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Time to try my hand at arcane fire
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Oh, you nasty nerds liked my convoluted chainsword bastard blade thing? Have a few more of the implausible things I've cobbled together on the models so far then:
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I promise I'll be back to the format of posting numbered improvements soon lol, I just wanted to share a moment I had - I've been practising skin highlighting and this model caught my eye as I worked, giving me that feeling of "damn ok, I might be able to paint adequately one day"
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Getting back into the groove by making signature Ridiculous Weaponry
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Downsides of a security job - the pay, the hours, the inactivity, the fact I'm a bipedal guard dog for the interests of parasitic billionaires
Upside of a security job - I can literally paint warhammer on the clock
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I have been experiencing the mother of all creative lulls over the past few whatevers, so any energy you can send me to charge my kitbash spirit bomb would be appreciated
Have a Creature of Gender in the meantime. Not sure what to do in terms of weaponry.
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Not to brag my ex-locksmith precision (that's exactly what I'm doing) but it's very satisfying to accurately freehand a barrel drill
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Looking at that video of the motorcycle monstrosity, I reeeeaaally need a turntable of some sort to take videos on lol, it would be nice to not look like a drunk toddler fumbling with my models whilst I record
Any recommendations any of you fine people might have? I'm sure there are lots of options but as always with hobby things it's hard to sift through the cheap rubbish to find something decent
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It's overcomplicated and way too long axe o'clock
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It is time for Gimli to become... Gunli
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Prooooobably finished with the monstrosity that was originally a 20+ year old marine biker, potentially even the first kit I bought with my own money.
Most of the additions come in the form of milliput superfine, my first time using it, and I can confirm it's great to work with. Less rubbery than Magic-Sculpt and seems to stay workable for longer too. I'm restraining myself from adding more details because it's already a mess of shapes and angles lol, but I like that he's ~different from the other larger models I've made so far.
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You might know this.. but I always thought of “kitbash” as a Warhammer term.. then I saw a documentary about the first Star Wars film where these guys were like “yeah we made the models for the star fighters out of a variety of old model parts in a method called kitbashing” and I was like omg that’s so cool
Insanely cool isn't it? Yeah warhammer def can't lay claim to the origin of that expression, I'm pretty sure it's been a thing since models were commercially produced in any scale
I fuckin LOVE old practical work like that - I would sell a kidney to be able to be behind the scenes when those genius people made the props for old sci fi properties. The way they put all the details and greebles on things like the Star Destroyers and the Nostromo to give them such an undeniable sense of scale? So fucking cool, I could stare at those for hours.
I definitely try to incorporate principles like that sense of clutter to make the miniature actually look like a small version or something large - empty space is distracting - but yeah you're 100% right, that shit is a wonderful principle we lost with full CGI
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Another preview of the Undefined Motorcycle Beastie. I've started the sculpting work, mostly to flesh out connections and to give him a mouth full of teeth, because I didn't have any suitable monster mouths for what I wanted.
It's very much one of those conversions that takes way more time than it should for the result you know you won't ever be properly content with, but that's ok! Like the mumuk, it'll be worked on slowly but incrementally.
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Took a trip back to Texas for the wife's birthday, simply had to get some of these guys from my favourite third party store down there.
I love, perhaps too much, the sheer creative variety shown in Warcry and Necromunda kits. It's a good thing they exist - some of mainline 40k has become so bland as it cements into specific design principles for each army, as is to be expected from a large successful franchise, so I'm glad we still have access to kits that benefit from more open creativity AND still have the accuracy of GW moulding and quality of plastic.
See below: an aggregate of the kits I've purchased since embarking on my grand quest to rebuild my old minatures... the quest I did in order to avoid buying new miniatures... yeah that went well
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Working on some new parts for the previously posted creepy-crawlie, aiming to replace the wings with them - right now I'm working on giving them some cybernetic touches that hopefully also reduce the recognisable Tyranid look to them.
If you've got the same kind of pattern-seeking brain rot that I do, you can't help but notice when a conversion has parts that are clearly taken unmodified from another army, and it drives me mad lol
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me in the video I posted: carelessly dropping a model I put time and love into because I'm just that sort of daring avant garde artiste
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Looking for opinions on this... Thing, because he's jamming up my creative process at the moment
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