bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
- mun name & age: Anna & 23 - muse name & age & god they represent: Elena De la Rosa & 25 (Demeter)  - muse background: Raised in a busy household, Elena had a fierce sense of love for her family. As the oldest of five, she always felt responsible for her brothers and sisters, watching over them on the school yard, helping them with homework once they got home. When her parents worked late, she did what she could to prepare a balanced meal for everyone to enjoy. While the family could certainly afford a babysitter or nanny, Elena had opposed such an offer by her parents. She was more than capable of taking care of her siblings while they were away. And time after time, she proved herself right. She handled her brother’s asthma attack calm and composed. She removed plenty of splinters and patched enough scrapes. It was something that just came naturally to her. Her heart was filled for love for her family. Even as she graduated high school and had plenty of opportunities to move far away, she decided to commute to classes as a local university, pursuing a degree in Environmental studies.  When she was about halfway done with her undergraduate degree, Elena had met a man whom she currently refuses to acknowledge. Their relationship had been more of a fling than anything else, but it had left her pregnant. When telling him the news, he was upset, claiming that he wanted no part of his child’s life. With a little intervention by her lawyer father, her baby’s father wrote off any parental claim before their daughter was even born. Isabella De la Rosa was brought into this world, and immediately adored by her mother. Elena continued her education, worked part-time at a local greenhouse, and raised her daughter with the same ferocity as she had expressed when she was younger. Now, 25 and working for an environmental advocacy group, Elena still makes time for a weekly dinner with her family, and still reads a story to Isabella every night.  - did you read the rules? (be honest) yeah but it’s okay if he still wants to strike me down
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Demeter has been reserved. 
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Bunny, 21 Zephyr von Fürstenberg, 22 , (Eros)
Eros was reborn as Zephyr von Fürstenberg in Donaueschingen he is born to a aristocratic family but being the youngest out of ten siblings he had no chance to see a sliver of the fortune they had. He often got in trouble for showing up to affairs dressed as a woman or blatantly disobeying his parents and nannies when he was younger. He still keeps his appearance quite ambiguous, thoroughly enjoying the confusion it can bring . When he was old enough he headed off to America- New York City where the streets were always busy with people and no one knew who he was.  he took a job as a match maker, owning a small hole in the wall store which doubles as a house on the upper loft. He isn’t always the most honest with his customers always seeming to only tell them positive news and neglecting to tell them anything that seemed negative in his eyes. He is judged quite harshly by his older siblings with his job of choice (and the whole dressing as a woman thing) but he really doesn’t mind too much as long as his customers are happy. He is only known by word of mouth but he does get quite the foot traffic. Ironically he is clueless when it comes to romance involving himself often mistaking signs or thinking others much more innocent than their intentions. Despite the front Zephyr puts up he knows he is beautiful and is more than a little narcissistic once you get to know his personally. -Yes but you could still shock me if you wanna
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
K and I’m 19
Nico De Luca | 23 | Hermes 
- muse background (career, family, personality, fun facts, w/e) 
Nico is one of many sons born into a family of Italian immigrants, and you wouldn’t find any hints in his name but he really is Hermes reborn. Raised by his father and grandparent, as well as his several older brothers and sisters, Nico grew a variety of interests, as well as an inventive and cunning nature that promised he could outwit just anyone if he really tried.  Currently, you could say he’s a bit of a social media influencer. You can catch him on Twitter or YouTube, traveling around on sponsored trips and sharing the news on daily hot gossip. While having a more subtle career as a budding poetry author and other forms of literature, which is overshadowed by the busier aspect of his life. That being said though, if you want Nico to spill some tea for you, he will. 
Social butterfly, probably down to do anything twice, total flirt with men and women alike sometimes because he likes to try all the flavors- and it’s all wrapped up in one sexy Italian package with winged converse on. 
- did you read the rules? (be honest)
Yes, pls don’t strike me. 
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Persephone 💐
 Whaddup I’m K I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how to read
Perscilla Valentina Cortez | 24 | Persephone
Percilla was raised by her grandmother and her single mom who worked a majority of the time. Without a father and her mother working several jobs to provide, her Grandmama taught Percilla all her life lessons. From strong morals, to empathy for others, sewing and cooking- she also taught her how to garden, which would become a passion for her for years to come. 
She owns a small but beautiful floral arrangement shop (The Secret Garden) in New York, known for its work for all occasions and happy customers, but also for Perscilla herself, who takes the time to help every client and care for every flower - both in shop and in the rooftop greenhouse. From weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and birthdays to bouquets bright enough to cheer up anyone’s hospital bedside, their work is stunning despite their small size. 
You’ll know her the moment you see her, with kind eyes and a smile as warm as the sun on a spring day. Tan freckled skin and curly brown hair, the beauty mark by her left eye, she’s as gorgeous as the flowers and spends her days working hard to support herself now like Grandmama used to always tell her when she was young. 
- did you read the rules? (be honest)
no I want daddy Zeus to strike me (I’m kidding yes I read them)
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
- Dia 21 (22 in late March)
- Ambrosia Venus Urania (Aphrodite) (25)
- Ambrosia grew up on the shitty side of town with her mother alone because her deadbeat biological father was already married when he fooled around with her mother. Still he sent them a good amount of money until she was 16 suddenly he stopped therefore to support herself and her mother she went to get a job. At first it was the usual fast food and retail jobs, until while working at the latter some high profiled man took an interest in her beauty. One thing led to another and she was making bank posing on magazines as the most beautiful woman of the month, then a year. Doing interviews, getting invited to prestigious events, going on luxurious dates with men who wouldn’t dare give her the time of day if she was ugly.
All good things come to an end though, as other woman got the title that once was hers, these days many years later she still does modeling gigs but refuses to actually work finding it beneath her. So she scored herself a husband named Hector and from that has a 5 year old named Eric who she would murder anyone for if they looked at him the wrong way. She doesn’t care about Hector though since secretly she’s been looking for another much better man to love her as he use to.
- I did or Zeus may strike me down now!
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Hermes and Persephone have been reserved!
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Aleaha & 21
Diondre Baptiste Simmons & 23 (Dionysus) 
New York City has been the home of the Simmons family for generations. The eldest son of the family married a beautiful French woman. She died during Diondre’s birth and hadn’t had a chance to produce any other heirs. Diondre’s father expected him to take the high position in society as the eldest son and therefore raised him sternly. 
When it came time for Diondre to take his father’s position he declined -- much to the surprise of the family. Instead he took his inheritance and moved out to the country, where he now owns an orchard. The wine business has been very good to him, and the Bacchus Winery is thriving. 
As you can expect Diondre’s life is full of luxury, women, and leisure time. When he’s not working on a new flavor he is flirting with the lovely women of New York City… and men, too, when he’s feeling spicy. Permanent love doesn’t seem to be in his future. 
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Aleaha & 21
Heidi Basileia Rutherford & 26 (Hera)
Hera was reborn as Heidi Rutherford; the lone daughter of two wealthy London aristocrats. As a young girl she was given whatever her heart desired by her devoted parents. The pride and joy of the family was a title she didn’t take lightly -- after spending her entire childhood idolizing her parents and their marriage, she was determined to gift the Rutherford name with another happy generation. 
This didn’t go so well. In her early twenties, after college, she was courted by a mysterious bachelor. Just as it typically goes, Heidi fell in love and was heartbroken when the man stole a majority of her funds and left. Much to her surprise she had been impregnated during this encounter and, nine months later, granted a son to cope with her loss. She named him Alex.
After a few years of recovering at her parent’s estate the mother and child took a risk and moved to New York City. Heidi started an independently owned bridal business under the name Peacock Bridal. The lower department of her store hosts her many dresses -- all hand-made with her perfect attention to detail. Above this is a small studio where she not only creates her gowns, but plans a few weddings for those who seek her council. Already she has made a name for herself in the industry and continues to grow in popularity. 
Alex is in first grade and frequently receives gifts from his grandparents despite his consistent visits to timeout. Heidi believes it is natural for a young boy to experience some frustrations but this… this is a lot. 
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bigfatgreekrp-blog · 5 years
Imma B Hades
Rachelle, 26 Name: Aidoneus Clymenus Pluto II (Hades) Age: 28
Hades is a young CEO at his Company Under World (UW) which is more or less the leading luxury Jewelry resale company in North America & Brazil, & Taiwan. The company is based on the Greek God Hades, who was known for being the God of Riches, and the King of the Under World. Recently, the company has started launching products like luxury cell phones, tablets, and headphones. To no one’s surprise, it took off, and demand for the company’s electronic supplies have never been higher. They’re also planning to launch luxury furniture, soon. Hades Inherited the company from his father’s unexpected, and sudden death when Hades was 14. He was the only living heir, with no mother to speak off. People think the way his father disappeared was under mysterious circumstances. Some rumors even spread that Hades himself killed his father. That’s where his nickname came from. Hades: God of the Dead. Hades himself found it funny, since Hades was never the God that killed anyone in history, so he took the nickname over his real one. Hades in the press is very different from Hades in his personal life. The two are strikingly different in fact. The dressed up CEO can straight up look homeless, a mess, and overworked all at once. He’s actually very easy to get along with over all, if only he’s spoken to. People may think he’s scary, but he’s mostly a quiet dude who has head everywhere else.
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