When pet parents see their dogs eating grass, they wonder if this is something they should be eating like regular food. They wonder if it's because they're bored or if they're sick. However, they could be consuming grass for a variety of reasons. All you need to know is right here.
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We know how dogs can be expressive with basic emotions, like wagging their tails around people they like or with facial expressions when especially when they are sad or scared. However, they cannot reach out to their humans related to the health problems they have. For that, pet parents need to follow a strict schedule with their regular visit to the vet, and put them on a healthy diet like home-cooked meals from FurrMeals, which is the supplier of healthy food for dogs in Delhi.
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If you treat your dog as if it were a child, you should be worried about its nutritional requirements. As responsible pet parents, it's critical to start them on the correct food and develop appropriate eating habits as soon as they're a puppy.
Recipes for dogs, such as Herbed Chicken & Rice, Juicy Chicken & Pasta, Chunky Lamb & Brown Rice, and Fresh Cottage Cheese and Peas, are essential for providing your dog are the healthy food for dogs with the proper nutritional balance.
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The monsoon season is one of the loveliest periods of the year since we are surrounded by nature's splendor. While we love this time of year, it is not ideal for our pets because they are vulnerable to the changing weather. Keep reading to find out monsoon care tips for dogs.
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Natural Power Food To Add To Your Dog’s Diet | Furrmeals
If you treat your dog as if it were a child, you should be worried about their nutritional requirements. As a responsible pet parent, it's critical to start them on the correct food and develop appropriate eating habits as soon as they're a puppy.
Recipes for dogs, such as Herbed Chicken & Rice, Juicy Chicken & Pasta, Chunky Lamb & Brown Rice, and Fresh Cottage Cheese and Peas, are essential for providing your dog are the healthy food for dogswith the proper nutritional balance.
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Nutrients, not ingredients, are required by pets. A meal rich in exotic food may not be the best choice for them; instead, a well-balanced cuisine produced using commonplace items will keep them healthier.
Here is a list of few readily available ingredients, which can fulfill your dog’s nutritional needs
1- Chicken is the most popular protein source used in dog food. It is one of the most nutritious and easily available proteins. Lightly cooked chicken, especially the leaner breast portions are ideal for your dog.
2- Cottage Cheese is a calcium rich protein source than is also recommended for dogs. FurrrMeals Fresh Cottage Cheese & Peas is a balanced vegetarian recipe that is made of Cottage Cheeses. You can feed your dog a small piece of cottage cheese for an extra boost of calcium. Cottage Cheese is a calorie-dense and high-fat food so it is important to feed in moderation.
3 Plain yoghurt is an excellent addition to your dog’s diet. Yogurt provides protein and calcium for muscles and bones. The probiotic quality of the yoghurt also helps in digestion and improves gut health.
4- An egg is a complete food that is high in protein. It aids in the development of muscle, hair strength, and tissue repair. Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Foliate, Vitamin 12 Iron, Selenium, Fatty Acids, and other nutrients can be found in eggs. While you're having your evening munchies, scramble an egg and deliver it to your dog, but keep an eye on the amount of egg you give your dog.
5 Green beans are a good source of fibre, vitamins, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K at a low-calorie level. We use green beans in our FurrMeals Juicy Chicken & Pasta recipe because they are good for your dog's health. Green beans are a nutritious and natural snack for your pet.
Because you are responsible for your dog's health, make wise food choices for them. To offer optimal nutrition, feed them a meal that is well-balanced, fresh, and contains species-appropriate components.
Guesswork does not work for your dog, as an imbalanced diet can be quite hazardous in the long term, resulting in deficiencies and health problems. Allow the experts at FurrMeals to handle your dog's nutrition so that they get nothing but the best in their meals.Opt for healthy food for dogs with Furrmeals.
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9 Monsoon Care Tips For Your Dog | Furrmeals
The monsoon season is one of the loveliest periods of the year since we are surrounded by nature's splendour.While we love this time of year, it is not the ideal for our pets because they are vulnerable to the changing weather. Keep reading to find out monsoon care tips for dog.
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Here are some monsoon care tips for dog to follow during this season:
1. Keep your dog away from tick-infested areas during monsoon:Tick fever is extremely frequent in dogs, and it can be fairly serious in dogs with inadequate immunity, causing organ damage in pets in severe cases. You can use natural tick repellent sprays like neem water in addition to visual inspiration and regular anti-tick showers. During this season, even a commercial tick collar can be useful.
2. Dogs suffer from water-borne diseases in monsoon:Allowing your dog to drink contaminated rainwater is not a good idea. Before they start licking their paws, wash and dry them once they're inside. Allowing them to eat grass can expose them to germs and worms. Introduce fresh and nutritious human food to your dog's diet to ensure that they get all of the nutrients they need.
3.Dogs catch cold easily in monsoon:During the monsoon, pets are susceptible to coughs, colds, and even pneumonia. It's better to keep your pet dry after each walk and avoid getting them wet in the rain. Control the temperature in your home. Arrange their doggo beds so that if the floor becomes chilly, they can curl up in their bed rather than resting on the chilly floor and catching a cold.
4. Use protective dog rain-gear to walk your dog in the rain:A raincoat will keep their fur dry, and rubber booties will protect their paws from glass shards and sharp pebbles hidden in the puddles. Before taking your dog outside, make sure they practise and become acclimated to their rain gear at home.
5. Check your doggo’s deworming calendar before the onset of monsoon:If you don't want your dog to suffer from stomach worms, deworming should be a top concern before the monsoon season begins. Worms thrive in filthy water and can easily make their way into your dog's stomach.
6. Give your dog a high fiber, fresh food diet in monsoon:Fresh food is the safest option in this weather, and it also helps your pet build immunity. To boost your dog's digestive health, give him a large dosage of natural probiotics.
7. Keep your dog well-groomed in monsoon:Brushing, tooth cleaning, nail cutting, and ear cleaning should all be part of your dog's normal grooming practise throughout the year, not only during the monsoons.
8. Keep your dog’s water bowl clean and pour fresh water regularly:Ensure that your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Replace the water every few hours and clean the bowl on a regular basis.
 9. Create a cozy corner in the house for your dog in case of thunderstorm:Set up your dog's bed with his favourite toys in the quietest section of the home. Your dog can wait for the storm to pass by by snuggling in the corner. To make them feel protected, give them lots of hugs, kisses, and healthy dog treats.
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You shouldn't be the only one who practices a balanced diet; your pet has the same right to do so. FurrMeals Home Cooked Pet Food is raising the bar for quality fresh food suppliers for dogs in Delhi.
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When it comes to taking care of your pet dogs, their diet is prioritized over everything which isn’t wrong as your furry needs a healthy diet throughout their lives. Busy pet parents can trust fresh food suppliers like FurrMeals, which provides the healthiest dog food in Delhi.
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Dogs that are under the one year of age, are contemplated as puppies. Puppies under the age of one must be only feed puppy formula food. Interrogation arouse in the side by like when a good time to convert puppy food to adult food or how long to feed puppy food?
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Enormous variety of foods for dogs have been evolving these days. Getting jaded, because of browsing the net for healthy sources with high nutritional value for dogs is like pursuing a ring in the ocean.
Healthy breakfast choice that offers an abundance of nutritional value, oats carrying the essential essence that has been incorporated in the healthy foods list. Oatis a staple found in many people’s homes…….But having the queries of can dogs eat oats? Is the good for dogs? Is the oat edible for dogs?
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Vital Essencethrough- Can Dogs Eat Oats | Furrmeals
Enormous variety of foods for dogs have been evolving these days. Getting jaded, becauseof browsing the net for healthy sources with high nutritional value for dogs is like pursuing a ring in the ocean.
Healthy breakfast choice that offers an abundance of nutritional value, oats carrying the essential essence that has been incorporated in the healthy foods list. Oatis a staple found in many people’s homes…….But having the queries of can dogs eat oats?Is the oatgood for dogs? Is the oat edible for dogs?
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Absolutely, oatis edible for dogs but in moderation. Let’s explore the benefits of oatmeal for dogs.
Benefits of Oat
Oatis an excellent reserve for wheat for animals that are allergic to gluten that makes him sensitive to wheat or grains.
Oat contains vitamin B which helps maintain a healthy coat, shine, durable and linoleic acid which is a type of Omega-3 fatty acid that helps to keep a dog’s skin strong and healthy.
Oat will help boost the dog’s immune system, keeping pooch energized and become more resistant to illness and infection and reduce the cause of diabetics.
Prevent the dogs hair from deteriorating, falling and stop from becoming brittle.
Fiber Essence
Ideally, it’s an alternative, to high in fiber oatmeal also boosts an array of nutrients minerals and antioxidants. It’ll keep your dog good looking and feeling his best including vitamin A, B and numerous vitamins, phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium.
Incredibly, a great source of soluble fiber which can regulate blood glucose levels.
Fiber helps intestinal and digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea. Oat fiber helps regulate to digestion and helps get rid of gas Eno.
The high levels of fiber that oat contains are ideal tomonitor the cholesterol in dogs.
In spite of being a food that is high in carbohydrates oatmeal is highly recommended for dogs.That are overweight due to its fiber content in oat helps process of your fats in your dog’s body.
Consequences of Oat
Whenever we can do anything, there’ll be a side effects or consequence or reflection of the circumstances. We certainly know, can dogs eat oats as well as a good meal, however it has some of demerits of giving vet over oats.
Oats are edible while it is mixing with water. Don’t addmilk with oat, because it’s a toxic one and lead to worsening of dog’s health.
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If you feed the oatmeal in a moderate way, that cause no effects in the vet. Eating large amount of oatmeal can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
Ensure yourself while feeding oats for your dogs, avoid the additives like salt, butter, chocolate, raisins. Since it cause some health issues to the vet. So with no worries, you can feed oat your dog with moderate quantity.
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Correlated to the Physiology –HowLong to Feed Puppy Food
Dogs that are under the one year of age, are contemplated as puppies. Puppies under the age of one, must be only feed puppy formula food.Interrogation arouse in the side by like when a good time to convert puppy food to adult food or how long to feed puppy food?
The enormous nutritious well-being lies in the switching of puppies food. Since the maturity and adulthood is challenging to predict, so talk to the person you bought the dog or else, ask your veterinarian will give you an exact guidance of changing the food to next level. In addition, somegauge about your dog will give you the progressof stopping the puppy food such as size, breed and ageof the dog
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Kinship of the Breed
Before stopping, evaluate your puppies breed is small or medium.
Probably, both breed puppies are contemplated as an adult at the one year of age. So the puppy birthday specifies the transition to the adult food. Some breeds are evaluated as adult at nine months of age.
Fluctuate weight of Dog’s
Especially, small breed puppies are weigh less than 20 pounds during the maturity stage. On the other side, medium sized breeds, weigh within 21-30 pounds at maturity.
Or else, the dog belongs to large or giant breed, makethe transitionof food at anytime between 18 to 24 months duration old. Because, it takes time to reach the maturity, as well as numerous dogs still growing until they turn two years. Large or giant breed weight fluctuates greatly from the other breed.Exclude this type of breeds, from considering the weight of dogs.
Why the transition of puppy food to adult food is happening? Is it mandatory in raising of dog?
Through the process of growing, the puppy needs some nutritional essence like DHA, higher levels of protein, fat to support growth, an omega fatty acid found in mother’s milk and more calories than dog, that are obtainablein puppy foods.
With the puppy food, the puppy get rapid bone growth, rapid body size growth. Once the puppy stick out to the maturity, it doesn’t need the nutritious food as many as puppy food.
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While switchingthe puppy food to the adult food the dog’s system is geared to process the puppy food. In addition, rich puppy foodmakes the dog to weight gain easily, so the transition is necessary.
Socombine the diurnal food with ten percent adult food and ninety percent puppy food. Then, increase the adult food day by day. When you’re talking about pet’s diet, probably you’ve to consult to your veterinarian.
These inquiries will help the pet owners aboutthe question ofhow long to feed puppy food and some other related stuffs.
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Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs | Furrmeals
While preparing a meal in an Indian kitchen, most of the pet parents don’t realize that they have the key to all your furry’s health problems inside that spice box. If you still haven’t got it, it’s turmeric!
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If you would like to poison them, sure. Please don’t do that. Human toothpaste has quite a few nasty elements to them – the biggest thing that I can imagine is fluoride. There’s the additional consideration that human children and toddlers are not supposed to use adult toothpaste until a minimum of two years old. Why? Because we need to make sure they don’t swallow it.
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If you treat your dog as if it were a child, you should be worried about its nutritional requirements. As responsible pet parents, it's critical to start them on the correct food and develop appropriate eating habits as soon as they're a puppy.
Recipes for dogs, such as Herbed Chicken & Rice, Juicy Chicken & Pasta, Chunky Lamb & Brown Rice, and Fresh Cottage Cheese and Peas are essential for providing your dog are the healthy food for dogs with the proper nutritional balance.
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