beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
It feels like people are waking up. Take a deep breath you can smell it. It’s not just the flowers, the trees and the birds. The whole city has sighed in relief when the sun greeted us in the morning with her wonderful shine. It's finally spring
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beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
Poor heart of mine. You care so much, so fast. You trust. Over and over again. Eventhough you have been hurt many times. You wish to be seen. To be seen for what you are. A little Broken and stitched together. But so full of love. A love you give so freely. Just to be disappointed. Over and over again. But you refuse to give up hope. You refuse to stop believing that someday someone will see you for what you are. BRAVE. A brave little heart that refuses to stop loving too much.
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beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
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Follow the path that opens up for you. Even if it might be different. Dare to embrace being different and see life unfold what it holds for you. It is yours, only for you. So stand tall and own it! Wonderful things will come to you. They might not be what you pictured them to be but they will be what is best for you. <3
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beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
being famous must be so hard they probably have to shave their legs like everyday
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beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
To the people who want to make me whole again
Dear loved ones,
I am not broken, I am not lonely and I am not YOU! Yes, I am twenty-something ;) yes, I am single and yes, I am currently not seeing anyone. But you know what my life hasn’t been this balanced ever before. Did I get sad when I realized that all of my friends are getting married, having kids or are in the process to? That would be another yes. But I picked myself up and brushed it off I am happy for every single one of them and I honor their journey. But I have learned to honor mine as well. Accept that maybe I am being led to a different path because something is waiting there for me, may it be a person or another journey or just true self love. I am open to everything that comes my way and every new experience. I am excited for life and what it has for me. So please don’t diagnose me with depression when there is so much you don’t know. Life is good and everything is as it should be. 
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beyondmyheartspace · 8 years
They were sitting on a bench close to the ocean one night. He asked her about her views on love and She told him she still believes that this one true big love will come her way but she has to conquer the world first. He looked her in the eye and smiled "The thing is that you are very convincing." That's when she knew he did see her fire.
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