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“Hey, you!” Charlotte called out, putting a sympathetic smile on her lips and waving to the person just a few feet away from her. “Would you mind giving me a hand over here? These boxes are a lot heavier than I remembered.” She grimaced, gesturing to the trunk of her car, which held a few boxes, all of which were fully packed with things she had left behind in her parents’ house after she got married and moved out.  “I have a fresh batch of cookies cooling off inside and I promise to let you eat as much as you'd like in return for your help.”
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indianaharper · 7 years
        And a surprise it certainly had been for the girl who’d just assumed they were walking into Eden’s apartment to ‘grab something’, as she was told. Her birthday celebration had been nothing short of perfect, what, with a lunch date with the girls that left her ‘buzzed’ on a Saturday afternoon.. she couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than with her loved ones. But as she saw all the familiar faces of friends staring back at her, and some unfamiliar ones too, Indiana couldn’t believe her friends would go to these lengths for her. She truly felt loved and cared for — and in a world where so much love was lost for her, in a world that was filled with pain, she realises that for the first time in a long time, her heart felt full. And it felt damn good. Laughter spills from her lips as an abundance of emotions and feelings course through her all at once, feeling a little teary eyed, admittedly. It was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for her, and one that would certainly go down in history. 
       Some time later, Indi’s shaking her head as she manoeuvres her way towards the kitchen to get a drink, still grinning from ear to ear like the dork she is. She’d spent a good ten minutes saying hello to people and catching up, before noting the dry taste in her mouth, likely an after effect of the wine she’d consumed that afternoon. The kitchen was a little less busy, and loud, than the rest of the place. Glancing up at no one in particular, she picks up a bottle of wine, chuckling, “Can’t believe they strung this together under my nose! So crazy.” Especially knowing the party had now moved between both Eden’s apartment and her apartment with Noah, considering they were almost literally across the hall from one another. “—Hey, would you like a drink?” 
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silasatwater-blog · 7 years
                Valentines Day. Arguably, one of the busiest times of the year for Fleur’s Blooms. For the past week, Silas and the shop’s owner, Adeline, had spent most of their workdays putting together various ready-to-purchase gifts for the event. From individual roses to full-fledged bouquets, the blonde would end up staying from dusk till dawn just to meet the demands of customers, making a note to up the antem, since last year had been so hectic. He stands in front of the wooden table situated outside, sticking a promotional banner on the side, taking a step back to view the display. He hears a passerby walk behind him, glancing briefly before he waves them down for their two cents. “What do you think? ....Romantic enough?” he quirks a brow, crossing his arms as he stares intensely at the stuffed animals, sitting in front of a few vases of wilted flowers.
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avasawycr · 7 years
       “Damn fire alarms," Sawyer huffs with her hands on her hips at nobody in particular, exasperated at the notion of being kicked out of NOLA PD. It was then she noticed, in the corner of her eye, someone outside of the police precinct standing nearby. “Ruining my Netflix time. —And before you say anything, it was my lunch break, thank you very much.” She wasn’t going to mention the donuts she’d had to regretfully leave behind, too; a cop stereotype she’d unfortunately succumbed to. Now she turns around to face her counterpart, giving them a brief once over. “Were you about to come in, or? Not that there’s any use now.” 
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talanzaretti · 7 years
Metro was already hopping with the crowds pouring in, the music bumping in anticipation of the night’s entertainment leading up to midnight. On the regular, Talan called Bourbon Street home, his work, main haunts always there. But he had no reservations about switching certain things up, to him, it’s what kept things exciting. And a huge club party away to ring in the New Year from the usual crowds at that? He was sold. “Wonder how long it would take to pop all those at once?” Talan asked to the person nearest him, his eyes catching sight of the abundance of balloons netted on the ceiling.
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tylerxcarillo · 7 years
“Okay am I going crazy,” Tyler said, opening up the Tinder app on his phone, scrolling through some of his matches before settling on a girl he had messaged back and forth with a few times before she denied him, “Or does that girl...” he said, gesturing across the bar to a brunette that was playing pool with another man, clearly flirting with him if you didn’t look closer, where a small wedding ring sat on her finger, “...look exactly like this chick,” he said, flashing the phone to the person standing near him. “What’s the deal, do you think she’s married, or not?”
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martyredadvicex · 7 years
“Holy crap,” Cecily said the moment she looked at the lights. She was enchanted by them and wanted to take a bunch of photos and plaster them everywhere on her walls. Every year it gets better and better, to the point that she didn’t want to go back home, not once. Pulling out her phone, she started snapping photos of the lights before she accidentally bumped into someone as she turned around. “I’m so sorry,” she said immediately. “I was distracted and didn’t look where I was going.”
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gracmartn · 7 years
            "Whoa-- you alright?” Grace laughed, hands hovering over their shoulder and arm, watching them carefully. “I nearly ran into you, so either that’s my bad or you’re not skating as straight as I think you are.”
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bellaking-blog1 · 7 years
The Bourbon Street was without a doubt the thing that made Isabella fall in love with New Orleans. Every since that one time she came to Mardi Gras during college, Isabella vowed to come back one day to enjoy the beauty of the place, little did she know she would be calling it her residence a few years later. As she walked down the street, carefree, just enjoying all of its beauty, historical facts and magic, Isabella wondered why she had never thought of doing such a bold move like this one. New York had been her home for so long, that place she was supposed to be, expected to even. But here? New Orleans was the place she wanted to. For the first time in her life, Isabella was truly happy.
“The witches, vampires, werewolves stories definitely give this place a very mythical appeal, don’t you think? To be quite honest with you, walking down this street makes me feel like I am all party of this magic feeling, is it silly of me?” Isabella asked to the person that stopped by close to her.
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emmettandersvn-blog · 7 years
Setting his Apple computer upon the table, Emmett instantly placed on his earphones and pulled up the Garageband icon. Yes, he was technically supposed to be attempting sorting through Christmas music for an upcoming high school holiday concert, although admittedly, he’d gotten carried away yet again making up his own beats on the laptop app. Habit, one that really should have been entirely broken, yet somehow hadn’t completely left. As he seemingly noticed someone approach, it was as if Emmett became snapped back to true reality. “So, question. If you had to pick between hearing Jingle Bells and Sleigh Ride for...however many times over the next month, you’d pick Sleigh Ride, right?” He aimlessly asked, pulling out one earphone.  
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lukeyork · 7 years
Currently weaving through one of the set up scare houses, Luke was more interested in getting any glimpse of the behind of the scenes workings.  Although when faced with the constantly approaching horror characters, Luke merely just blinked and eyed them back, his indifference likely being why they backed away after a good few moments. Spotting a decorated curtain then around piled props, Luke made his way over, pulling it back calculatingly. Meanwhile, one scare actor at the opposite side looked busy taking a quick break. Noticing another figure come up near him among the multitude of Halloween themed noises and flashing strobe lights, he turned slightly towards them. “Looking for a five second head start?” He nodded forward, asking despite if they were simply another Horror Nights guest or done-up employee. 
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The holiday season had it's pros and cons for Laure, especially as a professor. The semester had just ended not too long ago, meaning she did have a nice break from grading and classes for a while, but she also had another entire semester to plan out. She also had an abundance of free time, but nothing to fill it with.
While most of the city was out enjoying the holiday festivities over in the Garden District, Laure decided her time was better spent in a small cafe, where she could take advantage of the fact it would be mostly empty and she could get her semester plans done. She also thought it was less depressing than just staying at her home all week. After around an hour of nonstop working, she looked up at the person sitting at the table beside her. The rest of the cafe was near empty. "So," she began, wanting some small talk just to distract her from work, "good to see I'm not the only one here, missing out on the holiday fun. What brings you here this late?"
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indianaharper · 7 years
       “—You’ve got to be kidding me,” she spits, anger and frustration bubbling within her as she stands before one of the Fleur’s Blooms cars she’d borrowed for a delivery, evidently broken down. And she knew nada about cars or anything remotely ‘mechanical’. To top it all off, her phone was dead, leaving her stranded on one of the more deserted streets just outside Mid City. She had a delivery to make with little time whatsoever, and there wasn’t a car in sight. “Oh god, what am I going to do?!” 
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silasatwater-blog · 7 years
         “You’d think these guys would care about their electricity bill,” he sighs, squinting at the glaring lights. “Though.. they probably thought ahead... got it on some sort of timer or something.” He looks over to the person beside him, brows raising. “I’ve got one wreath on my door and a poor excuse for a Christmas tree in my house. You think Santa’s gonna coal me for being underwhelming this season?”
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jamieharris-blog1 · 7 years
“Noon, don’t!” Jamie exclaimed when her dog stormed off. He normally remained at her side whenever they went out for walks, having been trained like that, but today he felt like doing something different, she guessed. She chased after him almost immediately and only stopped when he did. He stopped by someone else’s feet, sniffing them, before barking excitedly at them, wiggling its tail and all. “Sorry about him!” She said once she reached her pup and picked him up from the ground, so he would stop bothering the other person. “He’s a very friendly puppy. I hope he didn’t scare you or anything.”
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talanzaretti · 7 years
“You know, I wonder why the hell the Great Light fight people haven’t come here yet. Got to say, these houses always look legit.” Talan exclaimed, the line up for the tour clearly already a major hit as usual. He’d been here long enough to pretty much know what to expect, yet maybe not appreciate actually taking the time to really appreciate it all. “Drunk ice skating though? Now that’s be awesome, except for the obvious.” 
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