bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
Hey! I'm so glad i finally found someone who agreed with me in Dazai being an ENTP, all i found was that he was INTJ but i'm an ENTP and i just could tell, would you mind explaining how you got that conclusion please?
Please forgive my late reply. I am glad that you agree with me. I have already talked about Dazai Osamu in several posts (post #1 and post #2). These contain my complete analysis.The only thing that I can add to this, is that the character Dazai Osamu in Bungou Stray Dogs is based on the protagonist of the semi-autobiographical book No Longer Human, written by the real-life Dazai Osamu (born Tsushima Shuuji). The protagonist in the book is most definitely an INTP, but hides his true nature behind a carefully constructed mask, in order to keep up appearances. Because the Dazai Osamu in Bungou Stray Dogs leans more towards genuine extroversion, I have typed him as an ENTP. Still, I can understand why people might easily confuse him for an INTJ or ENTJ. That’s because Dazai Osamu is, and remains, a character with many different faces.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
hello! i'm just curious, but why not entj for dazai? i see a lot of strong te, especially in one of the chapters where akutagawa describes him as someone who always chooses the course of action with the highest success rate, and he generally doesn't share his plans with others, meaning that he's confident that his plans are the best choice (ranpo being an exception) and sticking to that instead of looking for other options. he's just very efficient in utilizing the resources at hand.
That’s the thing. Types with Te actually do share their plans with others. They are more like commanders. Just because Dazai uses Ti doesn’t mean that he isn’t confident or that his plans aren’t masterful. It just makes him more of a loner in executing his plan, keeping his agenda hidden, and drawing conclusions by analyzing the facts. He does indeed stick to a plan, but both Te and Ti have ways of sticking to their convictions. While Ti sticks to principles or a specific goal, Te sticks to a strategy or an ideal. So while Dazai does stick to a plan, this has more to do with a goal and less to do with the way to get there. He creates situations, but is able to adapt and bend situations to suit the needs of the goal. It’s not like everything falls into some kind of giant masterplan that Dazai has thought of. Instead, he triggers situations and navigates them to meet his specific goal, predicting the movements of others in the situation after careful analysis.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
Regarding Yuri on Ice
After being asked to go in-depth about Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki as well, I have decided to make another post dedicated to the both of them.
In regards to Yurio,
Se 4 Si 3 Ne 3 Ni 5 Te 2 Ti 4 Fe 1 Fi 3
E = 10 I = 15
Ni with Te is a dead end. The secondary function is too low. Possibilities: Fi + Se + Ni + Te Ti + Se + Ni + Fe
I've picked ISTP here because he doesn't shy away from hurting others to achieve his goal, and uses logic and understanding to make his ice skating work.
For example:
The first thing Yuri Plisetsky did when he received Victor's assignment to perform Agape, was to analyse it. Yuuri Katsuki, in comparison, was simply baffled.
In regards to pork cutlet bowl Yuri:
Se 2 Si 5 Ne 3 Ni 2 Te 3 Ti 4 Fe 4 Fi 3
E = 12 I = 14
Si + Fe + Ti + Ne ISFJ
His 'safe place' is at home, and he doesn't often naturally venture outside of it thanks to his anxiety. Yuri wants to please others, making it difficult to make selfish decisions. He can only make selfish decisions if he helps someone else by making them. He actually has the same functions in his MBTI profile as Victor, but in the opposite direction. Hence, his strong points are Victor's weak points, and Victor's strong points are his weak points. That's why Victor actually manages to drag Yuri out of his safe place and into the world. He is naturally drawn to his lesser developed functions in an attempt to attain inner harmony, and by being able to do this for or with the help of someone else, his Fe and Si are forced to adept with him and allow him to grow.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
ALOT of people typed Saitama as an ISTP or INTP possibly ISTJ but his type is an ISTP what makes you think of him as an ESFP (Se,Fi,Te,Ni)
First I will rule out the obvious:ISTJ is a big no-go. Si is focused on the past, tends to hold back and maintain traditions. Te holds on to structures and either obeys authority or is authority. Saitama is obviously not an ISTJ.INTP is a big no-go as well. Saitama doesn’t see the connections and possibilities in the outside world adequately. He is not a dreamer and doesn’t aspire anything in particular. He is simply a hero FOR FUN.That last bit is also very important in concluding why he isn’t an ISTP either. Ti often has a very specific purpose or goal, as acquired through logic reasoning. If there is something that could be perceived as Saitama’s weak point, it would be that he is really quite dense. He doesn’t really use logic or reasoning, gets tired when people use it on him, and basically just all-round doesn’t acknowledge it as important. That’s actually his strength as well. It gives him a specific quality that makes him very down to earth.People that use Ti or Te or even Ne and Ni around him are all countered by the fact that Saitama doesn’t care about it. That’s one of the main running gags of the whole series, the fact that Saitama doesn’t care about the depth others try to achieve. He just wants to experience that adrenaline rush when fighting again (Se), live in the current moment (Se) and have fun just doing what he wants to do instead of what others think he should do (Fi).The sum of his extroverted functions is higher than that of his introverted functions, so I have typed him predominantly extrovert. Besides, his Se is his strongest function, so it makes sense.Saitama’s score:Se 5Si 1Ne 3Ni 1Te 1Ti 2Fe 1Fi 4E 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 10I 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 8
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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One-Punch Man
Saitama ESFP Genos INTJ Sonic ISTP Mumen Rider INFP
* If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
Hi, I was really fascinated with your Osomatsu-san typings. I agree with Oso, Choro, and Totty, but I'd like to know how you came up with Kara, Ichi, and Jyushi. I have them typed as ESFP, INFP, and ENFP, respectively. Thank you!
Thank you for your question!KaramatsuThis one is easiest to explain. What determines the difference between ESFP and ISFP is basically the sum of their extroverted functions compared to their introverted functions. In this case, the sum of Karamatsu’s introverted functions is higher than his extroverted ones.I have scored him as follows:Extroverted Sensing = 4/5Introverted Sensing = 1/5Extroverted Intuition = 4/5Introverted Intuition = 5/5Extroverted Thinking = 3/5Introverted Thinking = 3/5Extroverted Feeling = 1/5Introverted Feeling = 5/5Extroverted = 4 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 12Introverted = 1 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 14In addition to that, I think his Fi is higher than his Se, so it’s actually a very healthy case.IchimatsuHe is the most difficult to explain. I understand that many people think that he has an internal Te + Fi conflict going on, but I personally don’t think that is the case. Oftentimes, the easiest explanation is actually the best. His problem is not Te + Fi, but an internal conflict with his fourth function Fe. It took me a while to post the Osomatsu-san analysis because I wanted to carefully assure that I had typed him correctly.The definition I use for Introverted Feeling (primary/1st in INFP) is as follows:> Seeks to understand what is truly important; their deeply held values> Makes value based decisions to maintain personal integrity> Helps others maintain their integrityThe definition I use for Extroverted Thinking (inferior/4th in INFP) is as follows:> Organizes the resources to achieve measurable goals> Objectively and logically organizes people and resources> Evaluates performance against measurable goalsI have scored Ichimatsu to have above average (4/5) introverted feeling, and low extroverted thinking (1/5). Still, he doesn’t really seem to act like an INFP, not even one with the toss and pull conflict of Fi in relation to Ne and Te going on. I know several INFP and I’ve typed them before. The kind of INFP that would have this conflict, would either sacrifice themselves for others in the opinion that they don’t deserve their attention and love, or seclude themselves without ever criticizing anyone where they can hear it, or otherwise act on a sense of judgement. Ichimatsu doesn’t do that. He sacrifices himself for himself instead. Because that’s what he knows, that’s where his confidence lies, in the ‘fact’ that he is trash. As soon as people care about him, he’s gone. He would even go as far as to hurt them in order to protect this twisted kind of self-confidence. It’s contradictory, but that’s something an INFP would not do and an INTP would. Now let’s move on to INTP functions.The definition I use for Introverted Thinking (primary/1st in INTP) is as follows:> Organizes ideas and information into functional categories> Builds and understanding of how things and ideas work> Uses categories and understandings to make decisionsThe definition I use for Extroverted Feeling (inferior/4th in INTP) is as follows:> Initiates and maintains social networks> Organizes people in harmonious social networks to complete valuable activities> Seeks to maintain relationshipsI have scored Ichimatsu to have high (5/5) introverted thinking, and below average (2/5) extroverted feeling.I don’t know if you’re aware of this already, so I’m that’s why I am stating it here, but generally the 4th function plays a part in what you’re pulled to, what you long for, but what you can’t quite get. INFP was a little bit different here, because the conflict that arises from that specific combination of functions is one where you internally judge yourself to be wrong, and start acting like that. Still, they often remain true to their personal integrity, and even in the worst cases of this conflict an INFP would still help others maintain their integrity. Sometimes, the best way for a INFP to heal in such a conflict can even be the process of helping someone else in such a way. Doing so helps an INFP find back their own sense of self-value as well.INTP works a bit differently, but that doesn’t mean they don’t experience a similar push/pull effect from their combination of functions. Their Ne function can make them horribly insecure when faced with Fe dealings, while desiring a good outcome at the same time. As revealed in the ESP Kitty episode, Ichimatsu does genuinely care about his brothers, to the extent that he thinks that it’s okay to be lonely as long as he still has his brothers. This is extroverted feeling function, yet underdeveloped, unfortunately, which is why he can’t say it out loud and fails to actually maintain harmony.The introverted thinking function, in the case of Ichimatsu, plays a big part in why he can talk about being trash so calmly. Whenever he does this, he is simply stating his conclusion. The reasoning behind this is simple as well. He wants to use his Fe function correctly, but he isn’t able to. Hence he arrives at the conclusion that he is a failure and should be treated as trash, since the people that do well in society have the ability to socialize.In my experience, INFP would sound a lot more vulnerable talking about their deepest feelings of being trash. They can often only do so when there’s a barrier they can hide behind, like the world wide web or something along those lines.The worst thing that could happen to an INTP type, placing the fundament for their life in one conclusion, is to make the wrong conclusion. I think that’s the case with Ichimatsu.JyushimatsuJyushimatsu is actually quite a simple case. I can even summarize it in four words. HUSTLE HUSTLE MUSCLE MUSCLEIn all actuality, I have contemplated ENFP, simply because ENFP is such a typical genuinely good person (at least, in most of the cases). But Jyushimatsu isn’t abstract enough for this. He clearly lives in the present tense, in the moment, freely following his physical impulses. That’s definitely the extroverted sensing function, making him an ESFP. These types do have the Fi function in common, but the extroverted sensing function is actually what makes him so pure, even if the function is usually associated with sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. Jyushimatsu just catches bugs and swings a baseball bat instead, it’s still physical reality, I can’t blame him.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
Yo yo!!!! Just wondering about the Bungou Stray Dogs MBTI you recently posted, why did you type Dazai as an ENTP? love how much typing of characters you do btw, youre doing the work of saints thank youuu
You’re welcome! I’m glad that my analyses have been well-received.Since you haven’t specified a specific comparison, I will provide a type map for Dazai Osamu, Extroverted SensingScore: above averageHe sometimes acts on impulse, but only when he allows himself to do so. There always seems to be a more abstract strategy behind it, and Dazai uses extroverted sensing as a means of diversion to his true plans.Introverted SensingScore: averageDazai Osamu seems to have maintained some mental ties to the past, but it doesn’t hold him back.Extroverted IntuitionScore: highOne very important trait of extroverted intuition is a focus on how things and relationships could be. He sees possibilities in the outside world, and this is mostly the reason why he wanted to pair Atsushi and Ryuunosuke Akutagawa together.Introverted IntuitionScore: averageDazai Osamu doesn’t seem to be concerned with possibilities stemming from his internal world as much. He does seem to impose a strategy, but is very flexible in its execution.Extroverted ThinkingScore: above averageHe can organize people and resources if he needs to, but it’s not his best asset. Dazai Osamu tends to be more on the rebellious side, and mostly executes his own strategy, following his own path.Introverted ThinkingScore: highDazai Osamu’s strategies stem from introverted thinking. His reasoning behind fueling Ryuunosuke Akutagawa’s anger towards Atsushi Nakajima as a means to make both of them stronger through rivalry, requires a very specific analysis of these two in order to predict their actions and progress.Extroverted FeelingScore: below averageHe doesn’t seem too concerned with pleasing others. Introverted FeelingScore: below average / averageHe doesn’t seem to be concerned with integrity, even though he has found it and adopted it as part of his introverted thinking conclusions after Oda Sakunosuke’s death.ConclusionDazai Osamu’s MBTI type is ENTP.His best two functions are extroverted intuition and introverted thinking.The sum of his extroverted functions is higher than that of his introverted functions, making him primarily an extrovert.  Perhaps it is easiest to compare Dazai Osamu with Edogawa Ranpo if you want to analyse the difference between ENTP and ENTJ respectively. Ranpo works from the outside facts (Te) towards the inside conclusions (Ni). Dazai works from outside possibilities (Ne) towards a hidden strategy (Ti).
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
Hi! Im actually a tad bit curious as to why you typed oda as an infp. I actually thought he was more of an infj but it's just my assumption :p
Hello!INFJ and INFP are similar and yet completely different.The most noticeable difference is INFJ’s desire to please and to live for others, and INFP’s desire to live for their themselves and protect their own integrity. I personally think Oda Sakunosuke fits the latter better. He is more rebellious than an INFJ would have been. Not only does he remain true to his personal integrity to the end, he also helps Dazai remain true to his own personal integrity. That’s a specific way INFP brings out the best in others, while INFJ would be more likely to serve as a mentor instead of an equal. INFP is also more independent, while INFJ tends to really need others to function at their best.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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Victor Nikiforov
Great questions! In order to properly type Victor, I’ve gone through all 8 functions and developed a kind of ‘map’ of his abilities based on what we’ve seen from him in the episodes of Yuri on Ice. These are Victor’s complete results: Extroverted Sensing Score: average He certainly knows his way with his body, but doesn’t live in the current moment much. He’s more orientated towards the future. Introverted Sensing Score: low He is certainly not orientated towards the past, and tends to break social stigmas and common conventions. Extroverted Intuition Score: high He certainly sees possibilities in the external world. He also hates to be repetitive, and wants to surprise people by keeping his course of action fresh and unpredictable. Introverted Intuition Score: above average This is a function concerning his ability to see the possibilities in the internal world. It also plays a big part in his ability to transform himself if need be. It’s certainly high, but not as high as his extroverted intuition. Extroverted Thinking Score: average Victor’s not really someone like Yakov Feltsman at all in regards to organizing resources and leadership, which was his former coach’s critique on his decision to become Yuri’s coach. Introverted Thinking Score: high Victor’s introverted thinking function tends to be overlooked because of his sensitivity, but it’s actually his most developed function, even if it plays its role behind the screens. This function is used by Victor to arrive at the conclusion that Yuri Katsuki and Yuri Plisetsky would both do better with each other as rivals, for example. It also played a big role in his decision to ‘break’ Yuri and make him cry before his performance. That’s not something a type with a main feeling function would do. This ability to analyse a situation and act deliberately on the conclusion drawn from it, is most certainly introverted thinking. Extroverted Feeling Score: below average This function is used to maintain harmonious relationships and initiate social networks. Victor doesn’t shy away from breaking the harmony in relationships or to distance himself from his former coach and Yuri Plisetsky at all. His priority lies elsewhere. Introverted Feeling Score: above average He doesn’t seem to be concerned with the exploration of what his deepest held values are, but does remain true to himself and his personal integrity. He also stimulates others to remain true to this, though he almost solely uses introverted thinking to execute his strategy. Conclusion Victor Nikiforov’s type is INTP with a strong Fi function on the side. His two best developed functions are those of an INTP (Introverted Thinking and Extroverted Intuition). The sum of his introverted functions is higher than that of his extroverted functions, hence he is primarily and introvert. This makes sense, since he seems to be very self confident and well aware of who he is.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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Bungou Stray Dogs
Nakajima Atsushi INFP Akutagawa Ryuunosuke ISTJ Nakahara Chuuya ESTP Dazai Osamu ENTP Kunikida Doppo ESTJ Izumi Kyouka ISTP Poe, Edgar Allan INTP Edogawa Ranpo ENTJ Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key INTJ Oda Sakunosuke INFP
* If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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Yuri!!! on ICE
Yuuri Katsuki ISFJ Victor Nikiforov INTP Yuri Plisetsky ISTP
* If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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Death Note
L INTP Yagami Light ENTJ Ryuk ENTP Amane Misa ESFP Near INTJ Mello ESTP Matt ISTP Matsuda Touta INFP Mikami Teru ISTJ
* If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 7 years
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Osomatsu: ESTP Karamatsu: ISFP Choromatsu: ISTJ Ichimatsu: INTP Jyushimatsu: ESFP Todomatsu: ENFJ * If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 8 years
Hello! I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm curious why do you think that Reigen is an ESTP. I've only seen him typed as an ENTP until now.
Hello! Thank you for your question.Regarding Reigen Arakata from Mob Psycho 100, the difference between ESTP and ENTP mainly comes down to the difference in dominant function between the two types.The Extraverted Sensing function (Se), dominant in ESTP, is a function that relies on the physical state of being.The Extraverted Intuition function (Ne), dominant in ENTP, is a function that relies on the abstract state of being.Both are directed towards the outside, the external, meaning these functions are both responsible for gathering impulses from the world around the subject. There is, however, a big difference in the way these impulses are gathered and translated to the person in question. Where ENTP is a type of abstraction and gathers mostly ideas, ESTP is down to earth and gathers physical impulses.Se is a function associated with the here and now, the moment, because types with a strong Se function are rooted in the physical world. They also actively seek out these impulses and external physical stimulation. ESTP is therefore more often motivated by money, delicious food, hot showers and sex. ENTP is the idealistic type between these two. They are usually striving for dreams or ambitious goals to reach in their future instead.Reigen fits the bill of a man governed by physical stimulation and external impulses, which is why I type him as an ESTP. His ways are improvising, taking risks, and always going with the flow. This aspect of Extraverted Sensing coupled with his analytical skills through Introverted Thinking enables Reigen to navigate that flow like an expert. To me, that is the essence of the ESTP type.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 8 years
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Simon: INFP Viral: ISTP Kamina: ENTP Yoko: ENTJ Kittan: ESFP Leeron: ESFJ Nia: INFJ Rossiu: ISTJ
* If you’d like an explanation as to how I arrived at these types, feel free to send me a message enquiring about this. From experience I know that long articles aren’t often read, which is why I am simply stating my conclusions here.
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 8 years
I'm a bit curious, how did you arrive at the conclusion that Ritsu is INTP? Most people see him as INTJ fsr.
Hello, thank you for your question!
I’m afraid the MBTI type post about Mob Psycho 100 has an error in it, in the case of Ritsu Kageyama. He is supposed to be an INTJ, not an INTP. After spotting the error, I made absolutely sure of this by reviewing some crucial Mob Psycho 100 fragments, which all support this.
First and foremost, it is clear that Ritsu is very confident in his interaction with the outside world, in the sense that he recognizes the patterns and structures and knows how he relates to them. This way he can understand what is expected from him, and how he has to appear to be accepted. This is strong evidence of a well developed Extraverted Thinking (Te) function. 
Accompanying this is the Introverted iNtuition (Ni) function. Ritsu is a genius in the way that he handles himself and navigates society’s expectations expertly. This requires great intuition. However, the path he walks is a lonely one, and without anyone to mirror to, he doesn’t know himself or his own limitations.The conflict inside Ritsu is mostly caused by Introverted Feeling (Fi) desires, which clash with his Extraverted Thinking (Te) sense of reality. This causes his sense of self-worth to spiral downwards, until he finds a way to satisfy his Fi by using ESP powers. However, due to the fact that he keeps feeding and acting on his lower Fi function in this way, he forgets who he really is, and comes into conflict with his dominant function Introverted iNtuition (Ni). 
This, in essence, causes Ritsu’s ‘blindness’, his inability to see himself. That same blindness lies at the basis of his role in the story of Mob Psycho 100.Anyway, thank you for pointing out that I had made a mistake in the Mob Psycho 100 post. I will adjust this error shortly. Kind regards, BITCACTUS
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bitcactus-mbti-blog · 8 years
Hi, I know that you have posted 91 days mbti since weeks ago, but I wanna ask why you think Angelo is an intp. According to me, he seems like a typical intj because there are lots of people who think his personality is similar to other well-known anime characters like Light Yagami and Lelouch.. Looking for your soonest reply :)
Hello Sharonton, thank you for your question!
Personally, I haven't seen Code Geass, so I don't know Lelouch. I also never finished Death Note when I watched it about 6 years ago, but Light Yagami being somewhat familiar to me, I do understand the connection you have made here. Both Light and Angelo could be described as cunning, self-reserved characters. The difference that determines their personality type lies deeper than that though.
The cunning quality they share is a means to an end. Their underlying motivations for acting in these ways, stands in a strong contrast between each other. Even their way of plotting is subtly different (though of course, we aren't given much insight in this because of the need for suspense in the story).
Light Yagami, to put it bluntly, has an idealistic vision, a clear and strategic external goal of creating a Utopian world cleansed of crime. This correlates to both the Ni function (introverted intuition), which sparks visions of a possible future, and the Te function (extroverted thinking), which emphasizes structured thinking and plotting, recognizing patterns and the parts that form the whole. Together they work to have a person envision their place within that whole, which describes Light Yagami's driving force.
Angelo Lagusa has a clear goal as well, but his driving force is directly motivated by himself. Angelo's past is what has initiated his need for revenge, and he doesn't care much for the larger whole at all. He simply wants this revenge as a means to live, even going as far as to say that without it, he is an empty shell.
Because the Te function is concerned with structures, and therefore the structure of society as a whole, INTJ types often gravitate more towards the 'lawful' side of the spectrum, even if they are 'evil'.
The Ti function (introverted thinking), is due to its introverted nature often one to cause a form of rebellion or at the very least unreliability in its host (the INTP). This type isn't concerned much by the laws of society, as long as they can do what they want to do or what they think they need to do in order to reach their goal. In addition to that, the knowledge and way of plotting for a type utilizing the Te function is very 'wide' and structured, while the Ti function of the INTP types give them a very narrow, analytical scope of thought. Their plans go very deep instead of wide, and combined with their Ne function (extroverted intuition, more on that later) they can adjust and fine-tune or even change their plans along the way, as long as it stands in service to their goal. They have many more plans than an INTJ (the latter of whom usually sticks to one 'genius' masterplan).
Angelo adapting his plans as the situation changes is evidence of a strong Ne function because this function is much wider in orientation than the Ni function, due to its direction (extroverted versus introverted). This enables the INTP to see possibilities everywhere, and it makes INTP types much more flexible than the INTJ, though INTJ types would call them unreliable instead.
The INTP's ability to see possibilities everywhere can also make them especially distrustful and self-reserved if they have a negative outlook on life, not sharing their knowledge with anyone but themselves. The Ni function's scope of ideas is much smaller, usually information has to be processed unconsciously before that 'one' spark of genius strikes them. They are more likely to share this knowledge, especially if they truly believe their visions to be the best (unless they know that others would use these statements against them, in which case they will keep to themselves). This also makes an INTJ liable to arrogance (they somehow 'know' they are right, that they were meant for it), but INTP can be plenty arrogant too because of their Ti function (which makes them more introspective to who they are than an INTJ, and results in a cocky type of self-assured behavior in the INTP that isn’t aware of this particular aspect or simply doesn’t care).
Of course, when talking about INTP versus INTJ we cannot ignore the lower-stack functions either. Especially important in character development over the course of a story, it is clear that the Si function (introverted sensing), symbolic for the past, and the 'inferior'/4th function Fe (extroverted feeling), are sources of much distress in Angelo (being an INTP).
A broken fundament for the Si function is part of his problem. Even if he is an INTP with a focus on the future (thanks to Ne), this holds him back (especially because of his deduction and reasoning regarding this, more on that later). He's not nearly as loyal as Corteo is either (Corteo is an ISTJ, with Si as his strongest function). Not being able to process the loss correctly, Angelo can't move on without revenge. It's even worse when he finds out that he actually cares about his arch nemesis (Nero), through his Fe function. Angelo doesn't want to kill him. But with the Ti function that is dominant/most developed in his type, he has reasoned his revenge as his identity, through the simple pattern of asking himself about his 'reason to live'.
> Angelo's reason to live = revenge> Angelo's life = revenge> Angelo = revenge
It's this tunnel vision (strengthened by the negativity that makes Angelo distrustful of external feedback to pull him out of it) that is his character’s ultimate (yet natural and logical) downfall. If he completes his revenge, he loses his reason to live and therefore himself. If he doesn't complete his revenge, he wouldn't be able to keep lying to himself about it. In order to move on, he would have to ‘give up’, losing his reason to live and therefore himself as well.
Angelo was dead from the start, his character was lost from the moment his family was killed. I'm not saying any INTP would have gone through this process (of course not!), but in this case, in this particular situation and with this character, Angelo's death was 'obligate' since the inciting moment of the story/the series.
Anyway, I've deviated a bit from answering your initial question, but I hope this clears it up for you, or at least gives you information to work with!
Short list of type functions (reference):
INTP1. Introverted Thinking2. Extroverted Intuition3. Introverted Sensing4. Extroverted Feeling
INTJ1. Introverted Intuition2. Extroverted Thinking3. Introverted Feeling4. Extroverted Sensing
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