belovedfleurs · 4 years
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
أغلق النافِذة التي تُؤذيك،مهمَاکان اامنظرُ جميلاً.
Close the windows that hurts you, no matter how beautiful the view is.
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
whelp, i confessed to my friend and was rejected. i don’t know what else to say, but i have no regrets which is what matters most to me. i also felt like i was expecting it and just did it so i could set a clear boundary, so that may have been self sabotage. but it is what it is. what is love? what is attraction? i will love and be together with someone who wants to be with me, regardless of gender or societal norms. i feel uncomfortable being with someone who would deny a part of themselves because of religion, and this is assuming that she actually liked me in that sort of way lol. shes kind and i misunderstood that as her treating me special. i want to be with someone who is free and true to themselves, i think with this person i would always comes second to god and i want a more selfish love. i want to be loved first please, thank you. it’s very selfish, but i want to be first in my beloved’s heart and that’s not something i would get from this person.
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
how to start a studyblr
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To all of those struggle to start a studyblr, I hope this small guide could help you in some ways. I knew that I struggled a lot at the starting point such as choosing themes, adjusting html, creating my contents and reaching to more people. 
The only tip I can see is just letting yourself out there and showing your creative and helpful work to your community. Wish you all good luck!
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
I'm not friends with you because you serve a purpose to me, I'm friends with you because I just like you. That is to say, there is no one who can do what you do for me because what you do for me is just be you
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
Tumblr F*ckery
Hey y’all!
Does it feel like you’ve been missing posts from your mutuals? There might be a reason for this! Remember back a few years (or was it months? what is time anymore??), when Tumblr rolled out the option to show “stuff your friends liked first” and it totally screwed with how everybody’s dash looked? Guess what?! It seems like with the rollout of the new dashboard, that BS got reset to automatically be ON. If you want to see your dashboard in chronological order (and not like FB, IG, or Twitter), go into your dashboard settings and turn that crap OFF. Here’s how it should look like:
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This has been a PSA. You’re more than welcome to reblog and spread the word.
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belovedfleurs · 4 years
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
if you’re too worried about what you’re gonna say, it won’t matter because you may end up missing your cue to say it. 
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
How do you explain to people that just because you’re friends it doesn’t mean that they’re an exception to boundaries.
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
I’d rather be an alright human than a good person. You feel?
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
If only I had been kinder, more considerate and even more compassionate ... towards myself. I think that not everyone who hurts others does it on purpose and it would be nice if we could extend that grace to ourselves (even when we end up hurting people unintentionally as well). Thinking of yourself as the scum of the earth isn’t going to make that person not hurt anymore, and it’s definitely not going to help you out in the long run either. 
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
changing your entire mindset at once is very hard but taking small steps towards a more positive mindset is a great way to start. you don't need to go straight from "i hate myself" to "i love myself". try saying "i am not entirely happy with who i am but there's still parts of me that i don't hate and i definitely deserve to learn to love myself". because you definitely do deserve that.
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belovedfleurs · 5 years
How could you NOT fall in love with the glow of the moon and stars, the warmth of the sun, the ancient life within the trees, and the sweet melodies of the winds?
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