bionicharm · 4 years
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first off--i’m gonna be dropping my old threads. i just...i dont remember them im so sorry. but if there were any you wanted to continue i’d be happy to if you could link the last reply!
second--im gonna start some new ones. so uh. like this for a starter? uncapped
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bionicharm · 4 years
[To: NINA!!! From: UNCLE] >> DELIGHTFUL NEWS NINA!! >>DELightful news!! >> I've just found us a place where which we can procure all of our supplies and materials for any of our future misdeeds and inventions!! A quaint little workshop stowed away in within the crannies of Fibonacci Ward! They have the means to make mecha and foreign tech!!!! OTHERWORL- >> Blasted character limit. >> Otherworldly things we can only imagine! >> I've sent N. Gin a message too. >> Reply Back ASAP Young Lady!!
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To: Uncle Cortex
From: Nina
>I’m guessing it’s a little too late to follow up on this.
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bionicharm · 5 years
Just because I’m not replying to our thread, or your starter doesn’t mean I don’t want to roleplay with you. I’m just slow. Some days I can write a fucking book, some days I can’t even write my own name. It’s in the drafts I promise I am just slow as hell.
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bionicharm · 5 years
The city is big and populous--and yet, for people who operate outside of the law like her, it can sometimes be lonesome at the very same time. However much that can also be attributed to her general attitude, it does nonetheless mean that the familiar faces and silhouettes she does see are welcome enough, given they’re friendly.
And none can mistake the one she’s seeing right now. There’s not a lot of people she knows with a missile embedded in her head right now. Doctor N. Gin--one of her uncle’s co-workers she actually does hold respect for. Perhaps not the most stable of them, but none of them are really a hundred percent okay in the first place, and the machines he’s created (that weren’t destroyed by throwing wumpa fruit at them) speak for themselves in regards to his mechanical ability. And, unlike some people’s creations, they don’t have a nasty habit of collapsing in on themselves.
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“Doctor Gin! It’s good to see you.” There’s an actual smile on her face as she approaches him, how about that? And, dare she say, just a little bit of excitement? “You’re probably confused--this is a strange place. Nobody here completely knows everything about it, including us--Uncle Cortex is here, by the way. What we know currently is the layout of the four wards, that time back home is halted, and that we can’t exactly leave by our own choice. We’ll have plenty of time to figure everything else out once we’re running things, though.”
She sticks her hand out to shake for a second--before quickly pulling it back. “Wait--that’s probably a bad idea. I calibrated them today but I don’t want them glitching out and crushing your hands. Can’t have that, right? Well...how about this? I can take you over to Uncle Cortex, and you two can shake hands.”
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bionicharm · 5 years
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You know, normal family stuff. 
Continuation of this 
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bionicharm · 5 years
         She has a point there… Kanji’s stopped going to the party supply stores for costumes ever since well… ever since he could sew. It wasn’t that they had a poor selection. Most of them just… didn’t fit or looked too tacky. And being the perfectionist he was, he couldn’t go trick or treating with a plastic bag over his head – not that he judges people who do do that… “Nah, I get it,” he states simply. “Ain’t my thing either. I don’t needa be sexy, I just wanna be cute.”
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         “’course I’ve heard of the Addams Family. Let me guess, ya were thinkin’ of goin’ as Wednesday?” Without her reply, he’s already pulling out all the black fabric he could find. A few with patterns a few with different textures. “Your unc wasn’t very good at sittin’ still, but if we’re gonna do this fast, you’re gonna hafta.”
“Cute, hm?” She glances up, a little surprised--he didn’t seem the type for that either. Though, at this point, she figures it might be time to stop being concerned with what this person ‘seems the type for’--it looks like there’s a bit more going on under the surface than the obvious. “Cute isn’t...normally really my thing either. I’m not really the kind of person ‘cute’ works for anyways, so I guess that works out just fine.”
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“I always was a bit more partial to her, yeah. That, and I don’t think I could really pull off Morticia in the first place.” She lets out a single snort of laughter, pushing herself back off of the wall as her hands fall back to her sides. Conversation’s going pretty well so far--at the very least she hasn’t heard anything that she’d consider stupid out of him yet. “Yeah, I can do still for a little while. Somewhere you want me to sit, or should I just stand here in a T-pose?”
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bionicharm · 5 years
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It’s time for a spooky halloween-y starter call, I suppose. Nina’s going to be attending with her uncle, dressed as Wednesday Addams and carrying a neat little prop skull! Capping this at around 3--thanks for your interest!
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bionicharm · 5 years
         Oh. So she was his niece, he couldn’t tell at all. But the pharaoh guy sure was one of the weirder people he’s had to deal with. Kanji just hope she was nothing like him quite honestly. With a party to prepare for with less than twenty four hours left, he couldn’t deal with another one of those. But if it meant helping another craft enthusiast, he’d gladly oblige. 
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         “Yeah I am. Y’know the party’s tomorrow, right?” Talk about terrible time management. “Get in here, we’ve got a lot of work ta do. You really couldn’t’ve come a few hours earlier??” Without even looking back to see if she was following him, he scurries to his room, immediately pulling out all the boxes of fabric he had. “So what do you want? You can talk and I’ll grab ‘em.” 
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“I’m aware. It’s not like I didn’t check the stores at all, I just didn’t really find anything that worked. What percentage of costumes do you think any given Halloween store has that isn’t ‘Sexy Whatever’?” She obliges his invitation and strolls on into the apartment, taking a quick look around the place. It does kinda seem like he’s got his work cut out for him, huh? “If that’s your thing then I don’t care. But it’s not mine.”
She walks over and leans against the nearest wall, examining her...non-existent nails. It’s kind of a habit she’s picked up, honestly. “Unfortunately, no, I couldn’t have come much earlier. I had things to take care of. As for what I want...you’ve heard of the Addams Family, right? They’ve got that in Japan, don’t they?”
It’s not a thing she knows for certain, but it’s something she can guess at. The worst that’ll happen is she’ll be corrected, and this much is something that it won’t be the end of the world if she needs correcting on it.
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bionicharm · 5 years
         “Huh?” Kanji was not expecting visitors, especially after shutting himself in his room to finish those costume commissions for a whole week. And while they were time consuming and pricey, it was all worth it for their reactions. Now he wasn’t a professional or anything – just a simple tailor doing his best to expand his creativity. With the spooky season upon them, he figures he might as well make use of all the sewing supplies tucked neatly in his cabinets. And luckily for him, it seems people sought him out for their own projects. He’s unsure what this’ll mean for him for the future but… he’s just excited.
         So at the strange sounding knock, with brows twisted in a knot, he gets up from his journaling. Opening the door, he’s surprised to find… a little girl…? Was she lost? 
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         “Uh, hello? Can I help you?” He sounds peeved as if she was disrupting something, but he always sounds like that. And then he notices the resemblance to another short man. Perhaps it was the very prominent letter ‘n’ on their foreheads or something, Kanji’s not sure. “You that pharaoh guy’s daughter or somethin’? He send you here?”
...Hm. Well, he sounds a little...ruder than she was expecting for someone interested in making people costumes, but she’ll deal with it. It’s this or store-bought, after all, and she’s just about done store-hunting. Actually, to be frank, he looks a lot more like one of those Japanese delinquents she’s heard about than anything, but again, that’s kind of immaterial at this point so long as he can deliver the goods.
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‘Pharaoh guy’ is probably referring to her uncle, so she at least seems to be in the right place. “Niece, actually.” She’s not actually terribly bothered by the mistake, though--at this point she herself has kind of stopped caring about the distinction. “You’re making costumes for the party, right? I know it’s kind of short notice, but have you got room in your schedule for one more? It’s not anywhere near as elaborate as what my uncle wants, don’t worry.”
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bionicharm · 5 years
Nina glances downwards at the slip of paper she’s carried with her, marked with an address--’Golden Ward, Apartment 315′. Glancing back upwards, she confirms that...yeah, this does seem like the place. She hasn’t really been one for Halloween parties in a while, but...this seems like it could be something worthwhile. And, after all, at the very least her Uncle’s going to be attending, so there’s going to be at least one person worth having a conversation with. But, the day of the party’s drawing really close and she still hasn’t found something that’s the right fit. She’s also gone through a ton of Halloween store inventory.
With a lighter. She might not be allowed back into some of them.
But it’s best to just forget about that for the moment, she figures, as she raises one large metallic hand and gives three heavy raps at the door. If the person who made her uncle’s costume was home, then...given her uncle’s tastes, if he could get it done in time what she had in mind probably wasn’t some undue stress for him even on short notice.
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bionicharm · 5 years
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bionicharm · 5 years
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any of u heckers gonna be playing ctr this halloween bc
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bionicharm · 5 years
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Follow for more slow descents into madness while Wii music plays incessantly in the background.
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bionicharm · 5 years
Questions about Villainous Muses...
(Full disclosure. The mun of this blog roleplays an unapologetically evil muse. Have some questions related to other role-play baddies.)
1. What would it have taken to prevent your muse from becoming a villain?
2. Despite their villainy, does your muses subscribe to some sort of ethical/honor code that guides their behavior?
3. When was the last time your muse cried for someone else’s sake? 
4. Are there any ethical/moral lines your muse will not cross? 
5. Mun, you could have spent the time and effort you dedicate to your museIf roleplaying as a hero. Why did you decide to roleplay as a villain? 
6. If questioned about their evil behavior, what excuse would your muse give to justify it?
7. Does your muse have the potential to be a loving parent? The question addresses their ability to feel a child’s emotional needs, not the muse’s ability to physically procreate. 
8. If your muse could feel the emotional pain of the people they hurt, would this deter their villainous behavior?
9. What punishment does the mun think would be justifiable for the muse? 
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bionicharm · 5 years
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but you’re not beyond repair
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bionicharm · 5 years
She might have figured. When she returned to her little makeshift ‘laboratory’, as it were, she’d found that...not everything was where she’d left it. No, that was putting it lightly--she had a lot of hands to break, once she’d figured out which ones had been behind the ransacking of her lab. Thankfully, they hadn’t found anything indicating the extent of her plans, but there were still necessary components among the missing items and on principle she didn’t want anyone thinking they could steal from her and walk away without a few broken bones to tell the story. That would just encourage wiseguys to pester her with break-ins, and she didn’t have time to deal with all that.
That’s why she’s currently slinking around in the lower levels of Fibonacci--if you were to find a petty criminal they’d likely be lurking in that rat’s den, after all. A useful place for now but one she’d have to clean out later--but, to think too much about that at the moment would be getting ahead of herself. Sticking to the shadows (as best as one can with big metal hands), she listens in on back-alley conversations and shady characters, hoping to find hints of where her parts had gone off to...but, no dice for now.
Grumbling about that is where she is when she rounds the corner to come face to face with...someone. Someone looking as though they were some kid dragged to a gothic ren-fair, if those existed. She wasn’t sure exactly what to make of him--he could just be a kid, but she’d also seen younger attending the Academy of Evil.
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“...You lost, kid? Not exactly the cleanest part of town to be hanging around in. ...While I’ve got you, though, you wouldn’t happen to have seen these lying around, would you?” Rifling through her pockets, she pulls out a few pictures of the parts she’s looking for, showing them to him one at a time. “I’ve got business with the people who took ‘em.”
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bionicharm · 5 years
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“People fighting about what justice is, huh? ...Let them do whatever they want. The concept of ‘justice’ is stupid, but if all goes well, it’ll just make it easier for me later anyways. If what they’re saying is true then when I’m in charge, I won’t have any use for a police force that ignores criminals.”
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