birdiepuh · 1 month
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The Founders college band AU ✨
Madara is the drummer 💪 Punk ass crazy man who goes wild behind his drum set on every concert.
Sakumo is not a band member, but he is Madara's boyfriend. Trans bb boy 🏳️‍⚧️ He got around these guys cuz the Senju brothers are his cousins! (he has a brother too, Jiraiya).
Tobirama is the bass player! He holds the dumbness back and tries not to explode every 5 minutes.
Hashirama is their singer! He cant shut up anyways, his voice is great, so he enjoys the lead. He and Madara are best friends ofc.
And last but not least, Izuna, Madara's little brother is their lead guitarist and song writer! He is a chill lil dude who coexists with this mess with the help of his noise cancelling headphones.
I really enjoyed putting this together 💖 Hope yall like it too.
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birdiepuh · 3 months
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I love goth Madara with all my heart he is a king, but let his sons bully him a little this time cuz he deserves it 💖
This comic proves that I go crazier day by day cuz its just my last 2 braincells who I can share my MadaKumo ideas with. Also big respect to my friends who tolerate my rambles sometimes I LOVE YOU GUYS FRR
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birdiepuh · 4 months
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Get to know the MadaKumo family 💖
Thank you for reading my documentation of how ooc I made these characters xhfbsjsk (mostly looking at Madara lol). I hope you enjoyed!! I certainly did enjoy writing and drawing these.
If you have anything to say about them, please share it with me!!!
Also the friend invitation is still very open to anyone who started enjoying this ship and wanna talk about it 💖 My DMs are so open that any thief could just come and rob me...
(And a sidenote: my trades and comms are open, info in my pinned post!)
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birdiepuh · 5 months
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Lovely commission for dear @tenzobito 💖💖
check my pinned post for my commission and trade info!
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birdiepuh · 5 months
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he forced naruto to go with him to one of the chunin finals only because there was a discount. "i'm off duty" nobody believed that.
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he's also a terrible chef. should NEVER be trusted in any kitchen
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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Awesome commission for my friend @tenzobito 💖🙏 The mastermind behind this idea... Pre-T trans Yamato got captured by Obito and uhhhh things went in an interesting direction uhoh.
And also for @obito-week - Prompt: Birthday
Yams the best gift, he even has a bow...
My commission and trades are OPEN!! Check my pinned post 💖
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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have big feelings about these two... i think they would have a lot to talk about
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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For @obito-week - prompt: Lost & Found
Have some teen ObiYama, meeting very illegally 👀 They get to be soft for a bit before they have to get back to their dark duties...
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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I am sorry, pup...
A comic where Sakumo lives, and makes a hard decision to save his little family from tragedies.
The fact that I cooked this all up in 5-6 hours... I literaly don't know how. I just kept going and ended up with 19 panels. holy SHT. Im proud ngl!!!
This idea is precious to me. To be honest, I think this would have been the best for Kakashi and Sakumo. Just having their own little farm, growing veggies, keeping some cows, goats, chickens... And still training sometimes, at least to be able to defend themselves. I bet Kakashi couldn't live without knowing how to beat up bad guys lol.
I want that peace for them. They both deserve to be farmerboys 😭💖 The true Hatake life 😔☝️
I hope you like this idea and the comic, thank you for any feedback 💖
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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Team Ro is fed up with corporate bullshit
Thank you @birdiepuh for the emojis!! I'm excited to get prints for them soon!
If you're looking to treat yourself to fun emojis..... you should commission them....
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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I wanted to do the Evil art style thing. This is truly evil WHERE IS THE L I F E
I blame you @pokkiwrites
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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Runs around happily
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birdiepuh · 6 months
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a comic abt cat obito and cat yamato's shenanigans purr purr meow meow gay cats in love ☝️
send me strength to continue dhfbjssk
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birdiepuh · 7 months
*this is just about having medical needs that would have meant death without modern medicine, so no ‘I’d probably die from not being able to distinguish the blur as a lion’ we have a healthy caveman squad who cares for each other, we just also dont have, yknow, penicilin. etcetera.
pls reblog for sample size etc
follow for more occasional useless polls :)
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birdiepuh · 7 months
Feel free to add your favorite race below if I did not have space to add it! Ooo and if you have a favorite homebrew race you can add that too!
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birdiepuh · 7 months
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Birthday Present for my lovely @kanekolinkk HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEBE
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birdiepuh · 7 months
art takes so long and its so tiring but if i dont make art for the rest of my life ill die
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