birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Future State: Gotham #17 - “Battle Royale” (2022)
written by Dennis Culver art by Geoffo & Giannis Milonogiannis
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
So one way to spin the test tubes of the al Ghuls to good use and not trashy writing.
Remember that scene from UP?
Ra's and Melisande marry, they have a house, two sits, go for a baby, Ra's is infertile, they get old wanting to build a palace somewhere, Melisande dies, Ra's takes her dna and his, puts them on a test tube, Talia is born, then she and him go exploring the mountains, they find the mountain and decide to build the palace there.
Basically an UP AU for the al Ghuls.
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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What if This, but like, Batfam?
Bruce runs a free non profit charity truck stop to feed the hungry and homeless and then all of a sudden there are these kids who are looking to help the community and want to make the world better despite having nothing and shit. Guess he’s a father now.
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Here’s a preview of my piece for THE R STANDS FOR REDEMPTION: A DAMIAN WAYNE ZINE! I had an amazing time working on this project alongside so many talented artists and writers. 💚
Check out @damianwaynezine for more info!
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
Damian: Father, why have you forbade me from entering the delicious chamber?
Bruce: It's called an oven and you will die.
Damian: I am strong, Father.
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Saw this shirt on Pinterest and I  just had to do it
and Some of you already guessed but still here it is Dick Grayson sweater reveal from the last comic^^
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
You’re married to your phone background/lockscreen how fucked are you
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
Batman vs Robin #1
Well, it's good that Tumblr allows more than 10 pictures nowadays, this is a long issue with lots of dialogue. I'm not really going to talk about the first few pages with Alfred coming back because we've all seen those and this will be too long as it is. Let's get into it.
So Bruce goes down to the batcave and is greeted by Damian, Jakeem Thunder and Tim Hunter:
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Despite showing a lot of doubts about Alfred's return and questioning him for hours earlier, Bruce doesn't show the same amount of confusion when his son waits for him in the batcave seemingly to murder him. His first reaction is to present himself as authoritative and angry with Damian. As if he had already expected his son to return to him agressive sooner or later.
When you remember how Bruce and Damian parted ways in Robin #15 this doesn't make sense. Under Williamson Bruce tried to be softer and more understanding with Damian and Damian left him on friendly terms. Waid not caring for what other writers have done with Damian is an issue that will become even more apparent in a second.
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"He's always been egocentric, ruthless, impatient to replace me, but this..."😒
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Even if I try to ignore that Damian hasn't been serious about wanting to replace whoever is currently wearing the mantle in AGES, Damian has made it clear in Teen Titans Annual 2, when he left Bruce again at the end of Tomasi's run on Detective Comics and in Robin #15 by Williamson that he's trying to get out of Batman's shadow and wanting to find out who he is away from the two legacies he was born into. So why is Waid making Bruce think that? Damian has made it clear enough that this isn't what he desires. Why is Bruce only thinking that Damian must not be quite himself because he tries to kill him now? Bruce describing Damian with all these negative attributes is also making it hard to believe something Bruce tries to say later.
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I will admit that it's nice that this Damian calls out the "I love you, but sometimes I truly don't like you" line from Tomasi's last Tec arc. But I really don't know why this Damian acts like Bruce hasn't apologized for how he treated Damian after Alfred's death. Bruce has told Damian that he doesn't blame him and that it wasn't his fault. We've been over this. And ever since Teen Titans annual 2 Bruce has tried to get him back as Robin and to come back home. Bruce hasn't rejected Damian. He could have done a better job as a father, but he didn't do that.
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This page really makes me wonder how possessed Damian actually is. I mean of course he is possessed by Nezha. But Waid mentioned in an interview that Nezha is bringing Damian's struggles back to the surface. So...is Waid saying that all of this IS deep down in Damian? And Nezha is just triggering it? Erm...not sure if I like that. It ignores too much of Damian's developement and makes it appear as if Damian's changes weren't genuine and just on the surface.
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Bruce trying to say what I assume was supposed to be "You are the son I wanted" kinda doesn't land when you remember how unfavorable Bruce thinks of Damian in the beginning. The son you wanted is in your own words "egocentric, ruthless and impatient"? Er...yeah, doesn't sound like it, does it.
Something about the "I only wish you were wearing pearls" line makes me cringe.
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Alfred just comes of as MUCH more emotionally affected and invested in rescuing Damian than Bruce is. And yeah, I get that's partially because Bruce is Bruce. But when you feel the need to write ANOTHER Batman vs Robin story then it would be great if Bruce would show more feelings than just "guess I have to free my asshole of a son now". Why should I care when the protagonist barely does?
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It's just great how the characters pay lipservice to Damian not being himself, but otherwise completely act like Damian is the enemy here😑
Waid really tries to make you take Damian as the antagonist serious, but it simply doesn't work. This is a kid. I don't ask myself "will Damian beat Bruce and take over as Batman?", not even for a second. Damian in a batman suit is cute, not threatening.
As for the last page, I'm aware we don't know why Damian freed Nezha yet. Waid might reveal that it wasn't actually his fault like the last line implies. But trying to make it appear like Damian is responsible, even just at the beginning of your story, doesn't make me feel excited. You only earn a tired eye-roll from me.
I really hope this story will improve over the next few issues because this didn't catch me. And you might think "isn't this person usually totally in favor of Bruce getting called out? Why isn't she happy with this?"
Well, not every callout is created equal. There is a difference between a good guy calling out Bruce and a bad guy calling him out. If a bad guy calls Bruce out there is always this sense that their words don't have to be taken to heart because they are completely evil themselves. Criticism from a good character feels way more valid and serious. I also feel like this Damian talks way too much. It's almost as if Waid knows that this conflict feels forced and tries to justify it by having Damian throw everything at Bruce at once, even the issues that got already solved or never existed in the first place.
But hey, it looks like Alfred is back? Yay!
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Might I add that it's just great how according to Waid what makes Damian so dangerous for Bruce is that he knows everything about him.
Except that Bruce escaped the previous confrontation:
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By saving himself with things Damian didn't know about:
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Good job undermining your own point. Clearly Damian does not know all of Bruce's tricks. Bruce will never stop pulling things out of his ass.
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
Damian, fighting for his life:
Maps: You're doing great buddy
Damian: Please shut the fuck up
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
Son like father
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Batman Vs. Robin #1 - “Reunion” (2022)
written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar & Jordie Bellaire
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
[ Diana after Clark and Bruce left the kids alone for a few minutes. ]
Diana: I don’t want to rush you or anything but have you ever read Lord of the Flies?
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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Batman Vs. Robin #1 - “Reunion” (2022)
written by Mark Waid art by Mahmud Asrar & Jordie Bellaire
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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i have decided not to be mature about this
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
Vandal, Klarion, and Ra’s really being like-
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birdysartjunk · 2 years
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(Batman and the Outsiders 2019 #12)
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