garvanot · 3 years
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@stgo-valdiv @jazicharnica @balkanandroid @pasha-tenenbaumu3t09eb-blog @sejudougl1691-blog @i-eat-books-for-breakfast-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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garvanot · 3 years
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@stgo-valdiv @jazicharnica @balkanandroid @pasha-tenenbaumu3t09eb-blog @sejudougl1691-blog @i-eat-books-for-breakfast-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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garvanot · 4 years
Da Da se trese is ever a good thing ever especially sees in the same reel as se eee sessions in real time related research to see seen were seen e seee r not the same reasons reestablish for example eee research and writing in a way to keep essential seee relevant in sessions with seeds related to each of reread ee Reed in each research and to make sure that everyone knows eeseeeeeseeseeeesreeeeeeseeseseeeeseeseesesseeeeeeeeeeeeseseeseeesereseeesereseeeesereeseeeeseeseeeseseeeeeeeeeeeseeseseesessseeeeesezeeeeseeesessesseeeeeeeesesseesezsseseereereseresesseeeseseseereseereesseeeeseeeseseeesseeeseeeseeeeeerseeeeeeesereseeeeeeeeseseeeseeseeseeessseeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeereeseeeeeeessereeeeeseeeezeeeeeeseeezeseeeesseseeeeseseeeeeeeeeeseeeseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeseseeesesesseeseesseeeeseeeseeeseseeeeeeereeeeeseeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeseee
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Dad, you know how I feel about the woods.
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garvanot · 5 years
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garvanot · 5 years
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garvanot · 8 years
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Street Artist: Violant
Let’s have a look at the murals signed by Joao Mauricio a.k.a. Violant, the talented Portuguese artist from Lisbon.
Some photos by Paulo Rocha and João Pepino.
Enjoy past street art features and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
posted by tu recepcja
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garvanot · 8 years
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Your body is an incredibly bizarre machine.
“What you see is a myosin protein dragging an endorphin along a filament to the inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex which creates happiness. Happiness. You’re looking at happiness.”
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garvanot · 8 years
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If you like this post, check out psych2go. We also have a YouTube channel here too: Psych2goTV.
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garvanot · 8 years
For almost 18 years you’re taught to sit down, shut up, and raise your hand. Then you have to decide what you’re going to do for the rest of your life.
Lavon Curtis (via cavum)
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garvanot · 8 years
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Pablo Picasso  (via pablopicasso-art)
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garvanot · 8 years
do you remember the first time you were called annoying? how your breath stopped short in your chest the way the light drained from your eyes, though you knew your cheeks were ablaze the way your throat tightened as you tried to form an argument that got lost on your tongue. your eyes never left the floor that day. you were 13. you’re 20 now, and i still see the light fade from your eyes when you talk about your interests for “too long,” apologies littering every other sentence, words trailing off a cliff you haven’t jumped from in 7 years. i could listen to you forever, though i know speaking for more than 3 uninterrupted minutes makes you anxious. all i want you to know is that you deserve to be heard for 3 minutes for 10 minutes for 2 hours forever. there will be people who cannot handle your grace, your beauty, your wisdom, your heart; mostly because they can’t handle their own. but you will never be and have never been “too much.”
Tyler Ford (via winterkristall)
Favorite quote ever
(via bl-ossomed)
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garvanot · 8 years
do you remember the first time you were called annoying? how your breath stopped short in your chest the way the light drained from your eyes, though you knew your cheeks were ablaze the way your throat tightened as you tried to form an argument that got lost on your tongue. your eyes never left the floor that day. you were 13. you’re 20 now, and i still see the light fade from your eyes when you talk about your interests for “too long,” apologies littering every other sentence, words trailing off a cliff you haven’t jumped from in 7 years. i could listen to you forever, though i know speaking for more than 3 uninterrupted minutes makes you anxious. all i want you to know is that you deserve to be heard for 3 minutes for 10 minutes for 2 hours forever. there will be people who cannot handle your grace, your beauty, your wisdom, your heart; mostly because they can’t handle their own. but you will never be and have never been “too much.”
Tyler Ford (via winterkristall)
Favorite quote ever
(via bl-ossomed)
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garvanot · 8 years
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garvanot · 8 years
you will find your home, you will find your place. you will find your people. give it a little bit of time but it will happen.
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garvanot · 8 years
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garvanot · 8 years
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garvanot · 9 years
things ive heard people say in class:
“what if i just straight up break down in class and scare the shit out of ms neo so that she’ll postpone the test?”
“is it too early if i have a breakdown in january?” “its the second week, man.” “i know.” 
“let’s all just collectively skip the national exams, fuck the system!” *aggressive cheering*
in a really choked up voice, “i have rights.”
“what if i become a monk? do monks have to take exams?”
“in this context, what does ‘rapid’ mean?” “FAST AND FURIOUS”
“did y’all do the chem homework?” *collective ‘no’s* “alright, good. nobody be a wimp and do their homework, alright? if we’re fucked, we’re all fucked together.”
“wait, you mean to say that this school still teach fun stuff like music??”
*scandalised gasp* “you stole my circle template’s virginity!” “all i did was hook a finger through one of the holes!” “exactly!” 
“i bought this $2 knee guard just because i want to pretend that i’m injured so that i can sit out of PE.” [slides knee guard on] “i have three consecutive tests after this and lord knows i need all the extra study time that i can get.”
in an increasingly panicked voice, “i can’t just do my lit homework in 30mins!” “well, i did.” “what did you put for characterisation and further analysis?” “i said the protagonist was a fuckboy, and then proceeded to write 3 paragraphs and a conclusion consisting of utter bullshit on why he’s a fuckboy.”
“don’t they call people from Germany, germanese?” said by a top student.
“i think i’m a hermaphrodite.”
“fuck, i hate this. can i just be an escort? or have like 67 sugar daddies?”
in the middle of physics class: “i’m leaving, i’m fucking leaving. i’m going down to the canteen to buy takeouts of 3 fishball noodles. y’all want anything?”
“i want the saddest pepe the frog meme you can find as our class logo.”
“i found a salsa dip in my bag, anyone have some chips?” [a girl sighs, puts down her calculator and reaches into her sports bag] “i do.”
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