bethekindestyou · 8 months
You, well you can be well, a reality!
Affiliate disclosure: the links in this video message are all affiliate links which means you can support these efforts with your purchases - thank you!
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bethekindestyou · 8 months
FriendlyFoods group launched
A Groupme space has been created online to support those looking for simple tips, suggestions and strategies when it comes to learning what foods are friendly for your body. Come join the laidback environment and learn something that can make your body thrive, and make your life better. Join using this link: http://tiny.cc/friendlyfoods You will have to create a GroupMe account if you do not already have one - if you have one, then you will need to login to use it.
See you there!
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bethekindestyou · 1 year
Curious about the real stories from real people? Join this nutrition trend!
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bethekindestyou · 1 year
The link is an affiliate link, so I may be compensated at no additional cost to you - thanks in advance for clicking! Optimise your daily living with this handy device - grab it before Amazon takes away the deep discount!
Ever wondered how you can have the benefits of a bidet without the expensive installation of one? Wonder no more! Comes with high quality parts, a self-cleaning feature and is easy to install. If you get it or have it, do let me know how much it has changed your life!
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bethekindestyou · 1 year
AOC about Tiktok - and banning thoughts - no she does not support a ban. She's making sense. Kindness dictates that we listen to reason.
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Did you know that using oats in your diet might not be the best choice? Learn more about why this is the case and discover some great alternatives to try instead.
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Are you aware of what percentage of plastic has never been recycled? If you are not, take a guess - do you think the figure is above or below 50%?
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Eat everything in moderation?
True story time. I love chocolate. There's almost nothing I would not do for chocolate including sometimes, unfortunately, eating something that only resembles chocolate on the outside but really is mostly sugar. A generous colleague brought the temptation to our lunch room and I could not resist the pretty truffle wrapped up beautifully. I took more than one. The first one didn't seem to affect me but I had it after a heavy meal so I think the meal might have masked the effects. When I ate the second one after a light breakfast, the effect was almost instantaneous. My tummy complained, quietly. I knew it could be nothing else: the 'chocolate' truffle was to blame. This and other reactions to things I consume tells me a few things. First, I should have left the 'chocolate' on the table. Second, there is no substitute for real food to make you feel good after eating.
I have a theory based on these observations that many of us have become desensitized to the point where our bodies no longer signal to us that we have consumed something we should not have. We think it's fine because we do not see an impact or feel an impact in the short term and we ignore all the long term effects, blaming our long term concerns on Ol' Father Time. Poor ol Father Time! The truth is, we simply need to get back to that state of being where our bodies recognise a toxin and signal to us so we remember to stay away the next time. It is a supremely valuable thing for your body to have the capacity to recognize (and perhaps reject) something we should not have eaten and give us a tangible signal to warn us or confirm what we already knew. Mind you, I did not bite into that truffle expecting to be affected in such a tangible way. Who does? All I was thinking was I didn't eat too many carbs so I earned the truffle! Next time I will reward myself with some carbs that are enrobed in real Trinitario dark chocolate! I've gotten lots of experience figuring out the best things to eat that are healthy and tasty. I share on these in the NSNG Club newsletter.
The question in the title of this post is something doctors like to recommend. I think it is the lazy way of approaching nutrition. At the very least, it is outdated knowledge. Doctors who are still saying that ought to be prohibited from earning an income practising medicine....no one should earn an income peddling untruths. The days when there were no publications refuting that lie are gone. The evidence is there and the evidence is clear. Eating everything is a no-no if you want to treat your body with kindness and have a body that is not ravaged by disease. Want to know what to eat? I've been sharing ideas in a newsletter. They say it's useful - so perhaps you might find it so too: http://tiny.cc/nsngclub See you on the inside!
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Join the club and get meal ideas that are healthy and delicious!
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
On a scale of 1 to ecofriendly...this is pretty high up - just depends on what it comes packaged in, because packaging matters!
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Kindness is Christmas paper that is recyclable.
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Hear it from a queen herself, Angel Marie. We think, being the kindest you for you means taking care to fight like the King or the Queen that you are - believe in your God-given purpose, and trust God to lead you to it and through the journey to all the goals it presents.
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Be kind
Be kind to your mind. Be kind to your heart Be kind to your soul Be kind to others Be kind to the earth Be kind because you can To be kind is better than to be rich, influential, powerful Kindness is a richness in itself Kindness can do so much more than any influencer Kindness is empowering and powerful
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Join us in the Meta community if you're there!
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bethekindestyou · 2 years
Wrigley's Origin, a podcast episode transcript teaches us the importance of pivoting in business - this is what makes the difference between an optimised life - and one that is not optimised.
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