Hi. sorry I havent posted for more than 2 years-
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3 days in the infirmary part 4
They knocked on the door again. Will came into the hades cabin.
"Hello, Nico... I heard what u said."
"I'm soo sorry! I didn't mean for u to hear that. I was talking about um... "
"I know who you were talking about. It was Percy wasn't it?"
" No, It wasn't about him... it was actually about you." Nico blushed as red as a tomato.
"Oh." Will said. Then he started smiling. "Wait, REALLY?!"
"Um... Maybe?"
"I like u too! I thought we were just friends when I said I loved you, you were quiet."
"I-I love you... too. Um... are we dating?"
"Depends," He said walking over to Nico. "Can I hold your hand?"
"I-I guess." Nico said blushing.
"Can I kiss your cheek or hand?"
"If you have to."
"And last question," Will said at the foot of Nico's bed. He had a Mischievous smile on his face."Can I kiss you on the lips?"
Nico's jaw dropped. He hadn't expected that he was also blushing a lot.
"Uh... um..."
Will came up to Nico's side. He got Nico to get out of bed, then he did something that Nico enjoyed dearly.
Will was one centimeter away from Nico's face. Nico could feel his warm breath. And then Will kissed Nico.
It was soft at first. Then got deeper Nico was trying not to fall over. Nico had never seen this side of Will before.... But he wouldn't say he didn't like this side of him. It just shocked him. They broke apart gasping for air. They stare into one another's eyes. With so much love and affection. Nico was happy he found someone who understood him. Loved him.
"Yes." Was his response.
"Will you ever leave me..?"
"No. Never. Why in tartarus would I do that?!"
"Because my mom, B-Bianca, and now Percy and Annabeth left m-me." He started crying.
"Oh gods Nico! I'm so sorry." He gave Nico a hug.
They layed there together until someone walked in.
"Nico? Oh My GODS!!!" Screamed Hazel and Annabeth.
"Good. Your ok. Oooo you and Will together alone!" Annabeth teased.
"Nico? Have you been crying??" Hazel said.
"Yes. He has." Will responded for Nico because he knew Nico would lie.
"Are you ok??" Percy asked.
"He's upset about his Mom, Bianca and you guys going to new rome."
"Oh. I'm sorry Nico we just want a better life... But we'll visit and you can visit us." Annabeth said. "Oh and that includes you Will." She said with a sly smile.
"Thanks Annabeth, I don't want to bother though."
"You wouldn't be bothering, Nico will ned you."
"Wait... ARE YOU DATING?!" Hazel shouted.
"Ooooh. Cute. Anyway see you later I've got to get to New rome soon."
"Bye Hazel." They all said.
"We'll be moving... tomorrow." Percy blurted out.
"No, I'm ok with it." He smiled.
The weird thing was he actually was ok with it. I guess a few minutes with Will helped calm him down. Will can do that to Nico. He's the only person who can stand him (other than the seven and Reyna) amd Calm him when upset or angry. Will was magic.
"Are you sure?" Annabeth asked with concern.
"Yes. I'm so happy for you two!" He hugged them which was something that he normally didn't do.
The next day they left and Nico had more of Will's company.
This was it! I hope you liked it. I have a question. Should I make a second part where Nico and Will are dating? Comment down if so. Also sorry some of this os sorta inappropriate... :P
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3 days in the infirmary Part 3!
The next day. Nico woke up in his cot in the Apollo cabin. Finally getting used to waking up with other people around. Will came over to him.
"Nico,your free to go to your cabin now. Your fully healed. I took the time you fell asleep to heal you."
"Ok." Nico said trying to hide his sadness.
So Nico left the cabin and went to his. To his surprise Hazel was in there.
"NICO!!!" She shrieked.
" Yes. I wanted to suprise you but you weren't in here. I stayed the night because Camp Jupiter was too far away."
"Oh I was in the Apollo cabin. I uh forgot about wolf scars so Will healed me."
"You like Will don't you! You let him touch you and you rarely let ME touch you."
"NO! I don't like him."
"Anyway it's almost breakfast. I'm going to Iris message Frank."
"Ok I'm going to go sword practice."
So Nico walked out of the Hades cabin going to sword practice. Not that he really needed any practice though. He was looking down but one certain son of Apollo caught his eye. Will. He was about to trip into the grass. It wouldn't do any damage to Will but Nico Shadow traveled to catch Will.
"Um, thanks Nico."
"Oh um... right sorry I just didn't want you to fall."
"You can let go now."
"Sorry!" He drops Will.
Will gets up.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Can... Can I kiss you."
It was more of a statement than a question. Nico just stood there starring at Will. Until...
Will took Nico's face in his hands and kissed him. That's right he kissed him. Will's lips were soft,warm, and sweet. Nothing like Nico had ever dreamed of. And yes he has thought about kissing his friend. Nico deepened the kiss. He heard the conch horn for breakfast but he wanted to stay there forever and stay in this moment. But Will broke it. They went their separate ways to the dinning pavilion.
"Sooo..." Percy trailed off.
He,Hazel, and Percy were sitting together because they were from the big three.
"So what?" Nico replied.
Hazel and Percy shared a look.
"Me, Percy and practically everyone else saw you and um Will kissing."
Nico's jaw dropped and he blushed a lot. He looked over at Will whose siblings were probably telling him the same exact thing with the look he wore.
"Well why didn't you stop us?!"
"You looked like you enjoyed it so we didn't want to stop that." Percy said.
"Still! You could've stopped us I may have not wanted to stop but Will probably did."
"So you did enjoy it!" Hazel beamed.
Everyone in the room went silent. They were all looking at The big three's table. Will was looking specifically at Nico. With a sympathetic look. Nico got up and RAN out of the pavilion he even shadow traveled to his cabin. It was so embarrassing will heard him everyone heard him yell it.
Someone knocked on his door.
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Me before doing my homework: 😭
Me after finishing it and getting everything right: 😎
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Should I make a FieroChase fanfic? Like if yes.
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Magnus chase thing:
Magnus: JACK SHUT UP!!!!!! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!!!!
Jack: Ok...
Magnus: thank you!
Jack: *sings thank you next*
Alex: *pft ahahahahahhahahahahahha!*
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3 Days in the infirmary.Part 2
When Nico woke up the next morning he realized that he in fact was on Will's lap. I mean he sort of new he was gonna be there but was stilll really suprised. So this is what happened:
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" And fell on the floor.
"Nico! Are you ok?!"
"Oh, right... You Shadow traveled to me and fell asleep on me and then I fell alseep."
"Will, Nico be QUIET!!! WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!" Kayla and Austin said at the same time.
"S-sorry." Will said Blushing.
"Let's go outside." Will whispered.
"You screaming my name in sleep and crying Nico. I wanted to help you! I care Nico that's my job." Will said staring at the apparently interesting grass.
"Still, you should have left me alone I can help myself! I don't care it's your job. I'm not your boyfriend! Don't help me if your job is to care for me."
"Why! Why won't you let me help you Nico?! I-I, Never mind." He said with tears in his eyes.
"I-I don't like people's help. I like being alone sometimes. But I'd rather be with you instead of alone. But I won't let myself."
"Why won't you let yourself be with me? Do you hate me?" He said with tears.
Nico turned to face Will.
"I won't let another person I care about die."
Then Nico ran off to the Poseidon cabin. He knocked twice.
"We weren't doing anything pro-" Percy yelled.
"H-Hi." Nico said crying.
"Nico! What's wrong come in!" Annabeth said with a twinge of concern in her voice.
"It's W-W-Will." Nico said crying.
"Oh my gods Nico! You like him?!" Annabeth said excited.
"I still don't understand what you mean by I'm not your type but-"
"Anyway about why you were crying?"
"Will things I hate him, and I said I care about him. Now he knows I like him!"
"Percy could you step out for a sec?" Annabeth said.
"Uh sure?"
He stepped outside.
"Nico I'm going to teach ypu something important ok?"
"... Ok?"
" Boys are oblivious!!! Well not you, but other boys are!! So don't worry Will probably didn't get it."
"Ok. Thanks, I will leave you and Percy alone now."
So Nico went to will hoping he's as dumb as Percy with those things.
"Nico! Good your back, Will was scared something happened to you. He went looking. He'll return eventually." Said Kayla.
"Oh ok thanks Kayla. Do you know where he is?"
"Yes. He is at the Big house."
"Ok thanks."
So he went off for Will.
"I don't know where Nico is Will." Chiron was saying.
"Please! If you know anything tell me!" Will said in tears.
"Nico?NICO!!!!" He said running over.
"Hi." . . .
"Nico! Your here what's wrong?! Why'd you run off! I Was so so so worried!" He said hugging Nico.
"Uh ... can't really breathe..."
"Right sorry."
"I needed some time alone but I'm here now."
"Thank the gods! I thought younran away." He then kissed Nico's cheek.
"Well I'm here now." Nico said while blushing.
They went to the Apollo cabin to heal patients.
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Oh my gosh thank you. This is so true.
If you are currently experiencing disappointment, pain or frustration because something did not work out the way you hoped it would, I want you to hear this: If it was not meant to be, there is something out there that is. Something bigger. Something more exciting. Something more special. Something that will heal your soul in a much kinder and softer way. Whatever it is that did not work out, I understand that the pain might be unbearable right now, but it will be lighter, it will be easier to carry and soon you will be happier than you have ever been before, I promise. Be patient, my love, better things are coming.
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3 Days in the infirmary. Part 1
Nico thought that he could handle one day with Will in the infirmary. I mean he's brought The Athena Parthenon to camp half-blood, shadow traveled With 2 extra people so he thought he'd be prepared.
He was not.
When he got to the Apollo cabin he saw all the people there. Will came over.
"Nico! You made it. Ready?"
"No." He muttered.
"You need to relax, we can take a walk later if we finish with the first few patients."
" NO!!!!! No, I am fine in here I guess." Nico blushed a little.
"Dr's orders. You are coming whether you like it or not."
It's not that Nico didn't like being around Will , just being alone with him...
It scared Nico and nothing could scare Nico Di Angelo.
The first patient they treated was a younger girl named Heather, she had a broken arm thanks to the war with Gaea. The way Will spoke to her so calmly and gently made Nico have a warm feeling in his heart.
NO! Nico NO! You can't like Will and you don't! He must have zoned out because Will was saying:
Then he muttered
"Do I have to k-"
" Yes? Sorry I umm zoned out."
" Oh Anyway, time for the next patient!" Will said excited.
The second patient was a guy named John. He was in there because he apparently passed out on the Rock wall a few days ago.
" You got this!! U can make it."
"T-Thanksssssssss-" Fell alseep.
And lastly Kylie she was in there for reasons Will decided not to share.
"That walk then?"
"Yeah I guess."
They went outside and just stood on the porch...?
"I thought you said we were going on a walk?"
"I just said that to get us alone." Will blushed.
"Oh, well what did you want to talk about?"
"I am gonna make sure your ok because being Nico you probably didn't listen to me."
"I um forgot about it." He tried for a smile.
Will calmed down a little.
"Well this means your being in the infirmary for more than 3 days. And you got the best doctor! Me."
"Does that mean physical touch?"
"Yes why?"
"Oh. Nothing." He said while blushing furiously.
"Well this might help."
"What will?"
And then he kissed Nico's hand.
When they got back inside Nico just sat on his cot wondering if it was just to help his Wolf cut. I mean it doesn't feel as bad anymore. The worst thing about the kiss on his hand was, he liked it. He wanted to see how it would feel to kiss Will on the lips.
"Nico get some rest Also everyone else was aloud to leave the Cabin so it's just you and me."
Nico fell asleep instantly.
Nico's POV
He was in tartarus again but with... Will? He was fighting some Dracaena while Will was unconscious behind him. He felt the need to protect Will so one person he cared about didn't die like Bianca. A Furie swooped up and killed Will.
"WILL!!!! NOOOO no. No NO NO NO!!" He started crying in his sleep.
Will POV
Soon after Nico fell alseep he started screaming. Things like "WILL! NOOOO no. No NO NO NO!!!" And then started crying.
Will rushed over to Nico.
"Nico, I'm right here." He whispered.
"It's ok, I am here."
He went back to his chair because Nico had calmed down. But then Nico Shadow traveled into Will's lap. And continued crying again.
Will cradled Nico's head in his arms and let Nico lay and hold Will for support.
"Shh it's ok Nico. I'm here I will never leave you, promise."
And Nico held tighter as if thinking Will would leave.
"I love you." Will said.
Nico seemed to respond to everything he said except for the I love you comment. Maybe he didn't hear it?
Nico POV
I heard Will run over to me but I was still in tartarus. I heard him say:
"Nico, I'm right here."
And lastly
"It's ok I'm right here."
He walked away. Nico needed the comforting voice of Will to knowing it was just a dream. Without evening realizing Nico Shadow Traveled to Will. He started crying again. He cradled my head in his arms. I layed on his lap while holding tightly on him so ge wouldn't leave.
"Shh it's ok Nico. I'm right here I will never leave you, promise."
I held tighter scared he might leave me again.
Then he said something shocking.
Nico couldn't process so he just stayed.
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Annabeth was walking down the street wondering if she'd ever meet her soulmate, I mean Piper, Hazel, and Calypso found theirs! But she couldn't find one for herself. I mean she's happy for her friends but she wishes she could find hers. And one night changed her whole life.
Annabeth was going to a small Christmas party Piper had set up. When she walked in she found one guy she didn't know. The party was only for close friends Piper had so there was Hazel, Jason, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Piper, Herself and the mysterious boy.
Piper walked up to Annabeth with the mysterious boy.
" Annabeth you made it! This is-"
"Percy, I'm Percy Jackson."
" Hello, how do you know Piper?"
" Well I am new to Goode Prep and she showed me around and we became friends, she invited me so that I could meet her other friends."
"Yeah, so anyway you are Annabeth?"
"Yes she is and the only other single one here" Piper winked.
" PIPER!!! What the heck?! Why would u say that!" She says while blushing furiously.
" Ok well we'll be watching the movie soon." Piper said.
They walked to the couch. The couple's were sitting together so the only spot left was next to Percy.
Annabeth took this time to fully look him over. He was a few inches taller than she was. He was wearing a green Christmas sweater with sweatpants. She realized he had Sea green eyes. His hair was ink black. Then he looked at her staring and she blushed and looked away.
Percy's POV
I sat next to Annabeth. I saw her staring at me so I decided I might as well look her over. She had her honey blonde hair in a ponytail. Wearing a light pink sweater with black leggings. She had stormy gray eyes.
Annabeth's POV
I saw him staring but I just watched the movie which was Elf. Their little group's Christmas tradition. After the movie they would exchange presents. She felt bad she didn't get percy something but I mean on her defense she didn't know he existed so...
*when they exchange gifts*
Piper opened hers first. Jason got her a cute Charm bracelet. Frank got her a teddy bear. From Percy she got a white laced shirt. Calypso got her a new black headband. Hazel got her a new printer. Leo gave her a new fire alarm.
"Piper I know it's not much but ..."
" Oh my gosh! Annabeth you got me a necklace that matches the one that broke! It's awesome!"
Hazel got a Stuffed horse from Frank. Calypso gave her new headphones. Jason gave her a snowflake ornament. Leo gave her a fire extinguisher for no reason at all. Annabeth gave her horse earrings. Piper gave her new Makeup supplies.
Leo was given Fire stickers by Piper as a joke. Annabeth gave him some tools. Frank gave him a joke book sadly. Jason gave him a new project to work on. Calypso gave him fire proof clothes. Hazel gave him a small metal dragon.
Jason was given contact lenses from Piper. Annabeth gave him a shirt. Leo gave him a lightning journal. Calypso gave him some puzzles. Hazel gave him a purple sweater. Frank gave him a stuffed deer.
Calypso was given sewing tools by leo. Annabeth got her a guitar to play while singing. Piper gave her a music box. Hazel gave her a Music Note ornament. Jason and frank both got her some yarn.
"Annabeth your turn!!" Said Calypso excitedly.
" Right!" She replied.
" Got this Greek Mythology book for you"
Piper gave her an owl necklace. The boys (besids percy) and Hazel all chipped in to get her a Nee computer.
"I-i got you something to Annabeth."
"Yeah." He gave her a box in it were owl earrings.
" How did you know?! I've been looking at these for weeks!!!"
She walked over to him and hugged him tightly. Everyone in the room was shocked. No one knew she had wanted those and the fact that he barely knows her was surprising.
Annabeth stared into his Gorgeous green eyes. Percy stared into her Stunning gray eyes. Their faces were 2 inches apart. Everyone except them was waiting for them to kiss because they way they were looking at one another was out of pure love.
So when Percy closed his eyes leaned in and kissed her which she kissed back, everyone else was screaming out of joy.
3 years later (when their 18)
For the gift exchange percy walked up to Annabeth with a black box and said
"Annabeth Chase will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"
Annabeth was crying of pure joy
" Yes 1 million times YES!!!!!
And that's how 1 night changed her whole life.
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