bighairybuffmen69 · 9 months
“Also using it as an insult is outdated, inaccurate, and lazy”
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The same things can be said about the r slur, yet Viv’s had no problem with putting that in her work 💀.
It’s understandable that she wouldn’t like the fanfic criticism, but I just think it’s hypocritical to describe any insult as “outdated, inaccurate, and lazy” when she used “retarded” as a punchline.
Also, I know some opinions may differ, but I don’t think the characters being gay is why Helluva Boss feels like a fanfic. I think it feels like a fanfic because season 2 shoehorned fanfic-y tropes (the main “couple” meeting as children, the mob family thing), Stolitz fan service, inconsistent world building [prisons in Hell???], shallow character writing, and underbaked abuse scenes). Are all of these issues only prevalent in fanfic? No, of course not. Can fanfic be compelling and well written? Yes, of course it can. But let’s be real, Helluva Boss’ writing flaws and lack of planning are kindred to an amateur fanfic. I think the show could have fun if it acknowledged some of this, but I doubt Viv has the self awareness or humility to crack jokes about her poor writing choices. You never know though.
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bighairybuffmen69 · 1 year
RS Went Out of Her Way to Give Hades an Oedipus Complex.
Something struck me as odd when I saw images of LO’s pilot.
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This was Rhea’s original design; she had galaxy skin like Kronos.
When Lore Olympus became a WEBTOON original, her design changed, which I honestly consider a good thing. Rhea was always associated with nature as opposed to space. So, did RS give her a more rustic design? Did she get her signature turret crown, or maybe a lion motif?
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Rhea, (who is described as an EARTH titaness within Lore Olympus itself) was redesigned…to be a pink Persephone clone.
And this isn’t a case where you can argue “oh, well everyone is a Persephone clone cuz same face syndrome, it doesn’t mean anything in-universe!!,” because in the comic, Persephone was established to be a canonical Rhea lookalike when Helios mistook a description of Persephone for a description of Rhea.
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They have fundamentally identical designs, and both RS and the narrative know it.
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On top of this, Hades describes both Rhea & Persephone to be very kind (and otherwise just similar personality-wise). So, um…Hades basically married a fun-sized version of his long-lost mom.
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Which makes this line all the more disturbing.
Hades is interested in Persephone being titan-sized, and I feel like it isn’t a stretch to say this is a sexual thing. The fandom treats it as a haha funny joke, like “aw Hades has a giantess fetish lol 🤪” but I feel like everyone’s ignoring the fact that giant Persephone would look exactly like a pale Rhea clone. It’s not rocket science; large Persephone is basically just Rhea.
And Hades wants to see this….for fetish reasons?
RS knows what she’s doing. She deliberately redesigned Rhea to be pink (when she is canonically an EARTH titaness, and would’ve benefited far more from being a shade of green or brown). She went out of her way to create both physical and personality parallels to Persephone and Rhea, even having a character confuse a description of Persephone for Rhea. She threw in implications that Hades has a giantess fetish, meaning he’d be sexually attracted to Persephone when she’d look exactly like his mom. She made all these story decisions…to give Hades an Oedipus complex. There’s no classy way to put it; RS made Hades fall in love with a clone of his dead fucking mom.
You can’t even argue “oh, well, it’s Greek mythology!” because, correct me if I’m wrong, but Hades wanting to fuck his mom was nowhere in the original myths. Plus, RS has taken measures to remove incest from her story. Persephone is not related to Rhea in Lore Olympus, there is no reason she should look this much like her. This serves no narrative purpose, RS did it for shits and giggles, and it only makes Hades look like 10x more of a creep.
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I’ll end this post with a little spot-the-difference between Rhea & Perse. To make matters worse, this is arguably the most Rhea-like Persephone has looked…and it was in Hades’ dream. So, uh, do with that as you will.
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bighairybuffmen69 · 1 year
Zeus’ Age During The Titanomachy?
This has gotta be worse than LO’s Trojan War continuity.
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We know that Hades was canonically consumed by Kronos when he was six, and would be freed by Zeus thirteen years later, making him between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine during the Titanomachy.
However, this calls both Poseidon & Zeus’ ages into question.
Rhea gave no indication in any of Hades’ flashbacks that Poseidon had already been born. Considering her kind nature, you’d think if Poseidon existed prior to the swallowing of Hades, the brothers would’ve interacted, as from a logical standpoint, raising them separately is strange and inconvenient. We also know that the two had no idea about each other’s existence before Zeus freed them, so I think it’s safe to say Poseidon was born after Kronos consumed Hades.
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This claim is even supported by Poseidon’s wiki article.
But that would make Poseidon thirteen (at most) when the Titanomachy started.
Which brings into question…
Just how old was Zeus???
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His flashback made him look 17-18
But, uh,
If Poseidon is canonically six years younger than Hades, and Hades was nineteen when the Titanomachy started…that would make Zeus around twelve-years-old at most during this flashback.
Now, to be fair, I know in mythos, a lot of the gods age very fast, but there has been zero indication that any of the LO gods age at an abnormal rate.
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In fact, we’ve even seen children forms of both Hades and Zeus, implying they aged at a normal pace (before their aging “stopped,” which is a piece of world-building LO never really elaborated on?)
And this raises an even bigger question: how old was Zeus when he began sleeping with Metis? Because he was only actually legal (by US standards) for (at most) four years of the Titanomachy.
And even if we give Metis the benefit of the doubt and say she did wait till he turned eighteen (like a creepy old man waiting for a celebrity to become legal to sexualize her), she still slept with a young adult she knew since he was a child.
So, um…Rachel has unintentionally made Metis a groomer (or, at least I hope it’s unintentional). Now we know where Hades learned it from, I guess?
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Sounds like a certain someone here, *cough, cough, BLUE KINGPIN, cough* doesn’t she? Was Zeus “extremely charming,” or are you just attracted to teenagers? 🤦‍♂️
I get RS probably wanted to make Hades nineteen at the start of the Titanomachy in order to parallel Persephone, but by doing so, she disregarded the ages of the other brothers, now making Zeus’ entire story even more disturbing, considering a thousand-something-year-old “girlboss” deity basically groomed him when the fate of the entire world was resting on his underaged shoulders.
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As if 229 didn’t already make this line fucked up enough…knowing that Zeus could literally not have been older than thirteen during this flashback, that meant Rhea was telling her adolescent son to go seduce a grown ass goddess…
It’s clear making Zeus so young was not Rachel’s intention…but it is certainly food for thought regarding Lore Olympus’ piss poor continuity & overall writing.
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