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Being Beautiful is a curse. Everyone craves beauty and that is the problem. When you’re beautiful, people crave you. People want you, they think they need you and they make you feel like they need you, but really you’re used. You’re used because you’re nice to look at. I’m going to sound vain but really others will never understand it because they haven’t lived it. They never will and you will always be judged for recognizing your own beauty. But every action has a reaction and the grass is always greener on the other side. I guess I’d like people to understand that being beautiful is not as glamorous as it seems. Most of the time I feel alone, isolated, and different. People always treat me different and I can feel their intimidation by my presence. I want someone to look within, realize how beautiful my insides are. Beauty isn’t skin deep.
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Ocean Eyes
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I want to do something more with my life. I have a degree in elementary and special education but I hate the restrictions that public schools put on children actually being children. No time for play, fun involved in learning; just sticking to the script. Kids need to run and play, they are children with tons of energy. I believe that because when I was a kid I would get bored in school and we definitely had more freedom and play time than the kids do now. Also, the thought of being tied down to the amount of work that public school teachers have on their plate each and everyday is pure insanity. Listen to this, teachers have to plan each and every single day out.That means, each and every subject fo the day they must make sure that they are meeting the state standards and requirements of each subject, they must plan in advance what the topic of the day will be, what materials they need, print, cut, get any extra materials together that they require, make an interactive flip-chart for each lesson, make changes and accomadatons to the lessons based on the needs of the class, insure that you have an informal and formal assessment planned, oh yeah than you have to teach each lesson, to a classroom full of CHILDREN WITH UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL NEEDS, BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS, sick kids, kids not paying attention, kids talking, kids screaming, kids crying, kids eating their materials, kids playing with their materials, kids throwing things, kids constantly asking to use the bathroom, yeahhhhhh then you have to deal with parents, which is an enormous issue in itself, kids being neglected, kids hungry, kids that need love and you can only help them so much because of legalities, you also have to be a part of numerous “teams”, different groups that manage things, you have to make sure you're meeting all goals on top of that (which is an immaculate number), you also have to grade papers every, single, day, reply to emails. AND THE BEST PART, IT NEVER ENDS!!!! EVER! YOU TAKE WORK HOME EVERYDAY, NO MATTER WHAT. It’s a constant cycle, that’s normal, scary, boring. I hate all those words. The best thing though, I LOVE THESE KIDS. While I did. They change your life. They show you unconditional love and also ignore you, piss you off, but love you. I want to help and make a difference but I don’t know how. I can’t be tied down to that. I want to teach abroad. HELP KIDS EVERYWHERE. I WILL HELP KIDS EVERYWHERE.
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