#salmon Bering seafood
beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Kosher - a Sign of High Quality and Goodness
The laws of Judaism impose the highest requirements on food and cooking. What foods can be called "kosher" is spelled out in the dietary regulations, kashrut. Kosher means "suitable" or "suitable. Thus, only foods that are not harmful to one's health can be considered kosher. Strict observance of kashrut is a must for Jews. They are very selective in the food and dishes for their diet.
Seafood is divided into those conforming to kashrut rules: salmon, red caviar; and those unacceptable: shrimp, mussels, squid, eel, catfish, and black caviar.
Kosher fish, such as salmon, are nurtured in the waters. Only wild fish can be considered organic and natural, as they forage on their own in the wild.
Pacific salmon are born in the purest rivers, a land of fantastic nature surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. It is home to the largest population of Pacific salmon in the world. There is a fishing plant on the coast where Bering seafood is produced. The catching is done without grossly disrupting the life cycle of the fish, so the salmon from Bering seafood is fully compliant with kashrut requirements.
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The fish are caught as close to the shore as possible - about 400 meters. The catching is carried out when salmon enters the river - when the roe is already mature enough and contains maximum nutrients. The caught fish is delivered on special barges filled with seawater to the factory on the coast. Here the fish and caviar "Bering seafood" is processed, packed, and frozen for further transportation. When manufacturing seafood "Bering seafood" at the enterprise, the use of any chemical additives and preservatives is wholly excluded. The consumer receives only fresh and ecologically pure products.
A short production cycle provides the maximum freshness of raw material: the finished product "Bering seafood" is frozen not more than 4 hours after the catch.
The absence of preservatives even in producing chilled caviar "Bering seafood" is due to innovative packaging solutions.
When exporting the finished products of "Bering seafood," all the necessary norms are observed - red caviar and fish are shipped from the refrigerated chambers under strict temperature control at all stages of transportation.
Kosher salmon and red caviar "Bering seafood" - are the most popular seafood among the Jewish community. It is essential to ensure that valuable products such as natural red caviar and wild kosher salmon are available to Jews worldwide. Bering seafood exports its products to 11 countries, where consumers appreciate the excellent taste of the products from the plant and their unique effect on the human body.
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bethelalaska · 11 months
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eagletek · 2 years
Alaska’s Fisheries Are Collapsing. This Congresswoman Is Taking on the Industry She Says Is to Blame.
Trent Matthews grew up commercial salmon fishing in Southeast Alaska. Ten years ago, he took a job on a trawler operated by US Seafoods, the Alaska Endeavor, which is involved in the Bering Sea groundfish fishery. It was the best money he’d ever made — about $1,000 a day. But after five weeks he quit. Matthews said he was appalled by the waste, particularly halibut, but also crab and…
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alainbog · 2 years
Why is the Keto Diet so popular among Celebrities?
Why is the Keto Diet so popular among Celebrities?
The basis of nutrition is foods high in protein and fat. The ketogenic diet is a meal plan that minimizes carbohydrate intake and generates energy from clean, healthy fats in the diet. The name is because, with such a diet, the level of ketogenic bodies in the blood rises; they serve as a source of energy when there is not enough glucose in the body. Such bodies are formed in the process of…
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vostochnybereg · 3 years
Salmon and Caviar Bering Seafood - a Natural Product from the Shores of Kamchatka
Kamchatka salmon is called - the "gold of Kamchatka." And this is justified - salmon has always been and remains the main fish wealth of the Kamchatka Territory. In the Far East, this is the only region where all six species of Pacific salmon live: pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and sim. In addition, Kamchatka is one of the few regions of our planet classified as an ecologically clean water area. The research institutes of Kamchatka constantly carry out studies of water areas, study the intraspecific structure of Pacific salmon, monitor the ecological situation and the physicochemical parameters of the marine environment. Every year, measures are taken to maintain environmental stability. Bering Seafood introduces Vostochny Bereg products - salmon and red caviar - to the American market.
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The production is located in the waters of the Bering Sea, rich in fish. Fish spawn naturally in this area. In addition, this site is not polluted by industrial waste and is generally far from the harmful effects on humans. All this gives high-quality products " Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood).
Most of the fish species living in the fresh waters of Kamchatka belong to the salmon family. An important distinguishing feature of it is the presence of the so-called adipose fin - the second dorsal fin in the form of a skin outgrowth without bone rays. Salmon are divided into three subfamilies: salmon, grayling, and whitefish.
Salmon - large or medium-sized fish. They are characterized by small scales, a large mouth with well-developed teeth, a predatory or mixed diet. Juvenile salmonids (except for pink salmon) have a specific fry coloration in the form of dark transverse stripes. There are mainly representatives of three genera of salmonids in the Kamchatka region: Pacific salmon, Pacific noble salmon, and charr.
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The abundance of salmon fish of different species in Kamchatka makes it possible to get here red caviar of various colors, with varying shades of taste. This exquisite delicacy has excellent taste and many valuable properties. Interestingly, the percentage of protein in caviar of different types of salmon is the same, but its taste, size, and content of trace elements differ. Salmon are caught within a certain period; the caviar season on the Kamchatka Peninsula lasts from June to October. That's when fresh Bering Seafood caviar appears in Kamchatka.
Why is Bering Seafood salmon roe so valued? In addition to the specific taste and beautiful appearance. In ancient times, people who harvested salmon used its delicious contents for medicinal purposes. Noticed that in case of illness, red caviar contributes to the restoration of the body, wounds heal faster, strength comes. This is due to the product's composition, rich in protein, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and other elements necessary for life. Salmon caviar contains many vitamins.
Red caviar and salmon, "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood) from Kamchatka, are sumptuous delicacies with different flavors and appearances due to the variety of fish species in the Bering Sea region.
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic:
The island’s small, independent fishing fleet of only 15 vessels needs all the help it can get: Far offshore, factory trawlers targeting other fish species net and chuck overboard as waste millions of pounds of the valuable fish each year. “They’re killing our halibut,” says St. Paul fisherman Myron Melovidov, who fishes with his grown sons.
Pacific halibut are flat and bottom dwelling, and can weigh hundreds of pounds. About 20 years ago, the population started taking a dive, and St. Paul fishermen—as well as halibut fishermen across Alaska—faced increasing cuts in their harvest limits.
"A lot of people had to fold,” says Jeff Kauffman, a member of the St. Paul fishing fleet whose kids have grown up fishing on his boat.
St. Paul fishermen say their future depends on those out-of-state boats wasting fewer halibut, which can fetch five times the price of the fish species the trawlers are targeting. The trawl industry has said it can’t cut halibut bycatch without dramatic cuts to its overall harvest, and without incurring significant financial losses.
With the Bering Sea as the rearing grounds for young halibut that as adults end up throughout the Pacific as far south as Oregon, the stakes are extraordinarily high for Alaska’s fishermen as fisheries managers meet this week to decide how to parcel out this shrinking resource. For St. Paul fishermen in particular, the halibut bycatch issue is also a question of justice and the right to harvest the marine resources that exist essentially in their front yards.
St. Paul lies 300 miles from the Alaska mainland, and the waters of the Bering Sea that surround this treeless outpost, one of the five Pribilof Islands, have for time immemorial fed an inordinately productive food chain. Millions of fish-eating seabirds nest on the islands each year. The largest breeding colony on Earth of northern fur seals pup here on beaches each summer. And for generations, abundant seafood has fed Native subsistence harvesters and lured fishermen from all over the world. Today, fisheries in the region are an economic engine  worth more than $2.5 billion.
But things are changing. Warming temperatures are wreaking havoc in the Bering Sea. Once-lucrative crab fisheries are crashing. Some species—such as pollock (the flaky white fish in a McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich)—are charging north, following the retreat of the “cold pool,” an area of super-chilled water at the foot of the sea ice that separates northern Bering Sea species from more southerly ones.
And other fish, like king salmon and halibut, are shrinking; in the 1980s, a 20-year-old halibut could weigh 120 pounds. Now it might weigh 45 pounds, scientists said. The impacts of climate change are “unprecedented, unpredictable, and not incremental,” explains Bob Foy, director of NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center, which monitors more than 50 commercially harvested species in the waters off Alaska.
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dewinov · 4 years
My Diet Journey
Iseng buka Tumblr lagi, ternyata udah hampir 2 tahun saya ga update tulisan apapun di sini. Rasanya jadi ingin menyindir diri sendiri, “mana nih yang katanya mau konsisten nulis blog”? Hehehe dasar ya! Begitulah. Saya emang masih belum bisa rutin menulis di blog. Kebanyakan lupa sama malesnya sekarang.
Hari ini mumpung lagi inget buka Tumblr, saya mau cerita aja deh.
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Jadi ceritanya, udah sebulan ini saya ikut program diet. Tujuan dietnya karena saya ngerasa sekarang badan udah melaaar banget, timbangan juga udah lebih dari angka 60 kilogram-yang mana adalah berat badan tertinggi saya seumur hidup-, setiap pake baju atau ngaca juga sebel aja ngeliat bentuk badan. 
Bukan semata-mata berpikir citra diri jadi jelek cuma karena bentuk badan ya, tapi saya merasakan perbedaannya ketika berat badan masih di kisaran 50 kilogram dengan sekarang. Jadi cepet capek, ngantukan banget, intinya ga seaktif dulu deh. Ada faktor dari usia yang bertambah juga mungkin.
Nah, setelah shock ngeliat angka di timbangan, saya lalu sedikit melakukan retrospektif tentang pola makan, olahraga, sama istirahat saya selama ini. Akhirnya saya sadar, penyebab utamanya adalah sejak menikah saya memang tidak pernah kontrol apa yang saya makan. FYI, tahun ini saya sudah 2 tahun menikah. Dan selama 2 tahun itu ternyata pola makan sama olahraga saya emang kacau balau.
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Sebagai anak perempuan yang terbiasa dimasakin sama Mama atau beli jajan di luar, saya baru belajar masak setelah menikah. Never had a thought  kalau ternyata menyenangkan sekali ya berhasil membuat makanan yang enak dari tangan sendiri tuh. Dipuji sama suami pula. “Enak banget ini rasanya, aku suka”, berkali-kali suami saya kasih pujian gitu dan selalu minta dibuatkan bekal ke kantor setiap hari. 
Saking senengnya masak dan semangat mencoba berbagai macam jenis resep, saya jadi terlalu asyik masak lalu makan semuanya. LITERALLY SEMUANYA. Dari yang bertepung, bumbu balado, chinese food yang masaknya pake bermacam saus, masakan jepang sejenis sushi dan ramen dengan berbagai jenis kuah, sampai dessert juga. Maksudnya saya jadi ga punya batasan apa yang harus saya makan dan yang tidak. Semua dilahap.
Polanya tuh selama ini begini: cari resep baru -> tertarik buat masak -> eksekusi di dapur -> rasanya enak -> makan banyak -> seneng -> repeat.
Sama sekali ga diperhatiin apakah makan tepung atau daging-dagingan terus tuh baik buat badan, apakah aman kalau terlalu sering makan goreng-gorengan. Walaupun sebisa mungkin saya selalu siapin menu sayur atau buah buat menu makanan sehari-hari, tapi ya gitu deh... cara pengolahan makanannya ga diatur.
Contoh menu makanan saya sekali makan kayak gini:
Nasi putih
Ayam goreng tepung saus mentega / saus teriyaki
Bakwan jagung / bakwan sayur
Tempe goreng tepung
Capcay goreng
Belum lagi suka jajan kopi-kopian atau ngemil martabak. Ga ada kenyangnya ini perut ya. Enak di mulut sih memang, tapi lama kelamaan badan tuh melarnya makin ga kekontrol. Apalagi default bentuk muka saya memang dasarnya udah bulet, kalau gendutan makin berasa lebar dan berat dong di bagian pipi. Hahaha. Dari awal nikah sampai sekarang gitu terus pola makannya. Harusnya ga perlu nanya lagi, “kok bisa berat badan aku naik banyak banget?" -_-
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Olahraga gimana?
Jadi dari akhir 2019 sebenernya udah mulai rajin fitness lagi bareng sama suami. Bukan saya aja yang makin mengembang sejak menikah, suami juga! Hahaha udah sepaket. 
Sadly, pas lagi rajin-rajinnya fitness, TIBA-TIBA GYM TUTUP KARENA PANDEMI COVID-19. Duh, ada-ada aja. Jadi berhenti lagi deh olahraga. Di rumah bisa sih sebenernya yoga atau sit-up gitu kan. Tapi malesss kalau ga ada alat-alatnya kayak di Gym (memang banyak maunya hamba ini). Jadi sejak pandemi ga olahraga lagi. Baru beberapa bulan yang lalu akhirnya beli sepeda statis buat di rumah. Itu pun masih belum rutin tiap hari dipake.
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Akhirnya, Oktober 2020 saya mutusin buat coba diet! Udah dirasa cukup mengganggu sih berat badannya, dan saya melihat perlu ada perbaikan dari pola makan, olahraga, sama istirahat. Lagipula saya percaya, asupan gizi dari apa yang kita makan pasti berpengaruh ke kondisi hormonal di badan. 
Mulailah saya konsultasi dengan salah satu dokter gizi di Bandung. Beliau sudah cukup terkenal, review dari pasiennya pun bagus-bagus. Saya berharap pilihan saya ini tepat.
Konsultasi dengan Beliau saya lakukan via online (karena masih pandemi). Sistem konsultasi onlinenya seperti ini:
Kirim email permohonan konsultasi online dengan dokter
Pasien diminta mengisi formulir yang berisi data-data pribadi seperti berat badan, usia, tinggi badan. Kemudian dalam formulir tersebut juga perlu dituliskan goals yang ingin kita capai dan keluhan apa saja yang kita rasakan selama ini. Masih dalam form yang sama, terdapat tabel yang perlu kita isi dengan menu makanan apa saja yang kita konsumsi selama 3 hari terakhir. Ada kolom pertanyaan juga jika ingin mengajukan pertanyaan.
Membayar biaya konsultasi dokter via transfer
Pasien mengirimkan bukti transfer via email beserta dengan form yang sudah diisi, foto badan, dan hasil cek lab (jika ada)
Tunggu balasan dari dokter (responnya cukup cepat sih, besoknya sudah ada balasan dari dokter)
Begitu mendapat email balasan dari dokter, saya semangat banget.
Emailnya berisi dokumen yang memberi penjelasan tentang kebutuhan gizi, pengaturan pola makan, dan materi lainnya seputar diet. Informasi yang Beliau berikan benar-benar jelas dan mudah dimengerti, bahkan oleh saya yang cukup awam soal gizi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang saya sampaikan sebelumnya dalam formulir juga dijawab dengan jelas. Intinya cukup memuaskan sih.
Pada bagian tabel makanan selama 3 hari terakhir yang sebelumnya saya tuliskan dalam formulir dievaluasi oleh dokter. Beliau memberikan coretan pada jenis makanan yang sebaiknya tidak saya konsumsi. Dari tabel itu, HAMPIR SEMUA YANG SAYA TULIS DICORET SAMA DOKTER :))))
Terbukti kan, kalau memang apa yang saya makan selama ini banyak yang perlu diperbaiki. 
Pada bagian akhir dokumen, dokter memberikan saran jenis makanan apa saja yang baik saya konsumsi. Saya perlu menghindari karbohidrat dan tepung seperti nasi, kentang, makanan olahan tepung dan lainnya. Perbanyak protein dan lemak, utamakan ikan / seafood (protein hewani lain seperti ayam dan daging tetap diperbolehkan), serta sayur-sayuran. Lemak dari alpukat atau VCO juga disarankan oleh dokter. List buah-buahan yang cocok untuk dikonsumsi oleh saya juga dokter tuliskan dengan lengkap. Thank God itu semua buah-buahan yang saya suka, kayak alpukat, apel, buah naga, strawberry. Hihi.
Dari semua itu yang paling berat tentu saja mengurangi konsumsi makanan yang mengandung olahan tepung. Huhuhu. Mie, pasta, pizza, roti, kerupuk, martabak, goreng-gorengan crispy, itu kan pake tepung semuaaaa dan semuanya favorit saya! *nangis banget*
Contoh pola makan yang disarankan oleh dokter kurang lebih seperti ini:
100-200 gram protein hewani
1 mangkuk sayur
1 mangkuk buah yang diperbolehkan
Air kelapa dan daging kelapa 1 gelas
Dokter juga menyarankan untuk mencatat menu makanan yang saya konsumsi agar bisa dipantau untuk konsultasi selanjutnya. Jadwal konsultasi selanjutnya tidak terburu-buru, maksimal hingga 3 bulan setelah mulai program pun masih bisa.
Setelah membaca semua penjelasan dari dokter, saya mulai menyiapkan jenis-jenis makanan yang disarankan. Satu hari setelahnya saya langsung menerapkan pola makan seperti yang disarankan oleh dokter, mulai dari sarapan sampai makan malam. My diet journey has began!
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Itu beberapa contoh makanan yang saya konsumsi selama diet. Mostly salad, ikan-ikanan, buah.
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Beberapa hari lagi, tepat 1 bulan sudah saya menerapkan pola makan baru berdasarkan rekomendasi dari dokter. 
Gimana rasanya? Ada plus minusnya menurut saya.
Dimulai dari minus (-) dulu:
(-) Berat banget deh mengubah mindset “kalau laper harus makan nasi” dan “cemilan yang enak tuh yang manis atau gurih micin”
Awalnya saya pikir: wah ga makan nasiii? Apa bisa?? Gimana bisa kenyang???Tapi setelah dijalani ternyata baik-baik aja semuanya, guys! Hahaha. Laper iya, tapi karena makannya sekarang lengkap: banyak sayur, banyak buah, makan daging-dagingan juga, setelah makan rasanya tetap kenyang kok. Beberapa jam kemudian kalau lapar tapi belum masuk jam makan selanjutnya, saya makan buah lagi atau air kelapa sama daging kelapa mudanya. Makan cemilan juga boleh. Beres deh. Oh iya, cemilan yang disarankan tuh ada kacang-kacangan semacem almond gitu ya, bukan puding atau cookies.
Salah satu tujuan mengurangi karbo itu tujuannya supaya nanti yang dibakar sama tubuh sumbernya dari lemak-lemak yang kita makan aja. Sebetulnya kalau masih mau konsumsi karbo pun diperbolehkan, tapi gulanya dikurangi ya. 
(-) Kadang bosan liat menunya gitu-gitu lagi.
Buat saya yang suka masak, sebel aja gitu kadang kalau mau makan paling menunya salad lagi salad lagi. Hahaha. Tapi untungnya, menu lauk utamanya boleh dimasak dengan cara apapun kok selain goreng kering. Jadi kalo bosen biasanya saya kreasikan aja di menu lauknya, misalnya dipepes, dipanggang, dibikin kuah dan cara masak yang lainnya deh. Untuk mengurangi rasa bosan juga kadang saladnya saya kasih dressing yang macem-macem, asal bukan yang pake mayonnaise.
(-) Budget buat belanja jadi lebih besar.
Ini sepengalaman saya aja ya. Mungkin teman-teman lain bisa jadi lebih hemat, tapi kalau saya belinya sayuran organik, buah-buahan juga jadi stok banyak, susu biasa saya ganti susu almond yang relatif lebih mahal harganya, sama lauknya juga jadi suka beli ikan salmon atau perbanyak beli daging-dagingan. Jadi budget buat belanja makanan rasanya makin besar dibandingkan sebelum diet. Setiap orang pasti berbeda alokasi dananya selama program diet, tergantung bahan makanan apa saja yang mau dikonsumsi dan belinya di mana. Disesuaikan saja dengan kebutuhan dan daya beli masing-masing :)
Lalu hal positifnya setelah atur pola makan:
(+) Detox usus, pencernaan jadi lebih enak
Ini kerasa banget sih untuk saya. Jadi di awal ganti pola makan dengan perbanyak sayur, langsung ada efeknya ke perut khususnya waktu BAB. Ada perubahan bentuk dan warna feses karena proses detox mungkin ya. Dokter juga menyarankan kalau merasa susah BAB di awal diet, coba konsumsi banyak air putih, VCO, air kelapa, atau chia seed. Kalau mules juga jangan ditahan-tahan. Prosesnya hanya kerasa di awal diet, semakin lama semakin terbiasa dan Alhamdulillah saya ga merasakan gangguan pencernaan selama diet ini.
(+) Mengurangi nyeri haid
Saya belum tau pasti apakah ini salah satu efeknya karena belum konsultasi lagi dengan dokter, tapi bulan ini semenjak menjalankan program diet saya ga merasakan nyeri saat haid hari pertama. Saya hanya merasakan pegal-pegal dan tidak nyeri seperti biasanya.
(+) Jadi lebih aware dengan asupan gizi yang dikonsumsi dan jumlah kalori
Selama diet ini, saya jadi makin sadar pentingnya gizi dari makanan yang kita konsumsi. Pengetahuan saya seputar bahan makanan juga bertambah (saya sering cari-cari jenis makanan yang mau dimakan biar ga bosan). Semakin disiplin juga karena makan pada waktunya. Saya pakai aplikasi FatSecret untuk kontrol kalori yang dikonsumsi. Intinya jadi lebih sadar pentingnya menjaga kesehatan badan melalui makanan yang saya konsumsi sehari-hari.
(+) Meningkatkan kesabaran dan kontrol diri
Ini saya masukin juga sebagai sisi positif dari diet deh! Hahaha. Beneran loh, mengontrol diri buat ga nge-GoFood cemilan atau makanan yang bisa dimakan sebelum diet tuh ga gampang. Butuh kesabaran extra juga buat ga mampir ke mamang nasi goreng favorit atau nongkrong di gerai fast food sambil ngabisin ayam goreng crispy yang enak banget itu dengan french fries plus es krim. Butuh sabar yang banyak banget buat ga tergoda sama sepiring Indomie goreng spesial pake telor atau Indomie rebus rasa ayam bawang. BUT I CAN DO THAT, YEAY!! *ngunyah selada*
(+) Berat badan turun tapi badan tetap terasa segar
Ini hal positif yang paling bikin saya semangat! Baru mau masuk sebulan diet, saya udah turun hampir 3 kilogram loh! (di-bold biar lebih berasa bangganya. lmao) Agak kaget juga waktu nimbang. Kali ini kagetnya bukan karena naik, tapi turun. Hehehe. Emang kerasa banget waktu pake celana jadi sedikit longgar, terus kalau ngaca juga perutnya udah ga sebuncit dulu sebelum diet. Terharu aku tuh. Senangnyaaa! Oh iya, badan juga rasanya jadi lebih enteng sama seger gitu. Jadi walaupun turun berat badan tapi ga sakit. Apa yang kita makan emang segitu pengaruhnya ya dengan tubuh.
Kalau efek ke kulit, saya pribadi belum terlalu kerasa. Masih ada jerawat juga beberapa. Katanya kalau banyak makan sayur sama buah bisa jadi bagus kan kulitnya? Mungkin karena saya masih bandel suka tidur di atas jam 10 malem. Permasalahan kulit memang lebih pelik sih ya karena ga cuma dari makanan yang dikonsumsi aja faktornya.
Semua hal positif tadi semakin menguatkan saya untuk tetap melanjutkan program diet ini. Sebulan pertama ini cukup jadi waktu untuk membiasakan tubuh dengan pola makan baru.
Next, saya mau imbangi juga dengan olahraga rutin dan tidur yang cukup. Kita lihat progressnya bulan depan, kalau ada waktu saya cerita lagi di sini. :)
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Segitu aja ceritanya seputar perjalanan diet saya. Siapapun yang baca ini, minta doanya dong supaya program diet saya berhasil tanpa halangan. Bisa sukses mencapai target berat badan yang diinginkan dan semoga ini bisa jadi pendukung juga untuk keberhasilan program hamil saya. 
Important notes: Untuk semuanya yang ingin memulai diet, informasi yang saya berikan di postingan ini belum tentu bisa cocok ya buat semua orang. Menurut saya sebaiknya sebelum memulai program diet harus dikonsultasikan dulu dengan ahlinya (saya konsul ke dokter gizi), agar bisa diarahkan dengan lebih tepat konsumsi makanannya seperti apa. Jadi jangan ngasal. Takutnya kalau asal diet aja malah efeknya ga baik buat tubuh. Pola diet untuk orang yang punya penyakit bawaan (misalnya maag atau gula darah rendah) juga pasti akan berbeda menurut saya. Sekali lagi, please konsultasi dokter dulu atau cari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya dari orang yang lebih ahli.
Jadi intinya melalui postingan ini saya cuma share pengalaman diet yang sudah saya konsultasikan dengan dokter sebelumnya. Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi atau motivasi tambahan untuk yang sedang berniat menjalani program diet juga. Kalau mau ada yang ditanyakan seputar pengalaman diet saya ini bisa komen atau kirim message di Tumblr.
Tetap sehat dan bahagia selalu ya semuanya.
Dewinov yang sekarang udah long-distance-relationship sama junk food.
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Amendment 80: What Is It and How It Affects Commercial Fishing
When it comes to hard work, it is hard to top commercial fishing. Between navigating turbulent seas, handling heavy and dangerous equipment, and spending days or weeks at a time out on the water, this is not a business for the faint of heart. For those willing to put their bodies in the line and their time, however, industrial fishing can be a particularly lucrative line of business. Because of the dangers and money involved, it should be no surprise that this is a rather tightly-regulated industry. One particular regulation that Alaskan commercial fishermen should understand is Amendment 80. What is Amendment 80 and How Does it Impact You? Off the coast of Alaska, the Bering Sea and the neighboring Aleutian Islands provide ample opportunities for commercial and industrial fishing operations. This area is home to well-stocked fisheries for Snow Crabs, Red King Crabs, Walleye Pollocks, Weathervane Scallops, and Tanner Crabs. There are also abundant fisheries for Pacific Salmon and Herring, Flatfish, and Sablefish. With such a diverse array of seafood options, it is no wonder that this region is a prime destination for commercial fishermen from Alaska and beyond. As an important source of fish harvesting, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as well the state of Alaska actively take measures to protect these fisheries. If you are an avid fisherman, you understand the importance of conservation. Defending the environment against pollutants and overfishing helps ensure that fisheries remain bountiful for generations to come. The passage of Amendment 80 took place on June 9, 2006, when it was approved by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. It was officially implemented in 2008. The aims of this amendment were to boost the utilization and retention of fishery resources by expanding Groundfish Retention Standards (GRS). It also seeks to allocate fishery resources to trawl harvesters while accounting for historic, present, and future harvesting needs. What this amendment specifically does is allow trawlers to form cooperatives and it allocates several species of groundfish to the gut and trawl processor sector. If your commercial or industrial fishing operation situates you in this geography and you are fishing for relevant species, you will need to ensure that your Amendment 80 paperwork is current. NOAA Applications, Registrations, Forms, and More Ensuring that your commercial fishing business is acting in compliance with Amendment 80 is more than just merely adhering to certain rules and quotas. There is also paperwork, forms, and applications to consider. Some applications that you may wish to familiarize yourself with include: Flatfish Exchange Application Amendment 80 Quota Share Application Amendment 80 Cooperative Quota Application Amendment 80 Limited Access Fishery Permit Application There are additional forms related to this amendment, as well, but the ones listed above are common starting points. Once you have identified the forms and applications that you need to complete, you can locate them on the NOAA’s website. After you have done that, you can print the pages you need, fill them out with ink, and mail them to the appropriate NOAA office location. Getting Your Documentation Online Let’s face it, the middle of the Bering Sea is pretty far from the nearest post office. Since you would much rather be out on the water making money, as opposed to on land dealing with empty printer ink cartridges and trying to find stamps, you may be wondering if there is a simpler way to apply for permits. You happen to be in luck. At the Commercial Fishing Permits Center, we can help you obtain all of the necessary Amendment 80 documentation that your business needs to stay afloat. If you browse the top navigation of our website and click on the “Alaska” region, you will see that we offer easy-to-fill online forms for all Amendment 80 paperwork matters. You will also notice that we make it much easier to find these documents than any government website can. Since the needs of Alaskan commercial fishermen can often vary, we offer a great number of other forms as well. Perhaps you need a permit for catching Rockfish? Maybe you need to acquire a Scallop license? No matter what your Alaskan industrial fishing needs may be, the Commercial Fishing Permits Center has you covered. Does identity theft keep you up at night? You can rest easy when working with us. We use a state-of-the-art SSL-encrypted web portal to process all of your personal data, so you can submit your applications with the peace of mind of knowing that it is being done securely. Our forms and applications also extend far beyond the great state of Alaska –whether you are in the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, or the West Coast, we offer one-stop shopping for all of your NOAA permit needs. Contact us today and learn more about what you can accomplish with the help of our services.
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Beck and Bulow's Dungeness Crab From The Bering Strait Of Alaska
Dungeness crab is well known for their irresistible salty sweet flavor and succulent meat. Their name comes from the Dungeness Spit, a sandy stretch of land on the northwest coast of Washington State. Our crabs come from the icy cold coast of Alaska near the Bering Strait – one of the most famous places in the world to harvest crab – and are the favorite crab species of Alaskan locals for their incredible flavor. They’re easily identifiable for their characteristic dark purple coloring. Dungeness crabs are known as the “King of the Pacific” and are one of the most commercially popular species, highly sought after for their amazing quality.
Also Read: The Incredible Wild Alaskan Halibut, Steak Of The Sea
Meet The Dungeness Crab, Your Favorite Crustacean
The lifespan of a Dungeness crab is relatively short, approximately ten years on average. Like other crustaceans they begin life as a plankton-like microscopic creature called a “zoea” after hatching. They continue to grow larger until they are visible but still incredibly tiny, the stage of their lifecycle when they are known as “megalopae”. During these early stages of life they are swept around the ocean by water currents, completely at the whim of the sea – although megalopae have been known to catch rides on the back of purple jellyfish from time to time. They continue to grow larger until they are considered juvenile crabs, and eventually reach full size at about three years of age.
While they’re growing, Dungeness crabs go through a process known as molting. This is when they shed their outer shell as a new, larger one forms beneath. The pressure from the new exoskeleton forming causes a crack in the hard outer shell, and since the new tissue is softer the crab is temporarily flexible enough to emerge from the older shell, leaving it behind. After they extricate themselves and leave the molted shell behind, they’ll bury themselves in the sand until their new shell hardens.
Also Read: Smoked Salmon Dip With Cream Cheese, Horseradish & Dill
Dungeness Crab Are Some Of The Most Difficult To Catch
They are very difficult to catch as they are highly skilled at hiding and avoiding traps. Our fishermen use traps known as “pots” baited with various tasty treats for the crabs. In many places along the West Coast of the United States, dungeness crab season peaks during the winter. However, in these frigid waters off the coast of Alaska, Dungeness crab is readily available year round.
We Carefully Selected The Boat Our Crabs Come From
Tony Beck and JP Bulow, the owners of the company, went on essential business to Alaska so that they could scout out the very best sources for some amazing seafood. They got to see firsthand how everything is caught, how the boats are kept, what the fishermen are like, and everything else about the process. They specifically selected our source of Dungeness crabs for the way the boat is run and kept and resonance with shared philosophy around providing good food that is sustainable in a way that is respectful to the earth. We know the fishermen who catch our crabs by name and to us it’s an important part of knowing where our food comes from.
Our Dungeness crab comes in clusters with the shell on, lightly pre-cooked by the fishermen who catch them before they’re flash frozen. They’re delicious served steam with butter, cooked into crab cakes, in soups, with some delicious steak as surf & turf… the options are endless. The Dungeness has a sweeter flavor than other types of crab, making it more desirable than even the famous King crab for many seafood lovers. Crab is considered one of the most sustainable seafoods you can choose according to Seafood Watch.
Also Read: Our New Offerings: Pristine Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon
The Beck & Bulow Team Is Here To Help
At Beck & Bulow, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We’re always here to help if you have any questions regarding your meat, want help making selections, or are just looking for some cooking tips. Every time you call our office, you’ll be directly connected with one of our team members right here in Santa Fe, New Mexico where we’re based.
Every cut of meat is pressure sealed and flash frozen immediately after butchering at the peak of freshness. We work exclusively with master butchers who make every cut with care and precision. All orders are hand packed at our Santa Fe warehouse, shipped in a reusable cooler with dry ice and delivered straight to your doorstep. Check out our selections of humanely raised chicken, elk, bison, beef, lamb, wild boar and seafood.
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cookingsos · 3 years
Crispy Bajra Dosa Recipe For Weight Loss – No Rice, No Soda, No Eno – Pearl Millet Dosa Batter
A Delicious Taste of the Bering Sea Right at Home
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Cooking the Good Stuff – Dungeness Crab
Endless Flavor With Dungeness Crab
Delicious Salmon From the Coldest, Freshest Waters on the Planet
How to Roast Fresh Alaska Seafood
source https://cookingsos.com/crispy-bajra-dosa-recipe-for-weight-loss-no-rice-no-soda-no-eno-pearl-millet-dosa-batter/
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
The Most Potent Natural Antioxidant
Let's talk about astaxanthin. This substance is a natural pigment from the carotenoid family group of xanthophylls produced by plants and animals. One of the leading products in terms of astaxanthin content is salmon fish and its caviar. The content of this substance determines the reddish tint of meat and caviar of representatives of this family. They get astaxanthin by feeding on phytoplankton and algae that contain it in excess.
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To study astaxanthin's influence on the human body, many laboratory studies have been conducted. Scientists proved that astaxanthin has 6000 times more power potential than the well-known antioxidant vitamin C. Compared to coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), astaxanthin is 800 times more powerful than green tea astaxanthin is 500 times more powerful, and alpha-dipoic acid is 75 times more powerful.
The action of astaxanthin on the body is extensive. The compound is unique in that it can interact with both oil and water. It can not only circulate in the bloodstream - the astaxanthin molecule can attach to the cell membrane, which consists of an oil structure, and, as a result, neutralize free radicals in all parts of the body.
Regular consumption of rich foods will favorably affect all vital organs and systems. Numerous studies have shown that astaxanthin benefits the cardiovascular system by lowering the level of C-reactive protein in the blood. This indicator is a marker of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, depressingly affecting the cardiovascular system. Also, to which astaxanthin belongs, carotenoids help protect vision - they can prevent eye diseases associated with age-related changes. The positive effect of astaxanthin on skin health has also been proven - its elasticity and firmness increase, and wrinkles are reduced.
The presence of redfish and caviar in the diet has a complex positive effect on the body. In addition to the above properties, a beneficial effect on the immune system, anti-inflammatory effect, improved gum health, and even reproductive health has been proven.
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Often, in pursuit of benefits, people buy products that, on the contrary, can harm the body. In the case of salmon fish and red caviar, this happens regularly. Many sources talk about the benefits of these products, and it seems to people that buying a jar of caviar in a nearby supermarket will receive all the benefits that nature has in this product. In most cases, we are offered aquaculture products for purchase - this is a whole industry that specializes in the artificial breeding of fish. Healthy nutrition experts question the benefits of such fish products - feed contains many additives, hormones, dyes, and antibiotics.
Should organize production according to the principle of a complete cycle - fishing, processing, packaging, and freezing should take place at one enterprise. An excellent example of such a manufacturer is the Kamchatka company "Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood)." The fish caught here is frozen within 4 hours after being caught. So that the desire to saturate the body with the benefits of organic wild fish does not lead to the opposite effect, it is better to choose products from the manufacturing plant. A vital quality indicator is the absence of products' preservatives or organic additives. Due to this policy, the Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood) plant obtained an orthodox kosher certificate. This is the only fishery enterprise in the world with such a document.
Nature has incredible riches in organic, natural products that can bring many benefits to our health. With a competent and attentive attitude to your body and the choice of food, our body will say "thank you" to us, and positive changes will not be long in coming.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
The Restoration of the Wooden Minesweeper Liseron
The motor vessel (MV) LISERON was laid down at Tacoma Boatbuilding in Tacoma, Washington, in 1953 as part of a group of seven Adjutant-class motor minesweepers (MSC-type) built for the French Navy, under the auspices of the U.S. Navy's Military Defense Assistance Pact. She was completed June 23, 1954 as the U.S. AMS-98, which is an enlarged and modernized version of the YMS-type minesweeper made for the US Navy during World War II. 
These minesweepers were constructed to withstand the hardships of tropical climates and navigate shallow waters of bays, coastlines and inlets with a total draft of just nine feet. They could reach up to 14 knots top speed, and boosted two 20mm mounted on the fore deck: versatile for both anti-aircraft defense and anti-ship offensive operations. Up to 40 personnel could be carried. Despite having brass and stainless-steel fittings and wooden hulls, the ship’s design fell short of its purpose as a minesweeper, as the hulls were later deemed too magnetic and thus susceptible to magnetic mines.
The minesweeper was transferred to the French Navy on November 1, 1955 and was given her official name, LISERON, and pendant number, M-683. Likely while still under French control however, in 1974 LISERON was converted to a diving tender and assigned the pendant number A-723.
Sometime after 1974, LISERON was returned to the US Navy and was struck from the Navy List on September 14, 1987. Information available from Puget Sound Maritime seems to indicate LISERON was not purchased directly from any French agency or company but rather from an intermediary in this country (acting on behalf of the Department of Defense or the Maritime Administration) between 1987 and 1988. 
Captain Doug Cope recalled how he initially tracked the LISERON through US Government archives to its location overseas, but credits Mike McIntosh with re-envisioning the old minesweeper as an Eco-Cruiser. It was the second vessel the two men had collaborated on, with the first one being another refurbished boat: the conversion of the SEA WOLF in San Diego into the yacht OBSERVER. The refit design plans for the new LISERON were drawn on cocktail napkins, with refinements later made by naval designer Ben Auslund in Florida.
The Boat Company of Port Orchard, Washington, acquired LISERON in 1988 and began restoration with a view toward using her as a small cruising vessel in the Alaska trade. At his point LISERON was assigned her official number (ON) 971339. Doug spent the summer of 1988 getting the boat seaworthy for its crossing of the Atlantic. A SMIT tug out of Rotterdam provided the tow needed.
Unfortunately, during a layover in the English Channel, the towing completely wrenched out the bronze anchor windlass, sending it straight to the bottom. A new attachment on the foredeck was rigged in Vigo, Spain. The crossing took a month, not counting the delays.
Doug piloted the LISERON over from Brest, France, to Tarpon Springs, FL, where the refit was begun starting in fall, 1988. The vessel was gutted, down to the hull and deck beams made of oak and Purpleheart. Once in Florida, the work crew from The Boat Company (numbering 50 at one point) spent the next sixteen months refurbishing the vessel. The project also involved welders hired from the local Duckworth Boats to undertake the “hot work.” 
During the refit, all of the ship’s brass fixtures and the two original (440 hp each) General Motors 8-268A diesel engines were retained. As the project manager, Doug also made trips back and forth to France to scour shipyards where other minesweeper parts could be salvaged. A standard for all authentic parts had been established, making the sourcing of these components – from electronics and deck fittings to a replacement windlass – all the more vital.
The refurbished vessel was finally completed in the spring of 1993.
As a remodeled passenger vessel, its compliment was effectively reduced by half its original number: now limited to just twenty passengers. Ten staterooms – six on the main deck and four on the upper skiff deck - offer plenty of comfort for those making the trip north today on the LISERON to Alaska waters.
In 2011, PacFish made some repairs to the stem, undertook routine caulking of the hull and added new bronze stem iron to the planking line, to protect against possible future collisions. More recent work completed in the winter of 2016 focused on the starboard side to repair a leaking seachest and removal of the ice sheeting four feet below the waterline. A total of twenty-four Fir planks were replaced, and portions of the nine frames repaired with Purpleheart, using original fasteners when possible and replacing many that were deteriorated brass. The fall of 2017 promises the same work being done on the starboard side of the vessel to finish the job.
Today, PacFish continues to service both the LISERON and its sister ship, MIST COVE, for the family of the original owners of The Boat Company, including assistance with annual inspections by the US Coast Guard. The LISERON has Juneau, Alaska, as its hailing port, but regularly returns here to the waters of the Pacific Northwest.
A Brief History of PacFish
Pacific Fishermen, Inc. can trace its 145-year history as a shipyard of Seattle to the original site of the T.W. Lake Shipyard, founded in 1871 by Norwegian immigrant T.W. Lake. The shipyard employed famous shipbuilders such as Thomas J. King, who later founded the King and Winge Shipbuilding Company in West Seattle. By 1900, there were 20 boat yards in operation from Shilshole Bay to the Freemont Bridge, with the PacFish yard counted among these.
The T.W. Lake Shipyard was later renamed Seattle Ship Yards and purchased in 1917 by the Ballard Marine Railway, Co. Inc. Business for the yard remained steady following the end of World War I. Seattle founding father Joshua Green, the “King of Steamboats,” had his sternwheelers built here for the Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet to the early 1920s.  In 1925 the world’s largest diesel tug MAHOE (120’) and in 1928, the first-in-class US Army tug MIKIMIKI (127’) were built here for Young Brothers’ Hawaiian Tug & Barge Company.  
During World War II, a total of sixteen minesweepers, subchasers and patrol boats for the US Navy were built here between 1942 and 1945. Two of these vessels later became Jacques Cousteau’s research vessel CALYPSO and John Wayne’s yacht WILD GOOSE.  The latter vessel was purchased by Wayne in 1962, and appeared in the 1968 film Skidoo starring Groucho Marx.
The end of the war heralded a new chapter in the history of the shipyard. In 1946, Ballard Marine Railway sold the yard to a group of 400 Norwegian heritage fishermen and their wives as a co-op style shipyard, which officially incorporated in that same year as Pacific Fishermen, Inc.
Pacific Fishermen continued building Ed Monk salmon seiners in wood (first designed in 1941) then a series of sixteen Ben Jensen designed steel king crabbers for the North Pacific and Bering Sea beginning in 1966.
Another notable vessel – KEEP CLAM – was the one and only clam dredge built at the shipyard for local chowder king Ivar Haglund. The name for the dredge also happened to be the longtime motto of the seafood company dynasty started by Haglund on the Seattle waterfront in 1938.
In 1986 PacFish purchased Rowe Machine Works with their 600-ton screw-lift drydock to complement the two marine railways. The company has concentrated on repairs of all types of fishing vessels, tugs, passenger vessels and yachts in wood, steel and fiberglass. Specialties range from maintaining old school shipwrights for caulking the wood planking with pine tar oakum on the historic steamer VIRGINIA V to the drydocking and repair of high speed aluminum waterjet passenger catamarans. Complementing this is an Underwriter’s Laboratory electrical panel shop that produces computerized industrial process controls for fish processing and industrial customers such as Theo’s Chocolates and Starbucks.
In the wake of the Great Recession of 2008, PacFish received a US Maritime Administration (MARAD) Small Shipyard grant in 2010, which enabled new growth for the yard with worker training, equipment and other assets. A key focus of these improvements was on the installation of environmentally-friendly and EPA-compliant equipment utilized for both sandblasting and painting operations.
This article is sponsored by Pacific Fishermen. 
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/the-restoration-of-the-wooden-minesweeper-liseron via http://www.rssmix.com/
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
Another example of a corrupt government in action. What was promoted as an action by the Interior Department to allow for more convenient access by residents of a small village in Alaska to healthcare facilities was in fact an action to allow a seafood company, owned by investors in Japan, to transport their seafood to Asia.
For six decades, the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, tucked along the coast of the Bering Sea, has been protected as one of the wildest nature spots on Earth, remote enough to escape development.
But that isolation has been shattered. Seven noisy helicopters swooped down 80 times over two days in July to land on the narrow isthmus where animals nest, feed, and migrate. Then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, prodded by President Donald Trump, ordered the surprise helicopter survey to prepare to bulldoze a 12-mile road through the refuge’s federally protected wilderness.
Almost a year ago, on a day that the federal government was briefly shut down, Zinke quietly signed a land swap, evading Congress, which has wrestled with the issue for decades. The Interior Department is trading the swath of Izembek’s wilderness to Aleut Natives so their cannery town of King Cove can build the final 12 miles of a 37-mile gravel road to the Cold Bay Airport. In exchange, the federal government gets an equal amount of Aleut land.
In crafting the deal, Zinke rejected the warnings of his department’s scientists. After a four-year study, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which oversees the refuge, concluded that allowing a road through the refuge would “lead to significant degradation of irreplaceable ecological resources.” It also would jeopardize the global survival of a migratory sea goose, called the Pacific black brant, as well as the emperor goose and other waterfowl, the agency said.
Trump and Zinke have worked behind the scenes to deliver the road to the rural Aleut government of King Cove, which has spent almost 50 years lobbying Congress and the Interior Department. The Aleut say the road is essential to transport patients with medical emergencies to the Cold Bay Airport, where they could then fly to an Anchorage hospital.
But a close examination of the agreement and the history of the road deal suggests that it is more about selling seafood than saving lives.
A document dating back two decades shows that hauling fish, not patients, was the Aleuts’ original motive for building a road through the national refuge. When that strategy failed, they and Alaska Republican leaders switched to focus on medical necessity.
Now the new land swap deal includes a little-known provision forged by the Interior Department that would allow King Cove fishermen to transport tens of millions of dollars of salmon, crab, cod, and other seafood on their way to lucrative Asian markets.
The economy of King Cove is almost totally dependent on commercial fishing. It’s home to the Peter Pan Seafoods cannery, owned by the world’s largest fish processor, Maruha Nichiro Corp. of Japan.
Under the agreement signed by Zinke, the road will be “generally for noncommercial purposes.” But the deal also contains this provision: “The commercial transport of fish and seafood products, except by an individual or a small business, on any portion of the Road shall be prohibited.”
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ckurved-ebaev · 5 years
Amazing Automatic Lines, Catching and Processing Fish Right on Ship, Big...
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binoynazareth · 5 years
Binoy Nazareth Shares His Dream Destination Bucket List
Light up Your Life with Alaska’s Aurora Borealis
Want to weave your adventure with all that’s wild, wonderful and winsome? Come and enjoy my dream destination bucket list and go on a wanderlust journey. Open the doors to dream destinations that will help to power the inspiration to go on an endless sojourn. I have always longed for adventure and the opportunity to experience unique places. This time, I decided to discover the unique, unusual and unforgettable appeal of Alaska. Yes, of course I did go through several vacation websites and was totally convinced to embark on a memorable holiday in Alaska.
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Come with me and discover extraordinary facts about Alaska. I had always been intrigued by the Northern lights or the famous Aurora Borealis that shimmers over Alaska and is witnessed by tourists from all over the world. This incredible destination is the only state that has coastlines which range over the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Can you imagine padding up with your warmest clothes in one of the coldest places in the world and taking off to explore the much-talked about 100 volcanoes and the volcanic fields? You can go hiking, fishing, watch dog mushing or just sit back and enjoy the scenic landscapes.
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Enjoy a Natural Holiday in a Cool Destination
Discover a laidback holiday in a cool place where there is more inland water than any other state in USA. There are over 3,000 rivers and 3 million lakes in Alaska. Just imagine enjoying exciting sports like skiing, kayaking and mountain biking. I could just spend days in the great outdoors and explore the huge Denali National Park with its flora and fauna. With any amount of accommodations of all types, one can also find RV parks and camping grounds to suit hard-core Nature afficionados!
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Have you ever thought about sitting in a snug restaurant all warmly clad and tucking into the most delicious Alaskan dishes? This has been topmost in my mind since I am an aspiring chef and adventurer rolled into one! Are you ready for Alaska’s mouth-watering and delicious dishes that evolve over scrumptious seafood, wild berry cobbler topped by your favorite wines and beers? This is the life…the real McCoy, I thought this is what happens when you set off to a natural sojourn, your dream wish comes true with natural offerings. Alaska is a truly inspirational place which offers the most iconic dishes that range over food for the soul with wild berry jellies and jams. A true blue foodie could have a smorgasbord of delights with cold water seafood, game meats, sourdough bread, reindeer dogs, seafood chowder, black cod, prime ribs, smoked salmon, chocolate bread, gumbo, King crab and Eskimo Ice Cream better known as "Aqutak" or "Agutuk”.
Discover a Gourmet Smorgasbord
Refreshing…This is what I call a rejuvenating holiday where you need to blend in with the locals, eat like a local and breathe in the natural air at intriguing destinations. Open your mind and taste the essence of tradition with dishes made from walrus, fish, whales, moose meat, caribou meat, seal meat and oils which is not only delicious but also helps to keep one warm! Every holiday of mine has been filled with experience and learning which was needed to be in sync with my spirit of adventure which manifests itself in what I eat, where I choose to go and all of my passions!
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Join me on my Alaskan sojourn topped to the brim with activities for all types of adventurers with zip lining through the Boreal Forest in Denali, going on a cruise or a fishing expedition. Breathtaking and brilliant, Alaska unravels the keys to its wondrous sights with The Great Land evolving over five regions covering the Arctic, the  Inside Passage, the Southcentral, Interior, and Southwest. Home to the home to the Inupiat Eskimos who still live there, the Arctic ranges out incredible sights. The Inside Passage holds the secrets of Alaska’s flora and fauna with lush scenes and fjords. The Southcentral takes you to view enriching experiences of wildlife viewing, hiking and world-class with innumerable lakes and mountains. With a hilly terrain, the Southwest evolves over hills and plains while the Interior unrolls the Tundra experience.
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With awesome activities and events, you can take part in the Fur Rendezvous festival in Anchorage, Running of the Reindeer, dog mushing or absorbing the tranquil northern lights. But wait, if there is a vestige of a chef in you and if Alaska is the place which has taken you to the land of intrigue, then you must try uutngungsaat, mouse food, negaasget, iitat and marallat which are roots made in to a wondrous soup. With the ice-cold atmosphere in Alaska, the locals use the fermentation technique which preserves certain foods such as stinkeggs and stinkhead. Being a seafood fan, I am waiting to try out Crab-Stuffed Halibut, Spot Prawns, Caribou soup Oysters and a host of delicious culinary Alaskan skills. 
Follow Binoy Nazareth’s foray into the Secrets of an Alaskan Experience
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beringseafoodusa · 2 years
Types of Red Caviar
Red caviar is the caviar of fish of the salmon family. Fans of this delicacy know that the caviar of different fish differs visually and in taste. The contents of a jar of top-quality caviar are raw materials of one type of fish (for example, sockeye caviar). Lower quality caviar may contain raw materials from several salmon species.
To date, on sale, you can find red caviar of 6 types of fish - pink salmon, trout, coho salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, and chinook salmon. What is the difference between different types of red caviar? Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.
The most common type of red caviar on sale is pink salmon caviar. It is bright orange. Grains 3-5 mm in diameter are moderately elastic with a thin shell. If the eggs are more significant than 5 mm, then this is a bad sign - such caviar is most likely overripe, its shell is more rigid, and the taste is less delicate.
Trout caviar, presented for sale, is in most cases the caviar of artificially grown fish. It is considered less valuable and nutritious than the wild fish roe. The reason is the compound feed used on aqua farms. They contain many chemical additives, including growth hormones and antibiotics. Trout caviar grains are small - only 2-3 mm in diameter. Color - from yellow to bright orange. The shell of grains of medium density tastes with bitterness.
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Sockeye salmon caviar is distinguished by a spicy taste with a slight bitterness. The grains are small - 2-3 mm in diameter, have a soft shell, and a red-orange color. Only a real connoisseur will appreciate this delicacy, but everyone should try this product.
                        Chum salmon caviar is a delicacy with great taste. The grains are large - 5-6 mm, color - light orange. The taste of chum caviar is soft and creamy, and the shell is fragile. Due to its characteristics, chum caviar melts in your mouth. This type of salmon's caviar raw material is considered the standard.
Coho salmon caviar is distinguished by a dark red or burgundy color. The grains are relatively small, about 3 mm in diameter. The shell of medium density. To taste the caviar of silver salmon, or coho salmon, spicy with bitterness. According to the composition of nutrients, it is considered the leader among the caviar of other species of fish of the salmon family. On an industrial scale, coho salmon is mined in small volumes due to the small population.
Chinook caviar - the most significant and rarest representative of the salmon family - is extensive. The diameter of the grains reaches 6 mm, while the length of an adult chinook salmon can reach up to 180 cm. The caviar taste is quite delicate with a slightly noticeable bitterness; the color is bright red. The density of the shell is medium. Chinook caviar is homogeneous in its structure; the grains do not stick together and are easily separated from each other.
In addition to taste preferences, when choosing red caviar, you should also pay attention to the manufacturer. The fact is that when buying, it is almost impossible to understand the quality of the product in front of us or not. An important criterion when choosing a brand will be packaging right at the fishing place. Such caviar is frozen fresh and retains a maximum of valuable properties. It is also essential to pay attention to the date of packaging - salmon spawn from June to September, and caviar packed during these months is likely to be of the best quality. If the manufacturer has additional quality certificates, its products are more likely not to disappoint the consumer. Thus, the Far Eastern enterprise "Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood)" has an orthodox kosher certificate.
Interestingly, this is the only fishing enterprise worldwide that has received such a document. It confirms that the production fully complies with the strict requirements of kashrut, which means that the products of Vostochny Bereg (Bering Seafood) have passed the most stringent selection criteria and confirmed their quality. Lovers of delicacies should try different types of Kamchatka caviar to choose their favorite according to taste, size, and density.
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