beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Bering Seafood salmon is fried, boiled, baked, salted, pickled, and added to salads. At the same time, it is elementary to cook it. Salmon is suitable for a hearty breakfast, a healthy lunch, and a light dinner. That is why kosher salmon and kosher red caviar recipes are found in many world nations. Read More...
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
More and more often, we see the words "kosher," "kosher food." What do they mean? What is the term? It is not just a fancy word that came into use. It is a characteristic of the special foods allow...
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Today, "redfish" is exclusively called salmon family fish because of the delicate pink hue of the meat. Salmon spend much time in the sea and feeds on phytoplankton and small crustaceans. This is what gives its meat its color. Artificially farmed salmon are just as nutritious, sometimes more affordable. But wild salmon caught in the ecologically clean region of the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean is valued worldwide. Bering Seafood can be deservedly considered the leading supplier of such fish.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Kosher - a Sign of High Quality and Goodness
The laws of Judaism impose the highest requirements on food and cooking. What foods can be called "kosher" is spelled out in the dietary regulations, kashrut. Kosher means "suitable" or "suitable. Thus, only foods that are not harmful to one's health can be considered kosher. Strict observance of kashrut is a must for Jews. They are very selective in the food and dishes for their diet.
Seafood is divided into those conforming to kashrut rules: salmon, red caviar; and those unacceptable: shrimp, mussels, squid, eel, catfish, and black caviar.
Kosher fish, such as salmon, are nurtured in the waters. Only wild fish can be considered organic and natural, as they forage on their own in the wild.
Pacific salmon are born in the purest rivers, a land of fantastic nature surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. It is home to the largest population of Pacific salmon in the world. There is a fishing plant on the coast where Bering seafood is produced. The catching is done without grossly disrupting the life cycle of the fish, so the salmon from Bering seafood is fully compliant with kashrut requirements.
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The fish are caught as close to the shore as possible - about 400 meters. The catching is carried out when salmon enters the river - when the roe is already mature enough and contains maximum nutrients. The caught fish is delivered on special barges filled with seawater to the factory on the coast. Here the fish and caviar "Bering seafood" is processed, packed, and frozen for further transportation. When manufacturing seafood "Bering seafood" at the enterprise, the use of any chemical additives and preservatives is wholly excluded. The consumer receives only fresh and ecologically pure products.
A short production cycle provides the maximum freshness of raw material: the finished product "Bering seafood" is frozen not more than 4 hours after the catch.
The absence of preservatives even in producing chilled caviar "Bering seafood" is due to innovative packaging solutions.
When exporting the finished products of "Bering seafood," all the necessary norms are observed - red caviar and fish are shipped from the refrigerated chambers under strict temperature control at all stages of transportation.
Kosher salmon and red caviar "Bering seafood" - are the most popular seafood among the Jewish community. It is essential to ensure that valuable products such as natural red caviar and wild kosher salmon are available to Jews worldwide. Bering seafood exports its products to 11 countries, where consumers appreciate the excellent taste of the products from the plant and their unique effect on the human body.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
The Most Potent Natural Antioxidant
Let's talk about astaxanthin. This substance is a natural pigment from the carotenoid family group of xanthophylls produced by plants and animals. One of the leading products in terms of astaxanthin content is salmon fish and its caviar. The content of this substance determines the reddish tint of meat and caviar of representatives of this family. They get astaxanthin by feeding on phytoplankton and algae that contain it in excess.
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To study astaxanthin's influence on the human body, many laboratory studies have been conducted. Scientists proved that astaxanthin has 6000 times more power potential than the well-known antioxidant vitamin C. Compared to coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), astaxanthin is 800 times more powerful than green tea astaxanthin is 500 times more powerful, and alpha-dipoic acid is 75 times more powerful.
The action of astaxanthin on the body is extensive. The compound is unique in that it can interact with both oil and water. It can not only circulate in the bloodstream - the astaxanthin molecule can attach to the cell membrane, which consists of an oil structure, and, as a result, neutralize free radicals in all parts of the body.
Regular consumption of rich foods will favorably affect all vital organs and systems. Numerous studies have shown that astaxanthin benefits the cardiovascular system by lowering the level of C-reactive protein in the blood. This indicator is a marker of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, depressingly affecting the cardiovascular system. Also, to which astaxanthin belongs, carotenoids help protect vision - they can prevent eye diseases associated with age-related changes. The positive effect of astaxanthin on skin health has also been proven - its elasticity and firmness increase, and wrinkles are reduced.
The presence of redfish and caviar in the diet has a complex positive effect on the body. In addition to the above properties, a beneficial effect on the immune system, anti-inflammatory effect, improved gum health, and even reproductive health has been proven.
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Often, in pursuit of benefits, people buy products that, on the contrary, can harm the body. In the case of salmon fish and red caviar, this happens regularly. Many sources talk about the benefits of these products, and it seems to people that buying a jar of caviar in a nearby supermarket will receive all the benefits that nature has in this product. In most cases, we are offered aquaculture products for purchase - this is a whole industry that specializes in the artificial breeding of fish. Healthy nutrition experts question the benefits of such fish products - feed contains many additives, hormones, dyes, and antibiotics.
Should organize production according to the principle of a complete cycle - fishing, processing, packaging, and freezing should take place at one enterprise. An excellent example of such a manufacturer is the Kamchatka company "Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood)." The fish caught here is frozen within 4 hours after being caught. So that the desire to saturate the body with the benefits of organic wild fish does not lead to the opposite effect, it is better to choose products from the manufacturing plant. A vital quality indicator is the absence of products' preservatives or organic additives. Due to this policy, the Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood) plant obtained an orthodox kosher certificate. This is the only fishery enterprise in the world with such a document.
Nature has incredible riches in organic, natural products that can bring many benefits to our health. With a competent and attentive attitude to your body and the choice of food, our body will say "thank you" to us, and positive changes will not be long in coming.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Types of Red Caviar
Red caviar is the caviar of fish of the salmon family. Fans of this delicacy know that the caviar of different fish differs visually and in taste. The contents of a jar of top-quality caviar are raw materials of one type of fish (for example, sockeye caviar). Lower quality caviar may contain raw materials from several salmon species.
To date, on sale, you can find red caviar of 6 types of fish - pink salmon, trout, coho salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, and chinook salmon. What is the difference between different types of red caviar? Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.
The most common type of red caviar on sale is pink salmon caviar. It is bright orange. Grains 3-5 mm in diameter are moderately elastic with a thin shell. If the eggs are more significant than 5 mm, then this is a bad sign - such caviar is most likely overripe, its shell is more rigid, and the taste is less delicate.
Trout caviar, presented for sale, is in most cases the caviar of artificially grown fish. It is considered less valuable and nutritious than the wild fish roe. The reason is the compound feed used on aqua farms. They contain many chemical additives, including growth hormones and antibiotics. Trout caviar grains are small - only 2-3 mm in diameter. Color - from yellow to bright orange. The shell of grains of medium density tastes with bitterness.
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Sockeye salmon caviar is distinguished by a spicy taste with a slight bitterness. The grains are small - 2-3 mm in diameter, have a soft shell, and a red-orange color. Only a real connoisseur will appreciate this delicacy, but everyone should try this product.
                        Chum salmon caviar is a delicacy with great taste. The grains are large - 5-6 mm, color - light orange. The taste of chum caviar is soft and creamy, and the shell is fragile. Due to its characteristics, chum caviar melts in your mouth. This type of salmon's caviar raw material is considered the standard.
Coho salmon caviar is distinguished by a dark red or burgundy color. The grains are relatively small, about 3 mm in diameter. The shell of medium density. To taste the caviar of silver salmon, or coho salmon, spicy with bitterness. According to the composition of nutrients, it is considered the leader among the caviar of other species of fish of the salmon family. On an industrial scale, coho salmon is mined in small volumes due to the small population.
Chinook caviar - the most significant and rarest representative of the salmon family - is extensive. The diameter of the grains reaches 6 mm, while the length of an adult chinook salmon can reach up to 180 cm. The caviar taste is quite delicate with a slightly noticeable bitterness; the color is bright red. The density of the shell is medium. Chinook caviar is homogeneous in its structure; the grains do not stick together and are easily separated from each other.
In addition to taste preferences, when choosing red caviar, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer. The fact is that when buying, it is almost impossible to understand the quality of the product in front of us or not. An important criterion when choosing a brand will be packaging right at the fishing place. Such caviar is frozen fresh and retains a maximum of valuable properties. It is also essential to pay attention to the date of packaging - salmon spawn from June to September, and caviar packed during these months is likely to be of the best quality. If the manufacturer has additional quality certificates, its products are more likely not to disappoint the consumer. Thus, the Far Eastern enterprise "Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood)" has an orthodox kosher certificate.
Interestingly, this is the only fishing enterprise worldwide that has received such a document. It confirms that the production fully complies with the strict requirements of kashrut, which means that the products of Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood) have passed the most stringent selection criteria and confirmed their quality. Lovers of delicacies should try different types of Kamchatka caviar to choose their favorite according to taste, size, and density.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Fish or Meat
There are many fans of meat and fish in the world. The protein in these products gives strength and energy and affects the strength of bones, hair, teeth, and nails. Without protein, we will not be able to gain muscle mass. Protein contributes to weight loss and satiety, and it is not for nothing that it is called the building substance of our body. What is more beneficial - to eat fatty salmon or choose meat - lamb, pork and beef? There are adherents of fish, and there are people who believe it is necessary to eat fatty meat to lose weight and not feel hungry. Let's try to understand this issue and resolve the dispute - what is more beneficial for our body.
When comparing salmon and beef, the benefits of fish come to the fore. Firstly, the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for our body and can get only from food and vitamins, is five times higher than in beef. Vitamin B9 in salmon contains 25 milligrams, while in beef - only 9 milligrams, vitamin B3 is almost twice as much, and vitamin B5 is three times more in salmon than in meat. Selenium, potassium, and magnesium are also found in most salmon, while beef has high cholesterol - 88 milligrams per 100 grams of product versus 55 milligrams per 100 grams of salmon. True, beef is iron-releasing - it contains 2.6 milligrams of iron, while salmon has only 0.8 milligrams.
Salmon also contains copper, and in terms of the number of vitamins, salmon far exceeds beef. For all vitamins A and B, salmon has a considerable advantage, and some vitamin content, such as vitamin A, is 340% higher than in meat.
In addition, experts have found that salmon contains less sugar than meat, but the glycemic index of products is almost the same. The calorie content of salmon is two times less than beef, so salmon is an ideal dietary product, tasty and satisfying.
Regarding proteins, beef is superior to salmon, but salmon contains easily digestible protein. According to nutritionists, the protein in meat requires more serious processing in our body, and radicals are often released. At the same time, this does not happen during the processing of fish protein.
Regarding calcium content, beef is richer than salmon - 18 milligrams per 100 grams versus 12 milligrams in fish. Salmon contains the maximum amount of phosphorus, sodium, tryptophan, threonine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, valine, and other substances. Meat also contains more zinc, vitamin E, histidine, and vitamin K. While salmon is a natural leader in all other elements. Therefore its use is much higher compared to meat.
Meat contains lousy cholesterol, clogs blood vessels, and adversely affects the cardiovascular system. And salmon, on the contrary, thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, helps to maintain the cardiovascular system and lower cholesterol levels.
Many studies show that meat increases the risk of gout, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and kidney and liver disease. In addition, there is an opinion that meat contributes to the development of cancerous tumors, so eating fatty meat is not recommended for people with health problems.
In addition, some religions, such as Judaism, forbid eating meat such as pork, horse, and rabbit meat. But Jewish diasporas add kosher salmon to their diet on an ongoing basis. Salmon is kosher if it is wild-caught with fins and scales. But also an important point is the kosherness of its production. Jews pay special attention to the kosherness of products, so cutting fish must be done in a clean workshop. Today, only one company in the world can guarantee 100% kosher salmon - the Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood USA company. The production facilities of Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood are located directly at the fish catch site, in Kamchatka, on the coast of the Bering Sea. Thanks to this arrangement, the products of the company's specialists are under close attention during the entire production process. Vostochny Bereg/Bering seafood has redesigned its production lines to be kosher certified to sell quality kosher salmon and kosher red caviar. And today, the company's products are produced in conditions of absolute purity, and the rabbinic mark "echsher" is on the packaging of the products. And thanks to this approach, the multi-million Jewish population of the world can consume guaranteed kosher salmon.
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After a final comparison, we can conclude that salmon occupies a leading position. Therefore, many experts believe that fish is healthier than meat. Meat is advised to eat lean once or twice a week but can eat fatty salmon daily. Due to its low-calorie content, it will not affect the figure but will help maintain muscle mass. In addition, meat has low digestibility by the body, and while salmon is the champion, it is absorbed by 98% and digested in one hour. Seafood and fish provide the body with maximum energy, while after eating meat, you want to lie down and relax. In addition, biologists claim that with excessive meat consumption, the lousy breath may appear.
On the market today, meat grown on farms is most often sold. Therefore, various prebiotics, additives, and sometimes antibiotics are added to the feed for the growth of the animal. There is a risk of catching parasites or infections if the product has not been processed enough, so you should only buy meat on the market from trusted suppliers. Both core and fish of low-quality producers can harm our bodies. Therefore, if you choose between beef and wild salmon, you should choose fish, namely Kamchatka salmon.
Real wild kosher salmon is found only in Kamchatka. It is this unique peninsula that is famous for its purest waters and ecology, so the fish from Kamchatka is known all over the world. And the confirmed kosher salmon from the local producer "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood" won the hearts of consumers from Jewish communities and other peoples and faiths.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Hollywood Star Riders
Every famous musician, actor, director, and writer has a set of rules that describes all the necessary details and needs of the artist on tour - the rider. The rider contains mandatory information on providing the level of accommodation, logistics, and food. Before making a tour, speaking, or attending an event in another city or country, any well-known person sends their rider to the organizers. It prescribes what the hotel room should be like, what dishes and food are served, what drinks should be present in the hotel room, which cars should meet the star, and other details of the trip or performance. The same rider is given to the team accompanying the artist. Celebrities need to approach nutrition in other countries because local products may differ in quality from their usual ones.
Famous singer Bryan Adams comes on tour with a large team of eight people. The singer's rider has a five-star hotel with twenty white towels in the dressing room before the performance, three kilograms of raw carrots, and a juicer, and for lunch or dinner, the singer always orders fatty salmon. This fish gives energy to Brian during his performance, while after eating, it leaves a feeling of lightness.
Actress Julia Roberts cannot imagine her life without salmon. Therefore, on trips abroad, Julia is especially sensitive to her diet. The actress is a long-time fan of the salmon diet and can eat this fish two to three times a day. For breakfast, it can be toast with salmon and avocado or scrambled eggs with salmon; for lunch - soup or salad with salmon, and for the evening - be sure to grilled salmon steak. This approach to the choice of fish is not accidental. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, and other beneficial substances that have an incredible effect on human skin, hair, nails, and teeth. Julia Roberts' trademark smile should always be perfect, and the shock of chic curly hair should be lush and shiny. Kosher salmon helps the actress better than any beautician and stylist. Julia has been following this diet for about ten years, and according to her, salmon cannot get bored - with it, there is a wide variety of dishes, including those from famous chefs.
Singer Jennifer Lopez is hugely demanding of her rider. Firstly, J. Lo does not like white, so the rooms before her arrival should either be repainted in a different color or offer her colored apartments. Secondly, the hotel room must have fresh flowers and change three times a day. And thirdly, the most important thing is the artist's menu. J.Lo's shows are very emotional and energy-intensive. The singer not only sings live for almost two hours but also dances passionately at the level of a professional dancer. At 52, Jennifer looks fantastic, and millions envy her figure and appearance. The singer has been following a carbohydrate-free diet for many years. Her menu is kosher salmon, seafood, eggs, fresh vegetables, and fruits. It is salmon that helps working capacity, improves memory, fights stress, improves mood, and saturates the body with valuable minerals. At J Lo's rider, salmon is steamed or grilled with a large plate of seasonal vegetables and avocados.
Singer Sting carries a personal chef with him on all tours. The artist asks to decorate the dressing room with plants in pots, chamomile tea, ginger, and several bottles of white wine that should be present for drinks. The chef buys products for Sting in local stores. The singer's favorite dish is grilled salmon or seafood. To select quality fish from the local market, it is necessary to know the producers to match the fish to the singer's fastidious taste.
American singer and dancer Paula Abdul is touring all over the world today. The singer asks that her hotel room be filled with full-length mirrors, and she hangs things on rails, not in closets - so Paula sees all the outfits and quickly chooses what to wear. In food, Paula prefers salads, seasonal vegetables, and salmon. Paula proudly says she is of Jewish origin, which is why the singer's rider contains the mandatory conditions for kosher food. The main thing is that the salmon was kosher - not only caught in ecologically clean waters but also produced in kosher conditions. In the world market, only one company can guarantee such kosher quality - the producer of salmon and red caviar "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood." A large market for the producer of Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood is the Jewish population, so the company's founder, Andrey Germash, built the production and technological processes in such a way that the fish is caught and butchered, taking into account the principles of kashrut. Thanks to this approach, the company "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood" received an orthodox kosher certificate and the right to put a rabbinic mark on the "echsher" package. This is precisely the salmon Paula Abdul orders in her ride because the singer honors traditions and religion, and such an issue as kosher food is a priority for her.
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Looking at the singer and actress Cher, it's hard to imagine that she is already 76. Cher looks amazing. Of course, this is the merit of competent specialists in nutrition and skin care and the figure of the singer. The Cher rider must have drinking water at 23.5 degrees, a bottle of champagne, and several bars of chocolate, chips, and fruit salads as snacks. And for the main dish, Cher prefers seafood and fish, namely salmon. Cher loves salmon baked with vegetables, which should serve with her personal chef's signature sauce. Cher's looks at her age prove that salmon prolongs youth and life. Studies have long established that people who eat kosher salmon regularly live an average of 7-9 years longer than others.
Buying a quality product is essential for a person who cares about their health. Today, in stores around the world, you can find many salmon fish species. But only a proven manufacturer can guarantee its products' quality, excellent taste, environmental friendliness, and kosher.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
The Impact of Low-Quality Salmon on the Human Body
Fake fish and red caviar are a big problem in today's market. Unscrupulous buyers, who are only interested in replenishing their funds, often sell low-quality salmon and red caviar and even products that are dangerous for our bodies. In stores - a huge selection of salmon from different producers from different parts of the world. Vacuum salmon differ from each other in color, texture, and smell. And the most important thing is to choose a quality seller. Therefore, market experts advise buying salmon and red caviar only from trusted sellers.
How do you choose a quality product that will benefit the body, and what is the threat facing a person who eats low-quality or spoiled fish?
Let's talk about farmed salmon first. Catching wild salmon is a labor-intensive process, so people have learned to grow this fish in aquaculture over the past decades. The difference between wild and captive salmon is enormous. Wild salmon feed independently and choose their crustaceans and algae for a complete diet. The color of salmon meat becomes pale pink thanks to crustaceans, as its "diet" contains natural keratin, a substance that comes with mollusks and crustaceans. In aquaculture, feeding fish with natural crustaceans and other small representatives of the marine kingdom is impossible. Therefore, on farms, compound feed is most often used. This is not so scary, and we are used to compound feed being used today very active in the food industry - both on bird and animal farms. The danger is compound feed additives because they can cause severe allergies in humans or even poisoning. For the rapid growth of fish, antibiotics are often added to the feed so that the salmon gain weight and fat faster. To make the meat pink, dyes are added to the food, and unfortunately, they are not always natural and sometimes even prohibited, for example, the substance canthaxanthin. It belongs to the type of carotenoids, but the problem is that this substance is not excreted from the body; therefore, it is prohibited in many countries. Adding such substances to salmon can affect the body - abdominal pain, rashes on the face, allergies, and other unpleasant side effects.
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Secondly, producers often violate production technologies, so bacteria begin to develop in salmon. A couple of years ago, an experiment was conducted, and salmon samples were taken from a local supermarket and submitted for examination. The result was stunning. Several packs contained the causative agent of Escherichia coli. E. coli actively develops during the decay of products, so can conclude that the initially infected either did not follow the fish with the infection or the production technologies. E. coli contains toxins that can affect the body in the following ways - cause diarrhea, gastroenteritis, dehydration, abdominal pain, vomiting, and sometimes fever. These are signs of E. coli poisoning. Worst of all is a pathogen that can cause neonatal meningitis, which has a high mortality rate.
Thirdly, helminths and parasite larvae can be found in some samples of smoked or lightly salted salmon. Their presence indicates insufficient control over the quality and safety of the product in production. Therefore, from the point of view of parasitic safety, it is better to buy fish that has been frozen, but only once, without constant defrosting. Then it will be a tasty quality product. Also, the quality of salmon is affected by the sanitary condition in the production where the final product is made and the requirements for its transportation, storage, and sale at the point of purchase. You should also pay attention to the packaging - if it contains a lot of liquid, it is better not to take such salmon, as the liquid increases the risk of microbial spoilage.
Helminths can be very dangerous to humans. Outwardly, it is difficult to distinguish a sick fish from a healthy one; besides, it is simply a carrier of infection. Insufficient processing of fish can cause human disease. For example, you can become infected with diphyllobothriasis, helminthiasis that affects the large intestine. The length of the helminth can reach 12 meters and, in rare cases, 15-20 meters. He lives about 20 years in the body. This helminth affects the gastrointestinal tract, and there are intermittent pain and movement in the abdomen, rumbling, flatulence, stool instability, a decrease or increase in appetite, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. With a long course of the invasion, the development of B12 - deficiency anemia is possible. The second dangerous helminth is Anisakidosis, namely, the anisakid larva. Almost all types of marine fish are affected by this helminth. A person becomes infected with anisakids by eating raw or insufficiently thermally processed fish and aquatic invertebrates - squid, octopus, shrimp, and other crustaceans and mollusks.
Fourth, it is no secret that Jewish communities eat kosher products. The Jewish population has a large population in the USA, Russia, and Europe, and the selection of high-quality kosher products is the first place for these people. Unscrupulous manufacturers are well aware of the market the Jewish diasporas represent for them. Therefore, they often put on the packaging mentions "caught in the sea," "wild fish," and "suitable for kosher food," but in fact, there may be artificially farmed salmon inside. Interestingly, only one company in the world has an orthodox kosher certificate - the fishing and processing enterprise Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood. To obtain such a certificate requires a considerable investment. So the company's founder, "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood," wholly redesigned the production cycle to ensure that salmon is kosher during the catch and the cutting of fish. Should pay particular attention to salmon supplements: using preservatives based on animal fats is contrary to kashrut. Therefore, the company "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood" uses 100% glycerin from natural ingredients developed by the company's specialists. All these qualities and technologies have allowed the Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood company to meet the highest kosher standards and supply irreplaceable products for the Jewish population to the markets of twelve countries.
When eating fish, experts advise trying to avoid a raw food diet and prefer stewing, boiling, and baking fish. You should not save on fish - good salmon cannot be cheap, and most likely, you will purchase a fake or low-quality product. The most important thing is to buy salmon only from trusted suppliers with a history and a decent reputation in the market.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Ten Curious Facts about Kamchatka Salmon or Why this Fish is so Valued in the World
Salmon is the collective name of several fish species of the same family. They have tender red meat and delicious red caviar. The inhabitants of Kamchatka have a special privilege - to feast on the freshest and most delightful salmon caught in the Bering Sea. Wild Pacific salmon is valued all over the world. We explain why.
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1. Salmon caught off the coast of Kamchatka do not know close cages, antibiotics, and dyes. Under artificial conditions, these chemical additives provide rapid growth, extra weight, and the beautiful color of fish meat. Kamchatka Pacific salmon grows in an ecologically clean region, where nature has been preserved almost in its original beauty and provides its beautiful color due to natural nutrition - plankton, krill, and shrimps.
2. At least ten species of salmon live in Kamchatka water bodies, of which pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, and chinook salmon are commercial.
3. To survive, salmon adapt to the conditions of their habitat. One of the clear examples is the change in the shape and size of the body of the Pacific sockeye salmon to protect itself from bears and birds of prey in shallow water. The cunning fish acquired an elongated body shape and decreased in size.
4. The life of the Pacific salmon is divided into two periods - freshwater and marine. The female lays her eggs in freshwater, a river, or a lake. Here the eggs spend about 2-3 months. After a year, the young leave the place of their birth and head to the ocean, where they spend the bulk of their lives. In saltwater, fish gain weight and reach sexual maturity. After 4-5 years, an adult gives life to new offspring.
5. For spawning, Pacific salmon, overcoming rapids and blockages, returns to the mouth, stream, or lake in which it was born. This phenomenon is called "homing." Scientists have not fully explored its nature. One hypothesis states that homing is based on the ability of fish to remember the chemical composition of the water in the place of their birth.
6. Pacific salmon differs from other genera of the salmon family in its peculiar biology - after spawning, it dies. Therefore, catching fish at spawning does not reduce the population while providing the population with tasty and healthy seafood.
7. Female salmon carry 2500-7500 eggs, but only 2% of them will become adult fish that will return to the rivers and lay eggs.
8. Pacific salmon roe is a delicious and nutritious delicacy. It differs in size and taste depending on the type of fish. Connoisseurs say that chum salmon and pink salmon give the most delicious caviar.
9. Professional chefs choose wild Pacific salmon for their culinary masterpieces. Its meat is more expressive, and the taste is more interesting and versatile than that of farm-raised salmon.
10. The reason for the fantastic gastronomic success of the Pacific salmon is the fantastic taste of the fish. Kamchatka salmon is a champion in the content of valuable microelements such as selenium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, vitamins, and Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated acids. Salmon is a source of protein that is easily absorbed by the body. It generally has no side effects and does not contain carcinogens like some meats. Regular consumption of salmon prevents cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and, consequently, sudden death from strokes and heart attacks.
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Today, fish farming and fishing are the key sectors of the economy of the Kamchatka Territory. All enterprises engaged in the fishing industry are under regular supervision of regulatory authorities. Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood works in compliance with all norms and standards that regulate fishing. Its modern high-tech complex has been operating right on the coast of the Bering Sea for 20 years. The plant processes almost 500 tons of fish products per day. All raw materials and the entire range of finished products "Vostochny Bereg" / Bering Seafood are high quality and environmental friendliness. This is confirmed by the standards of MSC - Marine Stewardship Council and international certificates. Vostochny Bereg is a multiple winner and laureate of international competitions in the Product of the Year nominations.
The most famous and sought-after products of the Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood brand worldwide are Far Eastern frozen fish of all types of cutting and granular red caviar. Production is organized on the principle of a short cycle: fresh catch is processed within the next 4 hours, which helps to preserve all the beneficial properties and vitamins. Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood carefully controls the quality of its products and uses modern equipment and technologies that exclude the use of flavors and additives. When the salmon returns from the sea to freshwaters, fishing is carried out in an ecologically clean region by all the fishing rules. He worked up a certain weight in seawater and absorbed helpful trace elements, and his meat is fatty, that is, high in omega-3, tender, and pleasantly pink. Not everywhere such technology is observed today. In North America, due to a significant reduction in the salmon population, salmon is still caught at sea, affecting the product's quality. The developed system of international trade today makes it possible to provide tasty and healthy salmon from Kamchatka to various continents. The fish has a beautiful color, delicate texture, and a full range of natural vitamins and minerals even after defrosting. It is no coincidence that Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood products are in constant demand among sushi bars, cafes, and restaurants, especially those with healthy food cuisine, and are actively in demand in the USA, where 8 million Jews live. The absence of flavoring additives, flavors, and dyes makes Kamchatka salmon a kosher food. The fish has scales and fins, which means that it fully complies with the requirements of kashrut, the observance of which is an integral part of the life of all followers of Judaism.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Redfish is the Best Cure for Depression!
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Have you quarreled with friends, offended by a loved one, or had trouble at work? Eat a portion of salmon, and it will help improve your mood. Today, in articles about redfish, they often write that it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which improve heart function, increase immunity, and affect the health and beauty of skin and hair. And very rarely do they mention vitamins that normalize a person's psychological health and even help overcome depression - this is B12 and the well-known vitamin D.
B12 is scientifically called cyanocobalamin, but it is known as the "red vitamin" in wider circles. B12 normalizes the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Their lack in the body leads to the development of anemia, which is often accompanied by depression. Weakness, pallor, depression - without vitamin B12, these symptoms only get worse. And conversely, with a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in the body, blood pressure, sleep, and general emotional background normalize: it supports the exchange of serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters. Also, like polyunsaturated acids, our body does not produce this substance. So, to maintain health, it should be easier to get it from food. This can be practiced without fear, while should take vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements only after a doctor's prescription.
Scientists have proven that vegetarians are most often faced with a deficiency of the "red vitamin" since B12 is absent in plant foods. Fish and seafood help replenish its reserves. And the real champions in the content of B12 are salmon. One serving of such fish contains 5.2 mg of the vitamin, corresponding to the daily requirement.
Another element responsible for our good mood is vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to rapid fatigue and mood swings. According to the National Institutes of Health, every person between the ages of 1 and 70 needs 600 IU of vitamin D per day. Our body produces it on its own under the influence of sunlight. But for this, we must walk all year round in the most open clothing. Salmon comes to the rescue again! According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one serving of wild fish contains 25% more vitamin D than farm-raised fish. Moreover, they grow in the natural conditions of the seas and oceans.
One of the few regions where the industrial production of natural salmon has been preserved is the Kamchatka Territory. The sea area, which is adjacent to the peninsula's territory, is the largest fishing area in the Far East region. Its area is 1473 thousand square meters. km, or 427.5 thousand square meters. miles. The Kamchatka rivers are also crucial for fisheries - about a million fish are annually sent to their freshwaters for spawning.
Pacific salmon travels all its life: it is born in the upper reaches of the rivers; after a few years, it rolls into the sea, where it reaches puberty and is filled with vitamins and valuable trace elements in saltwater, after which it goes to its native river to spawn. The nature of this phenomenon is still not fully understood by scientists. One hypothesis claims that fish find their way home by remembering the chemical composition of the water in which they were born. Salmon, surprisingly, has a keen sense of smell and picks up the scent of even a microscopic fraction of a substance dissolved in water. After spawning, the Pacific elk die, so its catch at the time of spawning does not affect the population size, and the population provides high-quality and healthy products. Salmon meat at this time has a delicate taste and contains the maximum amount of omega-3 fatty acids and trace elements. On the other side of the Pacific Ocean - in Alaska - the number of salmon fish has declined markedly. To meet the American demand for healthy products, the local fishing industry is forced to fish while still at sea. This does not affect the quality of the product and the content of vitamins in it for the better. Fortunately, the Kamchatka salmon stocks are enough for all continents!
The largest enterprise in the Far East region for the extraction and processing of salmon fish is located on the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula and belongs to the Vostochny Bereg company. Its high-tech workshops process almost 500 tons of products per day. Frozen Far Eastern fish of all types from Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood has been popular with consumers for nearly 20 years due to its freshness and naturalness. Today it is presented in 12 countries of the world. It is in demand in retail trade and among sushi bars, gastro markets, and restaurants, especially with healthy food cuisine. The company has an international MSC certificate and has repeatedly won prizes at international exhibitions in various categories. An innovative short-cycle production system ensures the highest quality and excellent taste of Vostochny Bereg /Bering Seafood products. Freshly caught Pacific salmon is instantly cut, processed, and after 4 hours, it turns into a finished product. This rapid process provides the fish with an excellent appearance, taste, and safety of all valuable trace elements. The company "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood) carefully monitors that the production process of the Far Eastern frozen fish of all types of cutting complies with all sanitary and epidemiological standards and does not harm the environment. The fish processing complex carefully controls the quality of raw materials and finished products, does not allow "dirty" processing, and excludes flavoring additives, flavors, and dyes, making Kamchatka fish kosher food. It is no coincidence that the company's products are popular in the United States, where 8 million Jews who observe kashrut live. The fish has tender, juicy meat, beautiful color, and a full range of natural vitamins even after defrosting. Eat it every day, and you will always have a good mood!
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Which Caviar is the Most Delicious? What is the Difference Between Caviar of Various Salmon Fish Species
This beautiful and tasty product tops the list of superfoods today. It is a culinary star, an adornment of any table - with what epithets they have not awarded red caviar. Caviar prolongs youth, improves the functioning of the brain and the cardiovascular system, removes harmful fats from the body, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, reduces the risk of thrombosis and cancer, strengthens bones, and helps fight depression. This is the most valuable source of protein, omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, and a whole complex of vitamins and useful microelements.
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Red caviar is extracted from salmon fish: pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, and trout. The valuable properties of caviar are the same everywhere and do not depend on the type of fish, but the product's size, appearance, and taste differ markedly from each other. So which salmon caviar should be preferred?
Trout caviar is medium in size, and its grains are elastic and somewhat sticky. It has a pink or golden hue, a prominent "fishy" aroma, and an unsaturated taste.
Sockeye salmon caviar is relatively small; it is pretty rare on store shelves because due to intensive fishing in the past, world stocks of sockeye salmon have noticeably decreased. The eggs are dark red with a relatively strong "fishy" smell and a peculiar piquant taste, to which a pronounced bitterness is added over time.
Chum caviar is the largest - up to 7 mm in diameter eggs of the correct spherical shape, painted in bright amber color with a red tint. Keto caviar is fatter than other types of salmon; it has a delicate taste, which gourmets so appreciate. It was this caviar at the beginning of the 20th century that caviar was called "royal" and formed the basis of Russian red caviar exports.
Pink salmon caviar is colored light orange. The eggs are medium in size, shiny, and rounded. This caviar has a universal taste, and both adults and children like it. This is what most buyers choose. This is the most popular red caviar globally, a kind of classic of the genre. Such popularity and this fact are quickly explained: pink salmon is the most common fish in the Far East region and the most prolific in its family.
The most delicious red caviar, distinguished by its beneficial properties and vitamin composition, is harvested in Kamchatka. Numerous rivers of the peninsula are one of the main breeding grounds for wild Pacific salmon. Millions of fish come here to spawn from the Barents Sea every year. The mysterious process begins with the onset of summer and continues until about mid-autumn. For reproduction, the fish returns to the places where they were once born. The traditional coastal fishery is based on this biological feature of salmon.
Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood owns one of the largest fish processing plants in the region. The modern high-tech complex is located on the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The entire production cycle is carried out directly in the fishing area. This allows you to control the quality and safety of products at every stage.
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The production of Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood is organized on the principle of a short cycle: it takes no more than four hours from catching fish in freshwaters to a finished jar of caviar. The plant processes almost 500 tons of fish products per day. Innovative innovations in packaging were awarded a diploma at the international exhibition "Prodexpo" - caviar is stored without losing quality and taste throughout the year.
Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood supplies the market with the most popular caviar in demand among consumers: chum salmon and pink salmon. Catching and processing of fish are seasonal: pink salmon, which spawns at the age of 2 years, is caught in July-August; chum salmon enters freshwaters from May to September and is divided into spring, summer, and autumn. The timing of the catch in the production of red caviar is of fundamental importance. Caviar is already fully ripe during spawning and has the most valuable properties. On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in Alaska, where the American fish processing industry is concentrated, salmon fishing quite often takes place at sea before the fish enter the fresh rivers. This is a forced measure associated with a noticeable reduction in the number of salmon in local waters. To meet the growing demand of the population for red caviar, salmon in Alaska is caught "ahead of schedule," which naturally affects the quality of the product. Another unfavorable factor is the long time that passes from salmon fishing to caviar salting. As a result, caviar quickly loses its appearance, taste, and beneficial properties.
The production facilities of Vostochny Bereg allow us to provide tasty and healthy caviar from Kamchatka to all continents. Salmon caviar "Vostochny Bereg" / Bering Seafood is in the most significant demand in the United States of America, where about 8 million people live who keep kashrut and need kosher food, including red caviar. From this point of view, kosher meat can eat non-predatory birds and animals. For fish - their prescriptions: it must have fins and scales. Accordingly, milk, eggs, and caviar are allowed only from kosher animals. Grainy red caviar from "Vostochny Bereg" / Bering Seafood is kosher in all respects: the fish processing complex carefully controls the quality of raw materials and finished products, does not allow "dirty" processing, excludes flavorings, dyes, flavoring additives.
The company has been successfully operating for over 20 years. During this time, "Vostochny Bereg" has become a world model for producing and processing salmon fish and red granular caviar. The plant has an international certificate MSC and more than once, together with its products, has become a prize-winner at various international exhibitions and events. The Vostochny Bereg / Bering Seafood company has provided and established optimal conditions for salmon roe to have a great taste. Its excellent qualities help the consumer answer the question himself: which caviar is the most delicious.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Nine Myths About Salmon
Salmon is one of the healthiest fish in the world. It contains a vast amount of vitamins and elements necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Salmon supports heart health, improves cognitive function, promotes good digestion, improves bone, nail, and hair health, improves eyesight, and improves mood. Kosher salmon is a natural superfood that must introduce into every person's diet, and it is not for nothing that doctors advise salmon to nursing mothers and children.
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Today, many manufacturing companies are on the market, but not all can boast of an excellent reputation, quality products, and environmental friendliness. The choice of salmon is an essential task because when shopping, you want to be sure of the quality and benefits of the products. The “Vostochny bereg” company began its activities in 1998 and today presents its products in twelve countries worldwide. The technologies of the “Vostochny Bereg” company are unique: thanks to modern equipment, the production of salmon and red caviar take place within four hours after being caught, and advanced packaging solutions help preserve the freshness and taste of products without preservatives.
Nevertheless, there are myths about this beautiful fish. Someone thinks that it is too fat and they get fat from it, someone talks about an increased amount of mercury, and someone is sure that it is difficult and long to cook fish. These myths need to be cleared up.
Myth 1. Salmon makes you fat
This myth is related to the fact that kosher salmon contains many omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, salmon is beneficial and does not negatively affect the figure. On the contrary, nutritionists advise eating salmon to everyone who wants to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For 100 grams of fresh salmon, there are only 153 calories, while it contains up to 30% protein. This delicious fish perfectly replaces meat in terms of protein composition, while it is light and the protein is quickly absorbed. In addition, salmon helps start the metabolism and significantly affects digestion.
Myth 2. Salmon is difficult to cook.
Even if you have never stood at the stove, you can quickly cook a salmon dish. Today there are more than a hundred recipes for this delicious and vitamin-rich fish. Salmon can be baked, salted, served as an appetizer, cooked with it in salads, appetizers, and pasta, fried, grilled, steamed, and even made into mousses! The most straightforward recipe is to put salmon seasoned with spices and salt in a culinary sleeve or on foil and put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes. You can bake it with potatoes or asparagus and serve it with a green salad.
Myth 3. Salmon accumulates mercury.
Any fish accumulate mercury if it lives in polluted waters. That is why it is so essential to choose salmon from the Kamchatka Peninsula, for example, from the Bering Sea, where the products of the Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood company come from. Kamchatka is the birthplace of wild salmon, and it is there that the freshest and most healthy fish is found. Salmon is a fish that accumulates mercury less than other species, so scientists advise eating it several times a week; it is safe and healthy.
Myth 4. Salmon should not have white streaks.
White streaks appear during the preparation of salmon due to the production of albumin in it. In fact, the veins are the muscle fibers of the salmon, and they should be in the fish. When heated, albumin hardens and turns white. On the contrary, experts note that if the salmon is sold in a completely uniform color and all the bones and veins are pink, the fish is tinted and is a poor-quality product.
Myth 5. You can't eat salmon skin
You can eat salmon skin, which is not accepted in many countries. In the skin of kosher salmon, the content of beneficial omega-3 acids is highest. It is better to cook salmon with the skin on, without removing it from the fish. And some salmon lovers do not throw away the skin but dry it, making a kind of fish chips.
Myth 6. Good salmon meat should be bright red.
Very often, dyes are behind salmon's bright orange or bright red color. Unscrupulous suppliers add coloring agents to give color to fish, and not always natural, but often synthetic. The same thing happens with farmed salmon. Wild kosher salmon acquires a delicate pink color of meat due to the raw feeding of crustaceans, which contain creatine. And in captivity, it isn't easy to provide such an amount of crustaceans, so salmon are fed compound feed with an admixture of creatine or synthetic substances.
Myth 7. Salmon should not be eaten raw.
Salmon can not only be eaten raw, but the inhabitants of countries such as Japan, in principle, do not recognize it in any other form since raw fish is a traditional culture for them. There is an opinion that the fish contains parasites, so the processing of the product is essential. Indeed, raw salmon may contain worms and bacteria, depending on where caught the fish. Salmon from the Kamchatka Territory is kosher and safe because Kamchatka has clean waters and sound ecology. Bacteria can be introduced into fish if stored and handled improperly. Therefore, it is essential to choose a trusted manufacturer, such as the company "Vostochny bereg / Bering seafood," which has earned a reputation for experience, quality, and unique technologies.
Myth 8. There is no difference between wild and farmed salmon.
Unconditionally, if we talk about the product's benefits, then farmed salmon is inferior to wild salmon. Wild salmon contains much more valuable substances and elements. It is natural, as it uses crustaceans as food. And salmon grown on farms is fed with mixed fodder. Often, not only dyes are added to the feed, but also antibiotics so that the fish grows fatter and more prominent. The best and highest quality salmon is wild.
Myth 9. You can't eat salmon every day.
Kosher salmon is possible and should be eaten every day - this is what many nutritionists and nutritionists believe. Scientists think that should consume salmon at least twice a week. The uniqueness of this fish lies in the fact that the body absorbs all the substances in it, and it has incomparable benefits for our health. Having studied all the myths about salmon, we can conclude that this mineral-rich fish is a natural superfood that must be present in any person's diet.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Kosher food - Bering Seafood
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Salmon is a valuable and healthy product. All salmon fish are high in protein, fat content varies, but usually, salmon is not too fatty.
Salmon contains essential polyunsaturated acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are necessary for the elasticity and health of the skin and hair. Also, acids help the vessels to be more vital. The hair becomes dull and brittle with a lack of these substances, and the skin dries. To avoid this, it is recommended to eat fish a couple of times a week.
Salmon is also useful for improving general circulation. B vitamins and nicotinic acid reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and expand tiny capillaries. Studies show that the fatty acids found in salmon affect brain cells. They reduce problems with concentration, attention, and memory. Salmon holds the record for the content of phosphorus and potassium.
This fish is not used in medicine in its pure form, but numerous studies are underway on salmon. The ability of fish and caviar to influence the state of the body, slow down aging, reduce pressure, and even inhibit the growth of tumors is being studied. These properties are associated with a high concentration of fatty acids and vitamins.
All this applies specifically to wild salmon, which grew up in the clean waters of the ecologically clean zone of the Far East in Kamchatka. This is where Bering Seafood (Vostochny Bereg) produces red caviar and processes Pacific salmon.
Salmon is a storehouse of nutrients. Fish, especially cooked in a dietary way - steamed, baked- is recommended to feed weakened people with vitamin deficiencies.
Kosher food is healthy food. Salmon and red caviar are kosher products. According to the rules, only fish that contains scales and fins is allowed - this list does not include eel, catfish, sturgeon, and many others. Black caviar is also banned, but red caviar is permitted. Products for kosher meals must be natural, without any chemical additives.
Bering Seafood products (Vostochny Bereg) confirmed their quality with numerous certificates and awards. The unique technology of production and packaging allows you to keep the freshness of products for a long time without preservatives and flavorings. As a result, fish and red caviar from Bering Seafood (Vostochny Bereg) are classified as kosher products - this is a natural product of the highest quality, beneficial to health, and recommended for everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle.
Many kosher food rules may seem complicated or even absurd from the outside. But after all, kosher food is essentially not a fashionable diet, to be simple and understandable to everyone. But if someone decides to try to observe Kashrut out of interest or take care of their health, there is nothing complicated - you can safely choose salmon and red caviar from Bering Seafood (Vostochny Bereg) for your daily diet. This is only one of the aspects of the life of faithful Jews, and the observance of spiritual canons will always come first.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Kamchatka Fishing is the Best Summer Vacation
Kamchatka is a fantastic land for its beauty and water resources. In the Kamchatka Territory, there are fourteen thousand rivers and streams and about one hundred thousand lakes - lagoonal, tectonic, glacial, peat, floodplain, and caldera. Thanks to such an abundance of water, Kamchatka is famous for its rich fish world and attracts large producers of fish products and fishing enthusiasts. About forty species of fish are found in the reservoirs of the Kamchatka Territory, which attract tourists from all over the world. Every year, author's tours are organized to Kamchatka for those who want to spend their free time outdoors, go fishing, go diving, and spearfishing.
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The best fresh and healthy fish is found in Kamchatka, so producers engaged in the catch and production of products on this peninsula are valued. For more than twenty years, Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood has been producing red caviar and supplying kosher salmon from the Bering Sea, the length of which reaches 2,000 kilometers. Thanks to unique modern production technologies that allow the creation of red caviar within four hours after being caught, environmental friendliness, and quality, the East Coast / Bering seafood company has become one of the leaders in its field and supplies fresh, high-quality products to twelve countries around the world.
Kamchatka is a paradise for lovers of fishing. The rich rivers and lakes of the eastern and western coasts of the peninsula are valued by all kinds of salmon, which are found here in abundance. In the Kamchatka Territory, the natural spawning grounds of salmon have been preserved in their original form. Chinook salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, char, salmon, rainbow trout, and grayling here. And who prefers sea fishing - in sea waters, you can catch flounder, halibut, sea bass, and cod.
The Kamchatka Territory is called the country of lakes and rivers known for their crystal clear water. Thanks to the ecologically clean region and waters, the fish has the maximum amount of macro-and microelements. Kosher salmon is famous for omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, and other valuable vitamins. And salmon caviar increases hemoglobin in the blood, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, strengthens bones, hair, and nails, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and rickets, supports the immune system, and is an indispensable tool for men's health.
The most popular types of fishing in the Kamchatka Territory are float, bottom, spinning, fly fishing, and winter types of fishing. The quantity and quality of the catch depend on the season, the depth of water bodies, the speed of the current, and the place of fishing. Fishing in Kamchatka is possible all year round, but you must consider the weather conditions of the peninsula. The climate of Kamchatka is diverse and differs depending on the region. In the northern part of the region, the environment is subarctic; on the coasts - temperate, and in the interior - it central. Weather instability is associated with the influence of the surrounding seas and the Pacific Ocean. In the eastern regions of the peninsula, the summer heat can abruptly change to cool rain or fog with solid winds, and then heat can return.
The ideal season for fishing in summer, especially the month of June. At this time, chinook salmon entered the rivers - the most prominent representative of salmon, called the "royal salmon." This representative of salmon is distinguished by its speed and tremendous strength, which can destroy tackle in seconds, and also by the fact that after spawning, the fish dies. Chinook is found stably in several rivers - such as Bolshaya Kolpakovka, Kol, and Pymta. After hatching from eggs, young chinooks spend two years in the river, then go to sea, where they spend from three to seven years and then return to their native river to spawn. The largest salmon is the one that has spent the longest time at sea. The weight of some specimens is from twenty to thirty-six kilograms - this is a trophy salmon, which fishing enthusiasts value. And from a fifteen-kilogram salmon in a ripe state, almost three liters of red caviar are obtained. It is fishing for large fish that makes Kamchatka an attractive region for fishermen.
From August to September is the best time to catch other representatives of salmon: chum salmon and coho salmon. From September to October, in the reservoirs, there is fishing for grayling, mykizha, and kundzha - another representative of the noble salmon.
Kamchatka is famous for sport fishing. The main difference between sport fishing and amateur and commercial fishing is not making a profit or food, but a sporting competition according to specific rules. Often anglers release healthy caught fish and keep only injured ones. For athletes, the main thing is excitement, competition, and the desire to defeat an opponent and see the rarest representative of kosher salmon. Among salmon, an exciting sport of fishing is catching chinook salmon in June and coho salmon in August. Good fishing goes on chum salmon, and siwa is excellently caught on a fly.
Traveling to Kamchatka is becoming more and more popular every year. This is not only an unforgettable salmon fishing but incredible emotions from the nature of the Kamchatka Territory. Kamchatka is a land of volcanoes, a valley of geysers, springs, unique lakes, and rivers. Here, you can see brown bears, fur seals, walruses, and a vast number of birds.
Fishing tourism on the peninsula is developing. Today, various tourist trips are offered with multiple programs - walking tours, excursions to volcanoes and geysers, salmon fishing, boat trips, jeeps, visiting the capital - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and other exciting places of the peninsula. You will be offered the freshest wild salmon and delicious salmon kosher caviar in hotels, shops, and markets. Many tours provide the preparation of salmon freshly caught by tourists right during fishing. The Kamchatka Territory will not leave anyone indifferent, and you will want to return to this fantastic place again.
Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood is a well-known producer of red caviar and wild salmon, engaged in fishing on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Authentic Kamchatka products can be purchased not only on the peninsula. Can find Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood products in retail stores, retail chains, restaurants, and cafes worldwide. Kosher products, high quality, environmental friendliness, modern technologies, and love for one's work are the main principles of the company, for which its consumers appreciate it.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Star Salmon Diet
Nearly fifteen years ago, dermatologist Nicola Perricone, MD, introduced new unique nutrition designed to support youth and beauty. The doctor not only created a new approach to food but also developed special supplements and lotions, which, according to him, prolong life. Many Hollywood stars became fans of the Perricone method - Julia Roberts, Courteney Cox, Heidi Klum, Bruce Willis. Dr. Perricone, in his writings, talks about the leading superfood that will help maintain longevity and health - salmon. In many books and works, this principle of nutrition has been called the “salmon diet.”
Perricone’s approach has earned him worldwide fame: he has been featured on talk shows, published in newspapers and magazines, published eight authored books and several television reports about the new method of nutrition, and his lines of supplements and care “salmon diet” went on sale. In prestigious department stores in America and the doctor’s store in New York.
The main culprit of the body’s aging is the inflammatory processes that trigger low-quality food. Perricone’s idea of ​​nutrition is that wrinkles, skin rashes, acne, acne, and skin aging are caused by an unbalanced diet and poor food choices. Perricone advises eating foods rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, with salmon, red caviar, shellfish, shrimp, squid, and other fish and seafood being the main “good” foods.
Why exactly do salmon and salmon caviar play such an essential role in the proper functioning of the human body? This fish is a real storehouse of vitamins. Salmon and salmon caviar from the Far East are incredibly valued. Delicious Kamchatka salmon and fresh red caviar are supplied to the market by the Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood manufacturer. The high quality of products, long-term company experience, environmental friendliness, and modern technologies allow consumers to buy real red caviar and impeccable wild salmon.
Salmon fish is a marine inhabitant that has been popular with northern peoples since ancient times. Salmon was on the table of the Vikings, and British and Scottish monks constantly used fish in court. Salmon is called the “king of fish” due to its beneficial properties and rich composition. Sea real salmon contains a lot of protein and fat, and the calorie content is low - only 172 calories per 100 grams. The ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates makes this fish unique.
Salmon is rich in polyunsaturated acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6, vitamins A, E, B, and D, essential amino acids, and trace elements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum, and others. Fish is very nutritious; it quickly satisfies hunger but leaves a feeling of lightness. Fish is digested by 98% of the body.
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Salmon caviar began to gain popularity only in the 19th century. The French tasted this delicacy and even began to open unique caviar houses. In such places, secular life reigned - the serving of salmon was accompanied by a ritual, fish and red caviar were served on silver trays, and everyone was invited to know. In Russia, salmon caviar was also an expensive delicacy for a long time and was brought especially for kings and nobles. Today, this product has become more affordable, and not a single festive table is complete without red caviar. Salmon roe contains a large amount of good cholesterol, which helps reduce the number of low-density lipoproteins responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
Thanks to such a rich composition, the “salmon diet” has found its adherents. Athletes are happy to include salmon on the menu when they want to build muscle and quickly restore muscle fibers. And the fair sex loves salmon for the opportunity to maintain a good figure and get rid of cellulite. In addition, with the daily use of salmon, the skin acquires a healthy color and freshness, the condition of the nails improves, and the hair gets a beautiful shine.
The diet should consist of protein foods - salmon, seafood, red caviar, eggs, vegetables, avocados, beans, oatmeal, nuts, and olives. Dr. Perricone advises eliminating fast carbohydrates, alcohol, duck, beef, fruit, coffee, pasta, pickles, rice, sugar, and hard cheese from your menu. In addition to nutrition, the doctor advises adding exercise for thirty minutes a day.
Products from Perricone’s “good” list have a low glycemic index, and according to the doctor, it is the index that contributes to body edema, which is harmful to human health. It is advisable to divide the diet into five meals and drink eight to ten glasses of clean water per day. The optimal duration of the diet is five to seven days. The principle of nutrition from Perricone can be used as fasting days, arranging a “salmon day” for yourself.
Famous actress Julia Roberts is a big fan of Nicholas Perricone’s diet. In an interview, she shared that she adds salmon to every meal. Before breakfast, Julia drinks a glass of water with lemon. For breakfast, she prefers an omelet with salmon; for lunch - steamed salmon; and for dinner - salmon steak and fresh vegetables as a snack - a green apple and nuts. Julia Roberts looks much younger than her years, and, in her opinion, the merit is precisely in the diet that she constantly observes.
Salmon can be consumed boiled, steamed, grilled, salted, and canned. You can add various spices, mix with vegetables, and prepare sauces; for example, creamy sauce with red caviar is perfect for fish. Thanks to the salmon diet, the body is not overloaded, while feeling full, a surge of strength and energy.
When choosing salmon and seafood, you should pay attention to the quality of the products. Kamchatka products from the Bering Sea are recognized as the freshest and healthiest, which cannot be said about products from Alaska - the quality of such caviar is relatively low: a lot of time passes from catching to salting, the caviar becomes sour, which means it loses its taste and most micro and macro elements. Salmon and red caviar from the company “Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood” guarantees quality, freshness, and health benefits. The company’s products are known in twelve countries worldwide and are presented in retail stores and large retail chains.
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
The Kamchatka Peninsula is a fantastic land full of natural resources. The purest full-flowing rivers, volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers fall in love with anyone lucky enough to visit this extraordinary corner of the globe.
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