bentleybong · 2 years
Michelle let out a harmless laugh. “Guess we were both a bit caught up in our heads, huh?” She added trying to calm herself, as well as the other. “I don’t mind.” Truthfully she could use the company and they other seemed to give off the same vibe. “I’m Michelle by the way. So you’re not sitting late at night with a complete stranger. Promise I’m harmless.” She offered with a warm smile patting the spot beside her. 
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“Bentley,” He introduced himself as he sat down, legs dangling over the side. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s got you all stuck in your thoughts on this night? Makes for a great music video moment if that’s the vibe you’re going for,” Bentley said jokingly, lips curling into a smile because if there was one thing he was good at (or tried to be anyways), it was ignoring his own troubles and trying to solve other’s. Or at the very least, cheering them up. “Or if you’d rather not talk, then how have the less messy parts of your life been?”
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bentleybong · 2 years
Michelle had felt more closed off from the world than normal recently. Perhaps it was just her soul having a moment now that the weather was starting to cool down. Beach days wouldn’t be the same, the sun kissed skin would start to melt away, and night swims would come with a quick sprint home to not freeze herself. Sitting at the edge of the pool by herself she let out a small sigh. Her hands manipulating a small ball of water in front of her. It wasn’t till she heard the grinding of small rocks under feet that she turned, the water splashing over her lap. “It’s not time for the spooks just yet! Goodness.” She let out as she turned to see her company. “You could’ve said something rather then scare the daylights out of me you know?” 
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Bentley had needed some time to himself, needed to get away from everything and just be able to collect his thoughts. He hadn’t expected his life to turn so tumultuous, hadn’t asked for it and he can feel how it was weighing heavily on his heart. And worse, it felt like he couldn’t say anything to anyone, so a walk was very much needed to just try and patch himself back up. Coming across the other was a pleasant surprise from his aimless strolling, but he immediately threw his hands up to show he meant no harm and a wide smile to match, pushing his thoughts aside for another time. “Whoa, totally didn’t mean to,” he said, taking out his earbuds and stuffing them back in their case, “Mind if I sit with you?”
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bentleybong · 2 years
“Handsome,” Pascal mumbles under his breath, caught off by Bentley’s compliment. “You’re too good to me Bent,” he says while resting a hand gently against his. He lets his hand linger there for a moment, to feel the touch of Bentley’s hand on his face. Peyton smiles and lets their hands drop. “I know it hasn’t been long since we hung out last, but I’ve missed you. I’m excited to hang out with you tonight. So, I’m all yours.” They stop for a breath and smile. Why was he so nervous after that? The racing in his chest hasn’t calmed since Bentley wiped his face. “Whatever you want to do.”
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Bentley nearly forgot about how easily they could fall into their unspoken... thing between them, the more than friendly touches and soft glances. It’s a very fragile thing, how they toe the line between friends and something more, and he’s all too aware of not only the temptations of just finally crossing the line, but also how much he could lose if he were to. “I’ve missed you too,” he admits, letting his hand brush against Pascal’s. A booming laugh in the distance startles him out of his trance, reminding him of where they are and he clears his throat before asking, “You wanna go for a walk then? It’s kinda too loud to hear anything.” 
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bentleybong · 2 years
//closed starter @bentleybong​
Peter had to be grateful that there was at least one of them who wasn’t caught up in the whole fiasco. It was none other than his good ol ‘pal Bentley Bong. The Lost Boys had their own issues inside, and he knew that, but Peter never intended for Phil to be part of the whole mess. In fact, the two were so in synch together that it was the greatest irony of his life that they were into the same person. It was no fun, and Peter didn’t want to lose a friend, although he knew himself well enough that he couldn’t just stay in the sidelines. He was never really one to hide behind the scenes anyway.
While Peter was swimming, he happened to see a familiar face coming to shore. In an instant, the two were grinning at each other, closing the distance between them with great anticipation. He could already feel it in his nerves that there was another line of chaos about to happen, which was always the case when he and Bentley stood beside each other. Peter jumped and wrapped his arms around them, smiling wildly as excitement overwhelmed him. He had another friend who he could trust. That in itself was something worth beaming about. “C’mon, let’s get you a life vest! We’re going on the bumper ride!” Peter pointed at the donut-looking inflatable that was being pulled by a speedboat. "Look at them fly!“ He chuckled, seeing the small bodies at a distance let go one by one. “Good god, you don’t know how glad I am to see you right now.”
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Bentley was glad to see someone outside of their usual friend group, having needed some space after all that went down... or is currently going down if they’re being honest. He tried not to think about it too hard, ignoring the rumors his own name seemed to be dragged into and taking it with a grain of salt (even if his heart threatened to beat out of his own chest). No, that’s not the type of energy he wanted to be around at the moment and seeing the familiar person who was waving wildly at him gave him the solution he needed. 
He waved back, running over in the sand, nearly losing his crocs, but once he’s reunited with Peter Bentley all but throws himself at him. “Oh absolutely, do you think we can get them to go faster than that?” he asked with a jerk of his thumb towards the speedboat, feeling the anticipation and excitement building to adrenaline. “Dude, shut. up. It’s more like you have no idea how glad I am to see you,” he told the other earnestly. “What’s new with you? Unless you don’t wanna talk about it, seems like that’s been the go-to answer from everyone.” 
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bentleybong · 2 years
“It is their loss, you have fantastic music taste. They could learn from you instead of playing whatever crap this is.” Pascal leans in and takes a bite out of the burrito in front of him, accidentally smearing salsa all over his face. He tries to clean his face with his hand as he continues talking to Bentley. “Wow, where did you get that burrito? No wonder you didn’t want to share it. I’m honored, Mr. Bentley Bong.” Pascal glances around to where he was before, not recognizing anyone over there anymore. “They seemed to have abandoned us. Just you and me against the world now. Which, honestly, sounds kind of perfect.” He continues to wipe at his face before smiling at Bentley and showing them all sides of his face. “Am I salsa free now?” 
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“There’s a waitress over at the diner who makes sure they make it special for me, says I’m a growing boy who needs to eat more. Feels very Hansel and Gretel to be honest, but I’m not complaining at the moment.” He’s a little bit helpless, eyes drawn in to the mess on the corner of the other’s lips that’s passed over with every swipe. Ben is a goner and he knows as such when his body’s automatic response is to melt at how endearing it is to watch Pascal try and clean up. “You and me huh?” Bentley asks, his heart skipping pathetically at that and he has to take a bite of his burrito before he says something stupid. A soft chuckle slips past his lips, reaching out with his free hand and raising a brow for permission, before cleaning off what Pascal missed. “There, not a spot on this handsome face.”
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bentleybong · 2 years
“Like, that’s a good deal.” Shaggy’s eyebrows furrowed, genuinely confused why someone wouldn’t accept. It was just one song, and with him being a very food motivated person, it was hard to imagine turning it down. His stomach growled at the thought, even though he was just pigging out at the buffet a few minutes ago. “I’d do just about anything for half of a burrito.”
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“I know right? People are just plain dumb sometimes, who could resist a burrito?” Seeing the way the other was eyeing their burrito, Bentley laughed in amusement and held it out towards him. “All you had to do was ask man, go ahead. I’m stuffed anyways, I think they overfilled it or something,” he grinned and when it was finally out of his hands, he swiped his hands together to clean them off. “Now, I heard there were cocktails somewhere around here?”
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bentleybong · 2 years
Jo couldn’t help but poke at his side the way he whined over her name.  “Right, right of course. Though I think I could find you even if you weren’t the tallest in the group. You have almost a sparkle to you, and well.. I just have to listen for those amazing jokes of yours. It’s honestly a talent of yours how you can say any joke, but it still comes out funny.” She stated with a small laugh. It was the delivery of the jokes that always got her, and the face he’d make afterwards. At least Bentley knew the punch line wasn’t always the best, but played the part well enough to always earn a giggle from her. “A few hours. just making the rounds on everyone to make sure they’re enjoying themselves. You?” 
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“Really? Thanks Jo,” He replied with a tilt of his head, basking in the compliment and he couldn’t help but give her another hug. Bentley didn’t say it often, but he was grateful to have someone else in the group who would play along with his antics. And she was always ready and willing to hype him up if he needed it. Completely unprompted. At the mention of their little circle, he made another face, shoulders tensing and nodding his head, “Everyone doing alright? I feel as if I’m so out of the loop since my parents roped me into another commercial. I’m alright myself, just glad to be back with everyone but I feel as if I’ve missed a lot.”
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bentleybong · 2 years
Jo wasn’t surprised to see Bentley eating a burrito, but the look on his face was something that threw her for a loop. Maybe he as just soaking in the crews heavy emotions with all the drama going around in the gossip blog. So of course she made her way over to check on him. Thankfully it wasn’t anything too big and she just let out a small sigh. “Burritos are great and everything, but you’ll have to hand them over a drink. Free drinks are worth more in a crowd like this one.” 
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Bentley’s frown was quick to turn into a grin, his sadness disappearing in an instant because who wouldn’t be stoked to see one of their friends? “Jo”, he whined jokingly, because how could someone ask such a thing from him? “The universe gave me two hands for a reason you know? And I’m a growing boy, I gotta eat so I can be as tall and make sure you guys can spot me if I get lost in a crowd. What happens if I get washed away? Get it? Washed away?” He couldn’t hold back the shit-eating grin at his terrible joke, nudging her with his elbow. “Have you been at the party long?”
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bentleybong · 2 years
Riley was trying to keep to herself during the bonfire, feeling a sense of anxiety every time she got wedged between people that were crowded around the flames or dancing while she tried to squeeze by to get herself a water from the cooler. She’d finally been able to wiggle her way out of the crowd and separate herself off towards the edge. Even though they didn’t want to be part of the party itself, they enjoyed watching everyone else have a good time. Her static facial expression changed to a bright smile the moment they saw Bentley come out from the sea of people. “They clearly don’t have good taste in music, have you heard what they’ve been playing?” They said sticking their tongue out in disgust. “At least the Hex Girls are going to play so we know that’s gonna be bop city.” 
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At the sight of their B.F.U.T.E.O.T.O.W.E.U.H.I.T.U. at the bonfire, Bentley abandoned the dejected feelings he was carrying, nearly tossing out his burrito to the ground too to throw his arms around them. “Holy fuck you’re here, you’re here and I didn’t even have to do anything. It’s a miracle, screw their shitty taste in music, you’re here.” Yes, it might’ve been an overreaction on his end, but it usually took a lot of songs on his hype up playlist to even get his bestest friend to even CONSIDER the idea of a social event. Ben started bouncing up and down with them, not caring if people were looking or he was spilling the beans (literally) of his burrito. “You, me, front row for the Hex Girls and we’re gonna dance the night away. Yes?”
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bentleybong · 2 years
Pascal wandered through the crowd, trying to avoid bumping into as many drunk people as he could. He lit up when he saw Bentley, but dropped his smile when he saw how down they looked. Quickly weaving through the group in between them, Pascal walks up to Bentley and places a hand on his shoulder. “Bentley, we’re surrounded by festivities and you look so down in the dumps. What happened?” The idea of anyone hurting Bentley infuriated him, just the possibility made him want to fight. As Bentley explains Pascal lets out a sigh of relief. “Where is this DJ with poor taste? Let’s go convince them. With your pretty face and my irresistible charm we are an unstoppable duo.” He laughs as he eyes the burrito their friend holds, “You might not even have to share your burrito, well except with me maybe.”
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Bentley just gives a quick jerk of his chin over his shoulder in the general direction the DJ’s at, sighing before shaking his head. “One, we both have pretty faces so it’d be double the attack. And two... nah it’s okay, it’s their loss and I’d rather not get rejected again.” He takes a bite of his burrito before extending it towards Bentley, in a much brighter (and apparently sharing) mood now that he’s run into his friend. “Want some? Also, where are the others?” he asks as he takes in the rest of the bonfire, trying to see if their little squad could be spotted. 
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bentleybong · 2 years
Burrito in hand, Bentley weaved his way around people, head whipping around every so often to see if he could find someone he knew. He had a dejected look on his face, rare for him and especially since eating always cheered him up. When he was finally questioned on what had him down in the dumps, the reminder only led him to frown even further. “I tried to get them to play Blame It On Your Love but they totally shot me down. I was willing to give them half of my burrito too!”
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bentleybong · 2 years
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bentleybong · 2 years
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Name: Bentley Bong
Nicknames: Ben, Bento Box (derogatory)
Age: 24
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Big 3: Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Mini Bio: 
Bentley has always been used to being in the spotlight. At work, on the streets, or at social gatherings, that attention always seemed to follow him to the point that it felt more like a byproduct of his personality, and definitely was not something he actively sought out. He was a dreamer and a storyteller, and how he was able to live out these fantasies was of more interest to him rather than the fame.As he grew, and so did his notoriety, it made it harder and harder for him to connect with others. That loneliness grew and as more people wanted to know “Bentley Bong, child star!”, he started to fear that Ben, lover of Charli XCX and memes, would be forgotten. He started to yearn for a normal life, where he could make friends and be around others  and even when he finally achieved that goal, that fear of losing his friends still lurked in the shadows.
So, quitting his day job seemed like a no brainer. Anything to preserve the friends he has, and freeing up his time to make more. 
Ben is someone who feels things intensely, which oftentimes means he can get swept up in these emotions and forget to be more rational. He’s happy when others are happy, and sad when others are sad, so he makes sure to cheer up those around him and tries to lend a shoulder to cry on when needed.
His energy and child-like enthusiasm can make him appear a bit naive at times, but Ben is much more analytical and calculated than he lets on. He’s run through every possible scenario of a situation, probably panicked and overthought about it too, before ultimately deciding the risk was well worth taking.
It’s hard for him to be alone with himself. That doubt and fear of being replaced or forgotten creeps in if he’s alone with his thoughts, and so he tries to fill his time by visiting friends or calling someone up to hang out. And if it’s a dire situation, he would even be desperate enough to call up his parents for a gig. 
As sociable as he is, Ben is well aware he uses the term “friend” far too loosely when in fact, there’s only a few in his close circle that he would call his “best friend until the end of time or whatever ends up happening in the universe”, B.F.U.T.E.O.T.O.W.E.U.H.I.T.U. for short. These select few are the ones who are privy to his nightmares and are the ones he feels he can let down his guard with and not have to be so “on”. 
ult singers/groups: charli xcx, taylor swift, shinee, twice
biases: ask (:
currently on repeat: 
paradise - exo
baby don’t like it - nct 127
state of grace - taylor swift 
why don’t we go there - one direction
jopping - superm
g.o.a.t (greatest of all time) - key
cats >>> dogs
someone tell him he’s pretty or he’ll cry ))): 
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