bipperjason · 8 days
what if you were born completely naturally talented, like world champion level talented, at a sport or game that just hadn't been invented yet. And you lived your whole life believing you had no skill or talent because the arena to prove your skills doesn't exist yet. Like imagine if the worlds best Minecraft speed runner was born in the 1600s we'd just never know
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bipperjason · 23 days
if you think about it pink pony club is actually disturbing cause a pony would only be pink if it was skinned alive
(This post was brought to you by My Brain at 3am When I'm Trying to Sleep)
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bipperjason · 3 months
"this shitty person's art is bad anyway" "of course the person who threw one million puppies down a well looks like THIS" stop it stop it stop it stop it youu are CONFLATING stop CONFLATING im foing sick in the HEAD
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bipperjason · 1 year
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edit i made of a thing I said in the group chat
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bipperjason · 2 years
i been sleepin in a cardboard box
spendin every dollar on a cardboard box
and even though i know i have a cardboard box
ill try to give you a cardboard box
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bipperjason · 2 years
i am smoking some za za right now 
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bipperjason · 2 years
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No please official catholic priest don’t look down on me for my gay deeds
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bipperjason · 2 years
sucking dick and cock its like oh my god time and place. And you did it at my birthday dinner
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bipperjason · 2 years
Btw that rule about not trusting how you feel after 4pm in the winter or 9pm in the summer (really we should just say after the sun goes down but whatever) is only about negative feelings. if you are chilling with your best friend drinking hot chocolate and have never felt more loved and safe, that is 100% true and you can and should trust
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bipperjason · 2 years
fags are allowed to say dyke and dykes are allowed to say fag in the same way that youre allowed to run up and slap your sibling on the back of the head
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bipperjason · 2 years
Heartbreaking: girl has to get out of bed
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bipperjason · 2 years
Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005
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bipperjason · 2 years
Worlds saddest six word story
selling: men's socks. never cummed in.
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bipperjason · 2 years
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Goddamn. Okay
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bipperjason · 2 years
damn… the old cunt finally kicked it…. alexa, play another one bites the dust by… well. i shan’t say
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bipperjason · 4 years
reblog and put in the tags the name of the most recent playlist you created
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bipperjason · 4 years
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An intervention from Duolingo
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