bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 15 hours
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Girls’ night was turning out to be so much fun. Adria sat cross-legged on one of the beds, a vibrant, fruity drink in hand—courtesy of Kotake and Koume. The sweet burn of the alcohol gave her a light buzz, just enough to make her laugh more freely and sink into the carefree atmosphere of the night. It was exactly what she needed.
The twins had been regaling her and Zelda with stories from their youth, and it was hilarious to hear how different they were in their relationships. Adria couldn’t believe it when they casually mentioned their husbands, as she had always assumed Kotake and Koume were so absorbed in their roles as warriors and protectors of the Chieftain that they were above romance.
“Kotake, married?” Adria couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. “You’ve got to tell me how that happened.”
Kotake grinned, a gleam in her eye as she leaned back on her hands. “Oh, it’s a tale all right. He was a fishing tribesman, and the first time we met, he insulted me—said my magic was ‘overrated’ and ‘unnecessary.’ Can you believe that?” She rolled her eyes, but there was a fondness in her tone. “Naturally, I had to put him in his place, but somehow, in the middle of all the bickering and fighting, trust was built. He respected my strength, and I… well, I admired his stubbornness.”
Koume chuckled, sipping from her own drink. “And now they’ve been married for over a decade. You wouldn’t believe it, but they’re inseparable.”
“That’s so sweet,” Adria sighed, feeling her heart melt a little. She was such a sucker for love stories, even when they weren’t her own. “What about you, Koume?”
“My husband’s a traveling merchant,” Koume replied with a softer smile. “He saw me at one of our desert markets, the one near an oasis, and fell in love at first sight. It took a little longer for me, but once I realized how kind and patient he was… well, that was it. We’ve been married for eight years.”
Adria grinned helplessly, sipping her drink as her heart ached in the best way. She loved hearing about happy couples, especially when it was unexpected. Her gaze turned to Zelda, who had been quiet but attentive, a smile playing on her lips.
Zelda leaned forward slightly. “Link’s not one for grand romantic gestures, but there was this one time…” She paused, her eyes glinting with mischief. “He tried eating rock roast to impress me.”
Adria giggled, remembering what rock roast was like from the game. “Wait, rock roast? Like the literal rock? Was he trying to show off?”
Zelda laughed softly, nodding. “Yes! He didn’t know it would be so hard to chew, and he ended up nearly chipping a tooth. But he ate the whole thing because he didn’t want to hurt the Gorons’ feelings. It was so endearing, in a clumsy kind of way.”
The group chuckled at the image, and Adria found herself relaxing into the warmth of the evening. It had been a while since she felt this light, free from the weight of everything hanging over her.
But then Kotake turned to her with a raised brow. “What about you, Adria? What’s your story? Surely you’ve had some romantic pursuits of your own.”
Adria snorted, nearly choking on her drink. “Romantic pursuits? Oh, my taste in men has been absolute trash.”
That caught everyone’s attention. Zelda leaned in, curious, while Kotake and Koume exchanged amused glances.
Adria sighed, leaning back into her pillow. “Alright, brace yourselves, because this is a trainwreck. My last partner? A guy I dated for two years, and he didn’t cook, didn’t clean, didn’t work—didn’t do anything romantic. And I mean anything. I was basically his mom.”
Kotake let out a sharp laugh. “Oh, gods, that’s terrible.”
Koume shook her head, grinning. “I hope you kicked him to the curb.”
“Oh, trust me, I did. But wait, it gets better.” Adria took another sip before continuing. “The guy before that? A long-haired cult leader—yes, you heard that right—who convinced me that even though he had a fiancé, he was going to marry me too.”
There was a pause, then Zelda’s face went from curious to absolutely shocked. Her eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape as she stared at Adria.
“You dated a cult leader?” Zelda finally managed to say, voice tinged with astonishment.
Adria laughed, but it was a tired, self-deprecating sound. “Yeah, I know. It sounds insane when I say it out loud. I didn't know he was one at first! He was just... charismatic, you know? Said all the right things, made me believe I was special. And I fell for it, like a complete idiot.” She shook her head. “Looking back, I don’t know what I was thinking. But at the time, it felt real.”
Kotake and Koume exchanged knowing looks, as if something had been validated for them. Kotake gave Adria a wry smile. “Seems like you’ve had some… questionable experiences.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Adria sighed, running a hand through her hair. “So yeah, I’ve been single for five years now, and honestly? I’ve done better with fictional men than real ones.”
Zelda blinked, still processing everything Adria had just revealed. “I had no idea.”
Adria shrugged, giving a small, wry smile. “It’s not exactly something I bring up often. But hey, at least I’ve learned from it. I’m a lot pickier now, and I don’t let just anyone to capture my heart.”
“Wise,” Koume said approvingly. “You’ve grown stronger from it.”
“I’d like to think so.” Adria raised her glass with a grin. “To being single and staying sane.”
Zelda, still reeling a little, clinked her glass against Adria’s. “To that.”
As the laughter returned, the night carried on with more stories, games, and gentle teasing. But in the back of her mind, Adria couldn’t help but feel like she had let a bit of her guard down, even if only for a moment.
It was freeing. But, somewhere deep inside, the ache for something more lingered—quiet, but persistent.
Changing Fate, Creating Destiny - LOZ TOTK Isekai
Part 1 2 3 (This is Part 3)
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What was happening? Zelda couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted beneath her nose. Kotake and Koume, once elusive and distant, were now... casually hanging out with Adria? It was as if they had appointed themselves her personal guards. The strangest part was how relaxed Adria now seemed around them, treating them more like friends than protectors.
When Zelda had first inquired about their constant presence, Adria only shrugged, looking as confused as Zelda was. "I don't know," she had said, "they just... started hanging around."
Zelda, in her growing concern, had asked the Gerudo twins directly why they were spending so much time with Adria. Their response? Silence. They offered no explanation, their expressions as unreadable as ever. It was unsettling.
And yet... Adria, somehow, could get them talking. Zelda had watched, equal parts amazed and uneasy, as her friend asked the two stoic women about their weapons, their jewelry, even their clothing. Adria’s curiosity was boundless and unafraid, an openness Zelda herself would never show around the witches. But Adria didn’t seem to share the same wariness.
Koume, for example, had proudly shown Adria her golden spear, embedded with a ruby that gave it the power of fire. Kotake had demonstrated her twin scimitars, each adorned with sapphires that gave them an icy sharpness. Their faces, usually so cold and severe, softened—just slightly—as they humored Adria’s interest.
There was something gentle about the way they interacted with her, even though their sharp natures were still very much intact. It was odd to see these two powerful women acting like this, their amusement apparent whenever Adria spoke with them.
Zelda couldn’t help but worry. Why were they so attached to Adria? What did they want from her? More importantly, why did Adria seem so content around them? She couldn’t deny that her friend was still very much herself—walking alongside Zelda and treating her like a sister, sharing laughter and stories just as before—but now, Adria had these two warriors practically hovering in the background, always there, always watching.
And then there was the matter of training. Zelda had overheard Kotake and Koume gently—for them—trying to convince Adria to take up some form of combat training. They hadn’t pushed, but their persistence was clear. What were they hoping to achieve?
The lack of answers gnawed at Zelda, but she had nothing concrete to go on. No evidence. No accusations. Just a vague sense that something was off. And yet, how could she say anything when Adria seemed perfectly fine with it? No, more than fine—comfortable.
It was unsettling, but for now, Zelda resolved to watch carefully. She wouldn’t make the mistake of letting her guard down, not when Kotake and Koume were involved. But she also wouldn’t push too hard. If Adria was happy and unharmed, Zelda would allow this strange arrangement to continue.
Still... she'd remain vigilant. Watching and waiting. There was more to this than met the eye, she was sure of it. But for now, she would treat the situation with care. Kindness wouldn’t hurt—but neither would caution.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 18 hours
How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise react to being hit by a snowball?
The Demon King is safely in his castle as the snow falls, or so he thinks… only to be pelted by his SO with a big, thick snowball, SO snickering at his expression.
Here’s how each version of Ganondorf and Demise would react to being hit by a snowball thrown by their SO:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Reaction: Shocked Laughter
Scene: Wind Waker Ganondorf is deep in thought, standing near the window of his fortress, gazing out at the falling snow. He’s lost in his plans, contemplating his next move, when suddenly—thwack!—a snowball smacks him squarely on the shoulder. He turns slowly, his eyes wide in shock, and sees his SO snickering from behind a corner.
For a moment, Ganondorf is stunned, caught completely off-guard by the playful attack. But then, to his own surprise, he bursts into deep, rumbling laughter. It’s a rare sound, one that echoes through the halls of his fortress. The tension in him melts away, and he feels something he hasn’t felt in a long time—pure, unrestrained joy. He doesn’t retaliate, simply shaking his head with a smile, marveling at how easily his SO can bring out this lighter side of him.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Reaction: Playful Retaliation
Scene: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is sitting on his throne, watching the snowstorm rage outside the castle walls. His SO, sensing the perfect opportunity, sneaks up behind him and launches a snowball right at his chest. The snowball explodes on impact, leaving a white splatter across his dark armor.
Ganondorf’s first reaction is one of disbelief—how dare they? But as he sees the mischievous glint in his SO’s eyes and hears their laughter, a rare smirk forms on his face. Rising from his throne, he calmly brushes the snow off, but his eyes are alight with a competitive fire. Without a word, he steps outside, gathering snow into a massive ball with surprising speed and precision. The battle is on, and he’s determined to show his SO that if they want a snowball fight, they’re going to get one.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Reaction: Stern Amusement
Scene: Twilight Princess Ganondorf is walking through the shadowy halls of his fortress, the cold of the winter seeping into the stone walls. He’s focused, his mind occupied with dark thoughts, when suddenly he’s hit with a snowball right on the side of his face. The snow drips down his cheek as he slowly turns to see his SO grinning mischievously.
Ganondorf’s expression is unreadable at first, a stern look as he wipes the snow away. His SO might even think they’ve pushed their luck too far. But then, a low chuckle escapes his lips, surprising even him. His amusement is subtle, but it’s there—a glimmer of something softer beneath the stoic exterior. He shakes his head, muttering something about his SO being bold, but there’s no real anger in his tone. He allows them this small victory, his own version of affection.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Reaction: Competitive Spirit
Scene: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is overseeing the training of his forces in the snowy courtyard of his fortress. He’s in full armor, commanding with his usual authority, when suddenly he’s hit with a massive snowball that splatters across his back. The entire courtyard goes silent as everyone turns to see his reaction.
Ganondorf slowly turns around, his eyes narrowing as he spots his SO, trying (and failing) to stifle their laughter. For a moment, it seems like he might be furious, but then a wide grin spreads across his face. He’s not one to back down from a challenge. “So, you think you can best me?” he calls out, his voice full of mock seriousness. He gathers a huge snowball, hefts it with ease, and launches it with enough force to send his SO diving for cover. What follows is an all-out snowball war, with Ganondorf’s competitive spirit fully ignited.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Reaction: Cold Revenge
Scene: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf is in the depths of his lair, the cold and desolate surroundings mirroring his own brooding nature. As he ponders his next move against Hyrule, a snowball suddenly crashes into the back of his head, sending a shower of icy powder down his neck. He turns sharply, his eyes blazing with fury, only to see his SO barely containing their giggles.
For a moment, Ganondorf’s rage threatens to boil over, but then he notices the playful look in his SO’s eyes. His anger cools, replaced by a dangerous smirk. He steps forward, his massive form casting a shadow over his SO. “You’ll pay for that,” he growls, but there’s no malice in his voice—only a dark humor. He doesn’t retaliate with a snowball, but instead, he grabs them, lifting them effortlessly off the ground. He carries them outside, despite their protests, and deposits them into a snowbank with a victorious laugh, letting them know that while he may tolerate their antics, he won’t let them go unpunished.
Reaction: Confused Amusement
Scene: Demise, the embodiment of hatred and power, stands atop his dark fortress, looking out over the land with a scowl. The snow falling around him does little to soften his mood. Suddenly, a snowball hits him square in the back, the cold shock momentarily stunning him. He turns, a dark fire in his eyes, ready to smite whoever dared attack him—only to see his SO, smiling and holding another snowball at the ready.
Demise blinks, the fury in his eyes dimming as he processes what just happened. He’s not used to such lighthearted antics and finds himself at a loss for how to respond. His SO’s laughter is infectious, and for the first time in a long while, Demise feels something other than anger—something akin to amusement. He crosses his arms, a slow grin spreading across his face. “You dare challenge me?” he rumbles, his tone both amused and threatening. He doesn’t stoop to throwing snowballs, but the look in his eyes promises retribution in a way only the Demon King can deliver.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 19 hours
What would be a moment with SO, that would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise couldn't help but say the rare "I love you."?
Each version of Ganondorf and Demise would have a unique moment with their significant other (SO) where they let their guard down, allowing them to express the rare and powerful words, “I love you.” Here’s what that moment might look like for each of them:
Wind Waker Ganondorf Moment: The Stormy Night
Scene: It’s a stormy night, the wind howling outside as Ganondorf sits by the fire, his SO nestled against him. The usually calm and contemplative Ganondorf feels the warmth of their presence, a stark contrast to the cold, harsh world he’s so used to. His SO is tracing the lines of his hand, a simple yet intimate gesture that brings him an unusual sense of peace. They talk softly, sharing stories and memories, the storm outside making the moment feel even more isolated and personal. As his SO looks up at him, eyes full of trust and affection, Ganondorf feels something stir deep within him. The words come out before he can stop them, a rare confession that surprises even himself. “I love you,” he murmurs, his voice rough with emotion, the words carrying a weight he doesn’t often allow himself to feel. It’s a vulnerable moment, one that shows just how deeply his SO has touched his heart.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf Moment: After a Fierce Battle
Scene: Ganondorf has just returned from a fierce battle, his armor still stained with the remnants of war. His SO meets him in a secluded part of the castle, worry etched across their face. Without hesitation, they begin tending to his wounds, their touch gentle despite the tension in the air. Ganondorf watches them in silence, feeling a strange mix of pride and something more tender as they fuss over him. As they finish wrapping a particularly nasty cut, they look up at him, their eyes soft and filled with concern. In that moment, Ganondorf’s usual arrogance falters, replaced by a deep, unspoken gratitude. “I love you,” he says suddenly, the words surprising even him. It’s not something he’s accustomed to saying, but seeing the care in their eyes, he realizes just how much they mean to him. It’s a rare admission, one that carries the full weight of his emotions.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf Moment: A Quiet Night in the Throne Room
Scene: Late at night, when the castle is quiet and the world outside is still, Ganondorf and his SO sit together in the throne room. His SO is curled up beside him on his imposing throne, their presence a soothing balm to his otherwise restless mind. They talk about the future, about hopes and dreams, things that Ganondorf doesn’t often dwell on but finds himself discussing with them. As the conversation drifts into silence, his SO leans against him, their head resting on his shoulder. Ganondorf looks down at them, his usually cold heart warmed by the simple, peaceful moment. It’s then, with the weight of the night and the quiet intimacy between them, that he softly mutters, “I love you.” It’s an unexpected declaration, one that he rarely gives voice to, but in this moment, it feels right.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf Moment: After a Victory Celebration
Scene: Ganondorf and his SO are alone after a grand victory celebration. The music has faded, and the revelry has died down, leaving the two of them in a moment of quiet triumph. They stand together on a balcony overlooking the conquered lands, the moonlight casting a silver glow over everything. His SO, still glowing from the celebration, turns to him with a smile, the pride in their eyes unmistakable. Ganondorf, usually so focused on power and conquest, feels a deep surge of affection for the one person who has stood by his side through it all. As they lean against him, he wraps an arm around them, pulling them close. “I love you,” he says, the words surprising even him with their sincerity. It’s a rare moment of softness, one that shows the depth of his feelings in a way that words alone rarely can.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Moment: After a Personal Revelation
Scene: Ganondorf has just shared a deeply personal story with his SO, something from his past that he rarely speaks of. It’s a memory that has shaped him, one that carries a great deal of pain and regret. His SO listens without judgment, their presence a comfort as they silently offer their support. When he finishes, they reach out, taking his hand in theirs, their touch grounding him in the present. Ganondorf looks at them, seeing the understanding in their eyes, the acceptance that he rarely finds in others. In that moment, the words come to him unbidden, a rare confession that surprises even himself. “I love you,” he says quietly, the vulnerability in his voice belying the strength he usually projects. It’s a rare glimpse into the man behind the title, one that his SO is privileged to witness.
Demise Moment: After a Moment of Weakness
Scene: Demise, the embodiment of hatred and destruction, rarely shows weakness, but there’s a moment when he allows his SO to see the cracks in his armor. It’s after a particularly intense battle, one that has left him more drained than he cares to admit. His SO finds him alone, still brimming with residual anger and exhaustion, and without a word, they approach him, their presence soothing the storm within him. They don’t try to fix him or offer platitudes. Instead, they simply sit with him, their silent support doing more than any words could. As the tension slowly ebbs away, Demise feels something he rarely allows himself to feel—peace. It’s in this moment of quiet connection, when the usual rage subsides, that he turns to them and, in a voice rough with emotion, says, “I love you.” It’s a confession that carries the weight of his existence, a rare moment of softness from the being known as the Demon King.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
I was wondering. Could I possibly get the reactions of the Dorfs to the SO hiding ask I sent separate from Demise's? Because I want as much detail of his reaction as I absolutely can. >:D
Just for you, I will make a whole new tab for the reactions where I will try to banish Demise from space and time so he cannot interfere. I cannot promise it will work, but I will try for you. <3
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
Tubi is a free streaming service that has Transformers on it, if you'd like to get into it! G1 is my favorite, but I was raised on it. Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Prime... I love them all <3
Koume and Kotake are precious in my series.
Well, they are sisters, right? Doesn't matter that they are twins, of course they are going to squabble and argue. I did that all the time when I was younger with my sibling. Alot. Undecent amounts of so. Nothing on their level, from what I hear.
Hi-hi! How's your day been? :D
My day's been fun! I've been updating the picture of Karina today & she's looking good so far.
I'm currently thinking about actually making a legit picture of her that's almost entirely my own art. I'd use references & stuff, of course, but I definitely need a decent reference of a four-armed woman. I think the biggest issue that I might have will be with her hair & the folds of her clothes. 🤔
I've nearly finished Gan & Nemma's first meeting & only have to type out their fight scene, but other than that, it's done!
I also have other things, but that's the big one.
Anyway, I hope you & yours are doing well. 👋
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Every time I hear four armed anything, I think Sukuna. I cannot wait to see her.
I am tired. Ma's having surgery on Tues... has to be there at 6 am... that means leaving at 5 am... and guess who works until 2 am.... and is the chauffer? @_@ Ah.
Im like focused on the isekai. I want to post it all at once cuz I am much farther ahead now, but I dont wanna rush it. Like... Savor it, but dammit can this go faster.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
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I'm fascinated by the dreams you have. Love dreaming. 10/10 content. Here for more.
About to go to bed, but had this weird dream about Ganondorf last night- like idk really how to explain it but it was sort of like a videogame? And you had to choose different worlds (the different game versions of Zelda) to like- help out and save the specific world in it- I remember going to WW, TOTK and TP but then I woke up to my cat in my face-
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Yo, buddy, Imma need to know what you did before sleep cuz I want that dream. So can I have it? Please? Like did you drink anything? Did you medatate? Didja take melatonin? SHARE PLEASE-
Here, a freebie ->
How does the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise wind down for the night and get ready for sleep? What is their night routines?
Wind Waker Ganondorf (Wake)
Routine: After a long day of ruling and training, Wake enjoys a quiet evening. He often takes a stroll on the deck of his ship, gazing at the stars and listening to the gentle waves. This helps him clear his mind after the chaos of the day.
Wind Down: Once back inside, he lights a few candles and prepares a simple meal, often something like a hearty stew. While eating, he reflects on his day and plans for tomorrow. Afterward, he’ll read a book or practice his swordsmanship in a more relaxed manner, allowing the movements to soothe him.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, he takes a moment to meditate, focusing on his breathing and centering his thoughts. He prefers to sleep in comfortable but loose clothing, finding peace in the rhythmic sound of the sea as he drifts off.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf (Bandit)
Routine: After a busy day filled with political maneuvering and combat training, Bandit prefers a more social approach to winding down. He gathers with his close advisors or allies, sharing a drink and stories about the day’s events.
Wind Down: He often indulges in a fine drink, savoring the taste and letting the alcohol relax his muscles. Bandit enjoys playful banter and laughter, finding comfort in camaraderie before retreating to his private quarters.
Preparing for Sleep: In his room, he takes a moment to reflect on the day, sometimes writing in a journal about his thoughts or strategic plans. He wears light, comfortable clothing, and as he settles into bed, he often finds himself gazing at the ceiling, contemplating the future and his ambitions until he drifts off.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf (Noctis)
Routine: Noctis thrives on intensity and has a more structured routine. After a long day of ruling and battling, he often spends time in the castle’s library, poring over ancient texts or strategies.
Wind Down: He enjoys solitary moments, perhaps with a glass of wine, reflecting on his lineage and the weight of his legacy. Occasionally, he’ll practice meditation or martial arts to release the day’s tension.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, Noctis bathes to cleanse himself, finding it helps relax his mind and body. He dresses in a simple, yet elegant nightshirt, ensuring he’s comfortable. Lying in bed, he sometimes lets himself imagine scenarios where he can break free from the chains of his past, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf (Hedony)
Routine: Hedony has a more flamboyant approach to winding down. After a lively day filled with battles and celebrations, he often throws a small gathering in his chambers with music, food, and drink.
Wind Down: He enjoys entertaining, telling stories, and perhaps even engaging in some playful sparring with trusted allies. Hedony thrives in the energy of others, which helps him wind down from the day’s excitement.
Preparing for Sleep: Once the festivities die down, he takes a moment for himself, enjoying a warm bath filled with aromatic herbs. He slips into luxurious silk nightwear, admiring himself in the mirror for a moment before settling into bed, often falling asleep to the sound of soft music.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf (Vendettas)
Routine: Vendettas has a more intense, brooding routine. After a day filled with strategy and power plays, he often takes time alone to process his thoughts. He walks through the castle’s grounds or the nearby wilderness, allowing nature to soothe him.
Wind Down: He might light a fire in his chambers, sitting quietly and contemplating the weight of his ambitions. Sometimes he writes letters to those he cares about or practices his magic to release built-up energy.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, Vendettas performs a cleansing ritual, ensuring his space is charged with positive energy. He dresses in a simple, comfortable tunic, often surrounded by the faint glow of his magic as he falls asleep, dreaming of battles yet to come.
Routine: Demise has a darker, more ritualistic routine. After a day of exertion and plotting, he often retreats to a private chamber filled with relics and symbols of his power.
Wind Down: He may spend time meditating in darkness, reflecting on his past and his desires for the future. He revels in the energy of hate and ambition, using it to fuel his thoughts.
Preparing for Sleep: Before resting, he performs a ritual to reaffirm his strength, sometimes invoking his darker powers. He wears minimal clothing, preferring to feel unencumbered. Lying in bed, he often stares at the ceiling, contemplating his existence and waiting for the moment to unleash his wrath upon the world once more.
In summary, each Ganondorf and Demise has their unique way of winding down, influenced by their personalities and experiences, creating a rich tapestry of routines that reflect their individual natures.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
I do not have the day before off, sadly. I'm going to work a bit on Sunday so I can leave early Monday so I can sleep enough to not be dead inside.
Thank you??? So much??? Im very fond of my little isekai.
Koume and Kotake get better in my world, promise. TBH, they only act like this in the beginning... as they know nothing else about outsiders. They were trained to be kinda standoffish and the like. They get a big character update in the coming season <3
(it helps that Adria's abilities and magic also ties in with the personality changes hahahahah)
Hi-hi! How's your day been? :D
My day's been fun! I've been updating the picture of Karina today & she's looking good so far.
I'm currently thinking about actually making a legit picture of her that's almost entirely my own art. I'd use references & stuff, of course, but I definitely need a decent reference of a four-armed woman. I think the biggest issue that I might have will be with her hair & the folds of her clothes. 🤔
I've nearly finished Gan & Nemma's first meeting & only have to type out their fight scene, but other than that, it's done!
I also have other things, but that's the big one.
Anyway, I hope you & yours are doing well. 👋
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Every time I hear four armed anything, I think Sukuna. I cannot wait to see her.
I am tired. Ma's having surgery on Tues... has to be there at 6 am... that means leaving at 5 am... and guess who works until 2 am.... and is the chauffer? @_@ Ah.
Im like focused on the isekai. I want to post it all at once cuz I am much farther ahead now, but I dont wanna rush it. Like... Savor it, but dammit can this go faster.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
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Convincing Adria to come to the sleepover had been much easier than Zelda anticipated. When she mentioned that Kotake and Koume would be joining them, Adria looked relaxed, even excited. She had smiled at the idea of a night spent with friends, and for the first time in days, Zelda saw a spark of the carefree Adria she had grown fond of. With that, Zelda threw herself into preparing the perfect evening.
She chose a side room off the Grand Hall—an elegant yet cozy space, which she had decorated with plush blankets, pillows, and all the delicate, feminine touches she could think of. Candles lined the room, casting a soft glow over the beds and tables filled with snacks. It felt warm and welcoming, an intimate retreat from the formalities of the castle.
When the night arrived, Adria followed Zelda into the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Kotake and Koume already lounging in their nightclothes. The warriors were more relaxed than Zelda had ever seen them, dressed in simple robes, their sharp edges softened by the dim candlelight.
“Adria,” Kotake greeted with a nod. “We were just wondering when you’d show.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Adria said, smiling as she settled in at the low table laden with drinks and snacks. She helped herself to a little cake, nibbling as she glanced around the room. “This looks amazing, Zelda. You really outdid yourself.”
Zelda sat beside her, grateful for Adria’s enthusiasm. But now that everyone was here, she felt a little uncertain about how to get things started. Thankfully, Adria took the lead.
“So,” Adria said, popping the rest of the cake into her mouth, “how do we kick this off? Stories? Games? Snacks? What’s the vibe?”
Kotake raised an eyebrow. “Games, you say? What kind of games are you familiar with?”
Adria chuckled, leaning back with a smirk. “Oh, the usual. Two Truths, One Lie. Truth or Dare. Maybe some board games if we had them. But I was also thinking, we could just share stories first. Break the ice, you know? I’ve got a good one.”
Koume, who had been quietly sipping tea, looked intrigued. “Stories could be a good way to start. Go on, Adria.”
Adria grinned, already warming up to the idea. “Okay, so… my first sleepover as a kid was an absolute disaster.” She laughed, shaking her head. “I was about six or seven, and I was so excited to stay over at my friend’s house. I had my pajamas, my favorite stuffed animal, the whole kit. But there was one thing I forgot—my baby blanket.”
Kotake and Koume listened with interest, and even Zelda found herself leaning in, smiling.
“Now, this blanket was my whole world,” Adria continued, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. “I couldn’t sleep without it, couldn’t go anywhere without it. So, when I realized I’d left it at home, I freaked out. I’m talking full meltdown. I cried, I screamed, I begged for my mom to come get me. It was so bad that she had to pick me up and bring me home that same night. Needless to say, my first sleepover never really happened.”
Zelda couldn’t help but giggle at the mental image, and even Kotake let out a low chuckle.
Adria sighed dramatically, resting her chin in her hand. “I was such a crybaby back then. Honestly, I still am sometimes.”
Koume smirked. “Sounds like you’ve grown a bit since then, though.”
“I’d like to think so,” Adria said with a playful wink. “At least now, I don’t need a baby blanket to survive the night.”
Kotake snorted. “Well, if you start crying tonight, don’t expect me to bring you a blanket.”
Zelda laughed softly, feeling the tension in the room melt away. The casual banter between Adria and the twins was surprising, yet comforting. It seemed they had already formed a bond, even if Adria had been avoidant of them before. This sleepover was off to a better start than she could have hoped.
Zelda took a sip of her tea and glanced around the circle. "Alright, Adria broke the ice. What about you two?" she asked, looking at Kotake and Koume. "I’m sure you’ve got some interesting stories to share from the Gerudo desert."
Kotake smirked, glancing at Koume. “Oh, we have plenty. But I suppose I’ll tell one from when we were younger.”
Koume gave a knowing smile and leaned back, ready to listen as Kotake began her story. “When we were just girls training with the Gerudo warriors, we had a… habit of causing mischief. One time, we stole some of our instructor’s weapons, enchanted them with minor spells to make them move on their own, and sent them after some of the newer recruits. It caused absolute chaos. The poor girls thought the swords were possessed. I’ve never seen so many people run screaming.”
Koume chuckled at the memory. “Needless to say, we were in quite a bit of trouble afterward.”
Zelda laughed, imagining the scene. “You two sound like quite the troublemakers.”
Kotake smirked. “We were. Still are, if I’m being honest.”
Adria grinned. “I can see that. Remind me to stay on your good side.”
The laughter that followed was easy, and for the first time in a while, Zelda felt like everything was right again. Adria was relaxed, smiling, and engaged. This was the friend she had been missing—the one who could joke and laugh, free from whatever weight had been pressing down on her.
As the conversation flowed, the room filled with the warmth of shared stories and gentle teasing. For tonight, at least, Zelda hoped they could find some peace.
But in the back of her mind, Zelda knew that sooner or later, the real topic of the night would have to surface. Kotake and Koume hadn’t come here just for fun—they wanted to find out what was going on between Adria and Ganondorf.
Zelda wasn’t sure how to bring it up, but for now, she was content to let the night unfold at its own pace. There would be time for everything, eventually.
Changing Fate, Creating Destiny - LOZ TOTK Isekai
Part 1 2 3 (This is Part 3)
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What was happening? Zelda couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted beneath her nose. Kotake and Koume, once elusive and distant, were now... casually hanging out with Adria? It was as if they had appointed themselves her personal guards. The strangest part was how relaxed Adria now seemed around them, treating them more like friends than protectors.
When Zelda had first inquired about their constant presence, Adria only shrugged, looking as confused as Zelda was. "I don't know," she had said, "they just... started hanging around."
Zelda, in her growing concern, had asked the Gerudo twins directly why they were spending so much time with Adria. Their response? Silence. They offered no explanation, their expressions as unreadable as ever. It was unsettling.
And yet... Adria, somehow, could get them talking. Zelda had watched, equal parts amazed and uneasy, as her friend asked the two stoic women about their weapons, their jewelry, even their clothing. Adria’s curiosity was boundless and unafraid, an openness Zelda herself would never show around the witches. But Adria didn’t seem to share the same wariness.
Koume, for example, had proudly shown Adria her golden spear, embedded with a ruby that gave it the power of fire. Kotake had demonstrated her twin scimitars, each adorned with sapphires that gave them an icy sharpness. Their faces, usually so cold and severe, softened—just slightly—as they humored Adria’s interest.
There was something gentle about the way they interacted with her, even though their sharp natures were still very much intact. It was odd to see these two powerful women acting like this, their amusement apparent whenever Adria spoke with them.
Zelda couldn’t help but worry. Why were they so attached to Adria? What did they want from her? More importantly, why did Adria seem so content around them? She couldn’t deny that her friend was still very much herself—walking alongside Zelda and treating her like a sister, sharing laughter and stories just as before—but now, Adria had these two warriors practically hovering in the background, always there, always watching.
And then there was the matter of training. Zelda had overheard Kotake and Koume gently—for them—trying to convince Adria to take up some form of combat training. They hadn’t pushed, but their persistence was clear. What were they hoping to achieve?
The lack of answers gnawed at Zelda, but she had nothing concrete to go on. No evidence. No accusations. Just a vague sense that something was off. And yet, how could she say anything when Adria seemed perfectly fine with it? No, more than fine—comfortable.
It was unsettling, but for now, Zelda resolved to watch carefully. She wouldn’t make the mistake of letting her guard down, not when Kotake and Koume were involved. But she also wouldn’t push too hard. If Adria was happy and unharmed, Zelda would allow this strange arrangement to continue.
Still... she'd remain vigilant. Watching and waiting. There was more to this than met the eye, she was sure of it. But for now, she would treat the situation with care. Kindness wouldn’t hurt—but neither would caution.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
About to go to bed, but had this weird dream about Ganondorf last night- like idk really how to explain it but it was sort of like a videogame? And you had to choose different worlds (the different game versions of Zelda) to like- help out and save the specific world in it- I remember going to WW, TOTK and TP but then I woke up to my cat in my face-
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Yo, buddy, Imma need to know what you did before sleep cuz I want that dream. So can I have it? Please? Like did you drink anything? Did you medatate? Didja take melatonin? SHARE PLEASE-
Here, a freebie ->
How does the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise wind down for the night and get ready for sleep? What is their night routines?
Wind Waker Ganondorf (Wake)
Routine: After a long day of ruling and training, Wake enjoys a quiet evening. He often takes a stroll on the deck of his ship, gazing at the stars and listening to the gentle waves. This helps him clear his mind after the chaos of the day.
Wind Down: Once back inside, he lights a few candles and prepares a simple meal, often something like a hearty stew. While eating, he reflects on his day and plans for tomorrow. Afterward, he’ll read a book or practice his swordsmanship in a more relaxed manner, allowing the movements to soothe him.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, he takes a moment to meditate, focusing on his breathing and centering his thoughts. He prefers to sleep in comfortable but loose clothing, finding peace in the rhythmic sound of the sea as he drifts off.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf (Bandit)
Routine: After a busy day filled with political maneuvering and combat training, Bandit prefers a more social approach to winding down. He gathers with his close advisors or allies, sharing a drink and stories about the day’s events.
Wind Down: He often indulges in a fine drink, savoring the taste and letting the alcohol relax his muscles. Bandit enjoys playful banter and laughter, finding comfort in camaraderie before retreating to his private quarters.
Preparing for Sleep: In his room, he takes a moment to reflect on the day, sometimes writing in a journal about his thoughts or strategic plans. He wears light, comfortable clothing, and as he settles into bed, he often finds himself gazing at the ceiling, contemplating the future and his ambitions until he drifts off.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf (Noctis)
Routine: Noctis thrives on intensity and has a more structured routine. After a long day of ruling and battling, he often spends time in the castle’s library, poring over ancient texts or strategies.
Wind Down: He enjoys solitary moments, perhaps with a glass of wine, reflecting on his lineage and the weight of his legacy. Occasionally, he’ll practice meditation or martial arts to release the day’s tension.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, Noctis bathes to cleanse himself, finding it helps relax his mind and body. He dresses in a simple, yet elegant nightshirt, ensuring he’s comfortable. Lying in bed, he sometimes lets himself imagine scenarios where he can break free from the chains of his past, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf (Hedony)
Routine: Hedony has a more flamboyant approach to winding down. After a lively day filled with battles and celebrations, he often throws a small gathering in his chambers with music, food, and drink.
Wind Down: He enjoys entertaining, telling stories, and perhaps even engaging in some playful sparring with trusted allies. Hedony thrives in the energy of others, which helps him wind down from the day’s excitement.
Preparing for Sleep: Once the festivities die down, he takes a moment for himself, enjoying a warm bath filled with aromatic herbs. He slips into luxurious silk nightwear, admiring himself in the mirror for a moment before settling into bed, often falling asleep to the sound of soft music.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf (Vendettas)
Routine: Vendettas has a more intense, brooding routine. After a day filled with strategy and power plays, he often takes time alone to process his thoughts. He walks through the castle’s grounds or the nearby wilderness, allowing nature to soothe him.
Wind Down: He might light a fire in his chambers, sitting quietly and contemplating the weight of his ambitions. Sometimes he writes letters to those he cares about or practices his magic to release built-up energy.
Preparing for Sleep: Before bed, Vendettas performs a cleansing ritual, ensuring his space is charged with positive energy. He dresses in a simple, comfortable tunic, often surrounded by the faint glow of his magic as he falls asleep, dreaming of battles yet to come.
Routine: Demise has a darker, more ritualistic routine. After a day of exertion and plotting, he often retreats to a private chamber filled with relics and symbols of his power.
Wind Down: He may spend time meditating in darkness, reflecting on his past and his desires for the future. He revels in the energy of hate and ambition, using it to fuel his thoughts.
Preparing for Sleep: Before resting, he performs a ritual to reaffirm his strength, sometimes invoking his darker powers. He wears minimal clothing, preferring to feel unencumbered. Lying in bed, he often stares at the ceiling, contemplating his existence and waiting for the moment to unleash his wrath upon the world once more.
In summary, each Ganondorf and Demise has their unique way of winding down, influenced by their personalities and experiences, creating a rich tapestry of routines that reflect their individual natures.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
You know something that I realized a while back? Because of the presence of Sand Seals, the Wild Era Gerudo have most likely cornered the market on ivory. And without having to hurt their little buddies, either. I remember reading that the tusks of walruses (which is more what sand seals resemble) grow continuously through their lives. Eventually, they outgrow their caps & the tusks loosen & fall out. Now, Google's AI says that they grow new ones throughout their lives, but I'm gonna try to get a second opinion on that one, but if they do, then that, right there, is a stable source of income for the Gerudo. So, it's possible that part of how they began to get a better foothold as a society might've been whatever lead to them encountering & domesticating Sand Seals.
I still wish they hadn't lost touch with their equestrian & horseback archery past, but I suppose that this helps fill the void.
But, yeah. I found that interesting!
So I did some googling:
Art: Ivory has been used to make carvings, statues, jewelry, and other art forms.
Everyday items: Ivory has been used to make combs, knife handles, pipes, buttons, storage containers, and more.
Musical instruments: Ivory has been used to make piano keys, violin bows, and other instruments.
Religious objects: Ivory has been used to make religious objects.
Craftwork: Ivory has been used to make netsuke, which are miniature decorative sculptures attached to inro, a portable box carried on kimono belts.
Seals: Ivory has been used to make seals
Heh... Seals making seals. Heheheheheh...
That is very neat! No wonder they have such a thriving community in the desert. Desert Seals.... very useful in many ways!
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
Woooo!!! I am almost finished with Gan & Nemma's first encounter!!!! *is excited*
Holy moly!! I love it so far, but I still haven't finished the fight scene between them! I've got a couple parts that I super want in it, but other than the first move, the moment after the conclusion, & the general feel that I'm looking for it to have (Shan Chi-style punch-cute), I've got nothing else.
There is something about watching people fighting that is thrilling. Used to be a part of a LARP group that I loved back in college (before trauma and drama went down.) I loved watching them fight, build their weapons, everything. Something... incredible about it.
I cannot wait to see the fight scene! is it going to be in a document or in an ask?
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
Dude!! I've almost finished Vendettas & Nemma's first meeting!
And, I also just learned something about Hawaiian that will definitely cause a bit of interesting character interaction & conflict between the DorfMisers & Leilani!
It's just really interesting because it shows how vastly the perception of what "power" is, can vary between cultures! :D
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Hype hype hype hype-
With great power, comes great responsibility.
What did you learn? Or will I learn it in a future ask?
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
Hi-hi! How's your day been? :D
My day's been fun! I've been updating the picture of Karina today & she's looking good so far.
I'm currently thinking about actually making a legit picture of her that's almost entirely my own art. I'd use references & stuff, of course, but I definitely need a decent reference of a four-armed woman. I think the biggest issue that I might have will be with her hair & the folds of her clothes. 🤔
I've nearly finished Gan & Nemma's first meeting & only have to type out their fight scene, but other than that, it's done!
I also have other things, but that's the big one.
Anyway, I hope you & yours are doing well. 👋
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Every time I hear four armed anything, I think Sukuna. I cannot wait to see her.
I am tired. Ma's having surgery on Tues... has to be there at 6 am... that means leaving at 5 am... and guess who works until 2 am.... and is the chauffer? @_@ Ah.
Im like focused on the isekai. I want to post it all at once cuz I am much farther ahead now, but I dont wanna rush it. Like... Savor it, but dammit can this go faster.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
I love you. ❤️
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Love ya too!
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 1 day
Check your messages
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You cant make me.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 2 days
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Zelda had been sitting peacefully in the castle garden, reviewing the notes Adria had given her on the Zora waterway project. She appreciated Adria’s thoroughness, but her mind kept wandering. It was hard not to notice Adria’s recent withdrawal from both Zelda and the others in the castle. Especially Ganondorf. Something had shifted between them, but Adria was too proud—or perhaps too conflicted—to confide in Zelda again.
That’s when Kotake and Koume appeared.
The pair of Gerudo guardswomen rarely came to Zelda directly, which made their sudden appearance all the more unexpected. Zelda blinked, quickly schooling her face into a polite smile. She straightened, offering them a formal nod as they approached with their usual stoic expressions.
"Kotake, Koume," she greeted, her voice calm and regal. "How may I assist you?"
Kotake was the first to speak, her tone sharp yet laden with something deeper. "Princess Zelda, we come with concern... for Adria."
Koume, more measured, added, "And for our Chieftain. Both have become... distant."
Zelda raised an eyebrow, already intrigued. The last few days had been peculiar. Adria had been avoiding Ganondorf—something Zelda had silently noted but hadn’t dared to comment on. But now, the witches were here, and they weren’t just here on behalf of their Chieftain. Seems they were here as friend, not merely his guards.
"Please, go on," Zelda urged, her interest piqued.
Kotake continued, her voice direct, as was her nature. "We have noticed a change in both Adria and our Chieftain. She avoids him, and he... he grows restless. This is not good for him, nor for her."
Koume, in her calmer tone, added, "It is not our place to interfere in their personal matters, Princess. However, it is our duty to ensure that both remain strong, focused, and united with their goals."
Zelda folded her hands in her lap, nodding slowly. "And what do you propose? What exactly do you think is happening?"
The witches exchanged a knowing glance before Kotake leaned forward slightly, speaking with a softer, yet more pointed tone. "We believe that something unspoken lies between them. Their interactions have grown strained, but neither will speak of it."
Zelda couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Adria. Her friend had always been terrible at navigating her own emotions. And Ganondorf... well, she could only imagine what was running through the Gerudo Chieftain’s mind. He was not one to show weakness, and yet, here he was, affected by a woman who refused to even look at him.
"What can I do to help?" Zelda asked, her voice earnest.
Kotake's lips curled into a small, sly smile, and Koume mirrored the expression. It made Zelda’s skin tingle with suspicion.
"You," Kotake began, "can host a night for women. A gathering for us all—Adria, you, and the two of us. A night where we can speak freely, without the eyes of men or the weight of our titles."
"A night for women?" Zelda asked, blinking as she hadn’t expected that response. "Like a gathering for conversation?"
Koume nodded. "In Gerudo culture, such nights are important. We spend them together, eating, sharing stories, learning from one another. It is a time for us to speak openly and to vent our frustrations, to bond. It is a tradition meant to heal wounds that go unspoken."
Kotake added, her tone sly, "It would be... a sleepover, as you might call it, Princess. But one with purpose. We need to understand what troubles Adria, and she may be more willing to speak among us women than in the presence of our Chieftain."
Zelda’s mind whirred at the idea. A sleepover. It wasn’t something she had considered before, but it made sense. Gerudo women valued camaraderie, and perhaps a night spent in their company would help Adria open up. Kotake and Koume had a point—Adria did seem wary of the two of them at the moment, likely because of their proximity to Ganondorf. But in a more relaxed setting, with Zelda present, perhaps Adria would feel safe enough to express her feelings.
Zelda bit her lip, thinking it over. Could she set up something like that? She could imagine the warmth of the room, lit by candles, with platters of fruit and sweet drinks spread out on low tables. The conversation would flow naturally, and, if she was careful, Zelda could gently guide the discussion toward Adria and how they could help. If it was about the confession Adria had made to her, about her feelings about Ganondorf, it wasn’t her place to admit it anyway to anyone. This would be a good place for her to talk to them all.
She finally nodded, smiling at the women. "I can arrange this. I’ll host the gathering in one of the quieter wings of the castle. Food, drinks, and space for us to talk... and perhaps, to sleep together as well, if the night calls for it."
Kotake’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction, while Koume offered a rare, subtle smile. "It will be good for us all," Koume said. "Especially for Adria."
"And for your Chieftain?" Zelda couldn’t help but ask.
Kotake grinned. "He will benefit in his own way, Princess. That, we can assure you."
Zelda chuckled softly, though the weight of what lay ahead still pressed on her. She wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but if this could help Adria—if it could help her friend find some peace—then it was worth it.
"I’ll make the arrangements," Zelda promised. "And we’ll see what truths come to light."
As the twins bowed their heads in thanks and turned to leave, Zelda felt a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. The night ahead could change everything—for Adria, for Ganondorf, and perhaps for all of Hyrule.
Changing Fate, Creating Destiny - LOZ TOTK Isekai
Part 1 2 3 (This is Part 3)
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What was happening? Zelda couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted beneath her nose. Kotake and Koume, once elusive and distant, were now... casually hanging out with Adria? It was as if they had appointed themselves her personal guards. The strangest part was how relaxed Adria now seemed around them, treating them more like friends than protectors.
When Zelda had first inquired about their constant presence, Adria only shrugged, looking as confused as Zelda was. "I don't know," she had said, "they just... started hanging around."
Zelda, in her growing concern, had asked the Gerudo twins directly why they were spending so much time with Adria. Their response? Silence. They offered no explanation, their expressions as unreadable as ever. It was unsettling.
And yet... Adria, somehow, could get them talking. Zelda had watched, equal parts amazed and uneasy, as her friend asked the two stoic women about their weapons, their jewelry, even their clothing. Adria’s curiosity was boundless and unafraid, an openness Zelda herself would never show around the witches. But Adria didn’t seem to share the same wariness.
Koume, for example, had proudly shown Adria her golden spear, embedded with a ruby that gave it the power of fire. Kotake had demonstrated her twin scimitars, each adorned with sapphires that gave them an icy sharpness. Their faces, usually so cold and severe, softened—just slightly—as they humored Adria’s interest.
There was something gentle about the way they interacted with her, even though their sharp natures were still very much intact. It was odd to see these two powerful women acting like this, their amusement apparent whenever Adria spoke with them.
Zelda couldn’t help but worry. Why were they so attached to Adria? What did they want from her? More importantly, why did Adria seem so content around them? She couldn’t deny that her friend was still very much herself—walking alongside Zelda and treating her like a sister, sharing laughter and stories just as before—but now, Adria had these two warriors practically hovering in the background, always there, always watching.
And then there was the matter of training. Zelda had overheard Kotake and Koume gently—for them—trying to convince Adria to take up some form of combat training. They hadn’t pushed, but their persistence was clear. What were they hoping to achieve?
The lack of answers gnawed at Zelda, but she had nothing concrete to go on. No evidence. No accusations. Just a vague sense that something was off. And yet, how could she say anything when Adria seemed perfectly fine with it? No, more than fine—comfortable.
It was unsettling, but for now, Zelda resolved to watch carefully. She wouldn’t make the mistake of letting her guard down, not when Kotake and Koume were involved. But she also wouldn’t push too hard. If Adria was happy and unharmed, Zelda would allow this strange arrangement to continue.
Still... she'd remain vigilant. Watching and waiting. There was more to this than met the eye, she was sure of it. But for now, she would treat the situation with care. Kindness wouldn’t hurt—but neither would caution.
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bigsoftmarshmallow ¡ 2 days
How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise try to convince Ex-SO to be theirs again?
They really miss them, it aches something fierce. They have to have SO be theirs again.
When the Demon Kings decide that they want their ex-SO back, each version of Ganondorf and Demise would approach the situation in ways that reflect their personalities and the depth of their desire. Here’s how they might try to convince their ex-SO to return to them:
Wind Waker Ganondorf Approach: Wind Waker Ganondorf is more reflective and regretful than some of his other incarnations. His approach would be gentle, driven by a deep sense of remorse and a genuine desire to make amends. He would appeal to the shared history between him and his ex-SO, expressing how much he misses them and how much he has reflected on his mistakes.
Scene: Ganondorf finds his ex-SO in a quiet, secluded spot, far from the prying eyes of the world. His towering figure casts a shadow over them, but his demeanor is surprisingly soft. “I’ve spent many nights thinking of you,” he begins, his voice low and earnest. “Thinking of us… and how I let you slip away.”
He takes a step closer, his eyes filled with a rare vulnerability. “I know I’ve made mistakes—mistakes that drove you away. But I’ve had time to reflect, to understand what truly matters. I miss you more than words can express. Give me a chance to make things right. I don’t want to lose you again.”
His words are filled with sincerity, and though his pride aches, he’s willing to humble himself if it means winning them back.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf Approach: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would be driven by his pride and determination. He would approach his ex-SO with a mix of assertiveness and vulnerability, his desire to have them back rooted in his possessive nature. He would try to convince them that they belong together, emphasizing the power they could share if they reunite.
Scene: Ganondorf stands before his ex-SO, his presence as imposing as ever. “You were mine,” he states, his voice commanding but with an undercurrent of desperation. “And you still are, whether you admit it or not.”
He steps closer, his eyes burning with intensity. “You and I—we are stronger together than apart. You felt it, just as I did. The power we shared, the bond we forged… it’s not something you can simply walk away from.”
His hand reaches out, almost tenderly. “Come back to me. Let us rule together, as we were meant to. I can give you the world, and I won’t make the same mistakes again. I need you by my side.”
His words are firm, but there’s a raw need in them, a longing that he can’t hide.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf Approach: Twilight Princess Ganondorf, cold and calculating, would approach the situation with a strategic mind, but also with a deep-seated yearning that he’s reluctant to admit. He would try to appeal to the logical benefits of them being together, while also revealing the softer, more vulnerable side of himself that only his ex-SO has ever seen.
Scene: Ganondorf meets his ex-SO under the cover of darkness, the moon casting a pale light over them. “You left because you thought I didn’t care,” he begins, his voice low and measured. “But you were wrong. I cared more than I ever let on.”
He steps closer, his golden eyes piercing through the night. “I’m not one for sentiment, but you… you were different. You were the one person who saw beyond the power, who saw the man behind the ambition.”
He hesitates, a rare moment of uncertainty crossing his features. “I can’t change who I am, but I can change how I treat you. Come back to me, and I’ll show you that I can be the partner you deserve. Together, we can achieve greatness—something neither of us could do alone.”
His words are calculated, but there’s a genuine longing in them, a desire to reclaim what he lost.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf Approach: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, with his immense confidence and charisma, would approach his ex-SO with a powerful mix of persuasion and passion. He would be assertive, using his commanding presence to sway them, but he would also allow a glimpse of the deep affection he still holds for them.
Scene: Ganondorf strides toward his ex-SO, his presence impossible to ignore. “You and I both know that we were meant to be together,” he declares, his voice resonating with confidence. “I’ve conquered kingdoms, but losing you… that’s the one defeat I can’t accept.”
He reaches out, his touch surprisingly gentle. “I’ve missed you, more than I care to admit. You brought balance to my life, something I didn’t realize I needed until you were gone.”
His gaze locks onto theirs, his eyes burning with intensity. “Come back to me, and I promise you a future beyond your wildest dreams. Power, respect, and a place by my side—where you belong. I’ll make sure you never regret giving us another chance.”
His words are a powerful combination of promise and passion, showing just how much he needs them back.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf Approach: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf is introspective and driven by a mix of ambition and regret. He would approach his ex-SO with a more subdued and reflective tone, acknowledging the mistakes he made while expressing his deep longing for their return. He would appeal to the emotional connection they once shared.
Scene: Ganondorf stands before his ex-SO, his usually fierce demeanor softened by the weight of his emotions. “I’ve had time to think, to reflect on what we had,” he begins, his voice tinged with sorrow. “And I realize now how much I took you for granted.”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes locking onto theirs. “You were my light in the darkness, the one person who saw the man beneath the Demon King. Losing you… it’s a pain I can’t bear.”
He steps closer, his hand gently brushing against theirs. “Come back to me. I can’t promise that I’ve changed completely, but I can promise that I’ll never take you for granted again. You were my greatest treasure, and I’m asking for the chance to make things right.”
His words are filled with a deep, aching sincerity, showing just how much he longs for their return.
Demise Approach: Demise, the embodiment of hatred and destruction, would struggle with the concept of love and longing, but he would still be driven by a fierce need to reclaim what he believes is his. His approach would be forceful and commanding, with an underlying intensity that reveals just how much he wants them back.
Scene: Demise towers over his ex-SO, his fiery gaze locking onto theirs. “You belong to me,” he states, his voice a deep rumble. “You always have, and you always will.”
He steps closer, the heat of his presence almost overwhelming. “I’ve crushed armies, brought kingdoms to their knees, but losing you… that’s a wound that hasn’t healed.”
His hand reaches out, not to demand, but to offer. “Come back to me. We can be unstoppable together. I can give you power, glory, everything you’ve ever wanted. But more than that… I want you. I need you.”
His words are intense, filled with a burning desire that he rarely shows. He’s not one for soft emotions, but his longing for their return is clear in every word.
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