benchzine-blog · 7 years
Woe onto those who call good bench and bench good.
Jarbench (via benchzine)
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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Siren Call
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
Have you ever felt so low ? like nothing matters , people , places , passions ? none of it meaning anything to you anymore .... If you havent . you’re one of the few lucky ones left , but i dont think im capable of envying you . Its not your fault really , no-ones if you think about it . You didnt ask to be born the way you are , or for life to shower you with endless blessings and no reason to be sad . The same way i didnt ask for this , i didnt ask to not care about anything . I didnt ask to keep questioining my worth in life or for a place where i truly fit in . I never did .  Its really weird because after a while it becomes your life and the only thing you’re good at doing is pretending everything is okay and that you’re fine while secretly hoping someone notices. No-one ever really does .. only someone who is going through what you are or has been through it . No matter how much people may want to help, its not their fault that they dont know how to . so you keep feeling worthless because its all you’ve known your whole life ..when good things happen imagine getting scared and going into a corner becaue you know nothing good comes from being truly happy .... Can you imagine being me ? iving my life day in day out . I dont think you can , its not something i would wish on my enemy so ... count yourself lucky if you have never felt any of this. YOU ARE REALLY LUCKY
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
everybody wants to be  a bench , because a bench is the only bench that knows where its benched
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
I turn on her ignition Her braids locked between my hands As I examine her thighs, I swerve through her butcheeks not caring about who's racing behind me. She squeezes my hands making my motion accelerate, I switch gears when she begins to yell, she tells me to vandalize her curves , but I hesitate, she turns with her eyes wide as a headlight, whispering 'Mon Dieu', I take a break. Now her heart is racing, I drift past her perfection savoring each moment as I dread not to crash.     Now she takes a ride, while I relax in the back seat. Her movement as tender as the expressway, a slight movement with my hands and now she's speeding through the highway. Nothing and no one can catch up to her now. She's doing 85km per hour , and now I'm scared because she races through the bumps like they were not seen. I tell her to take it slow but my words are drowned by her honks but before I could do anything to slow down the drive it's to late, my tank is now empty. 
-Dj Rudbench
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
Why are  you here? What are you looking for? Don’t you have work? I’m sure you’re one of those people that keep saying “I’m doing hard work.” But you’re actually just a cat slapping your laptop keyboard.
Like wow.
Anyway, welcome to our blog sha. Bakk as you like, we don’t give a bench.
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- Jarbench
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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Humankind held hostage the term “hoe” - Jarbench
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
Once upon a Bench...  Entry 1
Boys become bastards because they must 
Ever erotically evolving in and out of lust
No one else needs a nut to bust 
So miss us with that judgemental pixie dust
Callous corrections come and go
Humankind held hostage the term “hoe”
To be honest, we just want to bench
So bench off or bench your benches to the side and let us bench
Unless you have something signifibench to bring to the bench. In that case, we can have a change of bench and bench you up till bench do us part. :)
- Jarbench
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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In bench do we part
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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Self Exbenchatory 🐣
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
To those that say they’re “working hard”.
Hard work is the kind of work no one wants to be doing. Out in the sun, sweating moving bricks and logs. Weeding plants with your barehands for hours. Bleeding in the factory.
Not sitting in an air conditioned room on your laptop, with hour long lunch breaks and ergonomically designed chairs.
This is what you look like:
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That’s not hard work.
It’s work, good work maybe. Keep doing it, but don’t flatter yourself by saying you work hard.
— Jobench
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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Siren Call
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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Sweet Devotion. 
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
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benchzine-blog · 7 years
Woe onto those who call good bench and bench good.
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