearly was unaware of the whole story or even why Isabella was feeling that way. “I think it is more than just trying something new. I moved to a new place, completely different from my home town and still, things clearly didn’t seem to change.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Wren grinned as the blonde seemed to enjoy the move of the subject towards something a little more in the Holiday spirit. Although Christmas had passed, New Orleans was known for carrying the partying several days and even weeks after. “Well, then you are in for a treat,” she said with a wide smile in the blonde’s direction. “If you like-partying and that kind of thing I guess. New Orleans always throws a huge New Years bash, I mean how could we not we have ‘New’ in our name right? There’s always fireworks, and dancing, and lots of people wear masks like Mardi Gras. It’s magical. There’s nothing else like it.”
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“Really?’ Bella’s eyes light up at the new information regarding a part of New Orleans that she was completely unaware of. She still wasn’t quite sure what or where she would be staying, but Christmas in New York and New Years in New Orleans did sound really nice. “Now that is a party that seems to be waaay cooler than simply watching a ball drop. You natives really do know how to party, don’t you?”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
“Oh no no no-green and red aren’t exactly my colors” Tyler interrupted jokingly as the woman seemed to loath people that went overboard on the Christmas cheer, “I’m more of the, open doors more often, offer spare change to people in need, buy coffee for strangers type,” he said with a grin, hoping that everyone behind them in line wasn’t too upset the two had begun to chat. The baristas seemed to be scrambling every which way it didn’t seem like it mattered if they put in their order now or a few moments later, they still wouldn’t be getting their java for another five minutes at least. And with that, he leaned across the counter, not wanting the other to hear what he ordered for her, a small surprise. He slid his card and with that motioned that they move down the line towards where they could wait for their drinks. “I take it, you aren’t a fan of Christmas then?” he asked, making small talk once more.
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“Hmmm they are not for everyone, indeed. Don’t blame you for not liking them all that much.” Isabella shrugged. She wasn’t there to make fun of him if he did, indeed, walk around wearing those sweaters and what not, she just honestly felt like teasing him a bit for his actions on that moment. “Oh so you are a giver. But only during on Christmas time? That definitely won’t be enough to allow you the nice list of Santa.” She grinned, teasing him a bit. If he was gong to be all up the idea of buying her a drink, she might as well carry on their conversation, the least thing she wanted was for her to end up looking rude or not polite to him.With her eyebrow raised, she watched as he did everything he could to not let her hear what his order would be, offering him a small smile as they moved down the line to wait for their drinks. “On the contrary, I do live Christmas. I love the snow, you know? And there’s the whole thing with it being close to my birthday that makes it more magical.” She chuckled. Finding it funny how her comments from before were not only effective on teasing him, but made him think the contrary of her.
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
Dallas couldn’t really remember how it happened, but before he knew it, he was carrying on a conversation with a girl he didn’t even know the name of in a bar where he wasn’t even drinking, just sitting to ring in the New Year festivities and pass time until he had to meet a buddy from work. He was fairly sure he had started the conversation, but Dallas had always been a person people could talk to easily. Not to toot his own horn, but he was pretty experienced at advice. He thought for a moment after her questions. “Well, you’re only thirty. I’d hardly expect that to be the middle of your life,” he began, resting his elbows on the table. “And personally, I never gave in to the New Years hype. If people want to make a change in their life, they’re just going to make it happen. It won’t happen because of a magical time of year.” 
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Bella didn’t know how it happened, all she knew was that they were having a conversation over her middle life crisis -- that he was probably right about, but was something bothering her to no end in the moment. “How could you be so sure? I hardly believe people actually know those kind of things. It could totally be my middle life crisis for all I know!” She exclaimed, a little too loudly. “Never? Not even once? Come on, that can’t be true right now. Everyone did it, at least once in their lives.”
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