bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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state fair sampler cake.
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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“None of ‘yer damn business is what it was.” He scoffs, avoiding giving an answer. Seems Autumn still hasn’t been forgiven for the whole ‘breaking & entering’ thing, regardless of the situation prior. Stubborn is as stubborn does. “Don’t y’have an actual business to go run?”
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“so i guess my whole love triangle theory was a bust, huh?” 
color her somewhat disappointed. autumn would’ve definitely preferred that than crashing into the nightmare fiasco that was buck. 
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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The third gif/icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to being called cute
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
You are a Hippo!
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Hippopotamus personalities are easy to identify. Of impressive physical bulk, they invariably attempt to disguise their size and ponderous movements. Wallowing in loose-fitting clothes or large tent dresses, their uncomfortable dimensions are the result of a compulsive eating habit. This massive bulk triggers an overwhelming hunger, and a hippo's life is centered around food and its preparation.
Most hippos never really accept themselves for who they are. Traditionally viewed as jolly fat people, they have tried every diet on the market. The hippo's heart is a cauldron of powerfully conflicting feelings and the average hippo loves to wallow in this emotional stew. It's not that a hippo gets angry more often than others, it's just that its emotion tends to be magnified to an outrageous degree. In fact, the wild variety of hippo kills more people than any other predator in Africa, including the malevolent crocodile.
Hippos carry around a great deal of unrequited anger from hurtful experiences in their youth, and although they're generally peaceful they can be aggressive when provoked. Consequently, others avoid them, further adding to their sense of alienation.
Despite this occasionally destructive behavior, there is no bigger heart beating in the animal kingdom. Hippos are loving, warm, creatures who are concerned with the emotional well-being of everyone they know.
Food acts as a salve for hippos' loneliness and alienation, and with their intimate knowledge of it they are excellent chefs and food critics. Extraordinarily fond of children they often volunteer for baby-sitting duties, finding solace in the unjudgmental nature of youth. Hippos are the first to bake cookies for the local school.
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
I want you to be happy, it’s what you deserve, I promise
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
She sniffles, putting the phone down and away from her on the table. Wiping at her eyes, Dove can't help but lean into him, taking comfort in his warmth. "What if it doesn't though? Steak, I--" Her bottom lip warbles, and the tears come spilling soon after, a choked sob escaping her. "I don't want to be alone again, a-and I love him, but I--I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Even with the crying she takes the sweet, nibbling on it in between whimpers.
“Shh-shh…” One hand finds its way to Doves’ shoulder, squeezing lightly in an attempt to show that he’s here for her. At least she’s had something to eat now. Gah, he’d kill to be better at this.
   As soon as the sobbing starts she’s pulled into a sidewards hug, it’s… Awkward but well-meaning, the concern on Steaks face is more telling than his actions. She shouldn’t be dealing with this, not now. Not ever, really. But especially not when things had just started going right.
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“It will get better!” He knows so. It will. It has to. “'Sides, you’ve always got Heavens, ‘n Autumn…” There’s no point mentioning himself, surely. She knows that he’s not going anywhere. Not in a million years.
“Y'have to give it time, Dove.” It feels odd, being the one spouting that line. “We’ll smooth it over when it’s good ‘n ready… Nobody is goin’ anywhere.”
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
She's seated on his couch, knees tucked up against her chest with one arm wrapped around them. Her free hand is busy scrolling through her phone, an expression of exhaustion and pain plastered on her features as she scroll's through all the posts from a certain someone. "...Do you think I'm being unfair...?" She voices softly, eyes already beginning to swim with tears.
He’s messing around in the kitchen whilst Dove speaks, but listening keenly nonetheless. Some ‘choice’ words are grumbled back, thankfully muffled out by clinking of spoon against cup.
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You, unfair? On what fuckin’ planet?
   He returns to her soon enough; accompanied by a tray laden with a large mug of strongly-brewed tea, plate of macaroons to the side. Resting the tray on the table for now, he motions rather sternly for her to put the phone down, if just for a minute. Please…
“No.” Blunt and to the point. As far as the skeleton is concerned, some bluntness is probably needed here. Flowery words have their time & place, and it’s not here. “You’re just bein’ a person. Takin’ time away is better than throwin’ a damn tantrum. It’s strong, bird.” Not that he’d have any quarrels if she did have a public meltdown. Heck, Steak’ll do it for her at this rate.
“Give that bullshit a few days.” He’s prodding her with a macaroon now, insisting that she drop the phone for at least a second. “Things’ll get better in one way or another, you deserve better ‘n you’ll damn well get it.”
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
“Alright, listen up. Am I a biased son of a bitch? Sure am. But let’s try and keep this clean.” He’s wringing out his hat to try and sway his temper. It’s like being surrounded by a bunch of angst-ridden toddlers.
“Stop blaming yourselves for every damn thing!” Words are spoken through a snarl, though it’s seems to be annoyance rather than malice. “Y’could sit there and marinate in ‘yer own fuckin’ tears for all I care. Nice little pity party, huh? Cute, real stinkin’ helpful.”
“Sit down and shaddup.” He’s significantly calmer, though the expression in his eyesockets is unreadable. Warm or cold, you couldn’t tell. “Go home. Think about what needs fixed.”
“You owe them that much”
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
Sitting upon the kitchen counter top beside the bowl of roses that probably belonged to GoodHeavens, was the aforementioned cap that had contributed with obnoxious Daddy Joke in clapping Bonely in the head and turning his nasal cavity into a milkshake waterfall. With it was a note and what looked like a Feng Shui coin with a quartz crystal at its center.
Upon the note could be seen Bonely’s signature scrawl that was mostly legible.
“Hey Steak,
"Yeah, I know this ain’t much of a goodbye but I ran late and you were already out on duty with Heavens when I arrived. But I figured I’d let you know what’s going on and why the pawnery won’t be there if you decide to visit.
"Some things’ve come up, so Sal and I are moving house to go take care of them. I dunno when we’ll be back but I figured you didn’t want to wait that long for me to get your hat back to you. Also, don’t flip the coin while you’re looking at someone. It’ll be awkward. And if you would, tell Dove that Sal and I are sorry for missing her wedding. We were really looking forward to it.
"And stay safe you big palooka. I don’t want to come back and find out my best bud kicked the bucket before I did.
"Best regards from your no-longer-local Hognose,
"– Bonely”
For a moment the skeleton eyed the room suspiciously, only plucking his lost cap from the counter once he was certain Bonely hadn’t somehow booby-trapped the damn thing. The coin piqued Steaks’ interest, but for now he opted to merely twiddle it between thumb & forefinger; finding the note to be much more pressing.
   Immediately he’s sceptical, raring to go back out to the car and see what nonsense the old snake has gotten himself into this time... Only to be left at a loss. Guy might be a jokester, but not when it comes to this kinda thing. What’s so urgent? It’d be a lie to say he wasn’t concerned about his comrade in quips... But neither of ‘em seem game for admitting as much.
   ‘don’t flip the coin while you’re looking at someone’... Well, now he’s just placing it sternly in his pocket, not exactly eager to suffer some (likely comical) fate at the hands of the friendly neighborhood goon again. Steak’s still going to check on the pawnery on his next run, if only to make sure Bonely really has left on his own terms.
Stranger things have happened, so, on the offchance that the purple-clad skeleton can still hear him somehow...
“Be safe, too, y'old snake.”
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
- look who's back, back again. vet is back, tell a friend - diiiidja miss me, steak??? don't answer that, i know you did.
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“-Yeah, great, get the hell out of my house.”
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
His phone buzzes, Dove's text tone playing while her image flashes on his screen. It's a single text, long but to the point. Something must be wrong. [txt] i'm sorry to ask, but could i stay at your apartment here for a while? You don't have to stay with me, I know you're busy, I just need a place to stay for a little while.
The speed at which Steak picks up the phone is impressive. He’s knows it’s her, image or no- Heavens is on the couch, and it’s not as if he speaks with anybody other than those two. Her tone is clear as day, and while he wants to sling curses & insults it wouldn’t serve any purpose.
Being all bark and no bite ain’t my style.
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[txt] yer home right?
No time was wasted. Heavens questioned the erratic behaviour at first, trying and failing to convince his flatmate to stay and simmer down; but the look on Steaks face said it all. Even if the taller skeleton had tried his best there wasn’t any convincing the other to back down… With some (very) brief discussion over the text and it’s sender, the two skeletons came to an agreement.
There’s further delay between messages as Steak stomps through the hall to fetch his keys. If anything’s happened to her, there’ll be hell to pay.
[txt] stay put. i’ll come get you 
[txt] 🐦
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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The 33rd icon in your folder is your muses reaction to having their ass slapped
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
fandom: yokai watch because you were talking about it earlier
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Look at this disgusting creature
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
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Salted Caramel Swirl Pretzel Crunch Milkshakes
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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bigmisteak-blog · 8 years
She doesn't say anything as she approaches, head hung, face shadowed by her bangs. Stopping behind him, she tugs at the end of his jumper, trying to get his attention. She just wants a hug, that's all she wants, some comfort, some care, but--she can't bring herself to ask directly, and hope's he'll just understand. She's shaking, eyes swimming with tears as she stares at the floor, her free hand in a tight fist.
   There are no words exchanged, and there won’t be until she’s ready to share them. Days or weeks or months, he’ll wait… His own fists are similarly balled though and he’s aching to ask her what’s happened, but she’s in no state for it.
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“C’mere…” Steaks tone is unusually soft- and for a moment so is their hug. She’s no pushover, but she looked ready to shatter likemdelicate glass. The gentleness is shortlived; embrace soon becoming tighter, angry and protective thoughts merging into one.
It’s quite some time before his grip loosens, and even then he’s reluctant to let go of her… But eventually she’s guided over to the sofa, no choice in the matter. Steak refrains from bombarding her with questions still, but it’s clear to see that it’s a strain to do so.
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“If you need anythin’, I’m here, bird. Nothin’s gonna change that.”
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