betrayer-illidan · 4 years
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// I miss him.
Cosy snuggles at the Black Temple. This was before I knew how to make blankets, else I would have put one there. Still, it’s hot as balls in Shadowmoon Valley so who needs one? Illidan’s probably a freakin’ radiator too.
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betrayer-illidan · 4 years
Helloooo -wipes away dust-
//So apparently I’m BANNED from having icon privileges  dunno whats up with that. Hopefully Im not banned from posting too >>
anyway I thought I’d dust this old thing off because Shan’s back. Where have I been? Well I never truly left I’ve been hanging out on my personal blog which has turned into a blog where I keep my fic for another fandom entirely. 
In my time away from this blog though I’ve grown a lot as a creator and as a person, I’m still in college but last summer I got to intern in my field and got my name on a really cool project that honestly saved my life. 
I dunno what my goals are with the blog at current since I tend to RP in private these days but I defo wanted to come back to interact with Shan and the community in general through whatever methods that may be  
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betrayer-illidan · 6 years
-moves close for a snug-
-purrs and snugs Shan back- 
“Well hello there dear, how are you doing?” 
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
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Commission ½ for Shanarra, her demon hunter OC Needle ♥ Look! I drew a man!
If you like my art, consider pledging to my Patreon - your support is greatly appreciated! ♥
DeviantArt | Patreon | HentaiFoundry | Stream | Commission info
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
Shan focused her attention on seeing to the Tauren’s ailing Kodo. It gave her something else to think about for a moment while the shaman saw to Illidan. She treated the animal with ease, and smiled happily as it rumbled in gratitude. With the help of some of the others, she then unhitched the Kodo in question so it could rest its healing leg, and strapped Sho in his place. Normally the beasts would be anxious with such a large predator in their midst, but the Nightsaber was well trained and maintained a submissive body-posture to show the Kodo he was not a threat.
Shan turned at the question, a thoughtful furrow in her brow. She counted her fingers, silently moving her lips as she did so.
“Let’s see… We left Mt Hyjal nine moons ago,” she said. “I would say the symptoms started around night four or five. Each night saw him get progressively worse… Two days ago I healed him and it seemed to work, but the effects waned within a few hours and he was back to… Well… This…”
She looked to the shaman, her wide silver eyes filled with concern and hope that the lady could help.
The Shaman frowned and cast her gaze back at Illidan and focused on him once more before looking back at Shanarra. She thought over her words carefully before speaking.
“Whatever is ailing him it is not physical, but his body is fighting against itself as if he were ill. Something within him is off balance it would seem, perhaps in the city of your people there’ll will be some answer or cure for him. For now all we can do is keep him comfortable.” 
She knew it was not the answer that the Kaldorei woman probably wanted to hear but it was the truth and as much as she didn’t want it to end up that Shanarra was all by herself the Shaman knew that was a possibility.
“Have you considered what you would do if he doesn’t make it?”
Eldre’Thalas (Presundering AU)
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
Sunbathing (NagaAu)
It was a pleasantly warm day on the beach, one would expect that there might be a few people laying in the sand or splashing in the water, however the beach was pretty much abandoned save for one inhabitant and it suddenly was obvious why there was no one else around.
Laying stretched out on his stomach was a rather unusual looking male naga. He had the upper half of elf still like the women of naga kind did but usually not the males. His lower half was still that of a snake and patterned with brilliant purple,blue, and green scales, he also had an impressive fin on his back that was also flared.
He was sunbathing having travelled out of the tropical waters of Nazjatar he needed to spend his days laying on a beach or rock somewhere soaking in the warmth of the sun so that when night did fall he wouldn't freeze to death. It was less obvious unless you got close to him that he sleeping, the tip of his tail flicking every now and then apparently in concordance with a dream he was having.
All in all it seemed that this strange naga wasn't here to cause trouble at all, but his presence and the fact that there could be more of his kind around would be enough to unnerve just about anyone.
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
My Lord… Needle addressed over the mind-link. He bowed deeply, and somewhat theatrically. I have spoken with the Slayer and we think we have a plan to ease the tension between us and your teenage counterpart… A tournament, open to all amongst the Illidari, and young Stormrage.
Illidan quirked a brow at the heavily tattooed demon hunter, listened to what he had to say and gave an amused snort. “The Slayer...Does Illsalyn know you call her by her title when she’s not around? Do you call her by her title to her face? Does she like that?” 
“Back on topic though.” He snapped right back to his serious mode like someone had flipped a switch in him. “I agree I think it would be quite fun for everyone. I know the lot of you have been antsy for something to do while we finish settling this Nighthold business.”
He shifted uncomfortably on his hooves thinking about Illadryn, he just wanted things between them to be better but he didn’t seem to be gaining any ground on that front.
“Yes I don’t know if he’ll show up but it can’t hurt to try right?”
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
angst where character dies: bad
angst where character almost dies but is saved by their s/o and hurt/comfort ensues: god’s gift to the world
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
“DAMN.” Questions for Muses.
BLOOD. -What types of injuries has your muse sustained? What was the worst? 
DNA. -What was your muses home life like?
YAH. -Something your muse agrees on 100% of the time.
ELEMENT. -What is your muse “made of”, what is their character like? Courageous, loving, scared, etc.
FEEL. -How does your character react to a persons touch? A random stranger’s? A loved one’s? A friend’s?
LOYALTY. -Does your character have any loyalty to any group?
PRIDE. -What is your muses biggest flaw?
HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?
LUST. -Who does your muse find attractive?
LOVE. -Does your muse have a “special someone”
XXX. -What’s the raunchiest thing your muse has ever done?
FEAR. -What are your muses biggest fears?
GOD. -Does your muse believe in a god? If so, describe it.
DUCKWORTH. -Has your muse ever thought about committing or committed a crime?
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
“Well Calydus has proven to be an ally so far,” Ani replied. “So I keep him around, even though he is rather annoying.”
They were interrupted by the approach of a rather large Wrathguard. The demon towered over the gnome, but it was apparent he knew who the superior was of the two of them. He got down on a knee, and bowed his head low, before rising to look directly at Valezahr.
“Netherlord, do you require any assistance?” the soldier asked in a deep voice. Behind him, several other felguard and wrathguard stood to attention. This one was obviously their commander.
“No. This is Valezahr,” Ani said. “Val, this is Bulzan.”
Bulzan seemed to be slightly amused by the Nathrezim’s presence, as if he wasn’t sure if this was some kind of power shift. Had the Legion returned to take back Dreadscar?
“Listen up,” Ani snapped in a no-nonsense voice. “Valezahr is my ally. Therefore the rest of you are to respect him and afford him the same authority as me. Are we clear?”
Bulzan’s mirth vanished, and he stared in surprise. Clearly, he had not been expecting to hear that. Ani’s authority was absolute - she did not share it completely with even the others of the warlock council. To hear she was suddenly declaring a strange Nathrezim her equal was shocking to all the demons within earshot.
All of them remained silent, but turned towards Val and bent the knee.
“You have quite the following here it would seem.” 
Val eyed the Felguard will a sense of reservation not because he didn’t trust that this demon was safe but because that was how he always was about meeting other demons.
A smirk crossed the Nathrezim’s face as Ani declared him an equal and Bulzan looked at him in surprise. Reformed or not he is still a Nathrezim and he did enjoy being on top.  He could get used to this and it was better than having to return to Outland to babysit the Black Temple. 
“So Ani is there anything else interesting here to see. I think I’m finding this place quite to my liking.” He says casting his eyes down to gracious host. He was going to have to get used to looking down....that or get her used to the idea of him picking her up. 
Dreadscar Safety
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
// Reminder that while Illidan is a grump and a hardass it's only because he cares so damn much for the Illidari and his family and he wants to see them succeed.
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
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A day will come when I may finally draw my OTP - but it is not this day :D  (Eh, who am I kidding, this is close enough xD)
I kinda fell in love with pencils on CSP so, with close to 6 or 7 references in hand, I started sketching a little something. Then fancy watercolor brushes came out… and when I realized it was 5.30am, Cass-left-hand.exe stopped working close to 3am and not even a stabilizer could help with that embarrassing calligraphy but I couldn’t stop for anything. Although, really, how could I with dat hair????!?!?!? (Now my sleeping schedule is messed up once again but don’t regret a single thing :D)
So here it is, after a whole night of pure and unadulterated fun - a humble gift for my amazing friends @betrayer-illidan and @guardianshanarra ♥ You two are all that’s good and pure in this world and - along with your muses - you deserve as much love as I can give to you. Since I can’t give you my firstborn child, I hope this silly drawing can brighten your day a little - at least for a small part of how you brighten mine with your work :)
Btw, commissions are still open and if you like what I do, please consider buying me a coffee. There’s a 98% chance for you to win my heart and earn a new frend in the process :D (And, in any case, you can always make my day with sending me cow poetry memes. I’m a person with simple tastes)
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
"Illidan, guess what. I did all the housework today... With my... Bear hands." Shanarra grins and holds up her hands - except they are paws from the elbow down.
Illidan had made a noise of acknowledgement as Shan entered the room, as he often did when he was invested in a book and wanted to get to a stopping point  but didn’t want his wife to think he was too busy to talk. 
However at her next words an inquisitive glance peered from the book and towards her. In the next moment Illidan was laughing hard enough he put a bookmark in his reading and had to just stare for a moment. 
“So you did.” He remarks regaining himself. “Was it hard with those claws?”
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
Ani smiled and gestured towards the path that would take them back to the main areas of the Rift. As they made their way out, Ghaagrym made a soft rumbling sound and fell into step next to his mistress.
“Yeah, I get that, we all do silly things when we’re young… I’m sure once some time is passed everyone else will be just fine.”
Dreadscar was less a planet and more like a large hunk of rock floating within the Nether. It was filled with warlocks and demons alike, the demonfolk tending to stick to designated areas adapted to their respective species. The warlocks looked surprised to see a Nathrezim amongst them though; the Dreadlords were too powerful for them to subjugate, and no-one had ever heard of one willingly joining them. Some gave Ani intrigued - and some fearful - stares.
“Weeeeell… Long story short, I was drafted into the Council of the Black Harvest,” Ani explained. “Seems simple, right? We were doing a ritual and unfortunately that attracted some unwanted attention.”
“So this ugly ass pit lord appears and imprisons us here. Some, including me, escaped thanks to the help of a little wyrmtongue called Calydus. Turns out pit lords make nasty bosses. Who knew.”
“Anyway, we had to rescue the rest, so Calydus instructed me to find this,” She motioned to the staff on her back. “He said if I could take the pit lord’s heart, I would become the Overlord of Dreadscar Rift. So, that’s what I did.”
The gnome came to a stop and drew the glowing staff to point the head in front of them. Across a small fel pit and chained to a large rock was the desiccated body of said pit lord.
Val was impressed by the holding the warlocks had managed to secure it was not an easy matter to take a world from the legion. When Illidan had taken Outland after all he had required an army to successfully subjugate Magtheridon. 
He tried not to pay mind to the stares they were getting knowing that it was only because seeing a Nathrezim this close up was rare, at least knowingly. His kind stuck to the shadows and if you saw one in their natural form it usually meant certain death. But Val was not every other Nathrezim and that’s why he was here and not reforming in the Nether. 
“Wyrmtongue are bothersome creatures I’m amazed you got one to behave. They aren’t particularly smart either, give them something shiny and they’ll serve you like any other.” He remarked. 
His gaze then went to rest on the body of the pit lord and for a spilt second Val wanted to bolt off in the other direction because pit lord or not the grotesque display was still a demon and Val knew that could easily be him. 
“I am impressed. Are you proud of the progress you’ve made here then?”
Dreadscar Safety
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
Concern of the Family
The halls of the Black Temple were oddly silent, the majority of the Sin’dorei forces having left the great decaying building when their Princes treachery was brought to light. The ones that did stay had holed themselves in the Sin’dorei Quarter or were Demon Hunters, the Kaldorei on the other hand had never been the mirthful types as all of them were demon hunters who kept their side of the temple.
Demon Hunter quarter was oddly quiet, a tension hung in the air between its occupants. They milled about aimlessly instead of the tireless training that usually went on. Kayn found the somber mood understandable but not to his liking, so he’d been away until a missive sent him back. One of the lackluster looking elves pointed to the big wooden doors at the end of the hall and Kayn understood that this was where he was meant to go.
Inside the meeting room a small number of demon hunters were gathered around a rectangular wooden table. At its head was the Slayer Illsalyn, to her right Needle, and Jace. On her left Kor’vas Bloodthorn, Izal,  and the Soul eater Allari.  Illsalyn’s gaze locked onto Kayn and he had the sneaking suspicion she wasn’t pleased he was late. She said nothing on the matter however and he took his place next to Jace.
“I am worried about the Master. I think we all are but I also know none of us wanted to be the one to bring it up so we’re all bringing it up now.” She puts a hand on the table, her long talon like nails scratching against it idly as she collected her thoughts.
“Everyday we lose brothers in arms to Altruis’ attacks. I know that’s your job  Illsalyn and you’re trying to keep it under control but no word at all from Illidan and that’s what’s most concerning is he hasn’t said anything directly to us lately. How can we trust the word of Veras Darkshadow?” Kor’vas chimes in gaining the attention of the table.
Murmurs come up from the rest about how they too are disquieted by their Masters sudden withdrawal from daily life in the Temple. As they go about this Illsalyn listens to their concerns the majority being that Illidan no longer cares about them, that something has changed. She clears her throat to get their attention and when that doesn’t work she hisses a threat in Demonic “A-rul shach kigon!”
That gets their attention and she flashes a warning snarl at the group. “Have any of you seen him lately, honestly. Because I have you wouldn’t be pointing fingers as you are if you had too and that’s why you don’t hear Needle complaining either.” She shoots a sympathetic glance to the male demon hunter for dragging him into the line of fire with her.
“By the Goddess you are all more concerned that we’re obsolete which you know we aren’t there still a whole Legion out there to fight  and I seem to be the only one concerned that maybe something's actually wrong with our leader.”
“I did notice but I figured it was stress, you know how Lord Illidan gets when we’re approaching a deadline.” Allari says folding her arms none too happy about being chewed out by Illsalyn.
“What about the rest of you? Did you write off Lord Stormrage’s weird behaviour as of late as stress?” The rest of the table nods and Illsalyn buries her face in her hands. “I’m amazed….I shouldn’t be but I am.”
-- It is at Illsalyn’s careful urging that she manages to get them all an audience with Illidan, the grounds of which being they need to discuss the situation with Altruis. Which of course is not a false premise but she is also doing this so that the others can see her worries are not unfounded.  
The group proceeds down the quiet halls into the War Chamber where Illidan awaits perched on the former Lord of Outlands throne. The changes are almost immediately apparent, despite a lack of eyes Illidan looks absolutely exhausted  almost like the act of being physically present was draining the life out of him, his skin was uncharacteristically pale and he hardly held the same imposing demeanor.
Illsalyn felt a small pang of guilt, yes he was their leader and yes he did need to know what was happening to his soldiers but looking at him like this she felt like dragging him out here to make a point was dispicable on her part.
“Shadewing I’m trusting to keep the remaining demon hunters safe. If you do not think you can manage that I suggest you find someone who can.” Illidan said finally after getting the report, his manner of speech slow as if he was having to process every word before he said it.
When they were dismissed the group hung back peering through the crack in the door and watching as Illidan rose to his feet slowly finding his balance and then limped off.  It was hard to watch, not too dissimilar from  watching a once proud nightsaber that had picked one too many fights in its youth and paying for it now.
“We can’t give up on him. He needs us now more than ever.”  Illsalyn urged over the mental network between the group. There were nods and other agreements. Illidan needed to regain his strength and they would make sure that the temple ran smoothly until he did.
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
// oh boy I want to write an angsty piece about the Illidari and Illidan (featuring Illsalyn and the demon crew) We're talking the month leading up to Illidans death level angst here. Stay tuned ;)
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betrayer-illidan · 7 years
Platonic ships are not boring or invalid!
Reblog if you agree.
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