bisexualpaul · 8 years
Thanks, Satan.
How do you think Paul and Marko met?
I get to do this?? Yay! I’m sorry if this sounds OOC 😅 it’s going to be very long.
Abuse tw!
- So I headcanon that Paul had foster parents who were very abusive, emotionally and physically. I know this might be irritating because it’s a common backstory for any of them, I only headcanon Paul as abused.
- So Paul is very detached from being social, he’s constantly told he isn’t good enough, he’s quiet and this makes collage/work very difficult for him.
- Marko is a very chill guy, right? He’s very into crafts, (I imagine the jacket he wears was some tatty thing he found and decided to ‘dress up’) definitely does not give a damn about other people’s problems.
- Paul worked at a craft store on the night shift, the pay isn’t great but he doesn’t really mind because he wants to move out of the house as soon as possible.
- Marko’s just scanning the shelves when he feels someone staring at him, he KNOWS someone is looking at him and glances to see this blonde nugget looking at him then quickly looking away.
- Marko thinks, ‘Oh no, I saw you lookin’ at me and you’re gonna tell me what your problem is.’
- Marko marches over and SLAMS the basket on the counter and says, “What’s /your/ problem, punk?”
- Paul, poor Paul flinches at the noise and mutters, “Was jus’ admiring your jacket.”
- Okay, Marko kinda feels like a dick because the kid was only interested in his jacket, it’s getting awkward so he forces him to say something, “Oh, I made it myself.”
- Paul’s face will be treasured by Marko forever because he looks so impressed and surprised, “Really? Wow! You have a real talent.”
- Marko is a little flattered, whilst David and Dwayne appreciate his crafts, they don’t really understand it.
- They talk a little and Marko is a little interested in Paul, like he doesn’t even know, there’s just something about him.
- Marko leaves when he sees David looking at him like, 'Who is that and why are you bothering talking to him?’ He even slaps Paul down a tip.
- It’s way passed midnight, like 2AM when Marko’s just hanging with David, Dwayne said he was gonna stay back at the cave for whatever reason, and he see’s Paul standing on the pier, just staring at the sea.
- Marko’s had enough, he just really wants to know what’s up with this guy so he goes up to him and says, “Shouldn’t you be at home?” Because this kid can’t be any older than nineteen.
- He can SEE Paul’s hurt just by telling him the suggestion, “They uh- I don’t think it matters.”
- Paul tilts his head slightly and Marko see’s a glimpse of this purple-black bruise and that is it, he is not standing for this.
- He basically grabs Paul and tugs him over to David who is already interested in the situation, he hasn’t seen Marko so riled up in a long time.
- “David, this is Paul, he’s a friend I made because he actually appreciates my work.” Marko hints at the fact David thought the idea of decorating the bottle was stupid.
- Paul is absolutely terrified by David, who wouldn’t? Paul stutters and ends up saying, “Hi Paul! I mean I’m Paul, you’re David- uh-”
- So David is a little reluctant at first, but god Marko can see why he’s so interested, the poor kid looks about ready to crumble.
- They eventually bring him back and Dwayne’s kinda suspicious because why is Marko dragging around this kid? Star’s already thinking 'oh no.’
- There’s no tricks when David throws a box of noodles at Paul which they’d kindly 'borrowed’ from some poor takeaway.
- They’re all kinda shocked at the pace Paul’s eating because 'calm down bro, it’s only Chinese.’
- David won’t lie, he is kinda like a dad and feels a bit concerned about Paul, especially with the bruising.
- Paul really does get along well with everyone, he already has taken on Star like a sister.
- Marko refuses to send Paul back and David sighs because he can NOT stay here yet, they have given Paul the bottle which he more than gladly took a big gulp of.
- Marko clenches his jaw when he stops with Paul at his house, this kid is so sweet and he wants to tear off the head(s) of whoever is hurting him.
- Paul is literally so thankful, he even gives Marko a small hug and Marko swears he can feel his own, cold, dead heart beat.
- Marko lingers for a bit, not being creepy or anything he just wants to know what’s going on, he can guess what but he wants to make sure he’s safe.
- It’s around 4AM when Marko see’s this drunkard waltz into the house, and the moment he see’s him hit Paul that is it, there are fangs, there are claws, he is not watching this.
- Paul’s crumbled in the corner, curled up in a tiny ball even after Marko steps in, there is just blood everywhere and okay, Marko should of done this in front of Paul AT ALL.
- Marko discreetly and very carefully comes over to Paul, no fangs, no nothing and gently nudges him.
- Paul looks at him, he doesn’t even blink when he see’s the mangled corpses.
- Marko swears he hears a faint 'thank you.’
I’m ending it here because this was getting so long. 😅
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
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IT IS DONE. I laughed so hard while doing the last one.
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
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Paul was surprisingly hard, here he is anyway, two in one day aren’t you lucky? 😄
One more to go!
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
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David edition!
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
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Text Post 1/?
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
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Tag yourself! I’m ????
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bisexualpaul · 8 years
David is the Crowley of TLB, they are literally like the same person.
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
quick reminder that i am cool and beautiful 
ok keep scrolling
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
Reblog if you’re dead
Wanna see how many people are dead
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
Paul and Marko’s relationship ranges from gentle cheek kisses to bloody, bruising kisses.
Fight me.
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
This isn’t going to be a beat down on you and yes you’re right it isn’t about then being all into each other but allow me to say a few things.
1: ‘I think it’s painfully obvious in fact they are straight.’ Hold the phone, the only scenes we see where they’re even remotely interested in female characters was at the beginning when David flirts with Greg’s girlfriend, can you even call it flirting? It was more like he was trying to provoke into a fight more than anything.
Secondly, we see Marko, Paul and Dwayne take an interest into Maria (?) but David isn’t interested in the slightest, he’s too busy wondering what the hell’s going on with Max and Lucy.
2: ‘Not every vampire or not is gay either.’ Did anyone ever say they were? Not everyone is straight either, we know very little about the boys, hell we don’t even know if they have back story. (Excluding the original script of course.)
3: In fanfiction, they’re ridiculously sexualized and for some reason care about whoever they’re with, I never understood why. I mean obviously it’s not every author out there but I’m not surprised most fanfiction is being turned into what could be related to Twilight. It’s gross to me if I’m being honest, seeing them being lovey-dovey and full of rainbows, and I’m sure you feel the same way.
However, it may be canon that they’ve taken interested in women but it is not anyone else’s right to say what you can’t and can think. Who cares? They're just fictional characters.
Just think it’s best we stick with what we like. 👍
Well I see this fandom is still a shitstorm of ‘everything has to be straight’
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
Paul and Marko's relationship ranges from gentle cheek kisses to bloody, bruising kisses. Fight me.
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
The Lost Boys and their Clothing
Paul, Dwayne, and David: Black attire with some accessories. Overall rebellious look.
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
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The Lost Boys (1987)
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
Character: [doesnt have any dialogue. Barely ever seen in source material & fanworks. Has minimal, if any, provided backstory]
Me, pushing aside fan faves: HEY. YOU THERE. hEy . T H E R E. Hey, you there, i see you over there, i want u to c omE HERE
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
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bisexualpaul · 9 years
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The Lost Boys (dir. Joel Schumacher, 1987)
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