big-bad-wilson · 9 years
oneeyedtwohornedwhitewilsoneater answered your question “oneeyedtwohornedwhitewilsoneater replied to your post “Don’t think I...”
meow D)
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I’ll be your kitty cat.
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
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Ha! Awwww, is the little mime angry? Relax! You definitely won’t agree to a ghost study anyway so I won’t even try. I’m just here to warn you, you better watch out for any other shady scientists around here. Someone might harvest you for nightmare fuel or worse. You’re lucky I still have a sliver of a conscience though, because I might have done the same thing! Can’t have enough of the stuff. So just... be careful, alright?
Having a WISP of a time aren't you Mimey? Hahahaha! Might as well beg for mercy from the higher ups. It's your only option by now I'd say. And I know what you're thinking. No sweat! I do it all the time, and look at me! Never a single scratch on me, can you believe it?
Of all the potential visitors he could’ve gotten at this particular point in time, this one shows up. He’s not allowed to be miserable in front of Wilson, lest he take this and… do whatever with it.
The mime just sticks out his tongue, crossing his arms defensively. Of course Wilson begs to the “higher ups!!” That seems just like him!
Flicks the tip of his nose. He probably didn’t feel it, but nonetheless it expressed his disdain well enough. Shoo!
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Do you think you're better than the other Wilsons? Why or why not?
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Yes Krampus, but not just that, I think I’m better than the other survivors. I may have an infestation of your kind in my camp. But hey, it’s better than starving, right? And it’s not like you’re that bad of company. I’d say I’d have a problem if you weren’t here actually. Let me give you a hint on how to survive when you’ve literally got the whole island against you. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, then you’re better off dead! 
Don’t relay that information to anyone else you hear?! Especially don’t tell them that I said it!
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Would you rather have plaid hair or plaid skin?
Errr..... Can I choose neither? But if someone backed me up in a corner I’d have to go for hair. At least you can put a hood on i-i-.... This is dumb!! Why would you ask this to a WILSON of all people?!! You think I like my hair messed up more than it already is?!
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
oneeyedtwohornedwhitewilsoneater replied to your post “Don’t think I HAVEN’t heard of what’s hip these days. Apparently...”
looks like a house cat to me
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Grrrr!!! How’s that for house cat sounds, hm??
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
"But if you are such a rarity, then why is like 80% of the island's population composed of Wilsons?"
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Must’ve been Jaguars dressed like me. What else could they be? Either that, or Maxwell is a big fan! I can’t help it if I’m that much likable.
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
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Don’t think I HAVEN’t heard of what’s hip these days. Apparently yesterday everyone was talking about animal costumes. So! Before any one of you gumpies jumps into conclusions of what a Wilson SHOULD be, I’m just going to go ahead and speak for us all. WE’RE JAGUARS! Not house cats!! Melanistic Jaguars!! Because those are rare, occurring in only six percent of the total population! And who are you going to find anywhere near the gem rarity that I am?
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
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So yes, I’ve done some thinking annnd... maybe you Krampus aren’t so bad. I should probably stop ignoring you. So here I am! Ready to update you on whatever I’m doing or have been for the past what.... year? Yeah I already built everything I need. My camp is practically a base of operations now. Actually, I’m ON Maxwell’s throne as we speak, I already beat him at his own game-
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-COUGH COUGH-.... ok! -HACK!- fffound it on the -COUGH- ... floor!
I’m... not actually anywhere near him. Merciful lord that was awful!
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
“OOf….. That’ll do … I didn’t deserve that one I’m pretty sure of that. But I get it. You want me to stop talking right? So you’ll get the chance to say my compliment? The one that’s meant for me? I completely understand, I mean what makes friends great is how understandable they are of each other, right? So I should understand that I need to give you some time to think, and you should understand that I don’t like being smacked on the face. Deal?? …. I’ll just go ahead and shield my face with my hands to seal the frienship deal for us both."
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Wilson pressed a hand on his lips and snickered, grinning wide in response "Oh Westcott. Youre a riot! Also a little on the creepy side, I mean if you expect saying that was in any way near the range of what's normally said to friends. Caves getting into your head? I assumed as much. When are you going to get out of there anyway? It's been a while, sunshine."
Hey hey hey! It's your favorite Wilson! Or I better be. I mean of course I am! You dont even have to answer that, I already know what's on your mind!
“Then you’d know all the terrible things I’m thinking of doing to you. Like breaking that nose of yours.”
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Ouch!! Alright alright, I'll let that pass. I get it! But you know, I was using the term positively and that's all that counts. I wont expect a thank you or any of that though, thats what friends are for! To compliment each other, so now it's your turn. Hit me with all youve got! N-not literally of course....
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
WOAH there, tough stuff. Youre making my knees quiver.
What are you, exactly? - a-modern-mime
I’m a
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
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“How may I help you?”
A modern witch trying to make it by in Hereafter by paying rent, but is always ready to give a helping hand. She seems to have a history in running into some danger, though.
Fandomless OC, indie RP blog
Urban Supernatural Setting
Mun and Muse are over 18
Mun had over 12 years of RP experience, 2 with Tumblr
Very Semi-Selective
OC and Canon Friendly 
Friendly to all races, genders, etc 
Please read the Rules and About!
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Hey!! Who said spoiled brats have no place in this world anyway? I mean look at Maxwell. He's practically the leader of all the island spoiled brats, him being the biggest of them all and you following up as close second. You should be proud of that title!
big-bad-wilson replied to your post: Why are you so cute? :<
You spoiled brat.
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
"Such a grump, you are."
Are you still alive? This letter is as old as my grandmother. You think being forced into Maxwell’s hell doesn’t warrant at LEAST a frown or two?! Or maybe a moleworm in your pants? Too late buddy.
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big-bad-wilson · 9 years
Because I’m way more worth than the rest of you ninnies, I decided to ignore everybody! You wanna be important enough to get attention from me? Try acting like it first! Haah!!
Just kidding, I’m not sure what happened but Now half of you belly suckers aren’t on my contact list. Not that it matters to me at all!
Anyway, I’ll fix that up when I can get to it!
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