biasfreeeducation · 11 years
When Old World History, an A Beka Book fifth grade text, discussed the work of Mary Slessor, a Scottish missionary to Africa, they used the word savage three times. 
Savage land
Savage warriors
Savage tribe
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
A Beka Book's seventh grade text argues that Hindus are "incapable of writing history [because] all that happens is dissipated in their minds into confused dreams. What we call historical truth and veracity - intelligent, thoughtful comprehension of events, and fidelity in representing them - nothing of this sort can be looked for among the Hindus."
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
What Scientists Believe, As Explained By Ace
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
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This gradual change from fish to reptiles has no scientific basis. For the change, to have taken place many transitional forms would have been developed. However, no transitional fossils have been or will ever be discovered because God created each type of fish, amphibian, and reptile as separate, unique animals. Any similarities that exist among them are due to the fact that one Master Craftsman fashioned them all. -Science PACE 1099, Accelerated Christian Education, p. 30
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You're right. 
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No transitional fossils have been found.
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None at all. 
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
"A Japanese fishing vessel brought up the decomposing body of a dinosaurlike [sic] sea creature off the coast of New Zealand. Caught at a depth of 900 feet, the creature weight 4,000 pounds, measured 32 feet in length, and was seen and photgraphed by the crew members. The animal could not be matched with any living species but certainly resembles a supposedly extinct species of dinosaur." This quote, from an ACE PACE, was placed alongside this photo. (Well, not actually this photo. An artist's impression of this photo.)
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Looks very dinosaur-like, I'm sure. However, it was not a dinosaur. It was a decaying basking shark. That's what they look like when they rot a bit. There was a lot of fuss about this supposed dinosaur, until scientists got on the scene and cleared everything up through tissue samples. This happened in 1977. When did ACE write a PACE (workbook, essentially) strongly implying it was a dinosaur and saying it couldn't be matched with any living species? 1989. And yes, it did stay that way through later revisions. 
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
Some scientists speculate that Noah took small or baby dinosaurs on the Ark…. are dinosaurs still alive today? With some recent photographs and testimonies of those who claimed to have seen one, scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence…
Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie,’ for short, has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur. -Science Pace 1099, Accelerated Christian Education
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
ACE, short for Accelerated Christian Education, is one of the three largest extremist homeschool-private school curriculums used today. (The others being BJUPress and A Beka Book.) The curriculum's workbooks, PACEs, have many small comic strips scattered throughout the pages, featuring children attending two church schools. In these comic strips, one school had entirely white children, the other entirely black children. As of 2010, they are still being printed like this.
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
[Is] it possible that a fire-breathing animal really existed? Today some scientists are saying yes. They have found large chambers in certain dinosaur skulls…The large skull chambers could have contained special chemical-producing glands. When the animal forced the chemicals out of its mouth or nose, these substances may have combined and produced fire and smoke. -Life Science, 3rd Edition, Bob Jones University Press
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
[The Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross. Klan targets were bootleggers, wife-beaters, and immoral movies. In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians.   -United States History for Christian Schools, 3rd Edition, Bob Jones University Press
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
The majority of slave holders treated their slaves well.                                          -United States History for Christian Schools, 2nd Edition, Bob Jones University Press
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biasfreeeducation · 11 years
God used the Trail of Tears to bring many Indians to Christ.
 -America: Land That I Love, Teacher Edition, A Beka Book
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