biceps--to-spare · 1 day
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ZAC EFRON photographed for Men’s Health, 2022
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biceps--to-spare · 1 day
"It's also the Euros right now--though that really only means we're busy on the weekends which we usually are anyway...but even more busy than normal! Anyway--how have you been, mate? How are your brothers? Your family? Did you hear Al McWiggin is getting married?" He let out a low whistle, shaking his head.
"Didn't see that coming."
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Cracking Open a Cold One # [Mastodon]
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biceps--to-spare · 2 days
So, Al McWiggin, of all fucking people was getting married.
What a twist, huh? Gaston wouldn't have seen that coming in a hundred years. Not that Al wasn't a great guy. Sure, he was nice. Had a good head on his shoulders. But everyone knew that he was not...the ideal guy that girls were looking for.
Like Gaston.
It didn't make any sense, but y'know what? Good for him. Nora was a cute enough girl, though not Gaston's type at all.
Probably for the best, otherwise he really would be jealous.
"Well, congrats to you both. Who knew Al had it in him, eh?" Gaston clapped Al on the shoulder. "So, when's the big day? I gotta start writing my best man's speech."
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#SheSaidYes || Gastal
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biceps--to-spare · 4 days
Gaston was perfectly happy to be gassed up. That was one of the best parts of owning this bar, of being so well known in town, and, of course, of being an all around amazing guy like Gaston. It never got old. How could it?
Everyone wanted to be told they had a gift.
He rubbed at his chin a little, giving Mr. Jones a shrug. The comment pleased him, of course, but--he wasn't sure if he wanted to keep doing it. At the same time, it had been really easy. Perhaps far too easy to break the law.
Plus, the money had been nice. Gaston did well enough with the pub, but owning a restaurant was expensive. You were basically always going to be operating on a deficit.
"Well, thank you, Mr. Jones, Mr. Smee. I appreciate that. I guess I'm not necessarily opposed to any other opportunities that come up. If they're right."
Right price, right amount of risk...
@apirateslifefor--smee, @captainjamesjoneshook
Big Bucks || Popeye
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biceps--to-spare · 4 days
Gaston: well if you wore just that, you'd certainly be turning every head in the room. 😏😏👅👅
dressing room IG DMs | Gaston & Georgette
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biceps--to-spare · 6 days
Gaston: color doesn't matter you can pull off anything ;)
dressing room IG DMs | Gaston & Georgette
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biceps--to-spare · 6 days
Gaston: you know i am always down to help out a lady in need...
dressing room IG DMs | Gaston & Georgette
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biceps--to-spare · 6 days
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Gaston Jerome D'Avenant -- Prom 2024 "Gothic Romance"
Aesthetic Inspiration: The Bride of Gaylord Hall All too soon, her hopes turned to chilling fear...
This one...very funny to me for a lot of reasons. There are layers.
Date: Anastasia Tremaine ( @ugly-anastasia )
Enchanted Element: None.
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biceps--to-spare · 9 days
The pub was bustling, as it usually was on a casual weeknight. People coming after work to grab dinner with their friends and coworkers. Especially now that it was pride, people were out a lot more. Even the Deer was decorated (albeit, sparsely, with a few rainbow flags her and there.) It wasn't a trivia night, though, so things were a bit more quiet.
Gaston slipped into the booth Mads was sitting in.
"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Y'know how it is. Busy." Gaston took a sip of his draught.
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Cracking Open a Cold One # [Mastodon]
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biceps--to-spare · 9 days
"Oh, it was a grand time!" Gaston crowed happily.
It had been a while since he'd been able to share an impressive hunting story.
The truth was that the birds had been as easy to shoot as a fish in a barrel. Maybe that had something to do with being a protected species and not having any natural enemies. Or the fact they were magical and sentient and more trustworthy. Either way, once he'd found them, it had been easy to pick off three rather large specimens and bring them back for Mr. Morris.
But that wasn't a good story, was it?
"Tracking them down took a few days. Like I said: I know these woods inside and out! Everyone here knows it." He gestured to the broader crowd at the Deer. Most who didn't really acknowledge him, but a few nodded and smiled.
"I'd never seen those birds before so that just meant I had to go some places I didn't usually. And what do you know! I found their nest. I spent a day or two watching their habits, of course, because every time I got near, they took off!
But--I was able to get a few eventually." He raised his hands, imitating a rifle. "Pow, pow, pow!"
@apirateslifefor--smee, @captainjamesjoneshook
Big Bucks || Popeye
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biceps--to-spare · 11 days
Gaston: sure babe if you want we can go
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 11 days
Gaston: idk we could go to gusteau's if you want? i'm buddies with the owner. Gaston: prom is coming up to if you wanna go to that?
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 11 days
Gaston: ahaha that's true Gaston: alright where r we going?
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 11 days
Gaston: over to mine, any time ;) Gaston: i'd love a little sneak peek though...such a tease
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 11 days
Gaston: im sexy in anything ofc Gaston: i can't remember the last time either Gaston: why you itching to get dressed up? i did like that little number you had on last time we saw each other... Gaston: liked taking it off even more
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 12 days
Gaston: nah not really Gaston: i do for town events sometimes ig
So High School | Gannie
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biceps--to-spare · 12 days
Gaston: oh yeah? what about me? ;)
So High School | Gannie
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